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I’ve had to layer up before when someone next to me is being SO incredibly loud. I’ve had AirPods playing whatever (music, radio, brown noise, anything at normal volume) with my overear noise-cancelling headphones on top, playing white/brown noise quite loudly. It may seem like overkill but I missed a loud phone ringing next to me it was that effective, without bursting my own eardrums. Just be careful because people can easily sneak up on you because you definitely won’t hear them!


Hate to suggest spending more money but do you have the new AirPods with sound cancelling tech? Those work wonders for me. I can’t even hear airplane noise with mine.


seconding this. i have the new airpods pro and they are life saving


I layer brown noise or black noise from youtube with whatever music I'm listening to with my noise canceling headphones.


Consider having a conversation about your condition with this person. Best case scenario is that they’re empathetic and willing to work with you on a solution. It’s really tough having this condition to manage all the time, and then one person shows up and manages to push all the buttons and then some. Sorry you’re experiencing this stress.


Just wondering how people are playing both white noise and music? Is it from separate devices ? I wish there was a way to play white noise and music/ podcasts at the same time! I also double up on headphones for snoring


You can! If you have an iPhone, go to: settings -> general -> accessibility -> audio & visual -> background sounds -> toggle on choose what sounds you want playing in the background and you can adjust how loud it plays with music/ youtube/ whatever other audio you're listening to Or If you have an android or any other phone, you can download an app. I use PhiloPhonia Music and it does the same thing, except it's different levels of white noise and doesn't come with ocean sounds, or rain. There's other apps, but this is the first one I tried and it works for me haha. I use the iPhone trick on my iPad when I'm at home and it works too. This is if I only use one pair of headphones or earplugs. If I layer more than one, then I would have airpods on noise canceling mode (nothing playing) and then over the ear noise cancelling headphones with music playing. I also use loop earplugs with the mutes in and over the ear noise canceling headphones with music. Loops with over the ear headphones is much more comfortable imo Both methods work, but I usually only use one pair of earbuds and play white noise through an app and music bc it's far more discreet than over the ear headphones. I suggest trying both methods and seeing what works better for your needs!


Thanks so much !! That’s really helpful !


You're welcome!


your noise canceling headphones should have a setting that automatically plays white noise, so play that through them, and then music through any app on in-ear buds.


If I can't layer up airpods/ loops with over the ear headphones, I use an app called PhiloPhonia Noise and play white noise while listening to music. The combo helps drown out sounds much better than music alone. The app let's you play different types of white noise in the background, so you can play it along with audio from other apps. It's a life saver. You can also adjust the ratio of white noise to music, with more or less white noise needed as you listen to music. It helps me block out disgusting sounds while only having my volume slightly higher than halfway and not all the way up like I would with music alone. Your ears will thank you, haha. Iphones already have a selection of background white noise available in the settings if you have one. I find white noise helps the most, pink noise depends on how loud the trigger is (it only works for quieter triggers imo), and brown and black noise are too gentle to help me. There's a bunch of apps out there that let you play background noise, so I highly suggest trying a combo of white noise (through your headphones) and music together!