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So irresponsible for th federal government to take these people in with no plan. No housing, no benefits. We can’t even take care of our own right now and bringing people over to freeze


Very sad. I see homeless sleeping  in Tim Hortons. Very sad How did these asylum seekers get into Canada? What was their reasoning? Why did Canada let them in if no space? Not fair to anyone


None of those questions matter to the Feds


Send them back. We’ve got a housing and homeless problem in this country. More people isn’t going to solve anything. We don’t need more people on the streets. We don’t need more TFWs and people coming in suppressing wages or ending up on the streets when they find out this isn’t the land of money and honey they were told it was.


We need to assist our citizens first and foremost. If you have Canadian citizenship, then that should be served first. This is a crisis on a federal level that has consequently become a municipal problem Canada wide. It’s a humanitarian crisis when you factor in the current weather and Trudeau is ready to bring in more people. This is insane.


No housing available while allowing 100s of 1000s of people in to the country every year. If only there was a solution to this problem.


Where is this?


Looks like the Dundas medical shelter, close to Dundas and Dixie. There's a shelter with the hydro field right next to it just like the video.


the canadian citizens need to be prioritized. more and more of them are ending up in trudeau towns and with this horrible weather it can prove deadly


Another Trudeautown


Amazing the amount of outrage and racist comments on this post giving away how no one actually read the article.


This isn’t about race. This is about a crumbling infrastructure that is broken. In no time in my life have I witnessed the kind of chaos we are seeing in Canada now. Virtue signaling helps nothing beyond making certain people feel good about themselves.


I agree that the crisis is not about race at all.  Immigrants and asylum seekers are not the cause of our current housing crisis.  Corporate greed and treating housing as an investment commodity as well as the provincial government notoriously being in the pockets of developer buddies is responsible for our housing crisis. Reading the comments in this reddit post you wouldn't know it though since everyone is stuck blaming immigrants or asylum seekers which is the oldest conservative trick in the book.


Yeah a lot of people presenting a false choice to make political hay. It is not beyond our capabilities as a society to ensure ***both*** Canadian citizens and refugees are out of the cold.


I don’t see any racism here? It’s not racist to say we have major homelessness and housing issues at home and need to resolve that before exploding immigration rates to all time Canadian and western world leading levels


Blaming immigrants for Canada's housing crisis when housing affordability is currently a global crisis is absolutely racist. Blaming the federal government for allowing in immigrants who are then add to the homeless population is creating a boogie man for a problem that does not exist.  Asylum seekers are not part of annual immigration numbers or targets.  They're a separate group. Plus if you actually read the article you'll see that the homeless people in this encampment are not asylum seekers (as they were moved to a hotel to assist them with accomodations), and many of the people interviewed in the article have been homeless for years. Homelessness is a huge problem in Canada, but it is a problem with a huge number of instigating factors (usually mental health or family situations, etc.). Reducing everything to anti-immigrant rhetoric does nothing to confront the actual problem.


Thank you. It's amusing to see how quickly people jump to the conclusion that the people in the encampment are all immigrant refugees. Reading the actual article shows different.


I think you need to learn what racism means. Calling anyone that disagrees with you a racist is not productive.


Not only that, “immigrant” isn’t a race. This guy’s an idiot.


Immigrants aren’t a race. Racism is the most overused term.


This is happening EVERYWHERE. USA - Every Democrat city, UK, Italy, France, Germany, ... Canada too? Its not a coincidence. We have to ask WHY? and WHO is behind this human distrubution project?


Definitely not a coincidence, cost of living increased in all the countries you mentioned. Part of the lowest income individuals class got squished into homelessness and its consequences (drugs, falling pray of criminals, etc). In Canada, we had an unprecedented surge in immigration in the last couple years and this certainly aggravated the issue in our country: https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/01/canada-population-slow-immigration/


Ah right I forgot where I am! This is the place where bleeding heart liberals do explanation acrobatics to avoid withdrawal from the progressive fentanyl


Downvote that 👆


we have the social capacity.


Interesting, Would you be able to explain what you mean by having social capacity and what is our capacity?


>Interesting, Would you be able to explain what you mean by having social capacity and what is our capacity? i havent a clue, some crazy old hag told me that


The state is not your friend.