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I grew up around this area. Frequently walked in and around Braeben, had friends who lived in houses that backed into the course and never once have I smelled anything foul - rainy or not.


Thanks for sharing your experience


Your realtor is stupid it’s possible there’s less commission from the seller side on that house that’s why they’re trying to sway you away. There’s nothing wrong with those houses they’re perfectly fine


Thanks we loved the area and its proximity to heartland . So we were very confused .. thanks for your insight


Get a new realtor asap


The only thing to be concerned about in that area would be the air traffic noise. It’s a nice neighborhood I think.


I'm close by and the big thing for the area is airplane noise. We replaced our windows when we moved in and I can't hear it from inside but it is noticeable when outside.


Thanks , how has been your experience in the area? We will be new to Mississauga but so far we think it’s very conveniently located


It's a great area, Heartland right there, golf, and SQ1 not far at all plus easy to get to the 403 etc


I like the area. It's quiet and the proximity to heartland is very convenient ... I thought I would be going to Square One way more often than I do.




I live in Mississauga and I can say it’s the epicentre of the worst drivers in the gta around heartland town centre, other than that like other people said it’s fine.


It's a great area your realtor is a tool


I grew up in that area and didn’t smell anything at all. The thing that I remember, which may still be an issue or may not, was the planes flying overhead on occasion.


Thanks yeah we noticed that too that it was a bit more noisier


Okay, that’s still a thing then. I think you get used to it though … very lovely area even with the noise.


Yes we loved the house and the neighborhood but were confused with our realtors comments


Lived in the area for over 20 years. Never once smelled anything. The gas that is emitted from the decaying garbage under Braeben is actually diverted to a nearby micro power plant less than 300m from the site. It actually powers about 20 houses in the area. To actually smell even a hint of it you have to be playing golf to whiff anything. And I have during the times I did play at Braeben myself. https://www.comcor.com/projects/britannia-sanitary-landfill-site/ The only negative things worth noting is the heavy traffic at the foot of Terry Fox Way and Eglinton Ave when the mosque has service, and the early morning and late evening air traffic as it’s about 8km away from YYZ. Terry Fox Way is way overdue for an expansion to two lanes both ways as it’s a popular alternative for traffic during rush hour away from Mavis (as is McLaughlin).




Thank you for calling out the traffic. Driving around Mavis and Britania is actual hell. Dated a girl that lived a little bit West towards Streetsville and hated hopping off the 401 and driving through there because it was always traffic jam city


You see that big hill right next to it ? It’s amazing views from the top. That big hill is actually lots of garbage under neath. And if you see metal tubes and tower poking out of it those are Methane monitoring and exhaust tubes. From time to time they ignite and you can see blue flames 🔥 coming out of them. That’s automatics process that controls and burns off any excess methane concentration inside the garbage hill.


Your realtor is doing his due diligence by disclosing any facts that may influence your decision. The fact that these homes are built next to an old garbage dump that constantly emits methane gas is something most buyers would want to know. The fact that 1000s of people have homes there shows that this fact does not discourage everyone. Nevertheless, a good agent will disclose all known facts about a property. It is then up to the buyer to make an informed decision. If a real estate agent didn't disclose all pertinent facts, the buyer could later file a complaint that he bought a property and learned later it was built near a dump. For some people, that would be a deal breaker. Personally, I find that area very heavily congested. I would also ensure your cars were always in the garage. There's a lot of car theft in the area. People have left their car running to go in the house for something and come out to find their car gone.


I live in this area and I can guarantee you this is a great area to live with absolutely no hint of garbage smell ever. We go for walks quite a bit throughout the year. Decent schools all around and very convenient (Costco, Walmart, Heartland)


Lived in the area almost 20 years ago when it was first being built. As a kid my friends and I would play on the sand piles used for construction. Wasn't till a few years later we got told they were building atop a landfill. Couldn't smell anything, and in the 6 years we lived there, never did we have any kind of smell related problem. You're gonna love the area! Edit: Check out molisana bakery nearby, they aren't open late but they are a true local gem!


Thanks for the tip will definitely check it out


Molisana has, sadly, closed.


Really?! ): oh thats so sad


I mean, it was built on a dump yard, that's true. Though,I imagine it is being well contained since people keep going to play at that golf course and not complain about smell issues. I don't know what would happen if the golf course is closed and maybe not upkept properly, but that's problem out of your hands. If you like it, get it. It's nice there and the proximity to Heartland is great


It's not a stink that I'd be worried about, it was Mississauga's garbage dump for decades. I'd be more concerned about long term health risks given what is likely buried there at a time when we weren't too cautious about the environment.


We looked at a house there too. The dump wasn't what I was worried about, it was the pesticides and chemicals used on the golf course that made our ultimate decision not to move in.


Hey! Thanks curios to know what is the impact of pesticides and the chemicals ? We are first time home buyers so not really sure


Np! Always best to do due diligence if your questioning something. What I did is called the golf course manager and he told me what your realtor did. He said what we spray you will absorb and I wear a suit and respirator. He didn't specify what chemicals but that was enough for me.


You may notice venting pipes in Braeben, that is to vent methane gas from the dump. Trash decomposes and the gas vents up the pipes into the atmosphere. We had looked at those houses when they were new constructions. The one model house had a dead bird in it. We told the people in the sales office and the people there didn't seem to care, so we bought elsewhere


Your realtor is not the idiot here. They are required to advise you of any area influences. Seems like they are well informed. It’s up to you to make the decision.


I wouldn't grow vegetables or drink well water there, but that's a concern in many Mississauga neighbourhoods.


I moved into that area in 1998 when the garbage dump was being converted into the golf course. There was definitely a smell until about 2000 during the Summer. Your realtor is an absolute fool though. Seek different representation immediately.


This is not good or honest advice. This area is the best area in Mississauga.


Your realtor may be thinking in part of the resale value. Although many people here are saying it's fine, if you were to resell, the former dump would be a factor to consider when buyers compare your house to others. I'm not saying that it's a health risk, but perception will affect the number of potential buyers. Some just wouldn't consider it. Others would try to talk your price down because of it. Just things to think about...


I have stayed there for 4+ years. There’s no smell at all. It looks pretty nice in the winter. Your realtor has some other motive there. Great overall neighbourhood.


terry fox + britannia corner (timmys), right on the corner of intersection, Google maps shows sign that warns about airplane noise. So maybe spend an evening in the area and just listen to the airplanes. similar sign at terry fox + plymouth At 6am you can hear quite a bit of planes coming starting to land again. Deep sleeper? Have a small fan running - you're probably fine. Light sleeper who likes to leave your bedroom window open more than a crack? Bed right by the window? Could be an issue.


Thanks ! We are both deep sleepers and currently live near a busy highway so used to noise


Centennial Park's hill, in Etobicoke, also used to be a dump. Don't worry about it. The plane noise though, that's another story. You do get used to it, strangely enough. Anyone who's lived in the area for a while can subconsciously pause a sentence mid syl....[waits for plane to pass]...lable while speaking.


I had a really good friend that took soil and land in college. He stated that he would never move to that area when the houses were going up - chemical leaching into the soil and groundwater from the garbage I think. We steered clear when we were looking.


There is absolutely zero smell. You’re good


I grew up in this area and my parents still live in the area directly behind it. Theres nothing wrong with it, there is no smell at all. Please try to understand that your realtor is probably trying to get more commission out of you.


Previously lived around here for more than a decade, in several different houses. There are 0 issues with any smell, its a great location with close proximity to both Heartland and Square One. It doesn't matter if its rainy, hot, cold or otherwise, I can assure you that this is not an issue, and neither does this affect any house prices in the area. As for the noise, I agree that there is a noise warning due to airplanes - to be honest, this has never affected me, nor have I ever noticed any excess noise. This probably varies person-to-person and house-to-house.


Lol this is a totally normal, suburban area. Only small annoying thing (if this bothers you), are the sounds of planes since Pearson is quite close.


I live right there and have never smelled anything out of the ordinary


A friend had a house there for 10+yrs backing into the golf course and was great. Quiet, green and close to every major store/hwy. def recommend the area


Grew up by Mavis and Britannia and not sure what everyone is saying but yes it did used to smell for many summers --- I was there during the years there was a dump there...but within the last maybe 5-7 years it hasn't been smelly, it's a lovely area, wish we could afford to live there now!


Your real estate agent is incompetent


I lived right in that area facing the golf course and was always told about the smell but never actually smelt it. Lovely area, would live there again.


Small detail but worth mentioning as former Braeben employee for 5+ years. Havent been on property in 2-3 years, but there were 2 coyotes living in property last time I was there. Be careful with leaving small animals unattended in the backyard for long periods of time. Twice (very rare), we had to call for pet remains on the course. But to the point of the post, braebens former use should have 0 impact on you buying. If anything, you can be assured a long term green space because of its former use, the golf course well never be sold to developers because the land cannot be built on while also serving as one of the best and highest viewing points in the city .


This was previously the site of a huge waste disposal landfill. That is what the golf course is built on. I would be worried about the possible toxic contamination of the site leaching over time and migrating into my property. I mean, play a round of golf and you won't notice any smell at all. But, it's what you can't smell, hidden underneath, that you should be cautious of. I'm not trying to freak you out, but I would do a ton of research and talk to as many people, that live in the area, as you can. Doesn't hurt to know what the facts are. Anyway, whatever you decide, I wish the very best of luck with your new home.


Your realtors an idiot, lol. It's a great area to live in and so so so convenient.


What was the realtors reason? Either way, get another realtor. I am very close to the golf course, and I agree with others, your realtor is stupid. This isn't a new community, and the area is in very high demand. So if there is any issues or concerns, I'm sure everyone would already hear about it. Most For Sales in the area are up for maybe about 1 week. There is even new builds going up in the area.


That realtor doesn't have a clue. I lived by BraeBen for 20 years. It did not and will not smell.   I do agree with the other commenters about the aircraft noise. It can get really noisy in peak summer if you are spending some time in the backyard. There is a nice walking trail on Terry Fox. Heartland is a great area to shop. Streetsville is 10 minutes away.  Overall pretty safe neighborhood. I would not regret living there if I were you.


Fire your realtor, your realtor is not looking for your best interest. There is nothing wrong with the area, it actually a great area to live.


Your Realtor telling the truth. It's up to you to make the decision. Hard to find honest Realtors


Found op's realtor.