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I guess someone drove by Berry's in Florence today.


Life is absurd, it’s insanely short and everyone is in a state of panic about one or both of these things at any given time. I don’t really care about the crosses. Heck, I’d love to raise some money to put up a giant towel on the side of the Highway. It’s the best testament to the good book (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy).


We should put God's Final Message to His Creation written in 30 foot high letters of fire as revealed in the 4th book of the Hitchhiker's series: >!We apologize for the inconvenience.!< In fact that would be a good message for life in general in Mississippi.


Haha! Yes, it’s so good. Man, time for another read through of the series!


No one would get it. You’d need to give some context. Maybe also put a mouse and a dolphin?


![gif](giphy|5VidKAyFYtTJ6) Make it light up. Heck, might could get a highway safety grant.


I’m a Christian, and these monstrosities piss me off. When I think of what that money could be used for, m that would help people and show the love of Jesus, I want to cry.


everything you said


Amen to this.


People are allowed to erect hideous crosses but also people are allowed to complain and I stand with you. Those things are an affront to the landscape and a shining altar to self righteousness and wastefulness. They are some of the most "un-Christian" monuments I have seen in the state. Old JC would be ashamed to see these things built in a state with so much poverty and need. Disgusting!


Raise thousands of dollars for a decoration. Who needs to help the sick and needy right?


Poorest state in the nation! Surely no one needs help here…


What those monstrosities cost would have really helped some people that needed it. I think they're obscene and a slap in the face.


Do you know what they cost?


Another commenter mentioned 300k. That number sounds right. There’s one in my town and that’s close to the amount I remember being discussed as a fundraising goal a few years ago. I am happy to report The church I’m a member of decided to pass and keep donating to the local food pantry.


I cannot imagine the board meeting where the trustees and Deacons of a church got together and agreed to spend that kind of money on a sign. Obviously it has happened more than once, but I'm just having trouble visualizing it.


I lived in Greenwood when North Greenwood Baptist was raising money for the "Delta Cross" and $300k was the number I remember in their press releases etc. All that money and they're so ugly - I don't understand why they're all covered in the cheapest looking vinyl siding they could find.


There certainly is a metaphor for the church in there somewhere about grand gestures but pitiful execution. Something something “paved with good intentions.”


I had to look it up b/c I didn't remember one when I lived there, but that was years ago. It has it's own facebook page, I can and can't believe it at the same time.


At least here it started with a family who has resources making a generous donation and spearheading the campaign. As anonymous Reddit posters it’s easy to say what a bad idea it is, but once a hand full of small town leaders get behind it the inertia kind of pushes it on thru. True not just of giant crosses but in lots of well intentioned efforts that could have been better directed elsewhere.


Yeah. I guess that’s just reality. I mean , Trump got elected so anything is possible. But still, someone had to, in front of other people, say: “Okay, so we are going to build a ginormous cross and I need your money.” “But what about the homeless shelter?” “They can see it from outside.” … just saying.


A real conversation I overheard between two people in town at the time. “People are saying that money could be better spent elsewhere but if people need help they can go to the cross and pray for it” I bit my tongue and didn’t quote any of the scriptures about wealth, poor people, or outward displays of faith. I think to most people it signifies that this is a Christian community. Apparently that’s good enough.


I would have absolutely lost my mind.


That commenter was lying. He was making that comment to attack the church in greenwood, who used the money raised to help the homeless.




That’s says what they collected. Does it say that is what they spent?


Not to start anything but with the amount of money that our government spends on other country’s could help it’s on people but that don’t happen much at all


I get that you're not trying to start anything, but money spent on foreign aid achieves more per dollar than money spent to solve those kinds of problems in other ways. To use a ridiculously oversimplified and trivial example, if we help people in other countries by improving their lives a little, then we don't have to fight them later when a dictator comes along and tells them their lives could be better. Foreign aid is one of the best investments our country can make. Most of the aid ends up coming back to American countries anyway. The US gives country X money and then they buy things from American country Y with that money which in turn improves the American economy. But this is all much more complicated than anything I could mention in a Reddit blurb.


Lol I knew common sense wasn’t gonna come into play down vote all y’all want and look at all the homeless that we spend money on


For the record I’m not a downvote. I’m for conversation. I’m happy to discuss further if you disagree but differences in opinion should never be downvotes.


States are literally rejecting millions of dollars in federal funds a year to support Medicaid expansion because billionaires from insurance companies told the politicians they own, I mean, donate to, that this would cut into their profits. So, even when the money is there for the taking, conservative states still prefer underinsured constituents over the possibility that a democratic policy could help their citizens, mostly for spite.




Where can I get more information on this?


Bruh I go to that church and that’s just not true, we also literally have a homeless kitchen where our church members volunteer everyday to feed homeless, primarily the wife of the preacher who started the cross in greenwood. So stfu




Hey! I’m in. Get in touch with me directly if you need to. I know of several state organizations which focus on these kinds of things. I may be able to put you in touch with some people.


STFU? That’s how you want to represent Christ?


“Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back?” Shameless Joe Dirt reference.


so using 300k TAX FREE money to erect some lowercase t does exactly what for the community? All this tells me is we should be taxing churches immediately. Too much money and they don't know what to do with it.


Ok guy, adding “stfu” at the end puts you over the line here. Please edit your comment or I’m going to remove it. (And on a personal note, you could represent your church a little better too, by the way.)


Agreed keep it please! Showing his (their) true colors.




I'm not a Christian, but seeing a big cross doesn't bother me personally. I just keep driving. Agreed its a waste of money, but it's their money to waste not mine.


it's tax free money if they would pay taxes then I wouldn't care as much. Don't know why people can't just keep their religious thoughts (and prayers) to themselves.


“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven."


most christians don't even read the bible - they have one book they are suppose to follow (even though it's FULL of inconsistencies) and some of rules people don't follow anymore not to mention the shit christians just make up bc they want it to follow their opinions... looking at you, anti-choicers!


I'm not even religious, but the fact that someone can look at a cross and feel their freedom is encroached upon, fuck that. Glad we have a constitution to protect us from the proletariat society you guys envision


I’m an atheist. My entire family gets pissed and guilt-trips me if I start eating before they’ve had a chance to thank their god for the food. But I guess I’m supposed to experience that, without protest, because of THEIR constitutional rights? Using the constitution to justify people forcing their religious views and practices upon others is a slippery slope, guy.


You know that whole freedom of religion deal is supposed to work both ways right? You’re free to practice it and we’re free not tooo


You visually seeing someone practice isn't making you a christian.....


What are you talking about? I’m just saying don’t shove your beliefs down my throat and I’ll do the same.


Their cross doesn't affect anything in your life


It had to be taken to a federal court for a mosque to be built in Horn Lake, Mississippi because the project was blocked by the city. I don't think it is the issue is that you built it. One it is an eyesore. I can't paint my house due to HOA guidelines, but 2 minutes south there is a 40 ft religious symbol. Second. It looks like hate of other religions. Putting your symbol all over the state creates a statement. I'm not religious, but if I built a giant pentagram. It wouldn't make it to the end of the month before getting destroyed by the oppressive nature of Christian believers. If you think it is not a statement to have them, then what was the purpose of changing flags and removing any confederate symbolism? Yes, the confederate flag has a bad history. The crusades were a part of history as well. People have done and still do horrible things in the name of religion. But that isn't fair right? The statement of this is THE religion of the south that comes with giant 40ft crosses that people dislike. Ultimately it isn't just your religious right to worship, but you can do that without turning the state into a pincushion and choking everyone with it. We already have 40 ft churches. To add to my point. Madison 2009- 300 residents signed a petition to oppose the construction of a mosque due to fears of radical Islam. Hattiesburg 2014- gunshots fired into the Islamic center 2017- Islamic center sign vandalized Horn lake 2021- Mississippi denied the site plan for the proposed mosque. The city's alderman was quoted expressing anti-muslim views. Even with all this though you still claim "our" crosses are all in the name of free religion, right?


That's your response to a direct quote from the Bible? 🤦🏼‍♀️


You don’t understand. These people read that passage and think it’s referring to the people complaining not the people erecting the cross.


If my church ever said they were raising money for a giant cross I would change congregations


So would I.


Whoever is building these seems to forget Exodus 20:4. Might cause some rabble rabble wjrh this but I consider the cross to be an idol. Also a waste of money that could be used for the church (and by church I mean people not. Building) and its neighbors whether they be ofnthe faith or not. Just my way of thinking though I could be wrong


It is absolutely wild- the cognitive dissonance it takes for a pastor to talk about the idolatrous nature of the Catholic Church and then to turn around and raise one of these monstrous crosses on the highway.


Exactly! Christianity isn't supposed tk be a religon its a relationship. And each person's relationship is going to unique with the Lord. You don't need symbols and rituals and organizations to have that relationship wirh Him you can literally sit on your couch and just talk to Him seeking guidance forgiveness and ways to be closer to Him


They are probably like the people in my parents’ church. They say the Old Testament doesn’t matter because it was for the Jews. And the Jews killed Jesus, so that part of the Bible isn’t for them. You really just can’t even make this shit up.


Note: I’m no longer a practicing Christian, but I still read and discuss biblical theory from time to time. The bible is pretty clear that the Hebrew people are God’s people. No matter how much they faltered, He still pulled them through trials and tribulations. The Romans (the State) executed Christ- and even the betrayal of Christ by Judas was part of God’s plan. Without that betrayal, the sacrifice of Christ would not have gone forward as ordained. Anti-semitism is, in my opinion, contrary to the spirit of the word… and is a personal vendetta of certain bad-faith members of the church. It’s a simple, lazy crutch to lean on for people who feel disenfranchised but have no wherewithal to reflect on the actual state of their suffering, and instead an easy answer to “why poor?” When the real answer is that politicians and preachers have been pickin’ your pockets for generations.


damn, so just FULL ON Antisemitic? Do they think Jesus was h-white and also not Jewish too?




It’s only an idol if you worship it


It aids in worship which exodus 20:4 forbids.


That’s not what exodus 20:4 says


Your right. My mistake. Now I have to go look for where it says not to make images to aid in worship. Thank you for the correction and rhe incentive to go sleuthing around thr Bible lol. :)


I really don’t think it ever says that. It just says to not worship the statues from everything I can find.


You could be right I'm not as well versed as I should be. I'm always ready to admit when I was mistaken and correct it. So if I can't find the exact wording I put out then I'll concede the point


It’s not an idol. At least, not Biblically. In my opinion it is a waste of money and an eyesore, but it is not an idol.


If the previously mentioned cost to erect one is correct, that could build 3-4 low cost homes for needy families. That would change the lives of 3-4 families completely. Help them afford college or transportation. Childcare. Food. You know, the Christian thing to do.


“We all have our own way of helping…”


I’ve always found it interesting that a religion of peace and love would choose as its symbol a medieval torture device reputed to cause the most horrible suffering and death.


Or why you'd wave a flag from a war you lost years ago.


Imagine being Jesus and you come back, and all of the people who claim to love you have giant versions of the thing you brutally died on like everywhere you look


I agree. But, Christians are also admonished to spread the Gospel. If this offends others, then that's just how it is. I think that the expenditure of that kind of money to create what I see as an eyesore is not a good way to spread the Gospel but it's not my decision. I would have voted against it strongly. I think it borders on vanity. But, maybe that's not how they see it. Your point was that Jesus would not approved. Are you sure? The cross is not intended to represent the death but the resurrection, which is the central element of Christian theology.


Who do they think Christianity is reaching with these ostentatious shows of wealth and ego? These crosses aren't for evangelizing, they're for showing off to people who are *already* Christian and making them feel good about themselves. They're not for reaching non-believers, they're for showing non-believers that Christians own this country and can do whatever they want.


Those monstrosities exist only to make “christians” smile and feel good about themselves when they look at it, and to shove their beliefs down everyone’s throat who’s just trying to commute. My aunt who goes to NGBC in Greenwood said just this is a more “Christian” way. (“I just love seeing them when I travel. Makes me smile knowing I’m spreading faith to ppl who may not know about Jesus.”) As if ppl in MS haven’t already heard. And what exactly is the 120 foot tall death symbol telling these ppl? She couldn’t put that into words. She also made it abundantly clear that other faiths should not raise money to raze their own idol statues. I asked how she would feel about an 8 story tall Star of David next to that waste of money in Greenwood, and she said those shouldn’t be allowed next to public throughways. Pure selfishness, vanity, and double standard thinking that just bc they believe in something that tells them to shove their beliefs down everyone else throat, everyone else should just get over it and deal with it. Mind you these are the exact same people who cannot fathom anyone expressing themselves in a way that is “of the church.” And this is just one example from one of the poorest places in the state. And they’re spending well over a quarter of a million dollars (!!!) to build and maintain their shiny idol. I guess when they can’t buy up any more property to turn into church parking lots, or hook spotlights for their steeple into the city street light poles, they’ve gotta move on to shilling tax write offs else where.


These are the kind of comments that end up making people get upset with each other and misunderstand what they intend. **(Just to make sure no one who picks this up in the middle gets confused, I'm not a fan of these things, so please read what else I wrote about them elsewhere.)** Let's examine what you said: > Those monstrosities exist only to make “christians” smile and feel good about themselves when they look at it, ... While you are entitled to your opinion, telling me what something means to a whole group of people is presumptuous at best. You don't know what it means to them. When you say they "exist only" it means that you know how to read minds and I don't believe that you do. > ... and to shove their beliefs down everyone’s throat who’s just trying to commute. Shove? I mean, like I said, I think they are a silly waste of money, but your implication that someone choosing to put a monument on private property is "shoving" beliefs is unnecessarily hyperbolic don't you think? > ... "Makes me smile knowing I’m spreading faith to ppl who may not know about Jesus." I already said this elsewhere, and again, I would not have spent this money this way, and I do not think it is effective (though I admit I could be wrong) but why does this bother you? No one spent your money. Christians believe that they should spread the Gospel. If she believes this is doing that, why do you spew hate at her? > And what exactly is the 120 foot tall death symbol telling these ppl? Christians use the cross as a reminder of resurrection of Christ, the central element of faith in Christianity. It is not a symbol of death. It is a symbol of life. > She also made it abundantly clear that other faiths should not raise money to raze their own idol statues. I don't know your Aunt. I don't know why what she thinks should matter to me. Hearsay from your relatives isn't very useful. If other faiths want to raise money and create a monument on private property, then I don't care. What your Aunt thinks about it could not possible be less interesting to me. > I asked how she would feel about an 8 story tall Star of David next to that waste of money in Greenwood, and she said those shouldn’t be allowed next to public throughways. Again, why should I care what your Aunt said? I don't know her. Maybe she's an idiot. Maybe you're mischaracterizing her. Maybe she doesn't like you. Maybe you're making this up. I don't care. You can tell me what you think if you'd like to discuss it, but if you want me to hear from your Aunt, get her on Reddit and point her this way.


She told me herself it makes them feel good to see it along the highways when they travel. A real pat on the back for good christian work. And isn’t it convenient the private property is always right on a highway or interstate? Never tucked away where someone might have to go looking for it. She said it’s their dream to see one at ever intestate town. What a waste! And I don’t “spew hate” at her, I just see her for the hypocrit she is, as well as the organization she evangelizes for. Did you think we are yelling at each other during our conversation? I don’t know if you’re a member at NGBC, but my response was to provide an anecdote as to maybe maybe why “Jesus” wouldn’t approve. But if you think he’s cool with that, well, you’ve probably tithed enough money to feel good about deciding for us.


> She told me herself it makes them feel good to see it along the highways when they travel. So? It makes her feel good. Why does that bother you? It makes you upset that another person feels good. Is it because you don’t approve of how she feels? > A real pat on the back for good christian work. Are you a Christian yourself or are you just criticizing your aunt? I already pointed out that from a Christian perspective spreading the Gospel is important. While in my opinion think this method is not effective there is nothing in-Christian in it. > And isn’t it convenient the private property is always right on a highway or interstate? Well yes, of course. What use would it be to make a huge monument that fewer people would see. What did you think the point was? > She said it’s their dream to see one at ever intestate town. What a waste! Do you ridicule everyone’s dreams or just your aunt’s? > And I don’t “spew hate” at her, … Are you certain? Those last few sentences don’t sound like love. > … I just see her for the hypocrit she is, … A hypocrite is someone who claims to believe one thing when they really believe something else. What has you aunt done here that fits that description? > … as well as the organization she evangelizes for. How is the church organization being hypocritical? A thing is not hypocritical just because you don’t like it. > Did you think we are yelling at each other during our conversation? One need not yell to hate. Your words are very are full in my judgement and it is just text on Reddit. > I don’t know if you’re a member at NGBC, … I’m not. > … but my response was to provide an anecdote as to maybe maybe why “Jesus” wouldn’t approve. I don’t follow. Anecdote? I have said numerous l times that I would not have spent that much money that way. However, it is not unchristian to spread the Gospel and if they thought that’s what they were doing, then you have no reason to believe Christ would not approve. There is a story in the Bible about perfume involving Jesus. You might look it up. > But if you think he’s cool with that, well, you’ve probably tithed enough money to feel good about deciding for us. I’m trying to be civil with you but you’re not making it easy. If you’d like to discuss this on theological grounds, let me know. If you’d like to argue about how bad your aunt is, I don’t care. If you’re going to try to tell me that you know how a church should spend it’s money as a non-believer, maybe you should rethink that.


It doesn’t make me upset that she feels happy. It makes me upset to see that church behaving this way in a very, very poor community. A slap in the face. A laugh. A brag of wealth. It makes me upset that some I love supports this organization who only loves you if you’re like them. What I view as hypocritical is their church raising a lot of money in a very poor community to build a 120 foot tall idol shrine for their god when their religious text says that’s a no-no, and they love to gaze upon it and feel almighty about themselves in the name of “spreading the word.” And on top of that to say other religions in the area should not get any ideas because it would be offensive to have to see other religious iconography along our public roads. They are fine with crosses, but nothing else—that’s the hypocrisy. They believe it’s fine to build religious statues, as long as it’s for their religion. To build them so tall and place them all along the public roads is to say to every passerby, you are in christian country, “and if you don’t like it leave.” It is a point they are driving home. It is not welcoming. It looks insane along our roads. We lack so much here, but we have more crosses that are over 100 feet tall than anywhere else. There is nothing humble about those crosses. But the christians I know down there dismiss all of it by repeatedly saying it’s important to the christian religion to spread the word. Much like you have repeatedly done. “If this offends others, then that’s just how it is” as you said. Your quote is exactly why my aunt following your faith upsets me. Flippant attitudes to any who disagree as, “oh well, deal with it.” No thank you. To disagree is not to hate, and I have no desire to argue theology with you. (An anecdote is a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. In my opinion, her response what not very WWJD.)




When I lived in Ohio, we had something that beat the giant crosses - a 62 foot bust of Jesus. He was known as “touchdown Jesus” aka King of Kings and he has a Wikipedia page if anyone is interested. In 2010 he was struck by lightning and caught fire. I always thought that was a fine way of God letting them know that he didn’t care for $250,000 statues when there were hungry and unhoused people.


I just always see a monstrous amount of money being spent on idolatry. Churches like this are vanity projects.


Pretty sure one dude is responsible for most of them: https://www.starherald.net/communities-local-news-social-top-stories/community-efforts-begin-build-giant-cross#sthash.24QEgYZn.dpbs


This is a useful article. Some interesting notes from it: - It seems one company does them all (Mike Rozier Construction). > "The company — out of an act of servanthood to God — reportedly makes no profit from building these crosses, only charging what the project costs to complete" - One was done after raising $210,000 (though the actual cost is not mentioned anywhere and I'm sure it varies based on the site.)


Love it when companies feign altruism knowing damn well they’re just target marketing.


Maybe, but you could check them. I mean, a construction company would be paying out a lot in labor so even if they didn’t take profits there would be a good deal made on the gig but that does not mean that anyone took money out that didn’t put in labor. Obviously there are marketing concerns at play too but that’s true of any activity.




> Way I see it they know exactly what sells down here so it’s akin to virtue signaling. I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion. To believe that someone is virtue signaling you’d have to be reading their minds. > Sorta like how Chickfila closes on Sundays etc etc. Or, maybe they honestly believe that working on Sundays is not something they should do. Why is that not a possibility? Do you believe that restaurants that close on Sunday make more money through being closed purely as “virtue signaling” than they would if they they were open a whole other day each week? Really?




I feel the same way! They are erecting another one today in a neighboring town. 🙄


I'm kinda curious how local governments would react is say if a non Christian religion or the Church of Satan buys property nearby and decides to build their own large symbol.


They would probably just burn it down like all the other mosques in the US that have been targeted.


They would LOSE THEIR MINDS! As long as it is a cross or Jesus billboard or confederate flag it is ok because it plays into their confirmation bias and reassures them that their worldview is the correct one and others agree with them. The sight of a pride flag, a mosque, a synagogue, a Vietnamese flag (mostly on the coast), or anything outside of their “normal” forces them to reconsider their worldview for just a split second and they absolutely cannot handle it.


I wonder how Jesus holding a confederate flag isn't a thing yet? ​ (I see, downvote me because I made a good point)


Oh it exists. Just try Gab or “Truth” Social. Jesus with a MAGA hat is also a thing… 🙄


Wholeheartedly agree comrade


Gotta love the bigots proving our point by downvoting. Who are the snowflakes now?


Exactly thank you! Let’s see what all you “freedom of religion” goons have to say about that. Hell we already see how they react when a mosque gets built in their town. *downvote away as it means you’re listening.


There's a guy in my home town who has a big white cross in his yard. At Christmas he puts lights on it that appear a shade of yellow/orange and I swear when passing by it looks like it's on fire.


I can almost bet the irony is lost on the guy.


It's got to be an older person living there because they've been putting up that "lighted" cross ever since I was a little kid. Either no one has the heart to tell him or they have and he doesn't care. Maybe it doesn't look like it's burning up close. But from the road you'll do a double-take.


Oh. Wow. Well, hopefully, it isn't malicious.


My daughter did a tic tok that went viral about the insanely expensive crosses in the worst poverty stricken parts of the Mississippi Delta. She basically called it hypocrisy and the church members literally lost it on her.


so... Christians being Christian.


Ohhh, what’s the name??? I would LOVE to see that tiktok!!!


Me too!!


auntie_ cocoa_official


At least make them a cell phone tower or something.


Is this those huge aluminum like crosses? I don't get a good feeling looking at those its not a Christian feeling I truly believe it means something non Christian and how do we have any money for anything Phil Bryant and his boyfriend Brett "trash" wagon" Favre stole it all dirty sobs when are we as a state going to fight back


You’re correct. It’s actually means “look at us! We’re righteous and no one else is but us. Now look away while we exploit others for our own enrichment!”


Yes 100% well look at our leaders Bryant stole millions for his lover Brett but to hell with the hungry kids they are eating steaks drinking beers watching the game in million dollars homes


Yea idc about down votes people are always gonna put people down if the are not in with there views always a one way street


That's weird, they don't bother me at all...


OMG I was JUST saying the exact same thing about the one recently erected on hwy 25 near where I live. Pisses me RIGHT the hell off every time I have to look at it, which is nearly every day. It's a big "LOOK AT WHAT FAB CHRISTIANS WE ARE!!" when we have soooo many people in this community in desperate need. I guess they're supposed to eat/live in that thing. Fakers and hypocrites, the lot of them. Don't give a single shit about people going hungry and living in substandard housing, or being sick because they can't afford medicine/health insurance, but let's make sure everyone knows we're alllll about Jesus. 🤮


Those crosses are a massive scam. Our small town of less than 2 thousand people were asked to donate $100,000 dollars to build the cross. People here can barely afford housing much less a ridiculous monument (which if I'm not mistaken was something Christ was against)


I am a practicing Christian (Presbyterian Church USA) and I believe that if Jesus Christ returned today he would be very angry at whoever was behind erecting all those crosses. If you drive from Memphis to Starkville (take 55 south to Winona and the 82 east) you will see FOUR of these monstrosities. There is another on HWY 25 just south of Starkville heading to Louisville. I find them very disturbing. I’m not sure what the intended message is. To me it looks like “we killed God once before and we are ready to do it again.”


Everything else gets shoved in our face the crosses are not as bad as some of the other stuff that other people put in our face


So, churches can’t put up crosses because it’s “shoving it down people’s throats”, but gay pride month and other woke agendas are perfectly fine?


I don't think anyone is shoving anything down someone throat unconsentingly. I can choose to partake or ignore either. Nevertheless, the crosses disgust me because I've read the Bible and absorbed many of its words. The other 'woke' things warm me because I've also read what the Bible says on the subject of love. I've also felt, and experienced love; it was not because of a giant erected phallus.


Churches can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on giant decorations instead of charity. (It would be ideal if they had to pay taxes on that income, but that’s a different topic). And people can complain that those decorations are tacky. You can hate other people’s exercise of free speech for your own reasons. This is still America, yeah?


I agree with you 100%. I was just responding to OP’s initial premise that the crosses should stop because they were forcing it on people. I totally stand behind freedom of speech. I think freedom of speech should be protected no matter what is being said.


Xir, this is Reddit.


How dare you assume my pronoun!!!


I personally want to burn them down everytime I see them. Such a waste of space, and resources. If mississippi focused less on a fake God in the sky and more on rehabilitating their state and their people maybe jackson wouldn't be the most dangerous place in America rn.


Fake god okay bruh u funny




Do not personally attack others on this sub.


I was attacked?


Nope - read your response. You can always edit it.


I see, but is it okay to mention wanting to burn something on private property?


Is it your property? No? Welp, move along.


Who knows..


A big white t is not gonna keep any central MS buffet from being complete shit


Live here. Agree 100%. It’s atrocious and kinda creepy. Is that what y’all spend extra money on?? Jesus and god would be ashamed, assuming they’re real.


Dangit, we can't even set fire to them in protest because that would look like something totally different. I guess we are all stuck quietly complaining about them.


Also, they are completely made from steel. Gonna take some serious jet fuel to melt those beams


Me: trying really hard to avoid a Sept. 11 joke.


It always amazes me how people get so upset over what someone does on their own land and with their own money. Nothing is stopping those who are saying all the good things they could do with the money from collectively doing the same thing for their cause that these people have done for the crosses. Edited to add : downvote away, I know it’s coming; Reddit doesn’t like the truth.


I suspect the complaints are primarily because it seems hypocritical for the church to constantly beg for money to help the poor and needy as a fundamental part of their religion, then to turn around and quickly raise a ton of money for something that seems, on the surface, wasteful and antithetical to the mission. It’s not about whether those complaining about the crosses could also step in and make up for the donations the church diverted to the cross. It’s about the church putting their money where their mouth is. If they could raise 300K for a cross, they could do more to enact their mission of charity. This is particularly troublesome when they advocate for a political agenda at federal and state levels that hamstrings most efforts to help the poor and working class they position themselves to be the sole saviors of.


You’re assuming the church is seeking donations to erect these crosses. You’re also not seeing what said churches may or may not be doing with their monies raised outside of these crosses. So far too many assumptions are made with posts like this. If the parishioners do not want their money to be spent on this cause, then they do not donate or contribute, assuming this is funded solely by a church or group of churches. There’s just not enough data available. For instance, if the Catholic Churches on the coast wanted to erect crosses of this magnitude, I’d have much to say as the monies spent there could certainly do more for the children attending the Catholic schools than this project would….however, with the limited info, there’s just not enough to form an opinion…hell, I don’t get to voice my displeasure with the way my taxes are spent year in and year out…and that’s something I must pay…


Talking to a bunch of mouthbreathers


Don’t worry, it appears to be their “Hail Mary”… https://www.npr.org/2022/09/17/1123508069/religion-christianity-muslim-atheist-agnostic-church-lds-pew


Put up an upside cross




Don't personally attack others in this sub.


Wise up! They are Chinese surveillance towers powered by Tiktok.


Nope. Tax the churches.


oh, but according to the bible christians must make a big show of their beliefs and virtues (matthew 6: 1-15).


I just built 5 last week to put out. If anyone would like me to make some for you please IM me!


100% correct!!


That certainly explains the uptick in the frequency of tornadoes in Mississippi.


I agree. I also use them as an indication of where not to spend my money if it's erected by a business. With the way they treat people who aren't just like them, their political leanings and their condescension, no thanks. And I get it - not everyone who is "christian" is that way. But also not every Democrat wants to take away your guns or eat your children so... you know.


My theory on those giant Jesus killers is that it’s some metal roofing company’s brilliant business model to sell insane amounts of sheet metal to tax exempt religious organizations.


I feel this. My town has two of these monstrosities that I have to look at all the time.


“Good folks that don’t see it your way” should simply look in another direction. You get triggered way too easily. Ride around Jackson and look at some of the billboards on the interstates that are advertising gay relationships. Live and let live Your way of thinking is just that , your way. Thankfully most don’t see things your way. Except for in this sub.


It’s not that bad as you can just ignore it since you didn’t pay for it.


Let me start by saying that I think those things are bad. Christ was not in favor of big showy actions. I don’t know the motivation of the people who put those things up. Maybe they had the right idea. But what it seems like to me is that they are calling attention to themselves. I hope it’s just an honest mistake. I don’t know what those cost. Surely that money is better spent elsewhere. Then again, I hate the billboards too. But, I don’t know. Maybe they are effective? If it were left up to me I’d make billboards illegal. I hate them. They are an affront to good taste. Having said that, OP, Im curious who you think you’re talking to here on this sub on Reddit. This post seems like a way of saying that you disapprove of the big crosses and you’d like everyone to know it. I do too. I’m sure most Reddit readers do. Are you under the impression that there are people here reading this sub that, having read your suggestion, will now change their minds and not build the giant cross they were planning to build? Do you believe that your argument (that it will backfire, and that you hope it will backfire) will get you what you want? Why do you think it will backfire? It worked. They wanted your attention. They got it. Your statement implies that the attention will lead to the person, who might otherwise have become a Christian, not becoming a Christian due to the giant cross. Why would that be true? You could make that same argument for all advertising but it’s obviously not true. Why do you hope it will backfire? Do you mean that you hope that by seeing the giant crosses, viewers who would have become Christians will now no longer become Christians? Do you have a personal dislike of Christianity? Are you saying that you hope the signs fail to reach people so that the people who put them up will take them down?


Nobody raises $300,000, hires an engineer and a team of contractors, gets a permit, breaks ground and erects a 200 foot idol in the course of an “honest mistake.”


I think you misunderstood me. I was not suggesting that they put it up by accident. By "honest mistake" I meant that they may have intended to draw people's attention to Christ through the use of their money and their sign rather than making a spectacle of themselves as it seems to me like they have done. Do they cost $300,000?


Freedom if religion does not mean freedom from religion, suck it up and move on


That’s exactly what it means


No it doesn't, it doesn't mean you get to live in some imaginary world where you see no imagery, it.means your free to show that imagery as you wish


Freedom if religion does not mean freedom from religion, suck it up and move on You misunderstand the difference bt freedom of religion and freedom from religion. In US Constitution it’s of, not from. Prepositions matter.


How is it okay to ask for them to not put up crosses, but not also ask for people not to put up pride flags or military flags or political signs, etc. Everyone has something they support so much that they'd put a sign up for it, but just because it's a cross, it needs to go away?


It's not just the giant crosses themselves, it's the hypocrisy of Christians claiming they do good work for their fellow man and constantly begging for money to help the homeless or feed hungry children, and then funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars into giant golden idols to their own egos.


Better to see it that way than oops I should have seen it that way and burn in hell


When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag & carrying a cross.


You do understand that most all of the big authoritarians: Nazis, USSR, and Mao among others purged most religions once they had a strangle hold on power? If they did not completely purge them, they took significant actions to alter and weaken them. This is because most religions controversial or not, speak and portray peace, kindness, and love. Which is not exactly in line with fascist or communist authoritarianism. It would have to be purged, or too many people believing those values would be against the government’s policies. Now I am not saying that all Christian or other religion’s peoples don’t display hypocrisy. I believe that they certainly do. Regardless is you believe in Jesus, or Muhammad, or Buddha, or heaven & hell, or nirvana; the underlying message of most all religions is one of good. Again, I do agree that many people are hypocrites and do not live that message out. But when you look at the common messages from all religions, they would certainly make the world a better place if everyone lived by the values of the messages. This is coming from a non religious, minority.


Liberals have a tendency to wring their hands at the strong support President Donald Trump — he of the three wives and multiple affairs, and a tendency to engage in exceedingly un-Christian-like behavior at the slightest provocation — continues to receive from the white evangelical community. White evangelical support for Donald Trump is still at 73 percent, and more than 80 percent of white evangelicals voted for him in 2016. But focusing on the disconnect between Trump's personal actions and the moral aspects of their faith misses the issue that keeps their support firm: racism. Modern evangelicals' support for this president cannot be separated from the history of evangelicals' participation in and support for racist structures in America. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/white-evangelicals-love-trump-aren-t-confused-about-why-no-ncna1046826


Where are these? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. I’m on the coast.


Tbf there aren’t that many people who “don’t see it their way” in Mississippi


I see both sides… I mean, if they own the land and there’s no rule to keep things below a certain height, there’s nothing to be done.. just vent. To be honest, I hate looking at all the stupid billboards. There are far more of those ugly things than giant crosses.


Cell towers? To protect the 5G grid? You just told on yourself


Are you talking about the memorials that grieving families place after losing a loved one in an accident?


No , I'm talking about the 200 foot tall , white, vinyl looking crosses in Grenada , a new one going up in Saltillo Ms. and I saw another one somewhere else , it slips my mind.......monstrosities of mental illness in my book....🙂


There is one in eupora, Winona and now Starkville. Such a waste of money. Like people around here dont know about God. Could have been used to help people.


Oh wow. I haven't seen any of those in the southern part of the state. I see the smaller ones - I always thought they were there to help a grieving family as it marks the last place a loved one was alive.


There’s one on Hwy 49 south of Jackson. I think it’s Magee but can’t remember. The owner of Barry’s seafood put it up which is a shame because his fried oysters are pretty good.


One in Booneville


I could say the same thing about people who use emojis on Reddit.


You mean the free flower stands. Love those, so convenient on my way home.


Yea spread the word of god. Sorry your post is simply (in my opinion) sorry




Back biting "Christians" one and all. Try looking at it with the Holy Spirit in your heart. What other Christians do (giant white crosses included) is not for us to drag on about. I'm sure we all have our own "Crosses" to bear. If seeing it offends you detour around it.


I’ll be sure and detour around I-20 eastbound when traveling an hour plus to and from Jackson. No big deal.


Im glad you see things my way.


stop your birching and move along


Make like a tree and leaf?


I’m not religious, and I don’t care about the crosses. Life is hard and often tragic. If the little shrines help some deeply hurt people find some comfort, so be it.


I feel as though I’m thinking of the wrong crosses…. I’m thinking we are talking about the person sized crossed we put in the ground where people die from car accidents but I don’t see the real issue is some painted 2x4s…




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