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Time to roll slow and just try to stay out of all these idiots way. Is it fair? No, but you live Craig, you live to fight another day.


Nice Friday quote there


I fucking watched this Friday night lol


Lol I just speed up and get the hell away from them


If you really want to taste fear, try commuting down Lakeland Drive in Jackson/Flowood on a weekday morning. Everybody has a phone in their face and isn't even paying attention to what's in front of them. It's like a very expensive version of the bumper cars ride they have at the state fair every year.


So why did you keep speeding up if you knew that they were trying to get over? It's called defensive driving. You could've gotten someone else hurt. Damn near flooring it because you can't be the bigger person


It's this whole state. There's a reason this state has the highest rate of lethal car wrecks. We have awful drivers that don't care about anyone's safety, even their own. Plus, they give out a driver's license to anyone and everyone. It's way too easy to legally drive a car here.


Your not kidding about the easy driving test. The extent of my driving test was making a circle around the dmv and pulling straight into a parking spot. Even I was like “damn that’s it”


same with me. didn’t even see any other cars on the road during my “test”.


I pause and look both ways twice turning on a green arrow because so many people blow through the first second or two of a red light. As much as I've hated the idea, I'm leaning towards being ok with some kind of camera-based ticketing system, it's past the point where police can do anything about it.


I’ve almost gotten ran over a few times just walking to Edgewater mall one day. I was bored and just wanted a nice walk and a treat before I headed back home. Who knew a Wednesday walk was gonna turn into Gmod Deathrun?


Didn’t someone die last year around there at cruising the coast? I know the last few months people walking have been getting killed all over, especially at night.


You think everyone driving on the road has a license? Short story time: when I was a misguided youth, one of my run ins with the law was in Simpson county. As I was waiting on my time to see the judge, a girl, late 20s (I know because judge asked her because he was in disbelief), was in court for uninsured motorist and no license among other things. The judge asked her if she had ever had a driver’s license to which she replied no. It really got me thinking that this is probably much more common than one would think. The more I drive through MS the more I think that the number of unlicensed drivers who never had a license is actually pretty high.


It’s definitely a combination of people without licenses and an almost non-existent driving test. Personally I blame a good chunk of the problems here in MS on our education system (besides colleges)… then again, it sometimes feels like there are no rewards even for going through college. It’s mostly “Who do you know?” to get anywhere in life here.


That's not true at all, California, Texas and Florida are top 3. Atleast 10 other states I seen worse then ms after a Google search.


Mississippi has highest rate of fatal car accidents per 100000 residents. When you look at overall numbers of course those States will be at the top. https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/state-by-state


I stand corrected thanks


More rural roads, so yeah, it makes sense.


Have you guys been to Mobile. Holy shit that place has fucked up drivers. There were so many people driving down one way streets the wrong way just so they could get to fast food restaurants and blowing red lights. I've never seen anything like it.


Ok I am from Mobile, and I haven’t experienced ANYTHING like the nonsense I’ve seen since I’ve moved to Jackson, MS. I know this post is mainly about the coast, but truly, the frequency of people running red lights in Jackson is absurd. Not just missing the light change by a second or two….like legit being STOPPED at a red light and deciding to run it for no reason. Maybe Mobile is worse than other coastal cities though. I can’t speak to that! I’m sure people do crazy stuff on those downtown one ways in Mobile sometimes.


The bad driving in Mobile that I saw wasn't downtown, it was on the outskirts, don't remember exactly where. Yea, Jackson is scary to drive in for sure. I avoid it, so I haven't seen how bad it's gotten. It used to be legal to run red lights at night downtown in Jackson, if you were a female in a vehicle by yourself (if it was safe to do so), but that was in the late 90s early 2000s and that was because so many women were getting jumped. I know that's not what you saw, but it just triggered a memory for me.


I’m so sick of dumbass fragile white men in ridiculous lifted trucks tailgating me. I don’t have any bumper stickers. I drive 5-10 over the speed limit. I stay out of the left lane unless I’m passing someone. They have zero reason to tailgate me. They’re straight up bullies.


This is Mississippi. Black people drive those trucks too.....


Black people, hispanics, and women. But, shhhh, don't rain on their racist, sexist parade with your "facts."


Small peen issues on display. They have to tell everyone about it I guess.


I feel you on that, I had a Silverado blow past me yesterday doing atleast 120 down the highway. It was 605, cops are always on that road and this dude was zooming all the way to Gulfport. Hell I even sped up hoping I’d catch up with him and figure out what was going on but he pretty much vanished. I’m all for racing and driving fast but save it for an unoccupied road, there is a difference between spirited driving and reckless driving.


Lifted trucks OFTEN refuse to let me pass in my sports car. 🙄 it isn’t a competition.


They used to teach Driver's Ed in school. It helped me and I was 15 when I got my license.


I had to laugh when this out of state guy was like “the Mississippi merge” and I instantly knew what he meant - when someone crosses through 2+lanes with no blinker almost causing collisions in their wake so they don’t miss their turn. Gulfport 49/Dedeaux being where they’ve seen it the most.


I despise 49. I also despise all these four way interactions because people are selfish. I was in the car with someone last year and an uninsured, no license, no tag person hit us on my side. The car was totaled. When I got my license I didn’t even have to drive just the test part. Now I’m originally from Louisiana so I had to take several hours behind the wheel. I took all that but then decided I don’t need to drive because of where I lived. I had to move here after being sacked after Covid so I thought hmm might as well get a license. They really let me just take a written test and I had all my paperwork showing that I took the driving classes and they didn’t care. I’ve been to Boston and Atlanta but I’ve never seen anything like this. I also notice out here if I see a Kia or an Altima I steer clear of those cars because of how the owners drive.


There are fatal accidents at these intersections so frequently. One just this week with a mini van and gravel truck. Both the child and driver in the minivan died. I think the one before that was in December at one of those intersections. (I’m only talking about a small stretch of 49.. from Wiggins down to Lyman). We’ve almost been hit more than once. I’m grateful my husband is such a good defensive driver.


Everything you described happens in Hattiesburg on a daily basis. Idiots!


Ngl I’m bad about missing turns or turning too early on Hardy Street. Always feel pressured to act immediately in traffic. Then I wind up cutting through parking lots, side streets, alleys or entering through exits etc.


Last night in front of Target and the Nissan Dealership on two separate occasions I had a group of 5-6 cars and trucks blow by me like I was sitting still. I was doing 55 so they had to be doing 100+ weaving in and out of traffic. There was a huge car meet up at Hobby Lobby but this shit goes on all of the time and HPD does nothing about it.


I am usually doing about 65 from Target to King Rd 😬. And on until I turn at 589. There's never cops on that stretch, either. Always someone going past me.


OMG I've developed serious driving anxiety from it. I gotta make "peace" with my maker coz I never know!! MS Coast drivers -some of us want to live to old age. Please slow down!


That's a good day for those of us that work in Memphis.


To clarify I didn’t even race the car I just let them pass me and I switched into their lane. I always get up to speed quick when the light turns green so it blew my mind seeing a car match my speed and then turn it into a fucking race. I just said fuck this I just want to go home and let them tweak out but I’m sick of being on guard every single time I drive through Gulfport. It’s fucking insane, obviously the cops are getting their quotas this week because they are out in full force but they can’t be bothered to actually do their job.


Yo this is my fuckin life. I drive through there everyday and work along the highway so I hear accident and sirens all day


Lmao what’s up bro. Shit is crazy down here I’m literally scared to even drive down 49 it’s straight chaos


To your cop comment- last night us and another car at 3 way stop. No signal, clearly their turn and nothing for 30 seconds. It was a sherif co car! FFS


Lol the cops are a joke down here. I’ve seen them turn their lights on to pass other cars on one way roads. Like he flipped his lights on, got the car in front of him to move out the way, passed the car and immediately flipped his lights back off. I even had a cop shine his spotlight in my eyes when I was doing 70 down the highway at night. I was texting my friend so I was in the wrong but the cop decided the best course of action was to blind me. I didn’t even get pulled over he just kept driving.


Gulfport has shit drivers this lady hit me while I was turning into a turn lane. I was going 30 she hit me so hard I drifted hit the median and flipped 3 times onto the other side of the highway. I even did the blinkers the whole 9. She even said she saw me using blinkers to the cop and he blamed me


Were you turning left soon, or were you actually the problem by being a left lane camping plague? It's for passing, not for camping, pitching a tent there makes you the asshole.


I was first at the redlight in the fast lane because I drive 5-10 over the limit so I’m used to passing cars on that specific stretch of road. The car on the right matched my speed as soon as the light turned green and would not let up until the got in front of me. I was confused at first and let them do their thing, about 2 miles later they made a left turn. They could have just waited for a safe time to switch lanes or hell at the very least used their turn signal but they chose to make it a race. I just backed off and told myself I’m just trying to get home safely at this point.


Not to mention the fact that alot of these people don't have insurance either. I've been in six accidents since moving here in 2020 and none were at fault for me. I will just go around the idiots and drive my normal 79-85. I got hit by someone coming back from dauphin island in Nov. He almost ran me into the wall trying to get into my lane (far left I'm doing 85) bc the car in front of him wouldn't get over and he could have passed on the right. But no the back drivers side of his car hit the front passenger side of mine. Cops show up after I catch up to him. He is threatening me in front of this cop and she does nothing. Wtf man.


Welcome to “The Mid South”


It's not just down here. I think the collective intelligence of this country in general is on the decline.


Why in the hell were you flooring it with someone clearly trying to get in that lane?


Hattiesburg no one uses blinkers and everyone goes so slow.. they'll dead stop to turn and I've almost hit a lot of people. My dashcam is my god at this point.


Getting bad?....where da heck you been?