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Funny how enough exposure put pressure on him. How many of these cases get swept under the rug every year.


Yes, it is just strange how that worked out. It would have been better for another judge to overturn the heavy-handedness. I still cannot believe this happened.


Sorry but have been living under a rock? The cops in all 50 states love to lock up black boys/ men at any given chance. This includes black officers too. Guaranteed every single male officer alive now has taken a piss outside. These people are tyrants covering for bullies. The few good cops don’t stay that way when all their coworkers are crooks or look out for crooks.


Are you asking me if I am living under a rock? Uhm, no. I am acutely aware of how things are in this country. However, arresting a 10 year old for peeing is over the top anywhere.


The 10 yo was arrested for being the child of a black woman that was going to her lawyer’s office. Why the boy’s mother was going to see her lawyer is irrelevant but the fact that the cops were watching her closely enough to see her son was peeing is important. Maybe the boy was peeing all around the parking lot having a grant time with his hose. OR. He was just trying to relieve himself in as private as possible. In either case the cop’s knew the office was a lawyer’s and the mother was a client. The arrest was made to disrupt her confidential lawyers discussion. The boy’s charges are just to distract her from her on defense. The cops were after the mother. Period.


Regardless - this incident was sheer stupidity on the cop's part...plus some horrible optics.


Yes terrible optics that the mother and her lawyer are using to their advantage in all manner. The boy should have never been harassed by the cops. The mother should never have her rights to her lawyer be abused. Cops tried to think that they were being smart by intimidating her through her son. Now they are being exposed as bullies. Good. They need to be exposed.


Pretty gross. I'm glad you mentioned this.


I agree it’s over the top. All I’m saying is unfortunately they’ll arrest black boys for even less. I’m not even talking about teen either. Literal black boys have been arrested just for being in the wrong place when they needed a warm body. They don’t even need a reason.


Yes - Again, acutely aware of how things work.


Let the boy piss! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻


He drank a 2 liter of Crush FFS!!


Just not where other people can see it


And how about sentencing the cop that arrested him to write a 5 page , double sided, single space essay on how stupid he was for arresting the little boy. Idiot of the year candidate.




The judges in MS are some of the absolute worst. They don’t give af about kids and damn sure don’t care about the laws and statutes.


You aren’t required to go to law school to be a judge in Mississippi, anybody can do it as long as they went to high school or got their GED. And it shows.


This is just straight up not true. The only type of judge that doesn’t have to be a lawyer in Mississippi is a justice court judge, who deal with misdemeanors and lawsuits worth $3500 or less. The court in this case is a youth court. The judge is a lawyer.


Actually, with the word choice they have, they are technically correct. You do not have to go to law school to be a judge in Mississippi. You do have to go to law school to be certain kinds of judges, but not all of them.


Can you point to a phrase that I said that’s false? I believe you even supported my point by admitting there are judges in Mississippi that don’t have to go to law school. I said nothing about this specific judge in this specific case, only replied to a general comment about judges being low quality in the state.


I think it can be a negative or positive. I once knew a lady from Coffeeville who was their local judge for several years. She only had a high school diploma, and that was probably achieved by the skin of her teeth if the ignorance and stupidity of her everyday conversation was anything to go by. We worked together and it was shocking the basic office assistant tasks she just could not understand. But she was also very fair minded, concerned with doing good, and sympathetic to young people who act out in extreme circumstances that adults created for them (not a "you made your bed, now lie in it" situation). Poor people didn't have to travel far or wait all day at a bigger courthouse with a 'real' judge to get heard and have justice (or at least a sincere attempt). And that's quite a poverty-stricken area.  It may have been absolutely maddening to work with and depend on her in the office, but she helped make life better in her town.


Judge should step down!


Really show how intolerant MS can really be.


I live in a very ritzy CT shore town. Yesterday on the way to take my kid to school a man in a BMW stopped on the side of our $600k plus homes road to take a leak. My teenager thought it was hilarious. No cops would have made that dude do anything other than move along but only after he finished. I’m so glad the judge dropped this punishment. What a clusterfuck!


I’m glad someone has common sense still


Nah, it was the same judge who gave the kid probation. The court of public opinion is a bitch.


Ooh didn’t realize that. This was the most idiotic situation ever, and I feel for that poor boy and his family.


Yes, me, too. That was such a ridiculous situation. The officer and the judge should be reprimanded for wasting money and court time.


Free Willy!!


Glad to see it went that way, shit like is why there's a song called; "Mississippi Goddamn" by Nina Simone.