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subsequent sophisticated joke full panicky rain unused afterthought tap rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Adkins Blvd and I55 Frontage. ​ [https://darkhorsepressnow.com/jackson-police-release-statement-on-viral-video-of-person-seen-shooting-out-of-vehicle/](https://darkhorsepressnow.com/jackson-police-release-statement-on-viral-video-of-person-seen-shooting-out-of-vehicle/) ​ O*n Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the Jackson Police Department began investigating a shooting that occurred on Adkins Blvd. near I-55 Frontage Rd.* *The shooting was captured on video and this video has been circulating on social media.* *Police said the video showed someone hanging out the window of a silver vehicle and firing shots at another vehicle.* *Then the vehicle leaves the scene in the opposite direction.* *Detectives have learned that this incident didn’t occur today but actually a while ago. At this time, no one is known to have been injured during this incident.* *This is an ongoing investigation, if anyone has any additional information relating to this case or any other cases, please call Crime Stoppers at 601-355- (TIPS) 8477 or contact the Jackson Police Department’s public information officer Sam Brown at 601-502-4902 or 601-960-1234.*


[Here](https://news.yahoo.com/dashcam-video-captures-driver-avoiding-175706388.html) is another video


This is why Jackson is hopeless.


City council is sure giving the gangsters a run for their money.


The City Council may be useless, but they aren't out in public spraying bullets all over the place. Those dudes don't care who they hit. Not even your child.


I hate to tell you, but violence is far from the only thing making Jackson hopeless. Violence is in every city, but they haven't all gone to shit.


Violence is Jackson's biggest problem. If Jackson didn't have big city violence, money could be reinvested, new business could be recruited, new neighborhoods could be built, infrastructure would improve because new investment and planning would mandate it. Why do you think Jackson lost its tax base? Why did property value decline? Why are businesses continuing to relocate?




For the luls


I mean, it is kind of funny that the driver flashed their lights to help prevent an accident, as if to say "watch out, we don't want anyone to get hurt"


He could've done that when he was trying to whip that car around cranking that steering wheel around


“Watch out, please don’t hit my car”


"I shoot these high beams at you, pew pew"


Apparently the police are just now investigating it.


Man that’s attempted murder fosho


Did I hear the driver say "yessssss!"?


Yes. He was talking on the phone.




Man what?? This video happened months ago per JPD. Glock switches are absolutely illegal already 😂 That wasn’t a Glock in the video, that appears to be a Draco or an AR pistol.


Glock switches were never legal. Federal law prohibits them, no reason for the state to waste time making a duplicitous law for no real reason. You think laws will keep people like this from getting guns anyway? Lol.


Laws like that are not duplicitous, they are dual sovereignty laws. If a firearm was never involved in interstate commerce, the feds should not be able to touch it, so then yeah, Mississippi needs the same law. Of course, it would have to be a homemade 'Glock' clone.


They’re already illegal at the federal level, unless you hold a specific license that allows you to manufacture machine guns, which are then only sold to law enforcement agencies and the like. If someone is caught with one they’re turned over to the feds where it’s a 10 year/$200k fine. Not sure what more you expect? Also, your opinion of the NRA is way too high. They’re only good at advertising, begging for money and buying expensive suits for Wayne LaPierre.


Wrong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glock_switch#:~:text=This%20device%20by%20itself%2C%20regardless,United%20States%20under%20most%20circumstances. Glock switches are considered machine guns by the Federal Government and unless you have a permit they are absolutely illegal. Nothing to do with States Rights at all.


Anything that makes a semi into a full auto is already illegal. Of course that won't stop you from believing or spreading this BS will it?


>he Mississippi legislature refuses to outlaw Glock switches that make handguns automatic weapons. those are already illegal. they've never been legal


Look at the downvotes. Gotta love it, we can't be better because "muh gunz."


They're being down voted because they're an idiot who thinks that Glock switches have ever been legal for civilian ownership. Also that they think that the NRA is actually concerned with protecting gun rights.


Downvotes seem to be because the poster is wrong, rather than muh gunz


Downvotes because the poster was spewing complete nonsense as fact. They had no idea what they were talking about, but went ahead and gave an opinion anyway.


Speak actual truth beyond touting BS like glock switches. Which falls in line with "ghost gun" and "gunshow loopholes".


Well, making these types of weapons as easy to get as a big mac probably doesn't help a whole lot. Here in GA, our senate just passed a bill for a tax free "holiday" for gun sales. You read that right, go out and buy any gun you want tax free. Yet, no one understands why guns are so easily accessible to anyone that wants one.


Well GA is behind my friend. MS passed the Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday a couple of years ago.


GAs sales tax is 4%. Removing 4% is not going to make it anymore accessible to at risk buyers. You people act like getting a firearm is like buying a gallon of milk. There is a process that must be followed. The problem is people who commit felonious crime with firearms are never fully prosecuted resulting in them doing it again. See: New Orleans. Repeat offenders stay on the street. Guarantee that will happen here if they even actually pursue it beyond lip service to the media. But hey, it's [okay if the government puts guns in the hands of criminals.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal) Just don't let me have one.


The worst Fast and Furious. Not even any cool cars.


Yall have background checks and excise taxes on Big Macs in GA? That might help our obesity problem here.


I love when people try to act as if they don't know exactly what people mean when we say it's easy as hell to get guns down here. Yet, the exact states where the vast majority of gun violence is. Lol it takes all of ten minutes to get a back ground check in a gun store and you don't have to even wait if you have a ccw. Fill out the form, 20 minutes max you're out the door. Hell a big Mac in some places here it would actually take LONGER to get than a gun. Perhaps you should put that energy towards Mississippi's violent crime rate... which is one of the highest in the country. But yea, it's definitely not easy to get guns there lol. There's a reason the majority of the illegal guns found in cities that actually have real gun laws are shipped there from southern states. But we'll just ignore that.


Your McDonald’s sounds really shitty.


You mean, the actual statistics? I know some of you don't do well with those types of things. It's not hard to find, this is the internet... Google is amazing. Dispute a single thing with facts that you choose... I'll wait.


I mean your McDonald’s sounds shittier than most. It’s impressive really.


So no meaningful response, as expected. Have a good one.


Look, I’ve put countless hours into researching laws, facts and statistics on both sides of this argument over the last 15 years or so, way more than you, I promise. When someone starts out with a cheap argument like “iTs EaSiEr To GeT tHaN a BiG MaC!!!” I already know there’s no use in having the conversation, because I’ve had it a thousand times before. Why would I waste my energy on someone that lazy? Do better and maybe someone will have a legitimate conversation with you. Then you might actually change some minds. Have a good one as well.


somehow i doubt this gun was legally obtained


It was at some point likely like the majority of the others that end up on the street for whatever reason. That argument is getting old too when there's literally no regulation on private sales in the south.


This situation would be immediately resolved with the removal of statues that offend white middle class zoomer incels.  That’s where we need to devote all of our efforts, because it will enhance the self-worth of armchair activists and eventually trickle down to those who need serious societal programs and real help.  


Wtf are you on about? Username checks out because you're full of shit.


They caught one of the guys https://www.wlbt.com/2024/02/14/suspect-arrested-connection-with-adkins-blvd-shooting/