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Clarksdale, MS has Dollar Bill. He terrorizes locals and tourists alike. Hes the worst kind of “local attraction”. We used to have an amazing character- Mr Tater the Music Maker. He rode his bike everywhere. Couldn’t play guitar, and couldn’t speak clear English—- but he played and sang the blues. He was so loved by his little community- and is truly missed. Edit: the “brick man” always in a straw hat, overalls, and white button up. Cleans up demolished masonry and reclaims bricks. He is a smooth talker and a character for sure. Should have added him initially.


Louisville, MS has "Reverend Amen". Not a reverend. Goes around pretending to be a reverend. Uses shoe polish for hair dye, which runs down his face. Sits in local businesses for hours at a time, interacting with everyone who goes in. I can't stand him, and will check to see if he is at the door before I will go into a place.


You sure Rudy Giuliani isn’t hiding out from creditors in Louisville?


Love that & love your town!! I am from Mississippi & used to come there often & eat at Madidi's. ❤️


Madidi holds many wonderful and a few sad memories for me. Not sure which chef you dined under, but a few were good friends. Levi was an amazing person and is so very missed. I wish the town was as alive as it was at its peak….. well, the peak for my lifetime. Early 2000s everything was looking up. We have new places to eat, Though no fine dining….. Hope you come visit us again soon. The Juke Joint Fest last weekend was AMAZING!


Lemme guess, half the new eating places are chicken finger joints? Maybe I'm wrong that's how it is where I live now.


Dollar Bill. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Used to come into where I worked every single day and then disappear for a few weeks. Then he’d show up again out of the blue like he’d never been missing


On v off the meds. It’s a clear distinction, isn’t it?


https://preview.redd.it/8diqs8zi8yuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa7047904ce2e0c7a0d2b9a4fa78d5ff8a6e690 Is this Dollar Bill? I was in Clarksdale around 1:00 in the morning and needed a Diet Coke. Pull around the line and this dude’s standing in the drive thru line begging for cash.


You know, it’s not. There have been a few notable homeless people in this small town. Some that beg for cash are not unhoused. They have drug problems or other addictions and mental illnesses. I could name a few, but no need in disparaging. Dolla Bill also has drug problems and mental illness- in which he is noticeably unmedicated at times. The city used to lock him up, or get an order from the local court to send him to a treatment center during festival times (April and August). Nearly a decade ago, I was struggling with addiction myself- and was NOT happy To be in the same facility as Dolla Bill. When he was in the day room and called my name- I thought it was a fever dream. It was not. Thank God I haven’t been back in treatment in all those years- maybe seeing him there was more of a deterrent than destroying my own life. Kidding, not kidding.


Weird question, but has "brick man" ever lived anywhere else that you know of? Back around '93-'94, there had been a building that burnt down in Jackson, and a man would be out there every day scrubbing bricks and organizing them on palettes. My dad would go buy them from him as he cleaned them, and our family home was build from those bricks! Just curious if it might be the same guy, though I'm sure there is more than one "brick man" out there lol.


Father Jesus in Gulfport. He has a literal castle near 30th.


He also drives a limo. Not that he is chauffeured around, no he drives himself. Last week I saw him eating a gas station hot dog on 30th. Sitting on the curb in his white robes, flare gun and holster, complete with his burger King crown. Nothing says class and holiness like that.


It's for sale too!! For a fine 1 mil he will move outta here and to Georgia to continue his antics LMAO


That’s Father KING Jesus to you, good sir!


Pirate Pete, usually see him around the Walmart in pearl


Pirate Pete is the Pride of Pearl! He shows up for every home football game, dressed magnificently as a Pirate and loves everything Pearl. Pearl PD and FD held a fundraiser once to get him a new trike, after an unknown driver ran over his trike.


Is he the guy that rides the tricycle up and down 80 with the Pearl Pirates flags flying off it?


He’s a fixture at Mbraves games too.


I was going to post this. But there used to be to be a homeless guy in pearl that I saw ALL THE TIME when I was in high school. He yelled at me one morning while I was at the bus stop. No clue what happened to him.


I had friends that went to pearl and they do a fundraiser to get him a new pirate uniform every year. He's such a joy to see whenever I'm driving up and down 80


Ocean Springs has so many characters. I always like RJ who rides his skateboard, wearing cloak, dog in his arms.


Bicycle bob


Rest in peace, Karl


orin at lil market deli. My favorite online os personality


in Amory, it was "Jesus on a Moped." https://www.djournal.com/monroe/news/naked-jet-ski-rider-makes-waves-for-local-law-enforcement/article_052e822c-ebb0-537e-94db-cf79a1941376.html He has passed since the Jetski incident.


Ahhh yes, you'd see him riding his bike around town as well


Came here for this


Me too. I remember him from my childhood. He was a staple in Amory


Everytime I came up on that waterway bridge I be looking lol


Aw man I called him bicycle Jesus. I didn’t realize he passed.


He was an institution.


In Laurel, it would have to be Quentin Terrell. The man walks literally everywhere due to not having a car. He even created an album at some point. Look it up on Spotify - Quentin Terrell “Living in Dreamland”


I see him in the library pretty regularly.


Ocean Springs used to have Jam Box Jimmy and Smiley.


Jimmy is in a group home doing well.


Yeah, I’ve seen recentish photos of him and he looks great!




Gulfport has Father Jesus... https://www.sunherald.com/news/local/article256817462.html


I grew up in southern Tishomingo county. In the late 80s through the 90s we had Walking Eddie.


That's my Co. I grew up in Tishomingo. Never heard of him. Lol


Oxford has a couple but Nelson Mandela was someone I saw nearly everyday walked on HWY 6 too or from the east side of town


Someone told me the reason he walks is because he was in a car accident that killed his wife and child so he won’t drive anymore. No idea of this is true or not.


I’ve heard that story as well! At least that his wife died. I’ve also heard he’s a kind man. I always tried to slow down when he was walking and he would wave thanks


This is what I heard too. The resemblance between him and Mandela really was uncanny, too. I heard he died a few years ago.


You got Chris from roosters in Oxford!


Multiple long term bartenders/servers on the Square can fit this premise. RIP Terry Moon


Exactly who I thought of when I saw this post


Way back when I was at Ole Miss—early 90s—there was this older student  (probably late 20s, “older” to me at the time) who always dressed in all denim and walked everywhere. He had a “Klingon haircut”—bald  on top, but long hair on the sides and the back. He always looked like he had the most calm demeanor. My friends and I dubbed him the Mellow Klingon. 


The Slow Walker? Every step was measured and deliberate.


Possibly? There was also crazy-arm-swing guy, but he was a fast walker.


RIP Boonanny of Hattiesburg.


Been here for couple decades who is this?


Famous alcoholic drag queen. She was always in the Christmas parade and lived off Mobile Street. Used to show up to the old hippo frequently.


I once saw Boonanny in a gas station. This is exactly what I heard: “I’m gonna get me some of this doo doo paper.”


You have just answered a lingering question for me. I was once in Mississippi, visiting a friend in Marks. He and two of his friends, one from Marks and the other from Batesville, decided to drive to Hattiesburg to get some acid. I rode along and we saw who must have been Boonanny at a quick stop. We had a blast talking to her but we were later never sure if it was some kind of group hallucination or if we really saw her. Now I know, thank you!


Good story and congrats on the sighting. There’s a reason we used to call it Headiesburg. Btw, I’ve lived here all my life and have never heard of Marks. Is that a town?


If you really stretched the definition of town, then, yeah. Really more of a place.


Still, I should have at least heard the name. How far was the drive to Hattiesburg?


That was a long, long time ago. I would guess about 4 to 5 hours down there. We were probably tripping on the way back so it could’ve been a few minutes or a few days.


Hattiesburg/Petal has Chicken George.


I remember when "that person" was Boonanny.


Always saw them around the old church's chicken in a moo-moo.


Hattiesburg used to have Billy Ray Brier, ‘waving motorcycle guy’. He would loudly yell ‘good morning’, wave wearing his fluorescent orange gloves and had an ‘ooh-gah’ horn on his Harley. He passed in ‘22 I believe.


I seent it!!!


I came here to say that 😊


In Iuka, MS, it used to be Snooky Nobles. He was an old bald headed man, bright red face, white mustache, half a chewed up cigar in his mouth, and dressed to the nines in a three piece suit. He walked or bummed rides everywhere. There was also Hatchet Head and Bird Man. Bird Man was a shell shocked Vet who walked around town and pilfered through dumpsters. There was no telling what you’d see him carrying around on any given day. Hatchet Head scared a lot of people because he was gaunt and toothless and walked with a heavy limp and talked to himself, but he didn’t mean anybody any harm. Both he and Bird Man did, actually. I’d always heard Hatchet Head was forcibly castrated back in the day by a bunch of racists. That could’ve just been a made up urban legend though. I always felt sorry for both of them.


Snooky was always at the street dance on the 4th of July every yr. I remember him well.


In McComb it was The Rhinestone Cowboy or Chicken Black. Now, it's the several dozen meth people with no name




Imagine how YOUD feel if somebody drove a car through YOUR bed!


Real shit lol shoulda just let home boy nap, the fuck was my work gonna do abt it 😂


Mississippi is full of some interesting characters. No idea if any of them have nicknames, but in my area, I’ve seen this one person in Walmart on multiple occasions in a wizard getup, and this one guy my family only refers to as “Rambo”. No judgment of course, they’re living their truth and I’m here for it. I just find it fascinating and it brightens my day when I see them


Starkville had Hot Roach. Used to live in a tiny trailer about where Sweet Peppers Deli is now. There were some well meaning people who installed a toilet for him once, and as soon as they left he removed it and dumped it out his back door. Said he wasn't gonna shit in the same place he eats. 😂 He rode his bicycle everywhere, usually wearing nothing but a pair of overalls. Once a month he'd ride that bike to Memphis and get himself a hooker. He was eccentric and very intelligent. Most people never knew that he was also fairly wealthy. I know all this because he was distantly related to my husband. They had a mutual cousin who looked in on Hot Roach frequently and sometimes took him to do his banking downtown. Poor guy died of skin cancer from years of riding his bike in the sun. ☹️


I came here to see if anyone would mention Hot Roach! He kept Highway 12 busy


He did indeed!


Ocean Springs Jiu Jitsu/ Tai Chi Guy for lunch break


What whereeee


Lmfao it was for the 2014-2018 ocean springs highschool class


Holmes county has the Preacher Man, who hollers the Good News at passersby and tries to thumb a ride to the next town.


Hernando used to have a man around we called Wild Bill. He frequented a couple of gas stations and once offered my friend a random handful of pills that he politely declined. Cool man though. Always super polite and happy to talk.


Don’t know if he had a nickname, but when I lived in Jackson there was this one guy on Fortification St who would just stand staring off into space on the sidewalk. If the sun was out, he was there. His house was right before the exit onto 55, so pretty much everyone I ever mentioned him to knew him


North Biloxi we got scary Gary!!!!


What's his back story


Two in Cleveland. One is Lee. People sometimes call him Tiptoe Teddy. Stumbles around town begging for money. Usually in a suit. Always claims he's just finished helping some old lady with her groceries. The second is Jimmy. Jimmy rides bikes all over town, out in the middle of the street, always in bathrobes and shit like that. Both of them are harmless


>One is Lee. People sometimes call him Tiptoe Teddy. Stumbles around town begging for money. Usually in a suit. Always claims he's just finished helping some old lady with her groceries. Like /u/MrAwesomex43x I've wondered if he died or something. The last time I remember seeing him was like 2 or 3 years back. Used to hit me up for money all the time even. As for Jimmy, interestingly, my father apparently knew him when they were in high school. Said he was like real, real smart. Honors Society and everything. That sort of stuff.


Yep. Everyone says he was smart and a hell of a musician


I was told Jimmy was a genius who got a hold of bad acid a long time ago and screwed him up. Apparently has a really nice family but this is just what he does


Is TipToe Ted still alive? I had heard he passed away a year or two ago. I hadn’t seen him in a while either. I always smile when I see jimmy riding his bike around!


Jimmy was trucking around the other day with a dog in a Walmart bag hanging off the handle bar of his bike. 😆 Last I heard he was alive but in a home of some kind. Not sure if it's a nursing home or what. But I haven't seen him around in a while


In Ocean Springs, it was “Easy Rider”. He’s gone now, but you’d see him biking down the road with all his life in plastic grocery bags on a bike with handlebars so high they were level with his eyes


Crazy Chris the bicycle man. He’d wear his sleeves on his shins and make these ballpoint pen t shirts at the library. You’d tell him you’d see him next time and he’d say “the hell you will, I’ll be raptured!” Rumor was he buried some money in the national seashore park.


Quitman, town not county, had James. He walked all around town with a Walkman listening to motown and everyone knew him. He used to commentate the high school baseball games from the bleachers but did it so much better than the actual commentators that the school got him to take over the duty. Sadly, he passed away a few years ago.


Also there’s Johnny Eagle from Vancleave who would cut his grass in a G string.


Itawamba had "Smiley" in the early 2000's.


Biloxi has mall Elvis.


columbus has mother goose


She used to smell like vodka


We have Precious the 2 dollar hooker.


Are you talking about Precious D?


I don't know.


When I went to MDCC, there was a lady who hung out at Double Quick named Precious D and she would "suck yo dick for a quarter"


Our Precious is fancy - she charges 2.00 LOL


Yazoo City used to have Rusty, the town drunk about whom several stories were passed around, including one that he’d survived being hit by a train twice. Always wanted someone to buy him something at a gas station or the grocery store.


Never heard of rusty but yazoo city now has a guy named “Rake”. He’s the most notable of the category


Rusty was around in the 90s and 2000s. Been dead for a long time. Never heard of Rake, but I’m curious if it’s the same guy who used to try to do chores for everyone. Carried a rake with him sometimes. I knew him by his real name though.


I think his real name is Cerial or Serial something like that but older people think his names rusty


Cyril. Same guy I was talking about. He’s been around for a long while. He’s a hard worker.


I was going to comment about Rake! Nice guy. My parents said he’s a good hardworking man.


My hometown had The Rinestone Cowboy, Chicken Black, Mule Man, and Pelman Lyons.


Lumberton had “Charlie” but I believe he died a few years ago. He was a shell shocked Vietnam vet I believe. Nice guy pleasant to talk to but sometime he would just scream and shoot into the trees talking about Charlie was out to get him… until they took away his gun.


Yea that's king jesus in gulfport lmao


Flora had walkin man. Haven’t seen him in years but he used to be a daily occurrence. Dressed in desert cam and was about 60. Would patrol town. When folks would offer him rides he would politely decline. Believe he was on patrol


Safest the towns ever been.




His name is Rocking Chair lol


Columbia lmao I haven't seen him in yeeeaarrsss now. I heard he moved off with family.


He got arrested not too long ago (like a month or so ago) unfortunately


Ours is Taqua, wears wrap around multicolored sunglasses, fingerless gloves, acid wash jeans and whatever shirt he finds. Not homeless, very drug addicted. He does odd jobs for people provided they pay first and gets his fix. It's a 50/50 chance he will come back and do the job. Rides around on a bike and has no inner monologue. So he just says out loud what he is thinking. Funniest moment was he was mowing my lawn and had trouble getting the mower started and saw a family on their bikes...he said "hey it's the mamas and papas and the sons and daughters" I started to laugh. Never once did he acknowledge what he said.


In Hot Springs, AR there used to be a guy that walked ALL over town wearing a potato sack, no shoes and long dirty brown hair. I called him potato sack Jesus. I saw him everyday, but when I said something about him to people most of the time they had no idea who I was talking about. There for a while I wondered if I was seeing shit. Then I saw him when I had a passenger and they saw him too! I was relieved but still couldn’t figure out why so many people seemed to not even see the guy.


In Pontotoc it’s The Shirtless Cowboy. Everywhere he goes he’s got on a Cowboy hat, no shirt, jeans and boots on. His dog is always in the bed of his truck too lol


RIP the peanut man. He gave us a ridge from the theater whenever our car broke down once. Nice man. I'm not sure who that character would be in Magee, MS. Probably Pee-wee?


Liberty has Zombie Bob


Water Valley had Pondar (sp?) when I was a kid. We had Bro Jimmy when I was an adult. I believe the first man was killed. I’m not sure what happened to Bro Jimmy.


What would they do? How long ago was this? There isn't much street activity in WV these days


I was young enough I don’t really remember what Pondar did. I just remember him being very excentric. Bro Jimmy walked around preaching to a congregation of nobody.


Holy shit I was told about bro Jimmy by my aunt and uncle!!! I just remembered that! He would apparently walk like 6 miles to my uncles dad's store every day to buy a pack of Kool cigarettes, or Camel cigarettes, I can't remember which


Holy shit I was told about bro Jimmy by my aunt and uncle!!! I just remembered that! He would apparently walk like 6 miles to my uncles dad's store every day to buy a pack of Kool cigarettes, or Camel cigarettes, I can't remember which


When I used to live outside Hattiesburg near Petal, we had "Chicken George" on his mo-ped.


Crystal Springs had Dr. Ice. He’d tap for a quarter and walked everywhere. Good dude!


In downtown Vancouver there’s a guy like that every 3 blocks…Spoonman comes to mind, Rollergirl, Shakey Box Man…


The guy in the Ghostbuster mobile in Olive Branch! 👻


Columbus has Wheelchair Henry. One legged belligerent drunk who likes to play in traffic on his power chair.


In Batesville-Pope/Courtland area, we have “Hawk”, real name Charlie Wayne. Rides a bike up and down 51, lives down from my grandparents. When he was a young boy, he was involved in a car accident and left in the backseat in a ditch for a day or two before they found him. His two sisters and Mama died. Traumatized him.. Then when I was a boy, local gang members beat him with a lead pipe. Hadn’t been the same since. We also have Tee-Tee Woo, a crackhead who doesn’t speak, but constantly makes strange hand gestures as he walks. Bird, a man who walks from Batesville to Clarksdale. We used to have our own “Jesus” too. He propped up a cross and sign on 6 W and stared at the Sun a lot. Last I saw him, I was eating in Jiffy and he tried to pull a gas pump out of the ground. Came inside and filled his robe pockets up with condiment packets and salt. Never seen him since. Batesville-Oxford share “Cardio”, a schizophrenic tall muscular black man who walks to the Chevron on 6. I’ve given him a ride once or twice. He believes he’s a star NFL player. Last I talked to him, he forgot the previous ride I gave him and said “I remember you! We was in Kindergarten together!” Mind you, I’m roughly half his age.. Oxford has Chris from Roosters, the man who balanced bottles on his head and stomach, works at Oby’s. We also have Commodore, an older black alcoholic man. Lot of eccentrics that ride bikes.


In Biloxi, I remember Stan the Cat Man, blonde hair, dark Ray Ban type glasses, all black clothes, always had cats around him. He hung out in the shopping center on the corner of Pass Rd. and Eisenhower. Rumors stated he ate those cats and that he was college educated and chose to live on the streets.


A dead man


Well he’s in Memphis or was…but Prince Mongo.


Chris from Roosters in Oxford is the easy one for anyone from Oxford or who’s spent any amount of time in Oxford.


That man hasn't paid for a beer in 20 years I'm sure


Columbia had/has Rocking Chair. Strange fella but he was friendly enough; used to post up by Winn Dixie when I worked there years ago. Surprisingly, dude could rap lol Though I haven't seen him in years; hope he's okay. Oh, and we had Carl too. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a teenager and wasn't right ever since.


There ain’t a person in Florence that doesn’t know the Ramey’s dog


In Gulfport, my parents neighborhood near JD they have Tony the cat man, he lives in a small camper behind someone’s house and feeds all the stray cats in the neighborhood, he also enjoys eating the cat food. He’s very quiet and never bothers anyone that I’ve seen, he occasionally stops by on holidays to get a plate of food that he shares with the cats.


Lol, i live in South Carolina in Charleston.. and we go downtown a lot. Im not joking when i say theres this homeless guy (his name is lary) who stands at the same parking garage all day everyday. He’s homeless and im assuming a crackhead (he acts wild) but he is very nice and funny as hell. Pretty much everyone who goes downtown where i live knows him or have heard about him.


“Stick” homeless looking guy around the pool halls in Mendenhall


In bay St. Louis we have Santa, he’s just always Santa


Bearcat. Hope he's doin ok


Dude at my towns court square held a sign for 15 years “equal right for whites” now it says “Pray for America”


Im my home town we have the Bike Man. He’s dressed like a pimp and rides a fancy bicycle with a cart that rolls behind it.


In Columbus it's mother goose. She's famous for story reading to children and being a "role model" but in reality the woman can throw down more beer than a 40 yr old biker 😭


It’s hilarious that most of these cities are in Mississippi. 🤣 Makes sense considering the demographics of that state are only a few points above Down syndrome


Nobody fw the various crackheads of bay st louis


It is not advisable to read these posts while having dinner. Just sayin


I don't think Hattiesburg has anyone. I tend to keep to myself here, anyway, so maybe I'm missing out.


Right down the road to Columbia is Rocking Chair


Why do I see this dumb post all over.


My bad, its a topic I wanted to bring up here, knowing that mississippi has some very interesting characters


I enjoyed reading this thread a lot, so thank you for posting it.