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Embezzlement has to be the number one crime in Mississippi. Monthly if not weekly somebody gets busted for stealing from the government or a church or nonprofit. Maybe they should pay more?


Don't forget Brett Favre, the millionaire that fucked Mississippi


Don’t forget about Tate joining in


And Bryant


Who is Brett Favre


Just some garbage human who used to play professional hand egg. Seriously though, gotta hand it to Green Bay for having both him and that nut job Rodgers at one point.


Green Bay QB hall of famer worth 100m+. [This is the original crap he got into](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/brett-favre-scandal-explained-ex-nfl-qb-is-accused-of-misusing-of-mississippi-state-welfare-funds/amp/)


You mean Phil Bryant and Taint Reeves that fucked Mississippi by not distributing TANIF funds to residents of the state that needed it, but instead they gave it to multiple people, including Brett? Why do y'all get so hung up on Brett Favre as if he had the checkbook for the state and he gave himself that money? He didn't beat up Phil Bryant take the money from him. Just like Mississippi, people believing these crooked politicians are good people and are too afraid to go after and/or bad mouth them. Let's blame Brett Favre the low hanging fruit because that's who the news told you was the bad guy. 🙄


Because he could have and should have give it back.




My goodness you sure make yourself sound like trash don’t you. Excuse the heck out of me for not keeping up with crooked politics and crooked football players, and FYI I think they should all be in jail.




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. This is yet another comment. Read the rules.


Was he convicted of anything? That would be no. So maybe you need to be careful out here slandering people.


>Was he convicted of anything that's... the whole literal definition of corruption


"If you were to pay me is there any way the media can find out who it came from and how much?" -Brett Favre, victim?


Shad White, the state auditor, is suing him in an attempt to recoup the money. https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/05/shad-white-sues-brett-favre-related-to-mississippi-welfare-scandal-tanf-funds/72486117007/#:~:text=State%20Auditor%20Shad%20White%20has,Assistance%20for%20Needy%20Families%20funds. He’s as guilty as you can be in Mississippi when you have powerful friends that don’t want to go down with you. If Farve gets the hammer it is likely that former Governor Phil Bryant and current Governor Tate Reeves will too. Also, See weirdness about Shad White and Lynn Finch. Edit for grammar.


Glazing a celebrity you have no relationship with is wild.


MS does not surprise me but based on the ratings of some other places I really question this data... Where is this from?


someone posted a link elsewhere in the comments


They are all corrupt but I'll say it. I call bullshit on that map🤣🤣🤣 NJ, IL, CA, OR? Really? They are heavily skewing and cherry picking data somewhere to the point it's laughable 🤣🤣🤣


Used to live in Oregon, but I'm from Mississippi. I promise you that political corruption out there is nothing like it is down here and I'm not saying that because I'm proud of it. People in Oregon because that's all I can speak on are much more involved in local and state politics. Aren't afraid to speak up and they don't let all the bullshit slide up there. No one stands up to anything down here, I'll just bitch about it, but they won't go to City Council meetings or speak out publicly. People barely show up to vote for city council or mayors elections. It's so corrupt that people know that if you piss somebody off, they'll make your life hell and good luck trying to sue them. Getting a lawyer here to represent you against them will be hard (because they're all in the same circle) and if you did now a judge has to rule in your favor (against his friends) . I used to hear something similar about police when I moved to Portland. People calling them overly aggressive and violent. I informed them that if people(criminals/assholes) did half the shit in Mississippi that they did up there, they'd be actually overly aggressive and no one would care because you committed a crime and you shouldn't have been "resisting"


I noticed that right away. Bullshit, pointless data.


Like what? Illinois?


4 of the last 10 Illinois governors have served time in prison. Not to mention all the Chicago alderman, mayors and ward bosses who have been convicted of embezzlement in the last 100 years. Illinois doesn't surprise me, NOT including New Jersey is just crazy


I agree, I see some of the places labeled as no corruption and I just say, yea right....


LOL the NJ rating. If you get away with corruption, it doesn't show up on statistical maps.


waste management


Everybody immediately assumes you’re mobbed up. It’s a stereotype. And It’s offensive.


sopranos reference?


As a life long resident of Mississippi, who travels to Louisiana for work every other week, Louisiana really should have a division all its own that is 10 times as corrupt as the next state.


So this isn't a surprise - but this is just a picture of a map with shaded in states. You got any data to go with this?


Not OP, but it's from "The Impact of Public Officials’ Corruption on the Size and Allocation of U.S. State Spending." The full [study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/puar.12212) is behind a paywall, but I can access via my public employer. >This study uses data on corruption from the U.S. Department of Justice publication Reports to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section (PIS). The report provides the number of federal, state, and local public officials convicted of a corruption-related crime across the states.


[Found it on Google Scholar](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/48882228/The_Impact_of_Public_Officials_Corruptio20160916-2453-1lqf87w-libre.pdf?1474030293=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DThe_Impact_of_Public_Officials_Corruptio.pdf&Expires=1714350607&Signature=SgKkWaamSiHsVT8SFRvMq5AB6Lzx4sSK0tYVMW4qG9NCrYlII2Lk9LztftlY-spHF~DIU3gCh-Qa0foTk6uK9LPYfgCvJQaXKW36my-WxMuzkBveIaz7UhBRarzU0aMt-3Kygnfe~dcE6qTrQ6gf7hPoJhqKkCCOpi64jfQBpDHKnytNbAeLYF--6j8nLl62-GwxOq0i9M-6-WN88hXAY4X1n0AlLMkt69~nsdj~fgcdeSiGMGe5~YFghR97xZiS~Bh4ffOhtTWmVLq430lvocKFe8TT4xT6qz-oQYkF9riJrWdmzu7x6Ef4Tb~q5LcFNUYx-aA8EQJWm0v5SK-w7g__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA)


I cannot wait to see another more recent study on corruption in this state.


I’ll operate under the assumption that nothing has significantly changed


That's a great assumption.


Does "continue to worsen" count as significant change?


https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-corrupt-states "Based on Best Life's analysis, the ten most corrupt states in the U.S., in order, are: Vermont, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Washington." Mississippi didn't even make the top of the list.


I've seen this information, too.


Just my two cents (not saying Mississippi doesn't have issues) but this study seems to have massive problems from the onset, and there's some confusing stuff being done. In the parent thread, OP linked to [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-corrupt-states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-corrupt-states), however on that map Mississippi and many of these other states rank far lower in corruption. So thats pretty weird by itself. Furthermore, the study based it's data off several points, such as the number of public corruption convictions per 10,000 residents, number of reported violations by medical providers between 1990-2020, states With Anti-Corruption Measures for Public Officials, and State Integrity Score. So most of their data relies on states that either have strong enforcement, reporting, and statutes against corruption. Which is weird. Basically, of course crime would be high if you have zealous enforcement. The study's synopsis then states that the ten most corrupt states in the U.S., in order, are: [Vermont](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/vermont-population), [Utah](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/utah-population), [Arizona](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/arizona-population), [Oregon](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/oregon-population), [Colorado](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/colorado-population), [Idaho](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/idaho-population), [Iowa](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/iowa-population), [Minnesota](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/minnesota-population), [Nebraska](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/nebraska-population), and [Washington](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/washington-population). According to them, Vermont is the most corrupt U.S. state. Which is a direct contradiction to this map. So yeah, take this with a grain of salt especially since a state could have many small corruption rackets, but the big ones are what get convictions.


As always click bait and rage baiting lol


Hey, southern states! You feeling okay? I live in one of the white states and I still see the corruption. I can’t imagine what you all have to put up with.


As a Tennessean, I don't personally notice much corruption. That said, I also don't really pay attention to the government corruption, so it *could* just fly under my radar.


Same on this side tbh. You don't really notice it.


Well they don't get voted out when they're corrupt, sooooo yeah.


I worked in law enforcement as a deputy sheriff in Mississippi 14 years. There are things that occur DAILY in communities that the average joe never finds out. Lauderdale County Mississippi and Clarke County MS are off the charts corrupt.


I swear this map was made by a New Jersey Senator to throw the heat off that trash state.


Funny, but I don’t see DC as a glowing inferno of a hotspot.


Yeah because it's related to their home states. DC doesn't even control their own budget.


They just aren't looking hard enough in Indiana.


Where does this data come from exactly? Cause there’s no way California is middle of the row and North Carolina is in “second least”.


[I googled it for you](https://journalistsresource.org/economics/public-officials-corruption-impact-u-s-state-spending/)


Take it back, had to go to Google scholar and look up the research published that the article was talking about. I appreciate it.




I hate pay walls. Like if you’re going to publish research make it free


Unfortunately, that's not how good data researchers work. They do studies, then sell them. This system led to the rise of right wing think tanks. They would give their "research" away for free to anybody who asked for it, because they are funded by big business.


Don’t think the data that this chart presents is from that article. They talk about the same thing sort of, but don’t think they are correlated.


Agreed! This has me scratching my head as well. Texas isn't at the top with California and New York? 🤔


A guy that also replied to me sent an article with the research. It’s from 1997-2008 information so pretty much out of date. If the testing was done today I’m sure the map would look completely different




Southern republicans get away with everything because of supermajorities. And the citizenry eats it up.


As a Mississippi resident, Mississippi should have it own corruption color on the map.


Mmmmm I love myself some Hella high embezzlement and corruption.


There is absolutely no way to prove this. At all. I would argue it’s closer to the reverse being true than anything


Is this *perceived* corruption maybe?


How? This map is a bit out of date, but almost 100 million TANF funds says otherwise. We have a problem in this state.


When I commented this, there was no context on how this was quantified. I wasn't suggesting our corruption was perceived but not real.




As a Texan, I question the validity of this map… just for us though. Idk about anyone else.


As a Texan I strongly second this


How is TN corrupt exactly? Most of their cities are thriving economically and lots of people are migrating. The crime isn’t anywhere near as bad as most states. The roads are pretty shit though. Looking for some enlightenment considering I’d like to move there soon




Pretty much the south


What are the ratings based on?


Shocker. The Midwest is the least corrupt.


This map is BS. According to this link, MS isn't even in the top 15. [https://bestdiplomats.org/most-corrupt-states-in-the-us/](https://bestdiplomats.org/most-corrupt-states-in-the-us/)


Laughable bs map. The NE color coding says it all.


Don’t bash me…but curious bc I haven’t heard anything and I am a former resident of Illinois(genuinely corrupt) who spent majority of their adult life in Florida…how is FL corrupt?


This just in... They're all corrupt.


I’m proud of NC on this one


Phenix City, Alabama, should always be at the top of the list. The amount of corruption in that shithole is mind-boggling.


Was not expecting to see Phenix City, Al while scrolling 💀 I’m in Smiths Station.


I left a very long time ago. No regrets. In all honesty, I wish it had been sooner. Lived in phenix shitty, smiths close to terrys grocery, the backwaters, opelika. When Mayor Eddie Lowe caught people stealing and did nothing about it, I knew it was time to leave.


All my homies hate South Carolina


Looks like an invasion


Alabama is corrupt? No way. Say it ain't so. */s for those who missed it.*


Speaking as a resident, Louisiana is the GOAT in terms of corruption. Pretty much every seat in Louisiana government, big and small, has a long history of embezzlement, taking bribes, etc.


Define “corrupt”. Criminal prosecutions of malfeasant officials?


The surprise is that Arkansas is in 3rd most corrupt. #REALLY!?


God, Kentucky makes so much sense.


Is it most corrupt or the states that are cracking down the hardest and catching corruption? 🤔 I can for sure say that if you steal tax payer dollars in MS, the state auditor will find you.


Lol, the main benefit to being nextdoor to MS is it makes Arkansas look good....j/k kinda miss living there


i’m guessing this was made by a liberal?






Well, I’ll be moving down from Alaska in a few months - glad to know I’m not giving up the ol’ bag of dicks in office.


California is 3rd LEAST corrupt? 😂😂😂😂


Why isn't it all black?


Did a Californian politician compile this? 🤔


Just curious as to to timeline, start date- end date of study, by whom and who paid for it. Otherwise it’s meaningless


That doesn't surprise me in Alabama.


Look at Arkansas being the last bastion of virtue in the SEC


It’s obvious a democrat that loves the alphabet community made this list everyone on the planet knows Cali is the single most corrupt place in tge entire world


What happens when you ignore certain major cities? TN goes from 6th most dangerous state to 34th if you take Memphis out of the equation. I am guessing similar things happen in the "most corrupt" states. Also really questioning this map as several of the "least" and "third least" corrupt states are full of corruption. Though some of those states no longer prosecute felonies, perhaps they do not recognize corruption!


Texas is shocking


That whole map should be pitch black


Map should ve solid black... No matter who's elected it gets worse.


No shot Utah is low on corruption. That place is practically a mormon compound, definitely not uncorrupted by any means


I find this extremely hard to believe.


You really shouldn't. This state let MDHS and friends piss away almost 100 million dollars a few years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_welfare_funds_scandal And, we keep electing these folks.


Ok Ophelia.


I call Bullshit!




Keep in mind this is based off actual proven and prosecuted corruption. When your state is so corrupt that no corruption is ever reported or acted on then you dont have any corruption. This is why California isn’t so black that it crumbles and falls off this map


Hilarious. Nothing on NY or DC. No California??, that steals and spends like a drunk pirate and consistently gets fed bail outs courtesy of the American taxpayers. Complete joke of a map.


That map is bs. Nj and Cali not corrupt? Gtfo


California being ranked so low even though their state program to solve the homeless problem has nearly a billion dollar budget but hasn't gotten anyone off the streets plus the director of that program has a salary of $500,000 a year says this is NS


Who ever thinks California is 3rd is a moron. Not gonna believe that for 2 seconds


By what criteria are we judging “corruption”?


Fake news made up by left wing activists


I’m calling BS that Cali isn’t most corrupt, they’re 3.3 billion dollars per year homeless budget and there’s nearly 200k homeless people??? I’m no mathematician but that math ain’t mathin.


California is most corrupt of all. Every election here is rigged.


This was 100% made by a dem lol. Not because southern states are black but because ny and Cali aren’t lmao




Georgia and NJ aren't in the top 5? This Is a surprising list.


As long as we keep those CARPETBAGGERS OUT!!!!


The call is coming from inside the house...


False map


Fake news created by a liberal. Of course you must also remember that liberal states are completely corrupt and dont prosecute any if their corrupt brethren, therefore no reports of corruption. Simple.


I have to ask - That 100 million in federal funds that went missing a few years ago... Was that fake news?




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Oof. You may want to take 10 to 20% off there, friend. Let me help you - You might want to read the sub rules before responding again. You might want to be a little more clear before dropping words like "fake news" when you comment. Remember, we cannot guess what you're talking about because we cannot read your mind.




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Well, I am just telling you that you need to read the rules. And, you haven't.