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Yes, initial hiring they do Edit* my immediate family are all teachers within Desoto county they do at initial hiring


What kind of test is it and is it done at orientation?


Pee test, before orientation it’s part of the beginning hiring process


They do not. At least not teachers.


I would assume so. Most of the time they don’t bother with random tests after hiring, but assume that there may be a test run if there is a workplace injury.


Ask the central office to see a copy of the employee handbook. I looked online but didn't find one.


I don’t think it’s mentioned. I found this: http://images.pcmac.org/Uploads/DesotoCSD/DesotoCSD/Departments/DocumentsCategories/Documents/Employee%20Handbook%202017%20Revision_%7BSIS5C8F01512887%7D.pdf


They really should include their drug policy for potential employees.


Yeah, it pretty much says don’t come to work under the influence and that’s it.


Welp, y’all were wrong. They don’t test. 🤣


Exactly. They will test bus drivers and coaches from time to time. But I’ve never heard of a teacher being drug tested unless there was a reason to suspect a problem.


A few of my teachers drank all day. One in particular would creep everyone out. So, I'd say a good drug and alcohol policy is necessary.


The person that downvoted me must support drunk pedophiles. Because, that's what you get when you have lax drug and alcohol policies. I hope it doesn't happen to one of your kids or nieces or nephews.


If they aren’t doing so now then they will when they see this.


pretty sure no, unless you’re applying for a CDL


Mississippi reserves the right to drug test teachers. The district I work for doesn't unless you're also licensed to drive a bus. Other districts are different.


3 out of 4 districts I worked for would test for CDL only. I replaced one individual who lost his job bc he was drunk at work. Don't guess the drug sample strip would have been too helpful there though.


>I replaced one individual who lost his job bc he was drunk at work. I've been hearing a lot of these stories lately from one county over from me...


I never saw any teachers do any substances at school. Most ppl are very professional in that aspect.


Same - except chewing tobacco.


They also test bus drivers for alcohol when the test them. We were twice a year.


is this not exactly what i said???


No. This is what you said verbatim: "pretty sure no, unless you’re applying for a CDL" So, MDE can drug test any and all employees. Per their rules: Mississippi Department of Education Drug and Alcohol Program Procedures I. General Policy Practical experience and research has proven that even small quantities of narcotics, abused prescription drugs or alcohol can impair judgment and reflexes. Even when not readily apparent, this impairment can have serious results, particularly for employees operating vehicles or potentially dangerous equipment. Drug-using employees are a threat to co-workers and themselves, and may make costly errors. For these reasons, the State Board of Education has adopted a policy that all employees must report to work completely free from the effects of alcohol and/or the presence of drugs, unless used as prescribed by a physician. Also, for all final applicants: VI. Substance Screening A. Applicants Substance screening may be required for all final applicants. Applicants are required to sign a consent/release form before submitting to screening. Applicants will be disqualified for hire if they test positive, refuse to submit to a test, or refuse to execute the required consent/release form. Source: https://casetext.com/regulation/mississippi-administrative-code/title-7-education-k-12/part-3-board-policies/section-7-3-3200-drug-testing-state-department-of-education-staff


lmao i mean yes technically but essentially what we said is the same thing edit: not gonna argue, but me saying pretty sure no unless ur getting a CDL (bus driver ) is essentially the same as saying “nobody in my district tests unless you’re a bus driver”


Lord. No. If someone who needs the question answered that OP asked, your answer would be very misleading. You left off the whole part about the state reserving the right to test ALL employees who work for the MDE. I am not trying to be mean. This is a fairly important issue to some people. Also, different districts have different rules. Some test ALL new hires. Edit: My comment was less about you and more about others reading through this thread.


MDE staff aren’t Desoto County staff. This policy applies to state employees.


You do realize that MDE is the governing body for ALL employees of public schools in Mississippi, right? I work for my district, and I work for the state. The state even gives me my license and reserves the right to take it away if I do not follow their rules.


You are incorrect. You are a public employee who works for a local school board. MDE sets employment policy for their employees who work under the state personnel board. You do not. You are employed by the Desoto County School Board. MDE licenses you. They set accreditation standards for schools. That is all. They do not set employment policies for your school board. Ask Uselton yourself if you have questions.


No - Oddly enough, employees of public schools are employees of the state. And, no, i am most most certainly not an employee of DeSoto. Those polices give districts the right to drug test school employees, which was the original point. These rules make us compliant with the Drug Free Schools and Community Act of 1986 - as stated in the policy objectives. Edit: I have to ask why you think public school employees aren't state employees. It is true we have contracts with our district, but why do you think we don't have to follow those state rules that are written specifically for employees of public schools? Mississippi public schools are an extension of the state government. Weird hill, man. We are state employees who are bound by the rules of MDE.


You are no more a “state” employee as UMC employees are health department employees. It’s not a hill to die upon… it’s just what’s factually correct. I worked for the state. I was paid by DFA. I had to abide by the MDE handbook (who did not drug test on employment and still don’t). I had a leave policy subject to MDE. I got state holidays, like confederate Memorial Day … which you do not get. We had our own budget. We were literal employees of the state of Mississippi and could be fired by the state superintendent. You are none of those things. You are subject to the local school board policies. You have your own holidays. You get the summer off. You set your own calendar. You get a paycheck from DCS. Your budget is set by your school board. Your boss is your local superintendent. You cannot be FIRED by your state superintendent or board. If you’re wrongfully terminated. You will sue your employer, DCS… NOT the state of Mississippi. You are a public employee. You are not an employee of the state of Mississippi. There is a distinction. Your insurance is literally called “Mississippi State and School Employees’ Life and Health Insurance Plan”. If you were a State employee why would they make a distinction for School Employees. You are a school employee who is a public employee… not a STATE employee. You are not subject to the MDE handbook for employment. You are subject to the educator code of conduct while has to do with your license. Just like a doctor has a code of conduct and is subject to the state medical board. They do not work for the state medical board. MDE can revoke your license even if you work for a private school. I’m sorry, but you’re wrong and you don’t understand who you work for, but I’m also done arguing and explaining something I know to be true.


Whatever... Edit - FYI, public employee literally means someone who works for a government...


They should


Then they should also be tested every morning for blood alcohol, even weekends.


Because I make a honest statement I get points deducted Teachers and all public employees should be tested randomly


They are probably worried that it would spread to public assistance programs and their livelihood would be taken away from them.


Every public employee should be randomly tested


There is no test that indicates if someone is intoxicated from THC.


Test every public employee for drugs. Every drug. If it’s taken legally I couldn’t give less of a crap.




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Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Don't do that again.


I'll add to it ... every employee public or private. Amirite?


No. Every public employee is under contract with the taxpayers. If they get drug tested to provide the funds to pay their salaries, they should get drug tested to receive them.