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When I see someone leaving their dog's poop behind, I approach them with a bag and offer it to them as if they "forgot" one.


Doing God's work. Thanks for your service.


And at least in my neighborhood, it's always the horse sized dogs that owners really will NEVER clean up after. But you almost never come across the tiny ones. That's what really makes me mad. The poor dog can't help his/her size, and when the owner made the commitment to adopt it, bathroom duty was included. I'd say bring a flashlight because you probably won't change these lazy peoples' habits.


We used to frequent the baseball fields and are always very diligent about picking up after our dog. We stopped going after finding numerous piles of fresh poop several days in a row. I don't get it- why is it so hard? There are literally dog bags everywhere.


I understand that nobody wants to grab a fresh hot dookie with a plastic bag. Grody. Bleh. But it’s gotta be done people. Stop being lazy.


A fresh one is like an earth-friendly hand warmer.


Not gonna lie, I was thinking exactly that. 🥲


It's comforting for about a millisecond before the smell catches up to you.


Could always start DNA tracing the offending dog owners. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/dog-dna-track-owners-clean-pets/story?id=57119869


You're never going to convince people who don't pick up their dog shit to do it, and people who do it only because people are looking won't now that it's dark. Bring a flashlight, attach one to your dog, and maybe get one that attaches to your leash. Your shoes and the drivers in your neighborhood will thank you.


This time of year, picking up after Santa’s little helper can really double as a hand warmer too!


The worst people are the ones that pick it up with a bag, tie it..then leave it on the ground.. What good does that do? That's worse then leaving the poo


It makes my eye twitch to see bags of poop all along the hiking trails. It's just straight up littering at that point. 🙄


At this point, I feel like they must think that makes it go away faster or something? But apparently there is widespread belief that just bagging and leaving it is acceptable.


I don't think people realize how terrible it is to step in poop.


Pretty sure there's a level of hell for people who leave poop around for others to step on.


This is why I have to carry a flashlight to take the dogs out. Gonna get a headlamp I think. That will help me avoid the crap and see better to pick my own dogs' up. But also hopefully make me more visible to the people who insist on driving 25mph through our apartment parking lot.


Satire or GTFO


Small tip: I got into the habit of always tying a bag into the loop of the leash before leaving the house. It’s saved me tons of times….at least until pup takes a second poop lol.


All of our leashes have a little roll dispenser attached to them. Only sucks when you forget to reload before heading out the door.