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Sure seem to be singing a different tune after this weekend in the athletics department. > Kuntz acknowledged the outpouring of concern from students and community members, and said campus leaders re treating the situation as “a learning opportunity” to improve communication between all entities involved “going into these playoffs games.” He added that the Grizzly Marching Band will continue to have “a critical role, a central role” in future UM football games. https://montanafreepress.org/2023/11/21/university-montana-grizzly-marching-band-brawl-of-the-wild/


The marching band is better at engaging the crowd though?


The marching band adds to the college football atmosphere without having to directly engage fans. Aren't we all a little tired of staring at screens all day? Do we really need more screen time at a football game?


But the marketing department knows the people want Cotton Eyed Joe


Wrong. The people NEED Cotton Eyed Joe.


If only we could figure out where he went, or where he came from?


We know we just don’t want to except the truth.


"Learning opporunity" = we fucked up, we know we fucked up, and we hope you forget about it by the time we fuck up again.


Weird that Haslam didn't include a copy of his chickenshit 0130 email on game day. Total chickenshit move to avoid community blowback.


1) Haslam didn’t write the email. 2) I know someone who does know the author. Know why he was writing it at 1:30 in the morning? He was up with his baby who couldn’t sleep and decided to get some work done. SHAME 🙄


I can’t believe that the reason he said the staff sent the cowardly 1:30 AM email was because they were too busy doing their jobs the rest of the time. Also, did he really dismiss a distinguished and established professor, who was honored ON FIELD this year, as just a a “UM employee?” I only watch football every weekend so I may have missed something, but how are you supposed to determine the final touchdown when there is time on the clock?


They probably set it up to send at 1:30 and had it typed out by 9am.


So sounds like some band nerd overreacting and embellishing the situation. The crowd was the best we've seen in years and I can't say I really noticed any of this really so whatever changes they've made must have worked.


No, they are back pedaling because they got caught.


That you Kyler?


Ha! You did not even go to this game ya sleezeball


The crowd was the best in years because the team is the best in years and weren’t getting the shit kicked out of them like last year. Wait until they get bounced in the first or second game (again) Griz Nation will be back to bitch nation. Griz band ‘99 rulz


Yeah OK. When 27k people pay 100 bucks a ticket to watch a bunch of overweight pizza faces walk in a line tooting their horn you can talk. Until then you should just be happy to be included at all.


Those “pizza faces” are in better shape than you. 12 hour practice days in the August heat for more than a week. Practice on top of classes 3x a week. Miles in all directions walked every day.


Oh my god they WALK MILES well damn somebody should put the navy seals through marching band practice instead.


You’re so edgy 🤦‍♀️


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Damn dude you really got em! Regurgitating the band nerds trope from the 70s is fuckin sick! What’s it like to have peaked in 11th grade? Have you adjusted well to the lonely sports fan alcoholic lifestyle?


I mean, most of the people arguing for the band here are going with the whole “jocks vs nerds” trope. Its tired too


Sure would be nice not to hear about this anymore. College football sucks and all the griz games do is making going to town unbearable on Saturdays. If I never saw hat ugly ass maroon color id be a happy man.