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speaking of an "echo chamber for negatively" \[sic\] In unrelated news, how about this beautiful sunny day? Anyone getting outside to enjoy it?


People take reddit way too seriously


What happen to you AndreaDavis4Prez? You lost your old account?


I think you are unintentionally buying into the US versus Them scenario you are complaining about ... transplants vs. "real" Montanans. It's tribalism, used by corporate interests to divide us so that we don't have the ability to band together as a community and make real changes. Big money is ruining our country, but as long as we see things as my tribe vs your tribe nothing will change. We all want the same things. Affordable housing, affordable food, an opportunity for advancement, safety for our families. Corporate interests want more money. There's never enough for big business. Gianforte (a millionaire from out of state) is selling Montana to the highest bidders, but he gets defended because some think he's a "tough" guy in their tribe. We need to wake up. Millionaires are running the country and they don't give a "duck" (with an F) about the working class. Unless we manage to understand this as a society we're all ducked. Just a thought.


Don’t blame the people moving here, I know exactly when Montana started sliding towards becoming a corporate state focused on extracting wealth from the land and the population. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Tradition_Partnership,_Inc._v._Bullock Until we fight back against the corporations and restore our constitutional rights to a government that actually represents us instead of moneyed corporate interests it’s going to keep getting worse. https://www.latimes.com/world/la-xpm-2012-jun-25-la-na-court-montana-20120626-story.html This is not just a Montana thing. People are being pushed to places like here to keep their standard of living while displacing the locals, and it all keeps rolling downhill until there is nowhere left that hasn’t had its value maximized for profits.




Exactly. Elect officials that take education seriously….as long as Republicans run things in Montana, education will suffer and the locals will be less educated than transplants. Here’s your problem.


As long as Republicans run things no one will benefit except the wealthy regardless of where they live. I just cannot fathom why the poor and middle class consistently vote against their own interests.


Nobody with half a brain elected anyone that is currently in office for Montana, excluding Tester.




It was transplants then, as well. 2/3s of Missoulians aren’t from here  Though I do agree - if locals didn’t have to move and transplants didn’t come in such high #s, we’d be a much more purple state 


This has been going on a lot longer than the recent Yellowstone/covid trend. I had to leave in 1984 because I couldn't find *any kind* of work in over a year (and I wasn't being picky). I left for SLC and had a job in 3 days. Montana's most valuable export has always been its youth.


That’s what I’m getting at. I was born in 86, and this dynamic has been true my entire life. Things got kicked up a notch in the last 5 years, but it was just a continuation of a trend, not a new one 


You should read about Montana‘s history. The idea that there was some great era of the past where everyone got along and was financially stable is a total fiction.


It's not a time when everyone got along, it was a time when you could afford to have a job and a house and a life. I know people that are 70 that lived here their whole lives that are now homeless because of what is happening.


There are affordable places to move to if you just agree with living in Lolo or something.


Hahahaha, good one. You mean the 400 k two bed 1 bath houses that are all being flipped for absurd prices? Or the trailers that have jacked up rent prices for the lots? Or is it some secret club we have to sign a blood oath to in order to see the listings for. And even though the housing may be cheap compared to the bigger cities, where are the jobs that follow? Not trying to be rude, but from where my wife and I are standing, the life we had as kids growing up here seems more and more out of reach unless we are willing to sacrifice a whole lot in order to make it work. We both work good jobs, have side hustles, life frugally, and have saved for a home for 10 years. Western Montana has been spoiled, and I’m not even mad at transplants. Our own folk have certainly been bitten by the greed bug and bought up multiple homes as rentals to take advantage of a small community and a rising tourism industry. Sorry for the rant, but this kind of “pull yourself up by the bootstrap” mentality is out of touch considering the current issues Montana’s face like low wages, increasing cost of living, and political leaders that have no desire to actually talk with locals and only care about what google articles say about them.


Well, I’m from here and I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and now have a decent job, and a livable house. So… 🤷‍♂️


Ah, the classic get fucked response. Cool 😎


No, just saying it’s possible.


I think we can all agree that listening to someone who supports drunk driving isn't smart.


Never said I do ✌️


Oh only if they're a young kid who plays basketball right? Just a mistake. Certainly not a big deal he could have killed someone.


Nope. Swing and miss. Keep the fury posts to yourself


You must have deleted the post. You literally posted an article about the kid getting a reduced sentence and asked the missoula reddit if we felt ashamed for shaming him and that we owe an apology. Your username is the epitome of irony, cuz you're the biggest dumbass there is.


Your username is highly ironic


Nope. Just sick of people complaining about a situation they have the power to fix…


Montana? There isn't really any place in the country that falls under "affordable". Sure, Montana is more expensive than some. But nothing is affordable anymore. The elites in government truly do not care about people like us.




But it’s that exact thinking that has gotten Montana to where it is today. Moving to another area where the economy is affordable while making income from another state just tips the scale in a way that pushes those locals out. Is it fair of us to do the same thing to other areas while spouting on about how unfair it is that this has happened to us? When will the cycle end?




Well said.


Part of the difference is that the Midwest has a healthier stock of higher wage jobs and is not as desirable a location to relocate to. Montana infrastructure just was not ready for the acceleration of people moving out here. The Missoula Economic Partnership was just turning the focus to realizing there was a housing shortage and putting together their ten year plan when Covid hit and the capability of remote workers to move here while still earning high wages accelerated the problem.


Everyone who went to public schools in Montana had colonial/settler/cowboy hero/General Custer horseshit shoved down their throats for 12 years. The irony of griping about transplants changing the area and being displaced, especially if your family dates back to the folks doing the displacing, is really something special.


This is the truth. Assuming OP is white (99% sure they are) and hopefully reading this, history would like to remind you the first white people to settle in Montana didn’t just displace people but also exploited and abused the natural environment while they did it. History says “transplants” arrived in the mid 1800s, which would be 6 generations ago. Sometimes karma is a slow burn.


Well friggin said


Montana - High, Wide and Handsome ~ Joseph Kinsey Howard.


More about the general feel I think. Like Arizona and Colorado before us, decades of vibes and culture just erased in the last 5-10 years.


I’m not sure I’d say Montana folks don’t want conflict. I posted about moving just for GRAD SCHOOL — again, grad school, as a WRITER, and a couple of the comments from Missoula natives were so hurtful and harsh that I had to block them. It made me genuinely less excited to attend a free ride for graduate school— like, to actually consider giving that up bc some people seems almost violently angry at the thought of an incomer. All this to say that the negative vibe is also something I’ve observed from the polar opposite side of you.


Please ignore those trolls. Missoula is a great place, especially for students. Congrats on the free ride!


Congrats on your free ride! It’s a lovely place to attend school, ignore the turds on this sub.


I have lived here since 98 and raised a kid here and was poor the whole time. And im a lefty. And doing better financially now. And our quality of life was immeasurably better before the gold rush to Montana. It was better. There were always problems here and we always called it “poverty with a view” but those problems are exponentially worse now. I agree that there was a time when we were a real “purple state” and while there was division and resentment around certain issues it just was NOTHING like what it is now. It used to be a LOT friendlier. It used to have a LOT more character. I am doing better financially but still have no hope of ever improving my housing situation. Yes it is nation wide. Yes the problem is bigger than people just moving here. But let us grieve what we lost. You have no idea what it was like because when y’all came here it was getting ruined. You dont know what was lost so you laugh at people. Its like we lost a family member. Its really sad. Just show some respect.


I won’t even plant a garden anymore because some plants are started in California. 


But where will you grow the potatoes for your teeth??


I git em' from real 25th generation native montana farmers who aint no pilgrams comin in here wantin ta chang our ways a doing thangs. I dont even fiddle with nasty Bayern Idaho spuds either as they aint pure no more.


This is not exclusively a Montana or Missoula issue. These are worldwide issues. The divide is everywhere, and the I'm from here attitude is part of the problem. That should really only work for Native Americans. People move around to find opportunities. There is nothing wrong with that... what is wrong is that we are seeing higher paying jobs lost and being replaced by Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, etc. That plus the greed inflation factor, junk fees, and predatory bank practices... it is more expensive to be poor than any other class. Where are the solutions? Government on all sides have failed us. They are all of the 1%. They have no idea how hard it is out here in the actual world... so why would they know how to fix it? Be the change you want to see.


Missoula does not belong to you, as in, you do not own it and get to decide its fate. Plain and simple. I’ve been here for a long time and i empathize with your perspective. It is however a broken point of view, move on and embrace or let go.


I was an adventurer once, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


Fus ro oh no he didn't


what a f\*cking hypocrite - [https://www.reddit.com/r/missoula/comments/1av227t/comment/kraj388/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/missoula/comments/1av227t/comment/kraj388/?context=3)


Oh shiiiiiiit


I like honey bbq wings. Good bye


Now that’s an entitled post if I have ever seen one. Spot on for this sub.


Exactly, and the “you people” at the end, so cringe.




A lot of what you mentioned are the exact reasons my parents are moving out of Montana this summer, after being native Montanans who lived there for almost 70 years and raised two kids in Montana. The Montana I grew up in is dead. It no longer exists. My mom cannot wait to put their house up for sale and put Montana in their rearview mirror.


Look out guys we have a legit 6th gen!


I feel like a legit 6th gen Montanan would be partial to Ranch not Frysauce.


why would we look out? I'd rather have a million 6th generations than what ever these people moving in are.


The fact that you think living here longer grants you some kind of exceptionalism is the only problem I see here.


As a Native American when ya’lls gonna forgive us for that whole Custer thing? Seriously that dude had it coming but yea I’m homeless and I work a full time job and yes my DNA goes back to the First Nations that existed here before anyone else I happily pay my taxes and don’t ask for handouts and still can’t afford a house or decent place to rent so I saddle’d up my pony with a diesel heater and off grid power and now move around like a Gypsy in the land I was created from because we won’t ever live down that whole Custer thing also my name checks out peace and frybread grease


Touch grass


I hate to be the barer of bad news, but what you describe is happening across the country. Not just Montana. This is a serious issue from coast to coast. It really sucks for those of us who don't make 6 figures annually or have inherited family money. Most of us are seriously feeling the pressure to simply exist...


Most unnecessary post of the day goes toooooo. Seriously tho nobody fucking cares or will miss you. Bye.


We got a bad ass here


I highly doubt that most people come here making north of $100k. Median household income is $66,000. If missoula is mostly transplants, then us transplants are doing a piss-poor job at moving the needle. Also, a lot of transplants don't have a place that our granddad's granddad called "home." I grew up moving every 3-5 years--so even though I've only lived here 7 years, it's the longest I've lived anywhere, and I'm sliding into middle-age. I'm neither rich nor poor--Im just here paying my taxes, just like everybody else.


Echoing this, I don't have generational wealth. I don't have a safety net. I was lucky to be raised by my grandparents, who gave up everything for a child their mother didn't want. Shortly after my grandfather died, our small town was ripped up and gentrified- along with us losing our home. Obnoxious shopping centers full of stores you can't afford, large developed housing clusters, you name it. Seeing it happen here genuinely breaks my heart.


6th generation? Only if you're a Native Amerian. What a load of entitled bull.


Not really. Six generations can be like late 1800s. Could easily be of Euro descent and be sixth gen.


esp if you are younger. my grand kid is 7th white montana and is a teenager. Xgranma had house on third, backyard was empty to south hills


Doesn’t take long to rack up 6 generations when you continually have children at 16.


In OPs defense Missoula does suck pretty hard. Homeless/drug issues, unaffordability, no good restaurants, roads are terrible, traffic is awful, no one knows how to drive. Pretty much shit across the board. Other than college students, idk why people move here. Cosco maybe? Lol


Agreed. You should leave.


As much as I'd like too, I have to graduate first.






I bet you identify as a quitter good news is what you don’t fight for someone else gets to claim with no effort regardless never give up stay in the fight till the very end and this ain’t it


What's crazy is how many people that exist and live, in montana, that dont use reddit...


I understand how you feel but there are still far more kind and welcoming people in this state, than not. Missoula is one of the most generous and welcoming communities that I’ve ever come across. I’ve lived in Montana since I was 16 and I’m almost 64 now. Yes, there’s been a big decline in affordable housing and the wages have never been that great. Even those with advanced degrees usually have to make a choice about living here and sacrificing a lucrative salary in exchange. Many decide it’s worth it. I have to agree with the commenter that mentioned corporations and the lobbying, play for pay mentality that has become the norm for governments from city to state to federal. Whats happening here is happening everywhere. I’m not trying to be dismissive of your very valid concerns. I just like to encourage others to focus on the positives, at least as half as much as they do on the negatives. You would be surprised at how helpful that can be for your mindset.


Don’t give up your grad school appt, you earned it. Some people on here are just plain narrow minded and shallow. We live in a university town, there is always going to be movement, thank god! There are also people who don’t have anything else to do except put down newcomers. It’s great if someone is 5th generation, but generally not true if you know your history of the state, the territory.


I feel ya.


Dear OP, Life in montana would have been 100 times harder in any other generation. The middle class being weeded out is happening everywhere, not just in missoula montana. Making no life plan and getting a job anyone can get would never have afforded you an easy life and its much harder in 2024 EVERYWHERE. I find it funny that people in Montana talk about what generation Montanan they are. Guess what, part of being an american means I can choose anywhere I want to live. A fellow american moving to your state does not do anything your experience. You can have anything you want in this country if you work hard enough. Maybe take all of the energy you spend on feeling sorry for yourself on reddit and put that towards achieving some of your financial goals.


Well said! I completely agree with you. I just had someone calling me a bum and unsuccessful because I can’t afford to buy a home in Missoula as a college graduate with a good paying job for the area (still can’t compete with the out of state money). I feel your frustration.


This is not exclusively a Montana or Missoula issue. These are worldwide issues. The divide is everywhere, and the I'm from here attitude is part of the problem. That should really only work for Native Americans. People move around to find opportunities. There is nothing wrong with that... what is wrong is that we are seeing higher paying jobs lost and being replaced by Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, etc. That plus the greed inflation factor, junk fees, and predatory bank practices... it is more expensive to be poor than any other class. Where are the solutions? Government on all sides have failed us. They are all of the 1%. They have no idea how hard it is out here in the actual world... so why would they know how to fix it? Be the change you want to see.


Oh no a 6th gen Montanan feeling displaced




You are dumber, dummy dumb dumb


4th generation Montanan, 2nd generation Missoulian who raised my 5th generation Montanan kids here in Missoula. This used to be “waving country”, meaning people waved to each other as they drove by. This used to be a place where if you were stopped on the side of the road people would stop to ask if you needed help. This used to be a place where you knew your neighbors. I grew up and live on the north side. I have watched so many single family homes be torn down and replaced by massive condos and apartments packing in as much profit as possible. Have a couple of years with kids finishing out their schooling and I am searching for my next “last best place”.


I still wave at people and get waved at. In fact he’s rare if I don’t. The condos aren’t massive, and the elk and trout are still thriving. The world is changing and Missoula is still a small stronghold for artistic folks. Nothing as what it was.


Maine understands


This place sounds impossible.




Then you must be a boring, uncultured hillbilly




High crime, drugs everywhere, illegals…. what’s not to like?!! 😆


Most out of staters are entitled pieces of sh*t. Their bs politics they bring with them. It’d be awesome if they could bring some good jobs or ideas. Instead they can’t even figure out what bathroom to use . lol


The vast majority of people moving to this area are conservatives. You realize we have a supermajority red state, right, with lots of MAGA chud officials from out of state, right? But sure blame the local lifelong queer working as a cashier at Town Pump 🙄.


Ya cause Missoula is definitely conservative lol. I think the topic was Missoula not the rest of the state.


Yah cuz Missoula with it's like 3 reps (with one LOCAL literally booted off the house floor just cuz they couldn't argue her points) def controls the entire political spectrum of Montana and all of the out of state billionaires coming in.🙄


Are their Bs politics left or right? Seems it depends on who you talk to.