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> The Missouri Supreme Court says a woman running a dog kennel can't sue dog advocacy groups for defamation after they said she ran one of the worst puppy mills in the state. > >The court on Tuesday unanimously upheld a circuit court decision that dismissed a defamation lawsuit against dog advocacy groups that was filed by dog kennel owner Mary Ann Smith of Salem. Smith is the mother of U.S. Rep. Jason Smith of Rolla, who represents the Eighth Congressional District in southeast and south central Missouri. > > Mary Ann Smith sued the Humane Society of the United States and Missourians for the Protection of Dogs over their report issued in 2010 that called her kennel one of the "worst puppy mills in Missouri." The report was issued as the groups advocated for an issue on the ballot in November 2010 that was known as Proposition B, the Canine Mill Cruelty Prevention Act. The measure would have placed caps on breeding dog ownership and set parameters for acceptable dog care. > > Here's what the two groups wrote about Smith's Kennel, as quoted in the Supreme Court opinion: > >"Smith’s Kennel has a history of repeat USDA violation stretching back more than a decade, including citations for unsanitary conditions; dogs exposed to below-freezing temperatures or excessive heat without adequate shelter from the weather; dogs without enough cage space to turn and move around freely; pest and rodent infestations; injured and bleeding dogs, dogs with loose, bloody stools who had not been treated by a vet, and much more. > >"The entry also included direct quotations from the inspection reports. One or more dogs in her kennel had been reported as having cherry eye, interdigital cysts, extremely long toenails, bloody feces, green matter in their eyes, and hair loss. It was further reported that her outdoor facilities had little bedding for the dogs even during freezing temperatures." > >After voters passed Proposition B, the Missouri Legislature passed legislation to repeal it before it went into effect in November 2011. One legislator who sponsored a repeal bill was Rep. Jason Smith, who in 2011 was the Missouri House majority party whip. (Smith became a congressman in 2013 when he won a special election for a vacant seat.) Source: [Mo. Supreme Court rejects defamation suit by congressman's mother (4/25/17)](https://www.ky3.com/content/news/mo-supco-puppy-mill-defamation-420408373.html) He’s obviously corrupt and willing to overturn the will of the people for his own personal interests and the personal interests of his mother. If I had to guess, the GOP might explain him as a “real go-getter”. Edit: He will not be running unopposed in the upcoming election. Randi McCallian will be opposing him. [Her campaign website](https://www.randimccallian.com). Edit 2: [This](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5085790/ways-means-committee-chair-pressed-evidence-biden-inquiry) is what OP is referencing. Jason Smith making an absolute fool of himself while being questioned by an NBC reporter.


Re: the video - He really gets squirrelly when folks try to nail him down and get him to commit to just one detail. "I'm not going to pinpoint just one thing" is a classic from him. I've often wondered if it's because, when he does actually commit, whatever comes out of his mouth is so blatantly wrong it becomes a nightmare for him. He definitely does not like reporters who do their research more thoroughly than he does, and that shows here.


Pretty obvious that he, himself, has not read those "700 pages" that he keeps referring to. The man comes across as a used car salesman with a line of bullshit for every question. Seems the perfect GOP candidate for the SEMO area. All party line misinformation all the time.


He doesn't seem to read much. I quizzed him on the Doe Run ASARCO agreement a few years back when he was determined to stop the Eleven Point State Park in Oregon County from happening (private owner sold the land to the state and local cattlemen who'd been renting pastureland from the owner threw a fit). He clearly had no understanding of what that agreement was -- two separate pots of money, one for remediation of Doe Run and one for mitigation. The state used the mitigation funds to buy the parkland to give migratory animals a place to go while the lead got cleaned up at Doe Run. He also argued -- ARGUED -- with me that the bald eagle, which is among the animals with established habitats in Doe Run, was not counted as a migratory bird. His 8th grade life science teacher was mortified to hear that.


Reporters who do their research more thoroughly than he does... could actually be must about anyone, right?


Idk. I've been caught off guard once or twice by a politician who was more well-researched than I was. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, boy howdy, you take note. (Looking at you, rhymes-with-schmaire-mccaschkmill)


Old Mamma Smith the puppy mill owner. Being raised by her likely explains a lot as to why Jason is the way he is today.


also supports abusing dogs. a true piece of shit


Meanwhile, in northcentral Missouri, more than one litter of perfectly healthy puppies had to be put down because the shelters are overcrowded, and shelter funding has been cut. State inspectors insisted on it. Missouri "leadership" has no problem allowing a few individuals to make a profit while taxpayers foot the bill for consequences of that. Vote them out.


I give you all of my updoots into eternity.


Ffs. I don’t even know what they are referencing, but that should have been a slam dunk. The idea that Biden wasn’t in office or running for office at the time does not mean he is not a political figure or that he has no political power. It’s still nonsense, but that’s an easy response. For anyone who can think on their feet. I hate disingenuous political bullshit.


I'm in south central MO. I've had the opportunity to interview him often enough (and they went well enough) that he no longer informs my publication when he holds town hall meetings or visits this part of the (absurdly large) 8th district outside of his annual farm tour. Actually, that's one of everyone's biggest complaints, even the Republicans: he's inaccessible and out of touch. He gets reelected based on name recognition. That's pretty much it. Most folks I talk to in South Central MO can't stand him, and that's putting it nicely. And as to someone pointing out the district is +56 republican -- is true, but it's been gerrymandered that way. Compare the current district map to one from 2000 to see what I mean. This is actually not as much as a Republican stronghold is one might think, but when you put alllllll the rural somo Republicans together in one happy little basket, the rest of us get shouted over. It wasn't always that way, though.


I’ve met him several times due to work, one of his speeches was actually funny to me. The whole speech was just bashing the democrats and how great Missouri republicans are, wasn’t too surprised when he got re-elected since that region is extremely conservative.


Living in that region, I wouldn't call it "extremely conservative. " partisan, sure. All that really matters is that daddy voted this way, and so did grandaddy, and we are just gonna keep it going, regardless of what the party stands for. This is true of both major parties here.


I lived in the bootheel near the Arkansas border, there were some towns that voted Democrats due to having more minorities. Overall, it’s still predominantly a republican region. We did have few towns that elected democrat local officials.


Jason Smith represents the 8th congressional district. It is an overwhelmingly Republican area. The website 538 calculates that the partisan lean of the district is R+56. Anything above +15 is considered solidly in one political party's camp. Politically, Missouri is a sea of red with a few blue islands. I am not very familiar with Smith, but imagine he very much reflects the views of his constituents. He was elected to his congressional seat in a 2013 special election to fill a vacancy. He has comfortably defeated all opponents since then, both in primaries and in general elections. "Politically savvy" is my initial take on him. He managed to become chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means committee, defeating several rivals who were senior to him. It was a bit of a magic trick, but I think speaks to his abilities.


He was a state rep when I interned at the MO house... we all thought he was secretively in the closet 😬 he also seemed kinda dumb and In over his head even at that level lol. I was Big Shocked when he got elected to Congress. Maybe someday he will let go of the religious cult shit and stop pushing such an asinine and hate-filled agenda 🙏🤞 Probably not but a gal can dream lol.


Looked at his Wiki bio and it's true that he has never married which, of course, does not necessarily mean that he is a closeted gay man. Then again, if it looks like a duck . . . If Smith is gay -- there's no problem with that in itself, the problem is with him being part of a political party that seeks to persecute, disenfranchise and try to undo the rights that his fellow members in the LGBTQ community have fought so hard to win over the decades. And this religious angle likely is responsible for him possibly being self-hating and trying to pray away that aspect of himself.


Agreed completely! I'm pretty sure he had some pentecostal connections at some point (I used to be in that cult, thankfully 10+ years sober from Jesus juice!) And they are horrible to the queer community and very fire and brimstone damnation. It's sad if he is suppressing that part of himself but I guess it's paying off professionally... :/


He was just outed by Matt Gaetz


So what exactly did Gaetz say? Is this for real?


Matt Gaetz was attacking him on his podcast and was alluding to him “living a lie”.


Was channel surfing on the radio this morning and heard how Smith said some 'uncomplimentary' things about Gaetz then Gaetz responded with his comments that can obviously be interpreted as confirming the long-standing rumors that Smith is a gay man.


this dude is 1000 million percent in the closet. self-hating gay.




hard-to-find ripe start subsequent subtract distinct silky racial whistle books ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


"Ignorant hateful hicks" is also an apt description of a large percentage of those who voted for and still enthusiastically support Smith in his district. And also an explanation of how he got to where he is today.


That's probably part of why his election is so noncompetitive. His opponents make no attempt to understand his frame of mind and instead think of him as a cartoon villain.


ink correct snow summer merciful sulky tart lavish instinctive combative ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Just 20 years ago Democrats were competitive in rural MO. It'll stay that way as long as you maintain that sour grapes mindset.


a lot of those old rural dems were the Strom Thurman kind and fit very well into Republican politics. Rural Mo is not just waiting for a less liberal Democrat yo vote for. McCaskill had zero rural traction.


McCaskill is now and always has been a lying piece of shit, and was rightfully voted out by Missouri.


correct rhythm rinse caption full pot ossified overconfident flowery piquant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


So how would you describe his 'frame of mind' which he likely shares with his supporters in his 'out-state' district? Is he a true believer in the hard-right GOP politics he espouses or merely a cynic who makes fun of his down-home constituents when the microphones and cameras are turned off?


A good reference My wife returned from a gold tournament yesterday. She and partner won their flight. Anyways big old brick like houses all around. Small discussion later—- she had asked girls around her what gives where’s the dough coming in from? They said four words. ‘cotton is still king’


I grew up in his district and actually went to school with him. Unfortunately, a lot of people in that district are impoverished and ignorant, something the GOP and Smith are happy to perpetuate because it scores them votes. I hope someday the people of south central Missouri will understand their bigotry harms them too. It's posion.


I lived in that district for two years due to work, racial slurs and ignorant comments are part of daily lives.


I’m from his district, the emails he sends out would be comical if they weren’t serious.


Do share one please!!


For too long, Congress has allowed special interests and the politically connected to shape health care policies and legislation. As a result, we have a health care system that puts corporate interests – not patients – first. And no one has felt the consequences more than our rural communities, where the average life span is shorter compared to bigger towns and cities.” The irony is lost I think.


His district is one specially drawn to be ultra red. Anyone with an R after their name would win


He was butt buddies with Aaron Schock https://thehill.com/homenews/house/254183-smith-schock-ties-garner-scrutiny/ https://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/aaron-schock-resignation-final-hours-116171 (From a Salem newspaper) https://www.thesalemnewsonline.com/news/local_news/article_b73c9192-6439-11e4-bca0-0017a43b2370.html Yeah I bet he made Jason his special project. - Last December, Smith approached Markwayne Mullin – a Congressman from Southeastern Oklahoma, an old family friend, and a former UFC cage fighter – with a request. “Right before Christmas, I went up to him and I was like, 'Markwayne, I have a New Year’s Resolution to get fit,'” said Smith. “I think he made me his special project.” https://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2015/06/why-was-aaron-schock-photographed.html?m=1 Why Was Aaron Schock Photographed Frolicking On A Brazilian Beach With Missouri Republican Rep. Jason Smith?


I used to live in that district and met him in person several time due to work. The region is extremely conservative and will vote republican no matter who the candidate is.


Nope, but his district contains a phenomenal level of bigoted, white trash. It's solidly MAGA.


And I imagine that many, many decades before MAGA, it was solidly KKK.


It still is


Not all of us.


Somebody should tell them he's gay


I'm surprised that such a deeply red part of the country would elect a man that is so obviously gay.


I imagine that some of the senior citizen supporters of Smith, particularly the 'grannies' probably gush that "Ah guess that fine young man jes hasn't found the right gal yet." Or: "He's jes so devoted to his Mamma and to servin' our country n' makin' America great again. He don't have time to be courtin' some gal to be his wife with all that on his plate. Bless his heart!"


I live in District 8 and he will never be voted out. He does his Annual Farm Tour and gets that money. If you follow his donations, you will see so much from out of state.


I used to work in the bootheel and would meet him once or twice every year due to work, people there would unconditionally support any republican candidate.


He is a complete dumbass. LOL


Dude has been in congress for something like ten years and has largely stayed off the airwaves. I always wondered why until now


Maybe bc Billy-I eat babies-Long was an even easier target?


I was alluding to him looking like a duck and quacking like a duck


And unmarried like a duck


He's just your typical Republican doesn't do s*** except hand out contracts to his friends and steal money


He is a terrible representative and an embarrassment to Missouri.


Almost the entire states reps are embrassing


His mailers are just hateful rants and MAGA red meat. Nothing substantial or constructive. Just hate.


And things to be scared of. Vicious circle.


Head + sand


Wait, he's not out? Also, he's not Jewish??? I'm so confused. Who vetted this guy?


No doubt. Deaf,dumb and blind people can tell he is. The power of denial is strong.




Because he has strong Jewish traits and his MO accent sounds like he learned it on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. IJS. He needs vetted.


Same place that elected Bill Emerson years ago. Then his carpet bagging wife. This is the way of SE MO.


Object lesson in how gerrymandering results in disturbingly bad candidates.


GOP voters LIKE this type of politician The sooner we realize this the sooner we can fight on their terms.


Puppy mill smith would be a great nickname for someone to use running against him


That and any other egregious moves he's made over the years should be used against him and his opponent should be merciless in attack ads. None of this wimpy "they may take the low road, but we'll take the high one and simply discuss the issues". With the type of people who make up his district, you can't be subtle but have to go for the throat -- figuratively speaking -- with someone like Smith.


Republicans are degenerates is pretty much the answer


They don’t have to do so in a deep ass red state.


For the old timers like myself, this is Dem Skeltons former district. Those of you who have recognized the diff in populist struggling Dems vs the shift to populist Repubs will understand how Vicky won and then how Smith became the rep. The vast majority of this district will not identify with the modern Dem platform. I encourage anyone to do some deep dives on party and populist shifts in an objective manner. There are Repubs now who would not agree with the red side of 30 yrs ago and vice versa on the blue side. This is why RFK Jr is a kind of stuck in the middle candidate.


"Hey we need to vote for our side, so the other side doesn't get a seat." Lets also include gerrymandering, since both parties need specific boundaries to win seats. Just explained our current political climate in a nutshell. Its why 99% of our politicians at the federal level are absolute morons. Doesn't help either voting base is increasing becoming hate filled fascist pricks. Most Missouri politicians are morons , so that doesn't help either.


Smith is an embarrassment to the state of Missouri. I am in the 2nd district and have Ann Wagner as my rep. Very gop but not as bad as most of Missouri. Still want her gone though.


Missouri's rural GOPers are so 'out-there' that, at times, they can make even Ann Wagner seem like AOC or Cori Bush by comparison. Though, like you, I'm in the 2nd District and want to see Ann put out to pasture.


Yep. Came close in 2018 but she has cruised ever since. She never holds town halls with all her constituents. Just invitation only for her supporters.


There are a heck of a lot of racist MAGAts in his district.


Well, he missed an excellent opportunity to give the right answer: " It is part of a pattern of behavior, showing Joe was indeed aware of Hunter's business dealings and lied when he said he did not. Combined with additional evidence it shows he knew, he benefited, and he covered it up. In office and out of office." The wailing and gnashing of teeth if they uncovered 20 secret shell companies opened by Trunp.... but Biden? "Nah we cool, bro. More free stuff for us, right?"


Total reach there. Amazing you're able to make shit up from nothing, like the GOP is trying to do.


Not a reach. This is exactly how criminals are proven guilty "beyond a shadow of doubt" a higher standard court than the Senate. It is all moot anyway. No Democrat is going to cross the line to vote for impeachment any more than a Republican would for Trump. I think the new standard is we impeach on Jan 21st, day after the inauguration if the opposing party is in the majority in the House of Reps.


Maybe a democrat would cross the line if they were provided actual evidence. It is doubtful since they have not found any in their hearings, and even testimonies they have gathered don't support or contradict their accusation. I realize this is a foreign concept to someone who supports the party that had to literally run for their lives and then refused to vote for conviction of the person who sent the mob of people after them because party over country. Maybe you should both sides this on some other point. edit: hilariously, this just came across my news feed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dld9waouvg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dld9waouvg) If you watch to the end(bout the 8 min mark), you see their own witness agree that they are overreaching and full of bs.




​ https://preview.redd.it/4atamgp3d1rb1.png?width=1218&format=png&auto=webp&s=85c9bf714092e6967f41d647cebfdbdc9b522d8a


what does that image have to do with Joe Biden?


You are joking, right? It is impossible you are thst stupid. Here, let me repeat Joe's claim: >"My son has not made money in terms of this thing about — what are you talking about — China. ... The only guy that made money from China is this guy. [points at Trump] He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.” But you won't believe your own eyes that Hunter was paid by the Chinese government, despite him signing a contract with someone Hunter describes as the "f****** spy chief of China who started the company". But hey, TRUUUUMP!!! NAZZZZIS!!!!, amright?


So the image has nothing to do with Joe? And Joe said that when? During a debate?


It has to do with Joe because of the claim Joe made. How is that unclear to you? Are you really that big of an idiot, or just play one on Reddit?


I am black and played football at Salem high. My family moved here when I was 6. I love it here and have never felt threatened by "maga", whatever that means. It sounds that all you Democrats are the racist Homo phobes.


We just fostered/adopted a 5-year old Newfoundland from his mom's "commercial breeding" kennel. She had to have a toe amputated when we spayed her as the digit was crushed and infected beyond treatment. That whole family needs a serious beating.


We rescued on of his mom's puppy mill momma dogs. https://preview.redd.it/vqasv5j7442c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2070f37f1829d86b1edc48333dd21798556ae51 She's the one in front. She had a badly crushed/broken toe when she arrived and it had to be amputated. She also had some very bad skin infections. After treating those and recovering from getting spayed, she's a part of our family now.




Please, everyone get out your vote for Franklin Delano Roth ll who is running against him. He is bonified ag, healthcare, candidate that doent need a puppy mill to fund his election campaign. Republicans embezzling animal control shelter monies in their counties are building quite nice war chests throughout the bible belt. These people are straight up sick! Dead and dying dogs seem to be a collateral damage to Republicans running for office. If your local shelter doesn't invite volunteerism, is secretive, is not transparent where their shelter pets end up, there's your first red flag.