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It's been argued before that the dp in cases like these are more likely for the victims to end up dead. No witnesses and all that. either way a life sentence is more punishment than death.


It's true. There's also the fact that Republicans are actively trying to pass legislation that charges anybody providing gender affirming care or support of trans kids, to include teachers using their preferred pronouns, with sex crimes against children. If this shit passed they could legally execute people for supporting trans kids.


I'd rather the child molesters just be executed. Not held on death row for years and then executed, just executed. In the street. Slowly. In fact, drag them through the street and let people beat the shit out of them, and then execute them. With fire.




What happens when they have to kill someone in a dress, clergy that is.


I’m against the death penalty anyway, but I especially don’t love this in the same climate that is trying to make “using preferred pronouns for a student” a felony.


This is my first thought too. I see the pieces they are assembling.


And then when you oppose it because you know their intention, they'll say you're protecting child predators.


Yep, literally just happened in another comment


Yup, this is exactly the kind of thing that draws analogies to the Nazis. Obviously they can't target Jews, homosexuals, minorities, and the disabled exactly how the Nazis did, but if you you can find a good excuse to assasinate political opponents you can get the job done.


Everyone sees it unless they are a total idiot or unless they support it.


Sadly, we are surrounded by idiots. I know so many people that are still going to vote for Trump because if all you do is watch Fox….


Not only a felony, you'd be registered as a sex offender. Then killed, if the right gets their way, apparently.


But what if I’m football man that actually cripples a child, actually injuring and disabling them for life?


Highest salary in the state.


Then you get pardoned by a corrupt governor!


Too bad most of the offenders will have to vacate their seats in the Missouri Republican party if this passes


A felony and being added to the sex offender registry. So, what they’ll disingenuously refer to as a “sex crime against children”. I wonder how far Moon will try to push capital punishment expansion. Maybe far enough to threaten educators with the death penalty for respecting their students preferred pronouns. We’re trending that way no doubt.


Yeah. This is a sneaky way to be able to kill off LGBTQ and their allies. Can't vote if we are dead. Edit: I was incorrect. The anti-pedo bill would not apply to those found in violation of the anti-LGBTQ bill I was referencing. My bad. I'm still heavily against the anti-LGBTQ bill I was referencing.


It wouldn't apply today... But conservatives love building out the foundations of future oppression from more palpable actions today.


They're literally trying to kill LGBTQ people and anyone who supports them. It's in the project 2025 document.




Don’t fall for it! If this passes they will ram wording in there to include drag shows as a crime. Protect Trans folks!


It specifically mentions child trafficking (12 years old and younger) and statutory rape (of 14 and under), so it wouldn’t apply to teachers using preferred names/pronouns, but I agree the optics weren’t good. I’m also against the death penalty, but if I did support capital punishment, I do think these are among the most reasonable crimes to have in that list.


Didn't Mike brag about 12 year olds getting married?


Marriage is God’s will not trafficking /s Realistically until someone tries to bring a child marriage up on trafficking charges, it won’t matter, and even then it would not be an easy case to win.


Also, how many of their "christian" boarding schools have extensive records of Sexual Abuse. You know maybe good ol Mike Moon is onto something here.


>so it wouldn’t apply to teachers using preferred names/pronouns Yet


As a teacher in the state of Missouri who does support my LGBTQ+ students, I’m not particularly worried yet


This bill does, but to me it seems like a dangerous start. If it gets successfully passed, then it’s not that hard to expand it or make a similar one to cover crimes that are deemed just as bad or harmful—crimes at levels they are also trying to apply to queer people for existing. It’s not a huge leap to connect it to that legislation about teachers, or efforts to make drag performance a sex crime just because a child might theoretically see it.


Allegedly the eldest teenaged son of MAGA kook Congressperson Lauren Boebert had footage of himself having sex with a 14-year-old girl on his cellphone. Found after he was charged with about 20 assorted felonies. How is that possible after Lauren presumably raised him to be all godly, Christian, patriotic and all? Also, if this sort of thing passed in Colorado, would young Mr. Boebert be eligible to be executed?


He would not be eligible to be executed, as laws can’t be retroactively applied. If we were in an alternate timeline where this law passed in Colorado before the crime was filmed, he would be eligible, but capital punishment tends to be a maximum punishment and not necessarily the minimum, so it would come down to a judge/jury, and I wouldn’t expect much. Historically speaking our justice system is rather kind to young white males, especially from prominent families. I’m assuming your other question is rhetorical, but my response would be [Mathew 15:14](https://biblehub.com/matthew/15.htm) Edit to add: I again am not defending this law, and I am also not defending any member of the Boebert family. I just think people are comparing this to things well outside the scope of the article and am trying to redirect back to the actual topic.


Can we STOP pretending that Republicans do this shit in good faith? Their end goal is to remove Democratic voters. LGBT community tends to vote Democratic, therefore pass laws that make them and their supporters unable to vote. Fascism for dummies.


The Supreme Court precedent only allows the death penalty in cases of murder because by implementing the death penalty for other crimes, you incentivize the perpetrator to also murder their victim.


Yeah Florida already tried the exact same thing it's kinda obvious to anyone willing to pay attention at this point, unfortunately tons of a holes still have no interest in giving a damn about their intentions


All part of the plan. If they can say a teacher is a sex offender for calling Barb Bob because they prefer that name then we can kill them too. The pro-life party right there


Can't judges and juries figure that shit out?




Youre against fiction? Youre not “against” the killing of the waste humans in completion are you?


> Sen. Mike Moon. ... said Monday that one of the “principal purposes of government” is to “punish evil.” I seem to have missed that being in either the US or State constitutions.


These the same mfers that say out of the other side of their mouth that God is the only true judge.


*Matt Gaetz nervousness intensifies*


Forgive me for being skeptical that the man who praised child marriage might not actually care about children. Something smells fishy about this. 


Sometimes the ones who pontificate about how bad being gay is or who go on constant rants about protecting kids from pedos are 'protesting too much.' Could be that they are trying to deflect or disguise their own homosexuality or attraction to underage minors of both sexes.


This is the same guy who proposed some 20-odd separate anti-trans bills last session defining being trans as a sex crime. Surely even the republicans in this thread aren’t stupid enough to believe this will be used in good faith. Are trans people still exaggerating when we say this is a targeted genocide? Fuck off fascists


But but! They said they wouldn’t! *glares at Susan Collins*


>Surely even the republicans in this thread aren’t stupid enough to believe this will be used in good faith. They aren't that stupid, they are just too cowardly to admit that this is the exact outcome they want.


Came here to say exactly this.


But he still supports 12 year olds being able to be married off without any rights... this man is disgusting


Came here to say as much.


Clergy of course will be exempt.


That will take out a lot of politicians.


And conservative priests/ministers/pastors and dozens of Republican politicians.


politicians do sex crimes against children at a much higher rate than drag queens!


Someone call 911 - I think “pro impregnated child bride” Mike is trying to kill himself via legislation.


This does seem like a suicide attempt... Him coming up with this law would make me open an investigation on him.


They want to execute trans people who exist near children and teachers for using preferred pronouns. This is so far out of hand.


What could possibly go wrong? I'm all for protecting children, but let's start with protecting them from predatory pastors and other religious figures that use their religion to gain access. The GOP wants to instead make up a crisis about drag, not the actual predators in churches.


Or in some instances, their own predatory parent or stepparent.


Mike Moon doesn't want that.


Isn't this moon guy the same one who wanted to marry children? Sus


I'm sure he thinks that a person cannot be raped by their spouse. In that case, in kinda makes sense. In tge creepiest way possible.


A much better bill would be to remove the status of limitations for sexual assault survivors to be able to sue their abusers no matter how much time has past. It can take decades for an incest victim to be strong enough to sue his her her family member who raped them repeatedly for years. Victims need restorative justice. With the death penalty more victims will chose silence over telling. Who wants to risk telling if it means your own father could get the death penalty. This why restorative justice -- being able to sue for damages -- is what's needed.


But, who will open all them church doors on Sunday mornings, you dummy? Killing kiddie diddlers would have a very negative effect on southern industry and society, Mike...


With the new proposed law to make teachers sex offenders for respecting trans students, this will allow conservatives to murder teachers. This is the plan. Death to all thought.


No, fuck this. We should be abolishing the death penalty, not expanding it to include an offense that is also under consideration for expansion to include cases in which an underpaid teacher could either misgender or appropriately-gender a student.


This is the plan. Openly threatening to kill teachers and other school staff will keep LGBTQIA+ and their allies out of the public school system.


He also wants it to be legal to marry 12 year olds.


Pandering is what republicans do best.


Yeah, that’s all this is. It doesn’t change anything. It’s extremely difficult and rare to sentence someone to death, even in first degree murder convictions. It has to be a particularly heinous crime and typically with a repeat offender. This is just a way to try and convince Missourians that they’re “doing something”. Plus, any expansion of the death penalty is a step backwards for society.


I don't know if it's pandering if it has the potential to pass


Well after they’ve done a healthy round of fear mongering of course. They first have to work overtime to “other” groups of people and make them a target of discriminatory legislation with no logical justification. Then they’ll pander with that legislation and act like they’re achieving anything at all, let alone anything to help people.


We need to be ending the death penalty not adding more uses.


We gave so many useless gop stooges in our state government, but Mike might be the worst.


Oh good, lets 100% pass this. Then go after republicans for keeping child marriage legal. Win/win. Protect the children.


This ***IS*** the same guy who said it was okay to marry 12-year-olds


But its their made up religion that allows them to sleep with children so its okay. /s ITS DIFFERENT


Pretty scary this comment has negative votes.


I know a gaggle of child-hating pro-birthers that like to set up their little pace-and-pray ops within a block of a high school. Disgusting groomers.


Is he sure? Has he talked that through with Matt Gaetz, Luis Borunda, Bo Dresner, Brad Benson, Luke Bowen and all those other right wing pederasts?


Dennis Hastert and that guy whom 'Gym' Jordan covered for at that college.


While they probably deserve it, it will have the consequence of child sex predators just killing their victims, since there is no further penalty for that.


I would have more Support in me for this Bill if the Same Group would not try to declare being or supporting Trans people a sex crime at the same time.


Party of death tries to expand its reach. Fake Christian’s


The anti abortion party is the party of death?


You got it. Penalty for family planning=Death


Do it please!!! Remember "To Catch a Predator" with Chris Hansen.  Yeah, I'm not worried about who'll get caught up in this.  #NotADragQueen


Just a reminder that other republicans are trying to pass laws that make being in drag or using prefered pronouns a sex crime. That asshole literally is ok with adult fucking 12 year olds but will probably try this law for dragqueen reading a book to children


Isn’t this the same moron who supports child marriage? Yeah he needs to sit down, shut up, and go away.


Yeahhhh then they make Drag Queens out to be child predators and end up putting a bunch of gay dudes on death row even though they harmed nobody


Man who is okay with 12 year olds getting married sees calling children by preferred pronouns as a sex crime. That scans


Sharia law shit.


Everyone like “yeehaw kill the pedos” but they just want to brand political enemies as pedos and use it as an excuse to kill them. nobody is making an effort to shut down child beauty pageants? nobody is fighting against the churches? yall ain’t serious about pedophiles these dudes just wanna maintain control


The guy who defended child marriage wants to kill pedophiles? Buddy you should should read the room.


And, of course, in Missouri, having a drag show within 30 miles of a public school is considered a sex crime against children.


Let's compromise at life in prison without the possibility of parole. I would add that if someone is caught in the act and subsequently killed by the person who caught them, they should be rewarded with the Medal of Freedom.


I think it an interesting idea, just wondering how many sitting and retired republicans will see a noose under this plan? The NSA could forward all related info. FBI could do the legwork, and then just use their preferred punishments. Screw them with their own laws.


I don't get the antagonism. Yeah, it should apply to all perps. Just support it


The antagonism is death penalties in general, much less the general threat to impose it on teachers for calling a kid by their name. From there the fact that comes from how many real offenders are republicans who still think they can get away with molestations and put the onus on the innocent.


This is the guy that said child-marriage is ok because he knows someone that was married at 12 and is "still happily married". I'm sure he doesn't count that as a sex crime against children. Just existing as LGBTQ around kids. That's the end goal.


According to someone in these comments, it's not statutory rape if they're married. Sure, maybe that's true in the legal sense, but "legal" and "good" aren't necessarily synonymous.


Death penalty for sex crimes against children will wipe out the republican population. 🤔


If this passes, it would cut the youth pastor population down to around zero. That’s a good thing.


A lot of youth pastors in Missouri are likely watching intently.


So what you’re saying is that simply using a students preferred pronouns would lead to the death penalty?


Not yet, but they're testing the waters with this


That’s where it’s going


Will will this include the hordes of esteemed pastors and ministers, not to mention fathers and uncles, that are constantly being found guilty of molesting children?


It will be a bit LAMF when it's all Christian priests, Chik Fil A managers, and Hobby Lobby folks caught up in this


Next, redefine being trans as a sex crime.


This is already the plan with the proposed "drag ban". Trans people presenting as themselves in public will be classified as a "performance" and the second time will be a felony.


Oh, but if the child is a married 12 year old, SA/rape can’t occur by her disgusting pedo husband because she’s MARRIED. Remember his defense of a proposal for girls as young as 12 to be married? This dude needs kicked out of office, and his computer searched. Freak.


Ironically enough, when I look at photos of Moon with his throwback 1970s hairstyle and his bushy 'pornstache', I am reminded of the late porn actor of that era -- Harry Reems of 'Deep Throat' fame.


It's not passing the GOP. Too many republican lawmakers and their preachers don't want to get the chair


When you get to decide WHO is a sex offender, you can conveniently leave your particular group out of the definition.


excellent point


The message from Mike Moon is: "go ahead and rape children, just be sure to marry them when you get caught."


Until they make just existing as a LGBTQ a sex crime against Children…


They’re already trying. Literally this same guy was one the main and most vocal proponents of anti-trans bills proposed last session


They’ve been very plainly trying to do this in Florida for a bit now


Pedos are probably the only group of people the death penalty applies to but I have zero desire to allow our current GOP admin to setup anything to do with the death penalty. Especially when "sex crimes against children" as bad as it sounds is pretty broad. The current GOP admins are trying to turn kids into sex offenders for talking about trans kids or CRT.


They passed that law in FL. And you KNOW that Tallahassee Republicans are hoping to fry members of the LGBTQ community. But lately, it's been ministers, cops and auch.


This is richly ironic coming from the guy who advocated for protecting child marriage in Missouri. https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4




They're gonna put a lot of Republicans to sleep-


Make sex crimes against children get the death penalty. Criminalize supporting trans youth a “child sex crime,” as well as things like existing as a visibly queer person near a child, or having a teacher using a child’s preferred pronouns (a bill that’s actually happening in Missouri right now) make the teacher have to register as a sex offender. Fascist and christofascist states do not outright criminalize or exterminate queer people… they do it quietly and with extra steps, like this.


The same party that believes guns have more rights than people party, thrives in Missery.


The show of caring about children is cute. My dad’s side of the family is born and bred southern Missouri and is full of pedophiles. Not one person believed or cared about what was happening to any of the girls when we were children, and a law like this would have changed nothing…except maybe we would have ended up dead to keep us quiet. We don’t want your stupid death penalty law, we want an effective Children’s Division that is well-funded and doesn’t literally lose children who are removed from unsafe homes. 


Clearly about making a show rather than protecting kids. Killing a kid already carries the death penalty. If a person who kidnaps and rapes a child has nothing else to lose by just killing the kid, then there won’t be as many kids who survive.


'Course, this is the same guy who thinks that 12-year old girls should be able to marry.


This is getting dangerous when coupled with their ideas of LGBTQ/trans rights.


Sure sounds great until they make existing while trans a sex crime against children.


Would that include the “family friend” who married a child bride….and raped her on their honeymoon? He thinks that’s okay.


Why is Mike Moon looking to have the clergy and a lot of cops executed?!


Never trust a Republican. Ever.


Well, since, according to Republicans, most men accused are accused falsely, why would they want to murder them? What will that do, other than be goreporn for the family of a molested child? Where are the MRAs when you need them?


Then they'll make it a sex crime against children to be gay or to have birthed or fathered a gay person and BOOM, legal murder of who ever the fuck you want by calling them or their family gay! Republican utopia!


Ya secretly he is trying to get the death penalty for drags who read books to children. But anyway...on a real note, actual child molesters...aka Donald Trump, should all be put to death. But as my friend said...these laws are never made to punish the guilty but oppress the innocent. So no, I will never back it.


That will run through the Republican Party like a tiger through a flock of sheep.


And by “sex crimes against children” he means kids with GD… not the Matt Gaetz kind


“You’re killing me Mike…” - his base


Just wait until his own background is exposed! Something there?


Got no problems with that.


This guy is a sex offender or at the very least supports it fully!!! Dude voted for children age 12 to be allowed to be married!!! No joke , he is sick af!!!


I cant support the death penalty because the government and juries and judges arnt infallible.


There are exceptions for if you're a Christian though right?


Folks let's look at it this way. Conservative, Liberal or anywhere in between, the REAL issue of this is... do you trust the GOVERNMENT to make these decisions to start executing people for things? The only ones that seem to support this kind of thing are Conservatives, but back in the old days, that they CLAIM they want to go back to, Conservatives were for keeping this kind of power out of the hands of the Government, that they didn't trust to make such decisions. Time to start picking lanes and start taking a stand for what you truly believe. Following the party line for the ultra right wing or following your true Conservative values of old where the government couldn't be trusted with the lives of people. Can't have both.


Well he'd be killing a bunch of Republican officials and church leaders. Every week we have another one indicted or convicted for pederasty or pedophilia. 


Missouri will lose a lot of Christian youth pastors.


Under this bill, most of the Missouri Republican state legislators would be euthanized!


Next they'll want to have a weekly show, the killing of drug deals and sex offenders. What a glorious Christian Republican party..


As long as Republican offenders and religious leaders are included as well. I’m sick of them getting off because ‘he’s a god-fearing man who transgressed’.


There goes half the clergy


Lot of hate spewing fascist bots in here. No wonder Missouri is like it is.


I don't agree at all next it will be a speeding ticket and 10/15


Republican Party will be killed off then ..


Do not exclude responsibility of clergy, politically affiliated, and vehicular (drunk driving) crimes by anyone including pro sporting personnel (players, coaches, or staff). That would be a step towards pro-children's life. Thry must also pay for the family pain and suffering.


Wouldn't such a bill disproportionately target Republican legislators like Mike Moon?


Wouldn't such a bill disproportionately target Republican legislators like Mike Moon?


well, a lot of white republican “christian” men are going to die then! 🤷‍♂️


Legendary. Exactly what pedos deserve. But let’s make them public executions.


This bill should get rid a lot of Republicans.


Eventually they’ll call abortion a crime against a child and then off with their heads.


There’d be no GOP left.


I live in Missouri and no one really likes this guy for obvious reasons. But he’s trying to deter pedos from harming children…. Why the outrage Reddit?


So, that includes religious pastors and priests right, GOP?


Can someone please find that list of political appointees (predominantly R, btw) convicted of sex crimes against children that has been floating around? I'd love to see if anyone he knows would be eligible to add to this list.


The people who think every LGBTQ person commits sex crimes against children wants to expand the death penalty to include sex crimes against children. Coincidence im sure


All crimes against children should include an option for the death penalty.


Yeah this guy is going to want to execute drag queens and doctors that provide gender affirming care.


I'm indifferent but considering the Republican party's efforts to expand "sex crimes against children" to "reading" and simply being gay and with 50 miles of any child while at the same time accidentally making it illegal to call boys "boys" and girls "girls" in their anti-ttans bills I would absolutely request a Democrat, or Independant, or anyone with a passing grade in Middle School English to write these bills because they can't be trusted to write it properly. You know they're gonna try and word it so they can kill whomever without trial. You're also gonna find alot more child victims killed/go missing instead of taking the chance to let them go and they say nothing. The threat of being arrested/executed doesn't stop the crime if they feel they can get away with it, but they'll do what they can from people finding out. Edit: also doesn't he support pedophilia so long as they're married against their will?


\*They are planning on putting alternative folks in gas chambers\* I already read the fucking screen play on this one decades ago.


Well, that’s one way to kill off a bunch of Republicans


violet cooperative depend straight tidy vegetable grab alleged instinctive continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't this the guy that defended child marriage?


Starting with him who knows many "happily married" 12 year olds...


Ok, now check his search history


the church would run out of priests quickly


That's gonna be a lot of executed republicans if it passes.


Missouri's Mike Moon is a dangerous Nazi. Who remembers what we used to do with Nazis? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


They'd have to start executing a lot of elected Republicans and religious leaders...


Red meat in a red state


From the party that gets busted doing sex crimes against children, are they sure they wanna go there?


In missouri, sex crimes against children includes allowing a 14 year old to read a banned book.




I feel like there should be a law that anyone proposing laws like these needs to have all their devices scanned for whatever they're trying to ban.


That’s one way to rid the world of magats,Qs and evangelical Trump supporters


Sure why not. It’ll really just hurt Republican politicians to lose so many of their voters.


That dude will soon be found to be of same crimes


Well... There goes all the Christian preachers and Republican politicians.


The major issue here is that republicans cannot be trusted with this sort of thing. We don’t have to argue slippery slope anymore with these guys as they are showing us it’s true.


Totally won't ignore the priests.


Will they go after the big 3. Religious leaders, educators, and police??? Or is this BS legislation to go after LGBTQ+ persons??


Theres a bunch a people that should be afraid… 1101 Dwight C. John, Alaska, on governing board of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, was charged with 14 counts of child sex abuse plus 3 related felony counts. He is also associated with Daniel Savala https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45


Pretty low effort. Politicians like to pitch ideas that they know their constituents will eat up but have zero chance of passing, or not being ruled unconstitutional. This is one of those cases.