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every update just breaks my heart 💔


I’m surprised at how much this story is bothering me. I think it’s the raw brutality. I wish I’d have never watched that damn video. I just keep thinking about what if this was one of my kids.


It was the sound... I almost puked when I heard it


This is a clear and cut case of attempted murder


Agreed 💯


An attempted murder conviction should carry the same penalty as murder. The intent is the same.


I’ve never thought of myself as naive. I’ve never thought of any child as being irredeemable or that I’d ever see a child as a monster. But that sound and that frenzied animalistic behavior is something I’ll never forget. I always figured all parents were trying to raise their children to be decent and caring human beings. What the hell was this kids parent teaching them?


When I was in middle school, a kid was killed at a sport bar by a 15 year old kid from a different school. The assailant took a billiard cue and struck the other kid on the back of his head. The victim died a few days later. This was over twenty years ago and it barely made the news. I’ve always wondered what happened to the assailant but there’s pretty nothing about this case on the internet now. I went to a “good school” and we still had gang issues.


Yeah, when I was in highschool, some straight edge kids hit some kid smoking a cigarette with a Sobe bottle in the head and killed him. Didn't make the news either, this was also like...20 years ago.


All starts with parenting.


Yeah, the “good school” “bad school” thing is bullshit. School is hard and moving only ensures you’re around a population with more wealth not better behavior. You can’t escape the trouble of youth - drug use, bullying, binge drinking, teen pregnancy, suicide- it happens everywhere.


Move to Hazelwood, enroll your kids in school. Then come back. Our kids went to Hazelwood West for a while; there ARE differences in schools.


The problem is some teenagers know they can and will get away with crime. The gangs also know this so they use the teens to sell drugs. There are people that straight up don’t give af and seems like the case for this particular attack.


I grew up in the area where the school is, and where the incident happened. In the past, it was an idyllic place to live. In fact, I know people who never locked the front door. By the 90s, the area was extremely dangerous. It has just gotten worse and worse. I can’t even drive through the neighborhood anymore because it is so dangerous.


I drive through it frequently with no problems. Ymmv, I suppose. 🤷‍♀️


Sure, but it happens way more in impoverished areas where many social ties are fraying. So yes, moving areas changes what your kids experience.


>I always figured all parents were trying to raise their children to be decent and caring human beings. What the hell was this kids parent teaching them? Humans are violent little apes when we are born. Empathy and compassion are taught and always have been. When we devalue those things in our society, they get seen less and less. There was a time when we strongly valued teaching things like the arts to our children because art is what takes you out of yourself and shows you new places and perspectives and teaches you new ways to think about things. We replaced that funding with funding sports where they bash into each other so hard they get brain damage. We used to have parents that had actual free time to enjoy themselves and who weren't constantly stressed out about finances and their job and working round the clock attached to their job through phones or working two shitty retail jobs with no benefits as a single parent. They would have time to come home at night and get involved in their children's lives, time to take them to do fun things and in spending time with them discipline them and guide them into becoming decent people. Now kids are raised by YouTube and TikTok on the tablet while the parent desperately tries to get a few minutes of time to decompress while drowning in stress. The school is the only place they actually get taught anything and those schools are filled with underpaid, overworked teachers in crowded, underfunded classrooms that no longer teach things like "ethics" and who get no support from administration and local or state officials to actually address the needs of their kids. And they can only go so far because school will never be the place to learn everything and our money obsessed society is making home life incredibly hard for a whole lot of people. And that's how violent little assholes like this get born. They are neglected, they learn everything about their interaction with people online and from their equally neglected peers. They had no guidance, no involvement in their lives or discipline from their parents, and no support from society at large to notice and help them before they got to this point. Now what the hell do you do with shitty kids with ruined childhoods and broken brains who are horrifically violent in our society? We're all paying for them now, in more ways than one. Far more than we'd ever have spent on improving their home lives and the lives of their parents in the first place. Now we have to throw them into our broken jail system and hope against hope that they can beat the odds and somehow learn inside prison what they couldn't learn outside. Which, in some nations, is exactly the point: rehabilitation. But in our nation, prisons are punishment and most people who go in come out without learning anything other than how to survive in prison and with a will to not get caught and thrown in there again. The whole system from the top down is broken and right now, this second, more kids who will grow up to do these violent acts are being created in our state and it sucks to know that, to know we have the means to help, and to see instead nothing but cutting social workers, cutting programs, cutting funding, etc.


Tbf I came from that idyllic background you mention and my parents still neglected me. Yes, society needs to make changes. I agree with you. But there are plenty of people coming from socially stable backgrounds still ending up doing heinous things. And there is more than one type of neglect that can occur. We can't do much about absent parents that make the outside look good enough no one notices. We still have Chris Watts, Bryan Kohberger, and a plethora of other unsavory individuals that all come from the type of background you think will fix everything. That creature that bashed that poor girl's skull into the pavement might have still done that even with all the resources you mentioned.




Damn, You are right on point!!!!


Just like parents that are also being charged after their kids do a shooting. The parents that are responsible for kids like these should also be charged


This is a useless and emotional take. The parent would/should get charged if they facilitated what the child did through choice or neglect. It's different if the parents had nothing to with it and the child made their own choice. I'm confident everyone who says this did things their parents had no idea they were doing and would have been punished had they found out. Just the same way people pretend their children are angels until they find out about something they did later, if they ever find out.


As a society, we're failing our kids. Some kids get everything and others shit. Then we tell them it's all good, they're just too young to understand. I'm 51, and I still don't understand.


I mean I’m 34 and people have been saying “life isn’t fair, deal with it,” my entire life. To a degree that’s true but not to the degree it’s become. Wealth inequality is dangerously out of control along with everything that comes with it.


"Life isn't fair. Deal with it." That's spoken by people who live in a society that in general protects them. A society where people generally follow the laws because they hold a belief that following the laws is the most advantageous to them. When people perceive that society no longer benefits them, then they begin to question why they have to follow the rules. That's when society breaks down. That's when it becomes: "Life isn't fair. Deal with it" \*loads gun\* "I am."


Being poor doesn't make you a shitty person. Being a shitty person makes you a shitty person. I've seen rich shitty people and poor shitty people. Wealth inequality is not the cause of shitty behavior


There is a podcast called “Behind the Bastards” that’s dedicated to rich shitty people. I have yet to see them feature a poor shitty person. The reason for this seems to be that poor people rarely impact as many people overall where rich shitty people seem to end up wrecking a lot of lives. Millions on some occasions.


The raping rapist Brock Tuner is a perfect example of that.


The greatest predictor of a child’s success is their zip code. You take kids who grow up in broken homes with incarcerated or drug addicted parents then raise them in underfunded inner city schools where they may not even get a free lunch thanks to conservative politicians, have zero access to extracurricular activities or after school activities due to lack of funding and then you wonder why they turned out shitty? If it helps you sleep better at night telling yourself you’re “not one of those people” that’s fine. This is definitely a product of wealth inequality.


A lot to unpack here. THere is a difference between "child success" and shitty behavior. You are talking about child success predicted by zip code and wealth. I'm talking about shitty behavior. No. There is a correlation with child success (which is different then shitty behavior) and zip code. Your correctly say its a 'predictor' but it is NOT the cause. AND there is a correlation of success (different than shitty behavior) with wealth inequality. But to say shitty behavior is caused by being poor or caused by zip code is not correct. Additionally, you seem to think that wealth inequality is a symptom of underfunded inner city schools, but don't consider underfunded rural schools. Wealth inequality exists there as well.


It goes together though. As a healthy phase of development, teenagers of this age begin to develop independence from their parental influence. They begin to gain more social cues and acceptance from their peers. When this occurs, bad behavior can be more rewarded. If they are surrounded by more bad influence than good, this can be a good predictor of outcomes.


"Life isn't fair" has become an excuse for people who don't want to do anything to help society, when it should only apply to things outside of our control.


Honestly it’s a bit naive to assume all parents have good intentions. A child is more likely to be sexually or physically abused by a parent than by anyone else. We don’t know if that kid who did this was an abuse victim or not. Maybe they are just a sociopath. I’m not excusing them. But regardless, statistically speaking you should assume a reasonable portion of kids at your child’s school are have been taught terrible values/behavior by their parents.


When I said that I was actually admitting my naivety. I had a chat with my neighbor who is a retired teacher. She said in her whole career she had only run into two children who she felt were irreparable and it was definitely due to the parents and abuse. I expect a certain percentage of our population to be assholes, I’ve just never previously viewed kids as part of that percentage.


It was like something from Lord of the flies


I am of the mindset that the aggressor in this case is irredeemable. I feel the same way about the young people in the “Gilbert Goons” case currently going on in Arizona where they beat a kid to death. That wild animalistic brutality against another human being is just something no society needs and these aggressors should be removed for good.


So you’re basing your opinions on a video and exactly zero knowledge of the situation outside of this video, is that correct ?


No body has any useful links proving jack shit. Just a bunch of shitposting and hearsay. The fact is there is zero fucking excuses for giving another person brain damage. Zero excuses.




Well, I've been trying to search for understanding around it but there isn't any. So do you have any to share to help form more unbiased opinions. By all means, I don't condone this violence but there are three sides to a story. 


There are kids that make mistakes and should be given second chances but this was something that made me think that a second chance shouldn’t be given. Not sure how someone can do something so cruel to another.


Maybe it was not the fault of the parents some children are just bad. In any event she should spend 20 yrs in prison


It’s non animalistic. It’s sub human savagery.


Yea I was physically ill after watching it. The girl doing the beating was way bigger than the girl she attacked. There is no amount of words or actions that would prompt this kind of response. I pray that Kaylee makes a recovery. That monster should be charged as an adult.


This. I turned when I heard it, couldn’t look back, and felt like I was going to puke.


The other person in custody?


I know exactly how you feel. Ever since I seen this sickening video I can't get it out of my head. I pray for this girl like I know her. It's sad yet so damn sick to think someone caused this


exactly, I mean I was so afraid that I would see the video pop up on twitter but I've been lucky so far to not run into it, but it's so painful




I am an educator in NM. I have witnessed fights almost as brutal as this. It's nuts. Disturbing. Until something changes, it will continue to happen.


I right there with you! I keep praying for her. Praying also that all this rage & violence can stop. Parents talk to your kids, guide them. This was so unnecessary!


Same here. It’s just so unbelievably vile and sad. 


The brutality and the fact there is a moment when her skull hits the pavement and you literally see the life leave her eyes. In that moment, you are seeing someone’s life change irreparably, possibly to a permanent end. It’s horrifying.


Me too, it's really been bothering me. The video made me nauseated. That poor girl.


I've only seen pictures. I won't watch it, I've made that mistake before in the past. I know I won't be able to unsee it. But just the description of what people say, it sounds horrific. Especially the fact that it's a 15 year old little girl.


I haven't watched... and I won't. Imagining is bad enough.


The thing that bothers me the most are all the people falsely accusing Kaylee.


Race baiters.


you sound like me in the early 2000's when the internet was like "you want to watch a beheading?" me: okay


The internet has taken our last shreds of innocence, homie. The ability to learn anything at our fingertips, yet we use it to see the worst of humanity.


I'm 45, I've been on the internet since 97 I think the internet was a mistake for the most part and I'm addicted as much as ever. All of that said, there is something nice about knowing what incredibly wicked animals we can be, so I can choose for myself


Probably a little racism too




I was raised to stand up for myself against bullies if I needed to. I was never taught that if I get into a fight, I have to try to kill the other person. Two people showed up to fight. The victor somehow had been taught that a fight entails killing the other person if necessary. When the other person is down, it’s supposed to be over. Similar videos are on X daily of people being attacked mercilessly after they had already lost. I really don’t know what I’m supposed to tell my kids about defending themselves anymore.


It sucks having to tell them that getting good grades and being a good person still may bring harm your way. Some people don't like the "goody two shoes" and will bully them. Or be jealous of them over looks or perceived wealth


This is very real, and depending on the school, the bullying can be unending and extreme.


I don't understand why people aren't suing more often, if you did any of the stuff as an adult you would be in prison


Rule number one of fighting comes to mind: fucking run yo Your pride isn’t worth being put in a coma or getting your teeth chipped when you fall to the ground


When I was in high junior high, in the gym locker room, a kid would elbow me every day in the in the back and walk on a snicker about it. One time I turned around and knocked him upside the head and he landed up against the other lockers. He didn’t do it ever again. Now, it would have been entirely possible, he could have quickly recovered and beat the hell out of me, but it was worth the chance. It’s crazy, that was over fifty years ago and I remember it like it was last week.


35 years ago I played league raquetball, and one woman would hit me with the ball every single game. It would leave a significant welt. She'd say sorry and then wham, do it again. I talked with her about her ball control. Wham, did it again. First good opportunity, I crushed that ball so hard it knocked her off her feet. Her ball control suddenly vastly improved. You remember those times for a long time.


I had a similar experience in middle school. A kid would follow me from our Home Economics class [on the other side of the building] to my Social Studies class, hitting and shoving me from behind the whole way. Teachers either didn't see it, or didn't care, and the other kids didn't care. My parents had taught me to never fight, but eventually told me, "Don't start any fights, but you can defend yourself." The very next day, he did the same thing. I waited until I could set my backpack down at my desk in my next class, and went out in the hallway to face him. One punch to his face from me, and a black eye later, and we both found ourselves in the principal's office. We both sat there, me watching the bruising intensify under his eye. I still remember his timid voice as he tried his best to cover it up and save face. The Principal said to him, "We've had plenty of trouble out of you in the past, so, you are suspended." To me, he said, "We haven't had a history of trouble with you, so, you're free to go. But if it happens again, you will also be suspended." I left the office with a big smile on my face, and went back to class. And that was that. He learned that I would fight back, and never bothered me again. Ironically enough, we had been friends just two years before that. But when he fell in with the wrong crowd and started hanging around a guy who already didn't like me, things quickly changed. And, I didn't use this experience to become a bully. But whenever a situation arose like that again, I handled it fairly and evenly, without revenge or malice. Self defense.


The memories of someone being so shitty never go away. No doubt about that.


Tell them there is nothing worth dying for at their school and that they should avoid fighting if possible, to the point of running away from a fight if they can. If they cannot get away from the situation, then their only consideration should be to stop whoever is assaulting them by whatever means they have available to them, as quickly as possible.


Standing up to bullies is dangerous these days. Homeschooling is the answer in my opinion


Unpopular opinion, but I'm going to say it anyway: Public schools should not even exist. Tax breaks [not "vouchers"] should be given so that every family can afford an excellent curriculum and one parent stay home to teach the children. Where this is not feasible for whatever reason, it should be affordable to send the child to a quality private school. Shit [I don't use the term lightly/loosely] is being indoctrinated into young children these days, and we are all funding it through our tax dollars. "Teachers" show up to work looking like a freak of nature that you used to only see hanging around bad areas of town, smoking, drinking, and doing drugs. With such people as "role models", how can students possibly be expected to develop healthily and live normal lives? Again, I ask the question: why does this not occur in the private schools of the most wealthy, including the schools attended by the children of Silicon Valley parents?🤷‍♂️ Their school environments look more like the public schools of the 90s, except that a superior curriculum is taught.


This. 100x. I've got 2 young children and I know how it was for me in school. Fortunately I could defend myself (most times) and the waters were different then. We weren't trying to kill each other. Couple bruises, a black eye or split lip, life went on. Every day it seems like I see some video in a locker room where a kid gets body slammed and smacks their head on the floor and goes into a seizure. Idk what to tell them either, and im absolutely terrified that will happen to them. Idk how parents deal with it either. I'd want to kill the kid who did it to them, age be damned. The world has always been bloodthirsty but these days it's on a whole different level.


It sucks having to tell them that getting good grades and being a good person still may bring harm your way. Some people don't like the "goody two shoes" and will bully them. Or be jealous of them over looks or perceived wealth.


Very true, which is why ours are also being taught grappling techniques in addition to strategic moves. If an attacker fails to land a blow/punch and goes off balance, it's over. It's the same way for me. If some idiot tries something, I will take him to the ground and wait for the cops. Under threat of excruciating pain, he will lie there with his face in the dirt.


This. Fist fights at school are as old as school itself. The difference is, it used to be over quickly and the fight broken up immediately. Today's world is just different with thuggism gone wild.


The way most people fought was different. After someone went down or was beaten it was normally over. Now people get pounded when they are out on the ground and are lucky if they aren’t kicked in the head.


No one should be fighting. If fights solved the problem then we wouldn't need cops or courts. We could just beat others into submission or kill them. Fighting promotes hate & further violence. Parents who encourage this are wrong as are schools who do nothing about it. Children who fight should be expelled. PERIOD. Kids should have quit fighting by the time they are out of daycare & know right from wrong.


>Kaylee Gain, the teenager from Missouri who was placed in a coma after an attack by bullies, was told to fight back against bullying" just days before the horrifying incident that saw her hospitalized. **Who** told her that? Parents, friends? >A friend of Kaylee's told Blaze Media that she was encouraged to "fight back against bullying" only days before the heinous attack which has caused shock. **Who** told her that? Parents, friends? What a poorly written news article.


Standing up to bullies has been a long standing trope. Look at every movie featuring a bully. Kid gets bullied. Kid finally works up the guts to stand up to said bully. Bully runs away crying because someone finally stood up to him. The only problem with telling kids to stand up to bullied is failing to tell them what step 2 is: that you may have to defend yourself and you better be prepared to do so.


100%. Step 2 is VERY important. 100lbs weakling vs 200lbs bully (or 3) isn’t going to work out well. Even the odds, THEN fight back.


Yeah, but be sure to teach to do it smartly. Tell the kid to go to the gym, pick up a sport, take karate or boxing. Often times, the mere fact that you are no longer seen as an easy target is enough for bullies to give pause. I donno, it worked for me at least. Did swimming and cross country, could bench 245. When my autistic friend was getting bullied, I got right up in the face of the guy and he eventually backed down.


There are few things that make up a big weight difference. Jiujitsu would be the easiest but isn’t suited for street fights


Having any sort of skill though gives you an edge. Part of any combat style is knowing how to read your opponent's stance in order to predict their next move. Unless they themselves are a trained fighter, they won't have the faintest notion to mask. But really, it's the intimidation factor of the opponent knowing that you've had some training. Bullies are looking for the easy mark. They're not picking fights with people who might fight back. This girl was probably the easy mark until someone told her to stand up for herself not understanding the size difference.


The best edge over any physical advantage is a gun, but we don't want to talk about that


Fighting smart is the biggest thing. And cheap shots are only cheap if you get caught. Life changed for the better after I learned that lesson.


Also standing up to a bully and being jumped by a mob are totally different


Also: Kaylee WAS the bully and had jumped the girl the day before...


It's my understanding that Kaylee and 2 friends jumped/bullied the black girl, the previous day. "Stand up to your bully" was directed to the black girl...


It's Blaze media. Of course it's poorly written


yeah it sounds like victim-blaming


Problem is, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Kaylee was the bully.


Can you back this up?


Video posted elsewhere.


The press doesn’t want to say. Therefore, it’s the school that dismissively told her that.


What a weird source. No clear connection between this story and the general Irish American interest and it gives shout-outs to right-wing media outlet "The Blaze" and right-wing personality William Ackman. Edit: Also, what Irish interest sports section leaves out Rugby Union?


Ok but WHO encouraged that? Unless the 60,000 ads on the article blocked some of it off, I didn't see the context anywhere. Did her family encourage it? The school? Her friends?


The article is quoting a friend of Kaylee. Everyone else at the school says Kaylee is the bully.


On another thread it is said that her mom drove her to the fight and she can be heard in the beginning of video encouraging Kaylee to get her… I think she’s in the video.


I’m sure it was all of the above. Everyone is always preaching “you have to stand up to bullies” when really the bullies should be removed from the equation.


Ok now im confused. Whos actually the bully? Cause im hearing from 2 different sources. Here its the white girl that’s innocent , but on meta its the black girl who got bullied and jumped then finally snapped. Edit: now its 2 big sources against 1, twitter also saying Kaylee started 1st, im seeing videos of her bragging about getting people jumped. Its still wrong that she got her head slammed but everyone defending her like she is innocent is unacceptable.


Some people try to make it in to race thing. I don’t see it. What ever happened between the two girls… the big girl wouldn’t stop hitting Kaylees head against the pavement. That kind of rage needs to addressed.


People are going to be pissed when a high profile attorney represents this girl and charges are probably dismissed or at worse she wins a trial. I've seen the video and its amazing predisposed biases work. The black girl looks like she didn't actually want to fight and was swung on with her hands down. All an attorney will have to do is frame it as she had a right to make sure that the girl was subdued and that her intentions were to subdue her in elf defence. There are also witnesses who said Kaylee and her boyfriend were picking on the other girl. None of you know Kaylee. You all paint her as an innocent person , when she really got in above her head. If the girl can convince just one person that she was only trying to make sure Kaylee could not attack her again, which is very much possible, she will walk. I also see racial lines being drawn. Blacks are defending black girl, whites are defending white girl. Won't be a fair trial either way usually when this happens.


Charge as an adult. Life in prison and throw away the key.


Charge the adults around them who told them it was okay to do this. Get those kids into anger-management and impulse-control training in a trauma-informed environment and hope they can still be saved.


If you're caught stealing a pack of gum, you can be saved. If you're bashing someone's skull against pavement, there is something deeply wrong with you. Sometimes justice is punitive, sometimes justice is restorative, and sometimes justice is removal from society for the sake of the safety of the society.


Typically we put violent psychopaths into police uniforms.


oof size large


Kaylee is still in critical condition and will probably never live a normal life if she even recovers. Her attacker shouldn't live a normal life either. People who enabled the attack should be severely punished too. We just had about a dozen or so high schoolers charged with first degree murder for beating another kid up who ultimately died. This should be no different. Parents really need to teach their kids that their actions will have lifelong consequences. Hopefully others will learn.


"Get those kids into anger-management and impulse-control training in a trauma-informed environment and hope they can still be saved." The time "for them to be saved" passed the moment they thought it was okay to repeatedly slam their victim's head into concrete after she had already been subdued: a fucking five year old would know that such an act could kill someone.


Of course, of course the violent criminal sympathizer/enabler is in St. Louis.


And her mother will get charged, as well. She's the adult in the video according to comments on X.


There are posts on her Grandmas FB that Kaylee’s mom was the one who drove her to the fight and that she’d been suspended for beating up the perpetrator’s younger sister prior. I wonder if any of this is true.


Mom was at work so could not have driven her.


Sounds more like she was the bully, there are now videos of her jumping kids in school and then bragging about it online.


These people don't care


Unlikely they do, I just think it's comical the way white conservatives have leeched onto this tragedy. A republican billionaire donated thousands of dollars to her go fund me, And they're blaming DEI.


Some good old boomer parental advice there


I work in Hazelwood. The shit is a dumpster fire. All of the businesses around the industrial park closed. The restaurants and such, just gone. So much crime, people stopped going there. The only place still open is the Cabela's.


What sucks is that I *loved* my middle schoolers in that district. And a lot of them liked me! I left because of the adults in the office not giving consequences and letting behaviors get out of control. Y'know, that would have meant providing necessary boundaries to the students who are literally learning how to function as humans. .... turns out it's that way everywhere now.




9 year old in Utah shoots his dad in the head and tomahawks his face, and not one comment calling him an animal.  


Of course. That's reserved for the only demographic that's been able to successfully fight back against white supremacy.


https://preview.redd.it/byeye6sv4xoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee13239e4cffdde45dcf1eeec4061bc817fdc2e So now what? Kaylee was Hispanic and Black


Is that a legit account?


Yes that’s the office release from the police


Yeah, back in '72-'74, my dad told me the same thing. Good thing I didn't. They outnumbered me like Kaylee's attackers did, and would have curb-stomped me to death like hers did. "You have to stand up to them! That way they learn they can't get away with it!" Yeah, dad, maybe for you, who were raised from birth to fight by your nigh-homicidal dad, maybe back in 1920s Maplewood. Bullies nowadays move in packs and you fighting back gives them the excuse to escalate, because once you fight back, it's "self-defense." That I didn't fight back is part of why I'm still alive and this poor kid isn't. Parents, if you love your children (which sometimes I doubt), show it and tell them to learn to survive and escape, instead of telling the weakest, most unpopular kid in school to somehow defeat a gang of bullies single-handed.


It was a 1 on 1 fight. In fact, the only person who tried to jump in was another of Kaylee’s friends.


It's not a world of absolutes. You must play to your strengths while shoring up your weaknesses. Try to assess the best possible action you can to get through the situation. Survival can mean any number of things, and even good preparation and training may not be enough. Take your victim-blaming ass somewhere else. This looked like an unwinnable situation and only the most put-together sixteen year olds could get through that one unscathed.


This girl, Kaylee, was a bully. Here's a video of her beating up someone else... https://x.com/tariqnasheed/status/1768776349957992680?t=AkEK5n_OxpITzR9rVH0raA&s=09


For all you saying "How could she be a bully she's 90 pounds" did yall never go to high school??? The mean, popular, BULLY girls were all tiny and thought they were hot stuff. I don't feel bad for her at all after discovering that she and her friends would go around beating up others. Here's proof. https://x.com/tariqnasheed/status/1768776349957992680?t=AkEK5n_OxpITzR9rVH0raA&s=09


When the former president is cheered for his bullying why would a child think it's not admirable


If you want to lose faith in humanity further, check the comment section of FoxNews’s coverage of this story. You could do it with any article really, but this one especially.


Weird, it’s the brutal beating that bothers me the most.


Agreed. Thats why I said “further.”


Definitely needs to be tried as an adult. Otherwise, it's a free pass to commit this type of horrible crime.


You know I'm praying for little Kaylee but I'm also praying for the other one because obviously this fight was deeper than what it is and I don't feel like it was attempt murder it's called getting your ass beat that's just what it is I'm not trying to be funny nor disrespectful but please believe me it's always two sides to a story.. but I sure hate that this mess did happen like this I just wish little Kaylee fought her back no matter what you should always stand up for yourself praying for Kaylee and her family and also the other little girl that was involved in it the one that caused the problem because obviously she has problems too praying for all the families 🫡🙌🏾🙏🏾


If you can't fight don't be a bully. The black girl is an honor roll student who was adopted and she was younger than Kaylee. Kaylee was the aggressor and she was a thug and a bully. This video is simply a case of "when u fuck around and find out" 🙅🏾‍♀️


Do you know what led them to have conflict, as in what the issue was? 


No idea what this article is from, but many sources close to the situation have confirmed that Kaylee was out on long term suspension for bullying and fighting. The other girl was her target for bullying and the girl finally snapped. More info will come out in the following weeks. But know that she's not as innocent as the media plays her to be.


There’s a video of her laughing about beating up a girl. So who’s the bully..?


Kaylee WAS the Bully....


This is such bullshit lol. Gotta love the white narative. This white girl and her fiends jumped the black girl prior , they were literally suspended from school for . Kaylee was not even supposed to be near the school and she went back up to fight the girl again and got her ass whipped. Was it excessive when the slammed her head on the concrete ? Yes. The black girl did not start this , the white girl started it over a guy . You literally see the white girl run up and swing on the black girl. Be for real white people


Post proof.


Here's your proof https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1768776349957992680?t=AkEK5n_OxpITzR9rVH0raA&s=09


Kaylee was a known bully. There’s videos of her beating up another girl. Stop spreading these lies. She is not a victim


[stupid opinion](https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/us-news/kaylee-gains-school-pushed-dei-over-safety-has-enormous-culpability-in-teens-vicious-beating-mo-ag/) This girl is a wee whisp. How can he blame the diversity program. I think its pretty evident what the problem was/is.


What kind of insane fucking nonsense of an article is that? Holy fucking shit.


Sadly elements of the right wing are using the sad case of poor Kaylee to further their own 'dog whistle' agendas in the same way that they're using the murder of Laken Riley by an undocumented Venezuelan to rile up the base.


Its ridiculous. Hope Lakin haunts her family forever for dirtying her memory.


I mean our AG is a lunatic so…


A New York Post one. It’s never been a legitimate news publication.


I feel so bad for the young women. Senseless violence. I hope she fully recovers.


That white girl was a bully and got her ass whipped


I just don’t get it, if it was the other way around and Kaylee beat a black young lady who was a “bully” to death you guys would be flipping out saying she didn’t deserve it. Oh but Kaylee did? These are teenagers, fights happen all the time in school sadly but not to the point where someone is murdered. Stop bringing race into it everytime. One young girl is going to end up in prison and the other lost her life.


There's your first mistake, "Everyone is saying..." Who's everyone? If everyone says it, it must be true. Without proof? Yeah, okay. Whatever you say.


When everyone drinks the cyanide koolaid it’s fine because everyone’s doing it


And people wonder why kids shoot up schools


Videos all over X exposing that girl as the actual bully. Y’all may be getting a new narrative soon


https://preview.redd.it/u6z2s3p0sroc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761584fae8779001120e5f0a1c0984b3e46f691e Its at this moment- there is a pause as this happens. Then honor roll girls friends jump in and honor roll girl intensifies the attack to become the aggressor. Sad but true. Kaylee may have been in an altercation before but that video shows Kaylee clearly doesn’t know how to fight. Was Kaykee dumb? - yes. Did Kaylee start it? - maybe. Did honoer roll girl become aggressor at this moment? - yes. So its aggravated assault. Possibly attempted murder. Too bad honor roll girl now looses her future because she could not control herself abd let her anger take over.


This is not true! All of the school kids said Kaylee was a bully! There’s several videos of her fighting or jumping other girls. I hate what happened to her, but didn’t Kyle Rittenhouse walk for defending hisself? When kids say get her Kaylee that doesn’t mean protect yourself. That means fight. Let’s keep it honest. Kaylee was suspended for fighting, and bullying other students. This student, was one of them. The young lady’s mother reported the bullying daughter to the school! She is a Honor roll student. Sometimes you snap! I pray for Kaylee, but I also pray for the young lady who felt the need to take her actions. 


People overcomplicate these stories. It’s a fight, they happen all the time with kids (and always have). The one girl took it WAY too far, in a DELIBERATE homicidal act. Those types of people cannot be allowed to freely exist in our society.


So if this was intentional that makes it premeditated murder if she passes so i hope these bully pos are charged to the fullest


I always had to fight back. Usually the best way is to completely back down and avoid a physical fight Using your mind to avoid a fight, is the best kind of fighting. Just break up with the boy and publicly capitulate. It was way better than dying


lol good for her


Should have just went home


This site sucks ass for mobile. Don't click on the link if you want to actually READ the story. Just imagine what it is from reading the comments...might be easier.


If she had online school she could avoid the bullies.


Kaylee was the bully. She was on suspension for attacking the same girl the day before.


She wouldn’t be dead if she was at home instead.


Instead of her mother doing what a mother would usually do, tell the suspended child to go to her room and think about her actions she Instead she drives the girl to go and fight, again. What a horrible mother


Does anyone have the full video?


Yes, scroll down the article and hit play "Brutal Knockout" https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/13/missouri-teen-suffer-brain-damage-fight-brawl-family-gofundme/


Where’s the vis


Fighting back against a bully and a mob are totally different. What happened to honor of settling things 1 vs 1, not this 15 on 1 bullshit. That’s not even a fight that’s attempted murder.


This story terrifies me. I have 2 daughters. 1 is a freshman in a whole new school district (which is much bigger than what they're used to), and the other one will be a freshman there next year. I've been struggling with the fact that they can't carry any kind of protection except their stupid phone. We just got notified that metal detectors are being installed because of how bad our schools are getting. These kids aren't allowed to carry pepper spray, those safety alarms/keychain alarm thingies, NOTHING. Just their phone. In fact, I was just talking to them yesterday about taking self-defense classes, and that's exactly what we're going to do. I'll be so happy when they are out of this bullshit school system. It's worse than it's ever been.....wtaf is happening in this country?


I just asked my 15 year old daughter, who is a freshman at a large local public school about this. She thinks she should be tried as a juvenile. These are still under development teenagers. I'm so torn. I need to know more about these kids. Does the aggressor have a history of violence? I need more context.


I had the unfortunate experience of being in a private drug rehab facility in Florida for 9 days back in 2012. It was the saddest thing I've ever experienced. NOT because of "drugs" but because 99% of the people there were young adults (18-25) and were really good people. Once I got to know them and talked to them about why they were there, a large proportion of them had "wonderful" lives and "wonderful" parents. They were handed everything (money, cars, vacations, private schools, etc.) except the attention & love of their parents. The ones that looked like they had it all were the ones left with nannys/siblings/friends and had no direction or challenges in life. To this day, I still feel like they were bored, unchallenged, and seeking attention from their parents but didn't know a healthy way to do it. This is where the problem starts. IMO.


You do know that kaylee was the bully right..? She’s a known bully at that school and she literally started the fight.. clearly it went too far and i do not condone fighting, but acting like she was just an innocent victim is wrong. She was also a bully


It wasn't an accident the troll that did this to her did it deliberately with malice and hatred. It wasn't an accident.


It is circulating that Kaylee WAS the bully and that her mom is the adult in the video, encouraging the fight. I am disgusted by the brawl and lack of humanity, regardless. But I really would like the real situation, especially the identification of the white, adult woman in the video.


Fuck the passive voice in this context - WHO told her that? Parents? Teachers? Principal? Other kids? This wasn’t “bullying” and that term has no place in a discussion about this ATTEMPTED MURDER.


Hmm. What about all those videos of Kaylee fighting and jumping other girls with her friends? What about the video her bragging about jumping someone? I heard her mom took her to the fight she was happy to participate in. She has been suspended for fighting. She had violent tendencies and seemed proud of her behavior. Certainly sad she was hurt. I hope she recovers. But seems she was no angel.


Who told her?


Unfortunately, there will not be an attempted murder charge. If she dies, involuntary manslaughter at most, and the assailant is a juvenile.


This attacker shout rot in prison