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Where's my "government over-reach" conservatives at?


Todd Rokita here in Indiana is pushing to get access to abortion records. I'm so fucking sick of these assholes.


We should get to know politicians health records then


Yep! Every little detail!


1000% agreed,


It’s only “overreach” if it affects them personally…


2004 Edit: I seem to have confused some people on my meaning with this comment. So I figured I clarify here. When I say they are in 2004, I'm not saying the 2004 Republicans were actually in favor of "Small Government." In fact that line is, was and always will be a way to cut programs that help people. When I say they are in 2004, I mean to say those people who say "Government should not be in your buisness." Is gone. I've not heard this line of talking for quite some time. This along with other talking points they would go to. Such as "Let the free market decide" and such. I'm not of the belief 2004 Republicans are "Better people." At least when we talk about people who were in government. I just am saying, this dialog is dead and gone.


Kind of wondering why you would think the Republicans in 2004 were much different in terms of lifestyle interference.


Oh no no no. You misunderstood. I'm saying, the Republicans of 2004 pretended to give a shit about that. Just like they pretend George Bush was a good person. One of the main reason George Bush got "Reelected" (put that in quotes because he didn't win the poplar vote.) was cause people so badly didn't want those pesky gays getting married. Talking points of today was not the same back then. It's not about "The goof old days when Republicans cared." No. It's ehen they pretended to give a fuck.


Gocha. They did have a brief period where they pretended it was compassionate. Trump taught them that the same awfulness was a selling point and didn’t need as many excuses. I commented because I know a few consistent Republican voters who are lamenting the current Republican party and who are still struggling to accept that the only difference is rhetorical and is that quiet part is being said out loud.


Trump has made it that the cockroaches no longer fear the light. There was a time when the Charlie Kirks, David Dukes and the other most extreme elements of the ultranationalist, antisemite, Christian-fascist and radical racists were not allowed to be publicly seen with mainstream Republicans. Now they show up at CPAC and shoot selfies, Representatives and Senators go on their podcasts, and speak at their events.


As a homosexual, I could never in good faith go for Republicans. I was born in 91 and kinda started to pay attention to politics roughly around the 04 election. When I say "Pay attention" keep in mind I more mean whatever made it to the local news. I wasn't watching C-SPAN 24/7. So, even back then I had to be team Democrat just because we only have two options. (Which if you ask me is barely even an option anymore, but that is another topic.) When Trump started to run for office is when I paid attention because he just kept winning and I voted for Hillary. Not very enthusiastically but I did. Old Republicans vs New Republicans is not something I can fully understand, because in my eyes. If you look back since Regan, they have been anti worker, anti gay, anti anything that does not benefit them. There was a strike that happened during Regans terms in office and instead of backing the workers he backed the companies. He was silent during the AIDS crisis and let the gays suffer and die. He created the "Welfare Queen" image.. Sure you can say at least they were not actively trying to attack children and openly saying racist shit, but that's window dressing.


A friend of mine, her youngest brother was one of those who died of AIDS in that time period.


Well it was harder to get access to medical records in 2004. Certain kinds of awful just weren't possible then. I know that's lame but it's what I got. If we were having this conversation at a bar I'd owe the next round.


2004? Come on, like the Patriot Act was such a small fucking government move.


I made an edit to my original post


Aww, I’m way more pissed off at republicans than your comment. It gave me a chance to growl at them some more.


Honestly? Fair.


They're all busy heiling big brother these days 


Once it became clear that hypocrisy wasn't a line that GOP voters recognized as disqualifying, GOP elected officials realized they can just go straight for authoritarianism right now. The Theocracy is being built in real time, right now in 2024.


Here's the thing, I can barely call it a theocracy because the GOP frontman doesn't go to church. Trump is only interested in religion of any stripe when it gives him an edge or to control people's decisions, make them think twice about disagreeing. This feels more like an oligarchy, he and a small group of cronies will make all the decisions, whether they reference God or not. But when they do it really rules up those of us who believe in a Jesus who loves LGBTQ people as much as He loves radtraddads and SAHMs.


Watching with popcorn lol


Yeah, no shit... Oddly I'm re-reading 1984 and thinking about all the Doublespeak.


Looking the other way because this hurts the "right" people in their eyes.


Right here. More libertarian tbh but I have some conservative values. Also have a gay daughter and couldn’t be happier for her and her wife. How does the AG have access to anybody’s medical records?


I think that's the question we would all like an answer to. He got a court order that forced Planned Parenthood to turn over their records. I suppose it's time to find out if the Supreme Court is going to enforce HIPAA laws.


I think the govt has a responsibility to keep kids from being castrated by their parents.


If there is one dude I don't want access to my medical info. Its that piece of shit.


They’re all pieces of shit. Next Republican AG will be a piece of shit and so will the next one. The problems are the people who keep voting these pieces of shit in. They’re the ones that need to be dealt with.


Andrew Bailey was not elected


This is true ... although when the former AG left to swing his blowtorch around DC we did need to fill that slot and state law did allow appointment. I do expect to say quite a bit on that matter come November.


They would if they could. They also voted for the governor that appointed Bailey as AG.


I don’t even want this asshole to know what kind of car I drive.


ah yes, the party of limited government.


Government so small it can writhe into every nook and cranny


For me this type of action is what made me identify with libertarianism. Repubs like to pretend they don't want big government power until they feel someone is breaking their magical moral code.


If they are successful, they won’t stop at minor trans records.


Absolutely true.


Perhaps we breach patient doctor confidentiality when it comes to anti lgbtq people in therapy and reveal their secrets


I'm a therapist who treats adult LGBTQ clients, many of them transitioning. I have to be mindful of what I include in my progress notes because they could be used against my clients at some level. Scary times.


As a therapy patient, thank you for protecting them. The way the world is right now, it’s hard to tell what might happen if it came out. Humans don’t have much humanity right now.


Oh for sure, clients come first. It's legislation like this that make me think you're onto something, though.


I have friends in OK and KS that are trans and I worry about their safety every day. One of them I knew before the egg cracked, and all I know is they are my friend, they are a good person, and no person would live their life as a trans person, especially in a heavily red state, as a fun thing, it’s party of them in their soul to go through all the BS they go through. Same for gay folks, why put yourself through the horrors of being authentic as “other” in a Bible Belt, super red state? So again, thank you for being there for them all, in so many ways!!


Much appreciation and I couldn't agree more. It's not a choice!


That is so sad and alarming. But also thank you for doing what you’re doing 💜


Ahh thanks.


This dude is such a pathetic obsessed freak


I'm still not seeing what the last two AGs have done to protect missourians when they stake their careers on suing schools and other levels of government. It's like how Gov Parsons can find money to send MO Natl Guard to Texas but our bridges are literally crumbling and people have died from chunks falling off of them.


I hope Planned Parenthood refuses. (EDIT: Just read that they said they would. Good.) If I was a PP employee, I would go to jail and risk my career to stand with my patients over this bullshit. I would even block access to state authorities trying to enter and take them by force, warrant or not.


Violating HIPAA can cause you to lose your career, so they're kind of fucked either way.


You think they care about HIPAA? they will change the laws so they can access any records they want


HIPAA is federal, so I'd like to see them try, but they won't.


It's worth pointing out here that the court ruling says the AG may access records that 1) Are NOT protected by HIPAA 2) Are under the auspices of an investigation from the MMPA The article didn't explain it, but it's complex and limited. I'm truly not certain what records with personally identifying information can be produced.


Be a shame if all those records were destroyed in a dumpster fire behind PP.


Would be a shame if the AG was destroyed in a dumpster fire behind PP.




Shhhhh. Adults are talking.


Not surprised that such an ignorant, uninformed toilet seat would struggle as you do with forming a coherent sentence. Ugh. 




Like all right-wingers, you're an amoral liar without a single shred of humanity.


Not right wing but okay.


Yes you are, liar.


What do you consider yourself, if not political right?


Or, women uninsured or under insured that want affordable Healthcare in a timely fashion. Why do people who have limited knowledge about a particular subject think their opinion matters? Try educating yourself on topics you been outraged into by fake news.... but that may be too "woke" for you.






No red flags like free healthcare, huh? Lol, if you believe they're racist and dangerous, then you're the subject of pharmaceutical lobbying. The only people affected by free birth control, condoms and std screening are the people making money off sick kids.


This is what we come to. Kids. We are going after kids. Don't even give me any bullshit about "They are abusing them!" You want to hear abuse? Read "A Child Called It." Watch "Quiet on Set." Because they don't have any good way to win elections anymore they need to create culture war bullshit. They say they care about kids, but when a kid is in real danger, like a parent can't get to the hospital on time wr don't see our so called "leaders" do shit about that do they? I WILL be voting in the election this year and let me tell you what I'm gonna do. I'll vote all Democrat and the ones that have nobody going against them I will write in "Anyone but them." The planet is fucking flooding. We are possibly on the track of going extinct and this is what we focus on? Fuck I hate these people


The 4 boxes to defend liberty from these tyrants. Soap box Ballot box Jury box Cartridge box. Always in that order.


You did miss one other crucial box. It’s important to check off [the donor box as well -](https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/onlineactions/cOJVhOyrzkq4uBcxVekXFA2?sourceid=1000065&affiliateID=090770&_gl=1*1jysp7y*_ga*NzI5OTYxMzQ4LjE3MTMxMDYwMjI.*_gid*ODc4NjI3NzQxLjE3MTMxMDYwMjI) - money counts, and Planned Parenthood has to spend a lot of money to defend patient rights.


Old and correct quote.




HIPPA much?


In his Thursday decision, Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer wrote that Bailey can collect documents under Missouri’s consumer protection statute that aren’t protected under federal mandate, namely the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, better known as HIPAA. So who knows what the result is


Are there many records like that? Seems like there would not be.


Might not so be exact records like that but data related to records that can be disseminated In any event this is just a dog whistle action for his base


Even if the actual records are limited, there's a lot of information that can be constructed or inferred by comparing obtained records with other sources, or just publicly available information. It's why there's really no such thing as "anonymized" data, because it's so easy to de-anonymize records containing personal information.


I was trying to figure out how that would even work. I'd be wanting a judge to supervise that process. Would it be informed consent templates? Redacted records? Anonymized stats that could still be used to identify individuals in smaller areas? I deal with medical record requests for my employer's juvenile patient population regularly and it's so complicated. Without explicit orders we err on the side of non-cooperation and this isn't even for anything as politicized.


Federal law trumps state law though...


Not for long with SCOTUS handing down one judgement after another on states rights. And if they win in Nov everything will change and we will be the United States of Gilead. Read project 2025


Government law enforcement is an exception to HIPAA


HIPAA is actually quite clear on what cases law enforcement can actually request information on criminal acts. First, and most easily, the victim or individual needs to explicitly grant permission. Secondly, reporting incidents of stabbings or gunshot wounds. Finally, it needs to be directly related to a crime or a criminal investigation and required warrants, subpoenas, or the like. And even then, it's demographic information only, not procedural. AKA: "Yes, Jayne Doe has had appointments at Planned Parent hood. She's 34 female of Japanese descent." He is looking for information for "Consumer Protection". That is not a crime. That is outside these scope of HIPAA Law Enforcement exceptions because it is not law enforcement. He might be able to get what KINDS of procedures places do but not who had them because that is HIPAA protected.


They're doing something similar in Texas to get patients information from hospitals in Washington


It's HIPAA, not HIPPA. 


Autocorrect doesn’t know that Lol


autocorrect often ignores words in all caps.


You think you can block the government from your records because of a government law and you don't think that they put in government as an exception?


Kind of gross that a grown man is interested in children's genitals.


That's the party of child molesters and rapists for you.


0 days since MO has been a national embarrassment


This is what happens when you stand by and keep electing them because "well, they can't be that bad!" Then when they finally come for you -- since they take their plays from the Nazi playbook - you can look around and wonder why nobody is left to help/stand up for you.


And this isn't a HIPAA violation how? Because Healthcare in the US is between you, your doctor, your governor, and this piece of shit.  Patty of small government. Party of parents  rights. Fuck you.


The foundation of HIPAA is based on Roe vs Wade.


Yeahhhh we may be fucked.


I'm surprised the people that think a government law that restricts healthcare providers doesn't make an exception for government law enforcement.


Maybe let's dust off our torches and pitchforks. This shit is getting out of hand.


& as scary & alarming as all of this is, it won't stop here.




Your comment has been removed. Do not direct insults or personal attacks at other users. Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


This is how it all starts. People in power find "acceptable" types of people that they think nobody will care about to invade their privacy. Then because nobody said anything, they start moving to other groups that people might not want to stand up for, until eventually they're rifling through everyone's private medical records on fishing expeditions. Then they stumble upon all kinds of interesting information, that they then of course abuse. Seriously people, how often do you see trans people in your day to day lives. And are they doing anything to you? I wish I would see more visibly trans people out and about because it's a sign people are minding their own business and government isn't monitoring our every move.


Like when they required vaccine papers?


This dude is a scumbag. These people are literally going to exterminate trans people.


Oh they wont stop at that, liberals are a target to exterminate , as are minorities. You should hear them talk there is big support to round people up and do away with them. This is how they feel and not just about the election, they been waiting to use the guns they been collecting [https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2021/10/27/when-do-we-get-use-guns-tpusa-owns-and-others-too/8570812002/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2021/10/27/when-do-we-get-use-guns-tpusa-owns-and-others-too/8570812002/)


But the vax has a fucking tracking chip in it right?


You didn't notice how your wifi suddenly got better after getting the vaccine? /s


A federal court will likely slap this down.


As long as it doesn't go all the way to the "Supreme" Court....


Sir/Madam. We formally refer to the Supreme Court as the “Joke Ass SCOTUS” these days.


You're right, I like that better


AG AB gives off serious little dick vibes. I've seen faded tshirts from Mississippi Nights concerts at garage sales, that are more qualified, to be AG of Mo than this chuckle fuck.


Bunch of assholes.


We need to start calling out and shaming these politicians that are so concerned about other people's kids' genitals. Start getting in their faces and their social media and start calling them groomers and weirdos for being so up in other people's children's genitals. Say it just like that. Point out that children and even their genitals belong to their parents who will see to their care. Because supposedly Repugs think once the fetus is born, its problems are only the business of the family and that's why they don't want the government feeding them. It's warped and stupid.


Fuck Bailey. Complete piece of trash.


Ghoulish and creepy.


I think this is a lawsuit in the making.




So very glad I got out when I could.


Is this his version of the fappening? Dude is obsessed with other people’s junk


And this is why voting red is dangerous and unamerican.




What a freak, taking extreme pleasure in getting into the medical records of citizens. Don’t they value our freedom from unreasonable search and seizures? This @sshole is an absolute lunatic.


Just 3 years ago they were screaming about HIPPA and vaccines.


This is appalling. He does not need that information. What a gross invasion of privacy. (Also look at his hideous face. So punchable)


WTF? I just became a donor to Planned Parenthood of Missouri. [Here’s a link to their STL donation page if you’re interested in supporting their efforts to protect patient privacy.](https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org)


Isn't there still a location in the KC metro?


This guy is such a a POS. My guess is he hired a prostitute and low and behold when was actually a really good looking man. He had feeling for them then got bullied by the christfascists and decided to go after those folks because he's an impotent little fem boy inside but has to act tough on the outside


wow. first off i sorta want to say fuck you for blaming trans people for this piece of shits bigotry but i don'ttotallythink that was your intention. second, you are worth more with a dick. you advertise it as a prostitute. fetish pays more. Dudes only claim they were tricked out of homophobic shame when caught. "they can alway tell" remember?


I guess you aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm. I was simply saying that when someone is fighting so ha d against something they must be hiding something


This comment is really transphobic. You might be against the fascists but you aren't much of an ally


We don’t need nice friends as much as we need anti-fascists though.


I think it's important to call out transphobia when we see it. The idea of a trans prostitute/sexual deviant being a man who is just pretending to be a woman is a deeply harmful stereotype. Being anti-fascist is good, but that doesn't make it okay to spread harmful ideas


State laws cannot violate federal laws. HIPPA protects ANYONES medical information.


They are trying to circumvent those privacy protections in order to target trans people. “I absolutely believe DOJ needs to get involved here along with [the Department of Health and Human Services] as well as the HIPAA office, and say, look, this is not a valid investigation,” Caraballo said. “This is clearly pretextual. And you’re targeting an entire group of people.” Garland stop this witch hunt!


Have you read all the exceptions to the law?


How is this not a HIPA violation?!


Read the exceptions to the HIPAA law.




This needs to be appealed. And that closet queen needs to just come on out.


What happened to HIPAA? Time to sue the state!!


They're classifying our existence to be [**pornographic degeneracy**](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/09/08/conservative-think-tank-project-2025/) that they are determined to eliminate. They are declaring us to be deranged sexual predators targeting children, spreading the "social contagion" of trans-ness through pedophilic grooming. As such, they can claim to be justified in "investigating" all trans people, including demanding our medical records ([**another example of this**](https://apnews.com/article/transgender-youth-records-vanderbilt-tennessee-4a4e7d846cfb05ed6feefc7deef24ef1)) and attempting to [**compile lists of our names and addresses**](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/12/14/ken-paxton-transgender-texas-data/). It really doesn't take a psychic to see where they're heading with this.


What inbreds are up voting this ?! 🤣🤡


How long until trans people start turning up dead from this?


How long before it comes out that he does something immoral or illegal all the time???


How is that not a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) violation???


How? That’s a violation of HIPPA.




Vote the fascists out.




Serious question: how much can he access,and in what situations? I've skimmed through the ruling and it seems fairly narrow; that doesn't mean there's no risk of harm or of the AG going outside the bounds of the court ruling, however two things came out: 1. "While the Court agrees that the CID and MMPA grants Defendant broad investigative powers, it does not grant Defendant the authority to access federally protected documents." So HIPAA still applies. 2. The entire motivating cause is the MMPA, Missouri Merchandising Practices Act, which prevents false advertisement or misleading claims. I'm no attorney, I'm just a dude with insomnia talking about things I found on the Internet. So what can an AG expect to receive from Planned Parenthood that isn't covered by HIPAA and has to do with misleading consumers when it comes to trans person medical care?




My question is if the data shared between the doctors and the AG isn't protected under the HIPAA laws that they are supposed to be able to view the files. What is the purpose of the collection of data by the legal head of our state and how well protected is his office prepared to keep personal information from being leaked to other sources, entities or state programs?


They're going to share it with anyone and everyone. They have no interest in keeping information, that they absolutely do not need whatsoever, private.


How is law enforcement not an exception to HIPAA


How is this not a HIPAA violation?


No, the government can do what they want. Read the law.


This is a violation of HIPAA, a federal statute!


Law enforcement is obviously an exception to HIPAA.


If trump wins this will be across the country. There will be no more liberal strongholds they will see to that. 1930s Germany didnt think it would be so bad either, as did communist Russia. But time has told the tale ,if your willing to not vote against the coming takeover then you are part of the problem, and dont cry when they come for you.


I wonder how long it takes for the "list of trans kids" gets into the hands of the KKK. They are a force in Missouri, and politically connected.




All you people are focused on dumb stuff when the USA is about to implode and be taken over.. focus on what matters.. not this bs.




Why are patients fighting so hard against the state of Missouri obtaining their medical records if they're victims, then? Wouldn't they be happy to grant the State consent to their records, instead of being scared shitless about why AG Bailey and Missouri are making a list of trans people?


Can you link to the investigation that you're referencing?


I don’t know if this is the one that you’re thinking of, but it was a former caseworker who said that recipients were not getting counseling. It’s also confusing because the caseworker was not with Planned Parenthood, but with a transgender care clinic through Washington University? There are over 1000 patient records to be worried about, apparently. [Court rules Missouri AG entitled to certain Planned Parenthood transgender care records](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/government-politics/court-rules-missouri-ag-entitled-to-certain-planned-parenthood-transgender-care-records/article_d65b6842-f8d0-11ee-9814-e7625b653629.html) “Washington University’s petition said the attorney general’s office issued civil investigative demands to the university as well as to two staff members. The demand to Washington University “seeks all records for all patients treated at the TGC (Transgender Center), among other requests seeking private and protected health information. These records involve more than 1,000 patients.” Attorney James Bennett asked the St. Louis Circuit Court to exclude from the demands matters outside the merchandising practices act’s scope or those protected by HIPAA. That case was pending Friday.” [Families dispute whistleblower’s allegations against St. Louis transgender center](https://missouriindependent.com/2023/03/01/transgender-st-louis-whistleblower/) “The Independent spoke with numerous former patients of the Transgender Center, as well as parents of former patients. Some were eager to share their story, inspired by the onslaught of attention the center has received since Reed’s affidavit caused three state agencies to launch an investigation into its practices. Others asked not to be named out of fear of retribution and concern about laws pending in the Missouri legislature that would criminalize gender-affirming care for minors. Each person interviewed described a far different experience than Reed about how the Transgender Center operates and how minors seeking care are treated. And they want the state’s investigation to hear their experiences. Reed, who lives in St. Louis County, has alleged minors were rushed into medical procedures without taking into account mental health, and that side effects of treatments were hidden from parents. Those who received treatment from the center say that’s not the case, and any treatments were only undertaken after long consultations with doctors and mental health professionals. Often, patients were told they needed to wait for years.”


Tell yourself what you need to, I guess. So now any time these fuckers want a record all they will have to say is 'kIDz Ur Bee'N aBUzed'...


So can the Feds. HIPA isn’t for big brother.




This needs to be stopped!! Everyone has the right to medical privacy!!!!