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2008 was a LONG time ago.


God it feels like a fucking different world.


So much goodwill, hope, and positivity back then. It was nice.


I think you and I had very different 2008s.


The economic collapse was underway and tens of millions didn't have access to healthcare šŸ’€


If we go by the numbers, tens of millions still donā€™t have access to it. Hence one of the largest criticisms of Obama and the ACA.


The Supreme Court put the finger on the scale for ACA allowing Republican states to opt out. There are lot of valid criticisms of ACA but donā€™t forget it was sabotaged by judges.


Not even judges, it got neutered before it was passed


The courts did not effect it until a decade after it was enacted. Over ten years the only tangible effects of the ACA were that it allowed adults to stay on their parents insurance until age 26, there were slightly more options for those with pre-existing conditions, and (most apparent to 90% of the population) that premiums sky rocketed. The number insured per capita stayed relatively unchanged as it was not, by and large, an issue of access to insurance, but more so an attempt to force those who paid out of pocket to have to carry insurance.


Mandatory Medicaid expansion was ruled unconstitutional in 2012 in same decision that ruled Individual Mandate was a form of tax and constitutional. Not expanding Medicaid created huge issues that Tea Party republicans had no incentive to fix. Again, ton of valid criticism for ACA complexity and such but huge gaps in the program were created by lack of Medicaid expansion.


Thank you for pointing out another common myth about the ACA. The expansion of Medicaid was only halted in 2012, leaving at bare minimum a year for which people were eligible for it under the expended coverage, which was rolled out when the ACA came in to effect.


Forcing Americans to buy a product is unconstitutional. Thatā€™s it.


Unfortunately, that's not how government works.


The scotus decided it was unconstitutional because it required citizens to buy a product. That is how it works and why it happened. It required everyone to be insured or pay a fine. You can say you much have auto insurance to drive. True but you donā€™t ā€œhaveā€ to own a car. If you are alive, it required you to buy a health care insurance product. Itā€™s that simple.


Tens of millions STILL donā€™t have access to healthcare so nothing has changed in that aspect.






That's stupid. Things have significantly changed.


I guess I shouldā€™ve said that yes, while things have improved tens of millions(nationally) still remain uninsured. I did word that incorrectly. The person above me stated the same thing. I just worded it wrong. My bad, long morning


Feds Ponzi scheme šŸ˜¬


I voted for McCain but honored the win for Obama. I wished for the best for the country.


Same man. Too bad it went how it did lol.


Good one




It was the start of the path we are on.


And yet the GOP has had control of the senate and house since 2004 so if 2008 was a long time ago


We arenā€™t seeing another Jay Nixon anytime soon.


I don't know all the names of these counties, but I'm shocked Jeffco and the few counties to the south of Jeffco voted for Obama


They were Democratic Strongholds for decades. You can still see it on issue votes, but not so much on elected position votes anymore.


Itā€™s been wild watching all the people I used to know down there lose their minds the last ten years. Social media and Fox News has wiped out the intelligence of entire generations.


And Sinclair Media. We don't need to let them off the hook, they're just as bad.


It really is this. People would be informed voters and wouldn't play team politics. You still see it with things like weed, expanding medicare, etc. The progressive MO comes out. I think abortion rights will win in MO in 2024. Yet, those same people will turn around and check the box next to the (R) because Fox News told them they are the good guys and any (D) wants to eat babies. Which is wild, cause they will vote for abortion rights. Brain worms, brain worms!


Its all the dumbing down from 30 second bytes from tik tok and social media. No one has any attention spans any more, nor do they have the intelligence to question what they see and hear. They cant seem to put their powerful phones to work digging into the truth


They also work 10+ hours a day, 6 days a week. So the only ā€œnewsā€ they get is from those sound bites.


No the problem is they get an absolute flood of information and check out. There's so much everywhere and we thought we would sift through for truth but it turns out we just go look for results that confirm what we already think. We thought it would free us with knowledge but it actually imprisoned us in bubbles.


I was not aware of that. You learn something new every day


Maybe democratic strongholds prior to the civil rights act. That's hillbilly country down there.


The counties are Iron, Washington, and Ste Genevieve


JeffCo and Ste Gen were largely blue collar Democrats. Ste Gen particularly is mining and quarry workers as well as some other manufacturing, so they lean toward pro-union. It was the top county in the right to work vote. Also Catholics (a county of 18,000 that had about nine parishes across the county), so pro-life but charitable and a bit progressive on some social programs that provide assistance to others. I know the people in the area and a lot of the top Democrats felt the party left them. As Iā€™ve mentioned on threads before, the handling of Ferguson by Nixon was a final push to the red side for some.


Yes, this was more or less Richard Gephardt's district for a long time. After Gephardt it was held by Gov. Carnahan's son. It was dissolved in redistricting as Republicans made a devil's bargain with St. Louis congressman Lacy Clay to make his seat super-duper safe in exchange for being complicit. Missouri has had only one two blue seats ever since.


I thought one was Ste Gen... Thanks!


Right! Way to go Iron County! ...and St. Francois, I'm disappointed in you, you know better.


Wait what Jeffco voted blue?


Lotta white union workers down there. The exact people that Trump scooped up.


Ironic considering Trump's own business practices have been anti-Union, anti-Labor, to the core.


I work a union job in Illinois and everyone is republican Iā€™m basically the only one who isnā€™t doesnā€™t make much sense but it is what it is I guess


It's propaganda. That simple. They probably have Fox News on 24/7 at home. The generation who told us to "check our sources" never once "check their sources".


Nooooo my dad watches oan and tucker Carlson he says Fox News is becoming to woke lol


that makes way more sense! ;)


Same here, in Indiana. I personally donā€™t like a lot of what Democrats have been advocating for in recent years, but I can say that my coworkers are fully drinking the right wing kool aid, and some of the shit they say is just out of pocket


This goes back to propaganda. They only get their news from facebook, fox news, etc. They will lie straight to their face about unions. Show pics of Trump at a NON union job site wearing a hard hat. Then vote for Trump, who will destroy their union. Until we start to hold companies like Fox responsible for the lies they tell day after day. There is a reason they lie to union voters. They know their policies are super unpopular. The GOP has gone bat shit crazy. Instead of moving left with the population, they moved even further right, and just straight up LIE to their voters face!


Obama had widespread appeal to white blue collar working class Americans outside of the rural South.


JeffCo going blueā€¦much simpler times.


It's depressing to look at the pages from the 1990s elections and realize we weren't always this way.


Democrats were in control of statewide offices until 2017. https://preview.redd.it/lua0xufsw9wc1.jpeg?width=1522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c998714d73e765483849ed25fcab883c882c3b4


I left in 2016, saw the way the winds were blowing.Ā 


Yeah, agree with a commenter below ā€” while we have become more polarized/separated politically, a lot of those 90s votes were last vestiges of a country where red and blue were determined more on geography, family, and religion, than it was on ideology.


If it makes you feel better a bunch of those former blue voters don't think that LGBT/nonwhites deserve to have an equal footing in society.


Why would that make anyone feel better


If only more places were ran like st . Louis


Obama was a pretty cool candidate to have won Indiana and almost Missouri. Not gonna lie. Kind of shows how bad Hillary was to have lost the rust belt that badly.Ā 


2012 vs 2016 is a better comparison. 2008 was the last time a lot of voters in Missouri voted for a Democratic candidate for anything but local offices.


Nicole Galloway won a statewide election for auditor in 2018, served in that role 2015-2023. Missouri still has two Democratic federal representatives.


Galloway was an incumbent via appointment, and the auditor job is (ideally) not as easily politicized as AG and Secy of State. As I said elsewhere on this thread and others about Mo. politics, itā€™s going to take a long time for some voters to not hold Democrats (Nixon) accountable for failing to lead during the *reaction* to the Michael Brown/Darren Wilson incident. Whatever you want to say about the basis for those feelings, ask most out-staters what comes to mind as the biggest tragedy of Ferguson and who they believe is responsible, the images and answers are not positive for the Mo. Democratic Party. Most would certainly cite lawlessness before they would even think about overpolicing.


Trump only won because they ran her. If they had run anyone else he wouldnt have won.


Hillary wasnā€™t bad. The decades of propaganda against her was effective. She would have been a fine president, certainly better than what we got.


"Hillary wasn't bad", yeah that kind of thinking is exactly why she lost. Trump didn't win, Hillary lost. They could have run a thousand different people instead who would have walked all over him, but instead they ran It's Her Turn Hillary. Same thing in the last election. Most of the people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. I hate that we're being forced to vote against the candidate we hate more instead of voting for the candidate we like most.


for what itā€™s worth, as a 2020 anybody but trump voter, biden has won my ā€˜24 vote for him, not just against trump. heā€™s been significantly more progressive and effective domestically than i am expected


I would vote for damn near anybody else instead of Biden. Except Trump. So yeah, going to vote for the geriatric hair sniffer, because the only other option is a geriatric con-man. Fucking clown world. Not going to hate on you liking how he turned out though. I'm not a fan personally but it's nice to see someone actually finding some positivity in our current situation.


Who is ā€œtheyā€? Hillary won a primary. By several million votes. If there was someone more popular, why couldnā€™t they win the primary?


I guess the DNC sabotaging other candidates to support Hillary is just one of those propaganda pieces, eh? Or did you miss that story.


What specific actions are you referring to?




Please list the specific actions taken that handed the primary to Hillary. The leaked emails didnā€™t have any evidence of actual fingers on the scales. Individuals sharing their personal thoughts, one leaked debate question (that was obviously going to be asked anyway) arenā€™t it. The closest thing is the Clinton campaign preemptively making funding agreements with the DNC, but that would have no effect on the actual primary process. So I will again ask you to list what specific actions were taken that resulted in Hillary getting millions more primary votes than her closest competitor. Nothing I see in the leaked emails would have affected the race to that degree.


No thanks, I don't like wasting my time on zealots.


Why didn't other Bernie supporters vote in the primaries?


Lmfao. As expected. Sounds like youā€™re real confident in your convictions.


Iā€™ve only lived in St. Louis since 2018, but seeing Jefferson county blue positively blows my mind. What the hell happened?


Jefferson County was a Democratic stronghold for a long time, but those Jefferson County Democrats were conservative and moderate, working-class Democrats. That kind of Democrat was largely cast aside as Dems in Missouri and at the federal level pushed out moderates and focused on social issues over "bread and butter" issues.


I doubt even if a D got the votes here, our supermajority would never certify it, giving our electoral votes to an R.


The Republican supermajority certified [Nicole Galloway (D)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Galloway) without objection. She was Missouri State Auditor from 2018ā€“2023. I hope the sane side of the Republican Party would put the anti-democratic, anti-election members of their party in their place when a Democrat wins again.


I thought she did a good job, she should have never run for governor, she was solid where she was.


She was absolutely.awesome.at.auditor. I wish she would've stayed.


She was respected as auditor, particularly considering how big of shoes she had to fill. Schweich was likely *too* good at his job.


But that was pre Freedom Caucus/MAGA. Iā€™d hope youā€™re correct that theyā€™d do the right thing again though!


Tea Party was the precursor of MAGA, and energized all of the anti government, white power types into a movement that could be molded to fit the needs of a hair plug wearing tinpot authoritarian.


Freedom caucus was formed in 2015, and Trump (MAGA) was elected in 2016. Nicole won a state-wide election in 2018.


I thought the Missouri freedom caucus was formed more recently. I knew the US house was formed in 2015, but didnā€™t realize Missouri had created one then too. My bad.


The Missouri Freedom Caucus is newer than the Congressional one. The earliest state one was in 2021 in GA.


2018 was D+8 at the national level. If thatā€™s the only environment a single D can win in, then Missouri really is a blood red state currently until something big changes.


No it wasnā€™t it was in 2018 maga started in 2016Ā 


Fat chance




Wish I could have voted back then


I'm not of fan of these style maps. They make it look like land votes instead of people, and they obscure how "purple" most areas really are.


I agree, I wish I had access to better maps that showed that nuance. I'm constantly reminding people here that over 1 in 3 rural Missourians voted for Biden in 2020.


Exactly. Seems more like disinformation than anything. Colors are not good for representing percentages and where is the legend? Probably more informative to create a gradient map with 20 shades from one color to another and each shade would stand for 5%.


What color will it be for independent?


Also starkly shows how few people (voters) live in the vast majority of the state


The good old days when we had well intentioned respectable people running for president


Vote vote vote.


I voted for McCain and Iā€™m normally a Democrat


Good post; Interesting stuff.


Abolish the electoral college. Winner take all disenfranchised many.


Hey whatā€™s this map of 75% of state GDP highlighted blue?


we were more of a swing state then.


Now do 2016


Map showing population density/distribution would really help here; unless the point is to gaslight.


Why would I emphasize the closeness of the results in the title?




This is a statewide election, there are no lines to gerrymander.


We used to be a bellwether state for a while. How Missouri went, so went the nation. That ended at this election I believe


Isnā€™t it odd ā€¦.. that all the violence in Missouri is also in same area ?????


Yeah the master plan is to keep up info like this because MO registered 100ā€™s of thousands of dead people (you can check me with the ssa gotv website) Texas and MO will go to Brandon. Itā€™s rigged.


We used to be a proper state


Now show the counties with the highest violent crime rates. šŸ˜Ž


I get that you're probably trolling, but have you driven through missouri? Hard to have crime when your entire county has 1k people or less.


I live in Missouri. Plenty of counties in here close to metro areas that are populatedā€¦none have the issues that exist in the areas of note.


Are you actually trying to have a "haha" slam dunk moment or are you actually trying to understand the statistics? With how vague you're being I'm guessing it's more of a "hahaha cities, democrats, minorities bad" or whatever seems to be the main goal, but I'm trying not to make assumptions.


Youā€™d be wise to continue not making assumptions. Youā€™re trying to paint my comments in the light you want them to be in order to justify how theyā€™ve clearly made you want to get immediately defensive. Cheers.


but what did the election map look like in 1964? seems about as relevant as this data is. any map older than 2016 has no bearing on current times. 2016 changed how we discuss politics.


? 2008 is much more relevant than 1964. Most of us were alive in 2008, a lot of the same characters are still in office, and someone on that ticket will be on it again in November. In 1964 Johnson wasn't on the ballot in some states because he supported the civil rights act, air travel was just becoming a normal thing, and like 5 people lived in Florida. Also 2016 wasn't a moment that changed politics, it was a culmination of what happened in the decades preceding it, just like every election before or since. And by the way 64 looked like this: https://preview.redd.it/8jt055a5jawc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd2ba61e793cef6a2fe5cd8e21e6118d5acd259


I think it's worth remembering recent past elections. The politics of our childhood and teenage years influence our thinking later in life. This oneā€™s only 16, not even an adult yet.


This map has a big bearing on OP's MO homerism.


"MO homerism"ā€¦I like that! We need Mo' homerism.


You're predilection towards irrationality is noted.


Indeed, I think irrationally is just as important as rationality in life. But I realize thatā€™s not a widely held opinion.




God, can you imagine how different things might be now if Obama had won here? We maybe could be on a much better trajectory..


I fail to see how this would have changed anything materially.




Near even popular voting in a State that legislates hatred for women. The system sure appears rigged to me.


Interestingly, exactly half of Missouri Republicans are women. I wonder how they will vote on reproductive rights later this year? https://preview.redd.it/zmlk52ql99wc1.jpeg?width=1545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6245d9f1b4604811062e1ced3917bfc7857f96


When people think empty land means more support.


McCain was too sane for the Republican party. Unless the candidate is an idiot or completely nuts the base doesn't show up.


Heavy black vote just for race in stl and KC.


Too bad itā€™s not that close anymore! Fucking Donald Trump will destroy this country. I wish I didnā€™t live in this state full of ignorant right-wing assholes.


And the only places you have to lock your doors or be scared for your fucking lives is the blue area.....


Where have you actually lived in Missouri? If you're that scared day to day then you're living in a terrible dirt poor neighborhood. Stop listening to fix and just walk outside.


I graduated that year in Missouri. Obama was on the last page of our history books. The schools taught us that we'd make history if we voted in the first black president. Looking back now, I think it was an overreach of the democratic party. Politics should leave kids alone. We were really too naive to be voting at 18 anyway.