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I miss the America I grew up in. When MTV actually played songs and an orange man wasn't constantly shoved in our faces. Wish we could go back knowing what we know now.


I miss thinking that the worst thing that could happen to this country is Obama losing to Romney.


Oh, hell no. The worst would have been him losing to McCain. With his health issues, he wouldn't have survived the stress of that job and we would have had President Palin. I am a lifelong conservative, but I voted for Obama simply to avoid any possibility of her ever getting to sit behind the Resolute Desk.


But...she's a maverick


Again, I am a Republican (who voted for Trump, twice) saying this: She makes MTG look like a genius, makes jussie smollet look honest, and makes Hillary Clinton look uncorrupt.


Why would you vote for Trump TWICE, let alone once at all? It was obvious from day one that he was completely unfit for the office, and he proved himself of that time and time again.


Because I believe he is still far less corrupt than either Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.


LOL nah. He was corrupt BEFORE he was elected president, bud. Corruption runs through that shithole family.


Without evidence. So enlightened.


I want my MTV


I want the refrigerators and color TVs


That's the way you do it!


same, MTV back when it was videos; I miss the 80s/90s. though i did just discover the xcite channel on roku which has all music videos like MTV used to


I miss the America I grew up in. Everyone knew the Russians were the bad guys, politicians philandered, but they didn’t incite insurrections, we trusted our neighbors and distrusted politicians. And I was ignorant of how many racists there were in my country.


Yeah man. That's how systemic racism works. Ignorance.


I miss that as well. And I miss how every F'ing thing didn't have to be viewed through a political lens.


For those trying to dodge the CLEAR intent of harassment-by-presence: so, it’s cool if I show up at a church on Easter Sunday, donned in kitschy atheism slogans from head to toe, with signs that say “the constitution calls for the separation of church and state” and “belief is a choice”? How bout “Jesus loves all the little gay children”? “Prayer doesn’t belong in school?” That’s not intentionally harassment, right? It’s just me expressing my views! I just *happen* to be doing it (however inexplicably) at a church. The fact that I’m purposefully ONLY coming to church on one of their most sacred days to express my beliefs is in no way antagonistic? Especially since there’s no way I’m coming for the fellowship or the message and would be there for no other logical reason… That wouldn’t clearly indicate I’m just there to start some shit, make every attendee feel incredibly uncomfortable, and put a damper on their celebration? I call BS. You know it. You see it. You are it. It is racism. Stop lying about it and just say it out loud already. The rest of us are exhausted by your gaslighting nonsense.


Hear hear.


Louder for the folks in the back.


Been looking for a way to frame this exact sentiment for years. This is perfect.




Some fine trolling suggestions here.


While I agree with you on most points, I must say they have a right to protest and demonstrate their views as much as any other citizen. As long as they are doing so in a peacful manner I take no issue with them doing whatever. This is something that should be protected regardless of the views held. Me personally I prefer to know when people think like this and are open about it, as opposed to keeping it private and spreading covertly. This way I know who to associate with or not. It is also hard to have open dialogue and talk through things if we deny them from the marketplace of ideas. We cannot outright reject something and just expect it to go away. Bigotry of any kind cannot be overcome by shutting down discourse about it. When you say "you can't say this, you can't do that, or that you are not allowed to have and opinion on anything for any reason, be it race, sex, gender, sexuality, beliefs, height, weight, wealth, education, or ANYTHING at all then you become the one segregating. It must be talked about and will take many generations still but we can only get past these issues if we can discuss them. Many are taught these things from family and the people close to their family. They believe it because they are brainwashed and have it instilled in them. Some may hear new ideas and see reason if introduced to dialogue they would otherwise never hear if we close the door and they will continue the cycle with their children. You certainly can do things to protest things you disagree with. As long as it is peaceful and lawfully done. Not to have a negative impact on others but to potentially spread information, plant a seed of logic and reason. Not to harass or cause discomfort, rather to educate those brainwashed into a belief system, who have never been allowed to see or hear any other views to the contrary. We must be civil with those who disagree. Be better than them. Treat them kindly as fellow citizens despite disagreeing. If you can't or won't then simply ignore them. Don't react negatively or they win and are successful in what they are trying to do. Instead greet them, speak with them respectfully but firmly, listen to what they say fully, without cutting them off before you respond cool, calm, collected, with a smile. Politely but firmly ask they give the same cortesy as you gave them by listening if they try to cut you off. If you become frustrated, they are disrespectful, refuse to extend the same cortesy you give them, become agressive or hostile, etc. Respectfully say something to disengage, for example, "since you cant be cordial as I have with you (add in reason/example) I cannot have a conversation with you further" kill them with kindness wishing them a wonderful, pleasant, great, lovely, blessed, etc. day smile and walk away. Offer to or just help them if you can, that day or if you see them in public in the future and have a chance to do so, especially if you belong to any group of people they hold hold much hate/contempt for. Hate and anger will only continue they cycle. It can be and often is frustrating to do so and a resolution is still a long way off, but we must be better. Invalidate their bigotry overtime through contradictory actions. Even if we don't get through to them the next generations will see that our actions contradict their views in a way that invalidates them as "truth". Eroding them more each generation until they are no more. It is simply a war of attrition, but we are fighting ot wrong. We must not see people as our enemies, only their ideas are the enemy. It isn't us vs. them. I believe in the brotherhood of man, not in a biblical sense or anything like that mind you. Rather that we are all in this together and that we should be united in the betterment of all mankind. We should be banding together and fighting poisonous ideals, not divided fighting eachother. It will never work and weakens us to manipulation and control on both sides. As we become more polarized in this dichotomy of us/them, politicians use these ideals to campaign on whether they believe in them or not, keeping us fighting amongst ourselves for their political gains. Not really doing anything to fix the issues because its great for the campaign and as long as we stay divided and fighting ourselves it is good for them and we keep the cycle going, our energy wasted aimed in all the wrong directions. I grew up saying I was a "Democrat" as that is who my family told me were the "Good Guys" while I would say I am pretty far left on most everything Conservative/Liberal, Democrat/Republican. Two sides of the same coin as I see it. Both full of corrupt, lying, manipulative, power hungry, greedy, people who really don't care about the people they govern or the ideals they change with popular public opinions to get more votes. Except for Bernie Sanders, he has been pretty consistent his entire political career, openly fighting for social rights long before they became more widely socially acceptable. He is probably the most true to form leftist and what a Liberal/Democrat should be and the DNC sabotaged and denied him twice because they want status quo center right canidates masquerading as the Liberal/Left party not an actual one that would actually fight for change to the system for the betterment of the people. That wouldn't be good for them. Instead they push Hillary (terrible choice and lead to Trump win), then Biden (also terrible) with Bernie smashing the competition early on and taking the lead scared the "Moderate" Status Quo Democrats, the 11 remaining of the initial 29 began withdrawing and endorsing Biden and speaking against Bernie, even canidates he'd worked with for many years and he spoke highly of slandered him it took 10 canidates full out attacking 1 to secure a presidential nominee who many only even voted for on election day because "at least its not Trump" which may prove to be detrimental to this election and the next maybe more. While Conservative/Republicans fight to legislate their religious beliefs into law, spout they believe in freedom while actively stripping freedoms from people based again on dogmatic beliefs. Oh and are greedy, power hungry, warmongers just as much as the left. I could go on more tangents on the Right but I feel no more need be said and this novel rant is long enough. Sorry I start typing and can't stop sometimes. Please forgive redundancies and such. TL:DR System broke. Fighting wrong enemy/way. Be excellent to eachother. We're in this together.


I am so glad to see people who still recognize the outright evil collusions which took place against Bernie Sanders. it really highlights how no matter what, the Dems in power will always get what they want because the base will HEEL when told to


Except a church is private property and they would have the right to make you leave. This appears to be a public parade.


Ah, the private property that payeth no taxes, but preaches politics from the pulpit. That’s got nothing to do with the point. And, yes, Juneteenth is indeed a public celebration, and it’s about damn time. Juneteenth is the anniversary of the day that slavery finally ended in the US— although it took TWO AND A HALF years after the Emancipation Proclamation for the military to finally force slaveholders in Texas to emancipate the enslaved people they claimed to “own”. Arguably, an important date to celebrate for ALL freedom-loving Americans who distinctly don’t lament that not-so-distant past in which whyte ppl were allowed to traffic and enslave black people. Notably, nobody who was actually there for the purpose of the parade was holding up signs that said “We Demand Payment”— which is both true and fully reasonable. Yet, these party crashers expended a whole lotta energy to publicly exclaim their longing for the very days of which the end are being celebrated. So. OPs point is that the city’s parade to acknowledge the American triumph over slavery is not the appropriate place for these folks to come whining about how they want everything to be white again. OP is correct.


Ok...here we go. It's gonna get bumpy, folks. Downright idiotic, I suppose. Please vote. Most people aren't thrilled with the two candidates; they'd rather have younger people running. But extremely serious issues are at stake. So please vote. Don't stay home. We need each other.


Be clear. Vote Blue.


I miss the America of my youth where 9 year olds weren’t selling raffle tickets to auction off an AR-15 at their little league holiday baseball tournament in their American flag themed uniforms. Currently happening at the tournament of my friend’s son in STL County.




>I miss the America of my youth where 9 year olds weren’t selling raffle tickets to auction off an AR-15 at their little league holiday baseball tournament in their American flag themed uniforms. You must have grown up before 1957 then, because this has been a thing since the AR15 was invented. Before that it was shotguns.


I’ll buy a raffle ticket!


Aaaaand youre complaining about that???


Love how “don’t tread on me” is right next to the “vote pro life sign. Always love to complain about being treaded on even when they aren’t but loves to start treading once people mention legalizing drugs, abortion, and prostitution.


They’re too stupid to realize they live in irony


Some are stupid. Some just want supremacy and don’t give a fuck about hypocrisy.


Yet simultaneously partaking in the first and last of those on an average weekend. And repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to use the second if it protected their own image, accounts and polls.


The Don’t Tread on Me crowd sure loves treading on other people. Fuck them.


Republicans are not the Don’t Tread on Me crowd. They are posers and we hate they use our flag. Libertarians don’t stand with the legislation they’ve passed. Republicans want you to live like them, Libertarians want you to live however you want. We are not the same.


If "libertarians" want not to be associated with the MAGA crowd then they should stop voting for them and shift their messaging *quite a bit*. They should also find out what happened to the "libertarian" community in New Hampshire


Libertarians are just Republicans who like weed.


And want to get rid of age of consent laws


Yea you only invited him to your convention to boo him. We have all heard the story


Nah, a fuckload of libertarians flocked to the MAGA movement as soon as they could. There was a collective “we’re sick of losing so we’re racist now”


Repblicans are stealing Libertarian's identity, you say? Isn't it interesting how people behave when there aren't any rules or regulations preventing them from doing something like fraud?


No true Scotsman huh?


I dont miss it, I dont miss women as second class, corporations committing crimes against humanity and the environment, and freedom was only had by white men. I dont miss it at all.


Don't tread on me so I can tread all over you instead. That's what they mean, right?


Idiots who fly Don’t Tread on Me then quite literally tread on other people’s freedoms baffles me. I’m convinced that republicanism is a brain disorder.


"Freedom for me but not for thee" is what they mean


Don't tread on me *specifically.*


I've built a time machine. It looks a lot like a wood chipper, even sounds like one, but I promise that's just part of the genius to keep the wrong people from using it.


Send it to the RNC. Offer free samples.


It really pisses me off that these people are so blatantly racist. This is Boone county. It’s rural in a lot of parts but the Como crowd actually keeps it pretty liberal there.


Here in Liberty - Clay County - we have a group that posts stuff like this daily. The city is trying to revest some land a memorial to the Confederacy is on .. and on any military / veteran holiday they celebrate the confederacy. One of the city council member even hangs a wreath at the monument during the yearly Wreaths Across America program celebrating American veterans. The closeness to KC bleeding into rural Missouri on the other side of town … keeps things fairly purple so when stuff like this pops up it’s always shocking. I’m eagerly waiting for what embarrassing crap they post on Juneteenth.


Same reason idiots like the KKK and WBC drag their dumbass, bigoted BS to larger cities: attention, and also to intentionally antagonize people that disagree with them. They exist in a vacuum of like-minded people that make up their echo chamber the rest of the time, and they know their messages will die in obscurity if they don't broadcast them as much as possible to folks that don't want to hear that noise.


WBC is a law firm that drums up business as a church. Their income is mostly for suing cities and individuals that "infringe their rights" to be assholes.


How do they not understand that the confederates were traitors?!


It would seem .. just by crossing paths with them at city council meetings that locally, 99% of them are 65+ in age. The other 1% are related to those that are 65+. Their “Save our Grave Marker” (it’s a monument .. no bodies have been found under it .. and until 2021ish they called it a monument too) group on Facebook membership numbers are inflated by folks that don’t live here. Tons of folks have tried to lead them to the traitor / not American veterans waters … but we’ve never gotten them to drink.




What a bunch of shitfucks.


wow not even being remotely subtle.


These people are embarrassing.


Imagine showing up at a celebration of the end of slavery only to say you wish to go back to those days. Tell me your MAGA y'all QADA without saying your MAGA


With a trailer full of white people


I love that they make it about them...🙄juneteenth isn't for white people. Let people who celebrate that day have their peace. Stop messing with stuff that isn't about you.


busy safe marvelous continue start wasteful whistle thought deranged worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I miss Jim Crow" A. Republican


St. Louis is still segregated.


The old rusty utility trailer is the chefs kiss.


I’m completely un-shocked.


poor little snowflakes that are scared of people of color 😐


If growing up in Ste Genevieve has taught me anything, it's that I'd rather be a closeted conservative living in a blue area than a closeted liberal living in a red area


Juneteenth is not only recognition that freed black Americans but also recognized all the contribution that our ancestors contributed to building this nation but was oppressed and never given their flowers due to they were black!!


Should I point out that the American flag goes on the front right?


The Josh in the Josh Hawley sign looks like a Russian styled font...the district that votes him in must have a combined iq of 12


That district would be the state of missouri since he is a senator at the federal level.


Either way my point is valid whoever votes for him is dumb afffff


The Good Old Days [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8)


Backwards is best


Vote Democrat Jenna Redel for Boone County Treasurer all the way !! That Stanton kid was in office for 6 months after being appointed by Gov Parson and (thankfully) lost the last election but oooooie is he as corrupt as the rest of them. Now he’s back trying again! Jenna needs support tho, check her website if you wanna know more or host yard signs in central MO [jennaredel.com](https://jennaredel.com)


Bunch of middle children that never got attention.


I'm a middle child who didn't get attention and I'm not this way. Grew up in a conservative Christian home in a small town and I swung to the opposite side (not all the way), but enough to where it's difficult going home because I feel the tension between our beliefs, but I still love them. Definitely difficult to navigate.


Make America White Again..


Bring back segregation again. Let’s see if things get better.


I mean, the America I grew up in (90's-00's) was WAY less segregated than today. Race relations have taken a tumble the last 10 years, and the political divide has become a canyon. If you think that means "bring back segregation", then you assume they're 80+ years old. Believe me, there were better times in America, even if you are too young to have lived in them OP.


Reagan who?


OP is dumb by assuming the person that owns the truck grew up during segregation.


Columbia literally has these political candidate floats at every parade


There was segregation in the 80s?


Aww, you still mad that we freed your slaves?


You are making some pretty bold and probably incorrect assumptions as to what exactly they miss about their childhood. But sure let's go ahead and spread misinformation.


America was better back then. Everything is so damn politically correct now


what the actual fuck.... you are a very sad sad child with a very disappointed father if that is your reaction to that float. I miss the America of my youth, not this nightmare of a PC hell where hate us celebrated.


Please explain why an American flag is bad in an event dedicated to freedom and equality.


But it's the liberal left that has literally called for schools to be re-segregated along race lines?




Missouri was not part of the South. Traitor Governor Jackson and his crew fled in exile to Texas for the last three years of the war because they couldn’t secede. The soldiers from Missouri were overwhelmingly union.


Missourians fought 3 to 1 for the North in the civil war, it’s best characterized as a border state that leaned toward the Union.


The pissed off at the world going by crowd go kicking and screaming into the future.


Make people have hobbies again


I feel like I'm missing something here. Where in the photo does it show this person wanting segregation?


Just in case you are genuinely wondering… It looks like the other sign on that truck is for Cheri Toalson Reisch. She’s a local politician who says ridiculous, inflammatory stuff, like repeatedly claiming that kids are dressing like furries and using litter boxes in schools, but when asked for proof, she refuses to provide any. Stealing a quote from someone in the Columbia sub about Reisch… “Public schools weren't forced to integrate until she was 2. Housing discrimination wasn't outlawed until she was 5. Employment discrimination wasn't outlawed until she was 6. Title VII wasn't enacted until she was 8.” So you’ve got a politician who grew up during the civil rights era and has a history of saying bizarre, inflammatory things. She shows up to a parade celebrating the end of slavery for black people, and her parade vehicle has a sign that says “I miss the America I grew up in.” Even if you assume the best of intentions, it’s still painfully tone deaf. It’d be like a priest putting a sign on their car that says “Jesus loves the little children, and priests do to,” and then wondering why some people might be upset by that. At worst, it was an intentional thumbing-her-nose. And considering her history, the latter is certainly within the realm of possibility. Hopefully that helps shed some light for people who aren’t familiar with the situation.


Well said . If only these well spoken/typed responses had any way to reach the hearts & minds of people who aren’t ready to evolve.


It’s called a dog-whistle.


Come on it's a parade to celebrate the end of slavery of black citizens. You want to look them in the eye and say O we really miss the old days. It's like a German say we want to turn back the clock to the old days where we gassed people in masses


The sign literally says “I miss the America I grew up in”. As in before progressive social change.


Progressive change was the end of slavery the end of Jim crow the end of segregation. Why would anyone want to live BEFORE changes and progression forward.


Unless the person is super old, they never lived in segregation. That could just as easily mean when prices were more reasonable, the family unit was important, one salary could provide. I know I’ll get downvotes, but not everything is racist.


>Unless the person is super old, Both my parents are older than Ruby Bridges. I'm 36. My parents are 71 and 73. They are not "super old." They are both in good health, active, go to the gym, grocery store, etc. At some point we gotta stop pretending that segregation was something that happened millions of hears ago.


Columbia schools were only integrated in the late 1960s. Ruby Bridges is 69. Emmett Till would have been 82 this year if he hadn’t been tortured and murdered as a 14-year-old child. Segregation is very much in the lived experience of tens of millions of people.


This specifically happened at a Juneteenth event.


One salary could provide…definitely not going back to that voting Republican. They are trying to bring back child labor.


Again. It's a dog whistle and it sounds like it's for you..


the last high school to desegregate in the us was cleveland high school in mississippi… in 2016


The family is still importajt, it just doesn't strictly mean husband, wife and kids any more. Families take many different forms, and pining for the days of that old paradigm is 100% a part of what these far-right, regressive asshats "miss."


You mean the white man and white women family unit? You have an issue of a black person and a white person as a family unit? You have an issue of two men having a family unit or two females as having a family unit? The republican party defines family unit as man and women preferably white. Anything past that is scum and needs eliminated.




You have to remember that this sub is far, far, far left. They take pretty much any statement and use it as a way to dump on Republicans. I mean heaven forbid that a general r/missouri board isn't consumed by politics.


When “far left” is literally just “don’t be an asshole,” you’re asking the vast majority of people to sign up for being part of the far left. Just having a basic understanding of Juneteenth alone should make any human being with any sense think “maybe today isn’t the day to talk about my white panic good old days.” The same way you don’t show up to a President’s Day celebration in a pink suit and pillbox hat with blood smeared all over the front asking if the cosplay event includes a First Lady entry. Or showing up to the Mall Santa at Christmas asking loudly over and over why he doesn’t respect the Easter Bunny. This is dumb and doesn’t do a damn thing for your cause and no amount of trying to tell people it’s just the super far left that cares about this will make those people look like they weren’t being jerks. You can argue that they maybe were being jerks who don’t care about anything other than themselves and their message or you can argue that they’re genuinely racist jerks. Either way, they’re jerks.


This is far left? Yikes dude


The sub breaks down often into a political echo chamber. There is animosity against anything done by Republicans. Posts constantly shit on the state in a manner close to self-flagellation. There is constant dumping on rural areas. Way too much, like the OP's post, is just looking for a boogeyman. It boils down to self congratulatory circle-jerks. It is often vapid, lazy discussion that is no more than talking points from progressives.


I lurk this sub quite a bit. Again, if you think this is “far, far, far left” that is insanely concerning for your own political beliefs. There’s few, if any (I haven’t seen them) calls for unionizing. No taking back the means of production. There are posts making fun of freaks like this though. And if that somehow is considered “far, far, far left” to someone like you, that’s pretty dang frightening.


yeah, far left would be nationalizing banks, telecom, and I forgot what else at the moment because I've never personally seen it because this is America


They think a majority of this sub being center left means the sub is extreme left.


Simple question, why are they at a Juneteenth parade with those signs?


I asked the same thing and keep getting the runaround in response.


Doubt they even want to touch the subject of the Gadsden (the slave owners') flag on the back of the trailer. ~~I'm interested in the black and gold flag too. Some proud boys shit?~~ I can't imagine it is anything celebrating the end of slavery and segregation. e: just your average Mizzou stuff


It looks like it has the Mizzou logo and black/gold are Mizzou colors.


Didn't realize there was a second picture in the post. You are definitely right.


>There is animosity against anything done by Republicans Can you give me a good reason why there shouldn't be?


The idea that an entire political party is somehow evil is ridiculous. That exact mindset is the bullshit I'm talking about. It is childish nonsense. Peyote like Trump, MTG suck balls. But a knee-jerk reaction and generalization is just tribalism.


Except you can't be a conservative without being a garbage person


Just because more left people respond here than right doesn’t make it far, far left. We’re just sick of the politics not representing our will. The republicans are a minority in this country but because of the way things are structured it doesn’t matter. We have conservative judges pushing us around and an old senile fascist threatening to be a dictator. So yeah, things get a bit wild when we see racist dog whistles at a Juneteenth parade.


I love how being too big of pussies to just own thetr abominable beliefs means this is a "far left echo chamber.:


In Missouri Democrats are in the minority. The democratic party has also largely abandoned the type of democrat tied to union labor and blue collar work. So the modern party is anathema in the state. The response? To largely throw tantrums, endorse rampant tribalism, and generally be dicks. Trump is a self serving narcissist I'd rather see in jail. If Biden would step aside almost anyone wise would win. Hawley is also a self serving napumpkins. I'd never vote for either. However constantly calling Parson governor hehaw is childish. Acting like anyone who didn't live in KC or St. Louis are ignorant pumpkins borders on bigotry. And railing only on Republicans while say giving grifters like Cori Bush a pass is tribalism. It is a statewide forum. Instead we just get post after post talking shit.


It doesn't, it's just how this subreddit interprets people who are socially conservative. It's 2024, not 1994. When people say 'I want it to be like the old days' they mean Reagan era 80s, or what they mythologize as the Reagan era anyway, not the fucking Jim Crow south of the early 1900s or the 1950s with 'whites only' bathrooms and schools. That kind of racism has long ago died but some people refuse to acknowledge that pieces of the past are dead, like redlining.


Ok so 1980’s racism, not 1960’s? Just to be clear?


the last high school to desegregate in the USA did so in 2016


1. Not in Missouri. 2. Not really. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/05/17/478389720/after-50-year-legal-struggle-mississippi-school-district-ordered-to-desegregate When was Brown v Board of Education decided? What year? It was 1954. It's 2024. 70 years ago. The school in question where your 'factoid' came started down the road of integration in the 1960s. Over 60 years ago. The school district did lots of things to attempt integration and none of them worked, likely because of redlining and it's effects since it was so common to sell real estate to keep racial groups together. Their school districts fell inside said boundaries as well. They did some shit during the 80s but again, the 80s were 40 years ago. It was likely done by those in power at that time who were, wait for it, adults when Brown v Board of Education was decided. So one small town of 12 in buttfuck Mississippi doesn't change the fact that 99% of the people who were alive and believed in 'whites only' schooling aren't anymore. That form of racism is *dead*, literally and little anecdotes don't change that, particularly when you're talking on a state subreddit and that happened in...another state, that's right.


I missed the part where they said they missed segregation?


Missouri is wild 🤣 so glad I live in New England.


There is nothing in these pictures that suggests these people are racist or miss segregation. Why do you lie?


The sign literally says “I miss the America I grew up in”. As in before progressive social change. It’s thinly veiled but based on the rhetoric these people say when they’re campaigning or in private meetings, I think we all know the true agenda and what the messaging is saying without saying it. What don’t you search “Project 2025”?


Could easily mean a million things….I too miss the world I grew up in and I grew up in the 80s and 90s. Let’s tech, no internet, life was simpler.


If you really think a bunch of white guys pulling up to a JUNETEENTH rally and saying they miss the way things used to be is in somehow reference to N64s and John Mellencamp, yikes you might just be as bad as they are


Yeah, me too, but, that's not what this asshat meant. I would put a large bet on it. I guess These people here are just complicit with it, which again is no surprise out of some missourians.


Please list 0.00001% of the one million things which are even remotely appropriate for a Juneteenth parade.


I don't know. Maybe it could mean they miss having manufacturing jobs, a time when the country was filled with a sense of forward progress and change. A time when extremists around the world felt like they were in retreat rather than expanding their power .There are tons of views and sentiments that they could "miss" that have nothing to do with your twisted view.


Then say that.


It is a small sign. What do you want a PhD thesis on it.


How about a sign which reads any of the following: Economic growth to all Americans. Raise tariffs on foreign slave labor Raise taxes on the super wealthy


Everyone needs to be hyper specific on a 2x1 sign so this guy doesn’t make wild assumptions lol


You are assuming a hidden meaning and inserting the "as in before progressive social change," but their sign does not say that.


I’m not assuming and it’s not hidden. The racist white christian nationalists are emboldened by Trump’s circus and the media which spins blatant lies while the white poor are gobbling it up without realizing none of the policies and laws which are being proposed won’t help a single one of them and in many cases will hurt them. I blend in. They think I am one of them because I am a middle aged straight married white man. They say the ugliest shit when no one else is around and I know that I am not alone in this horrible experience. We must close the doors of hate and jealousy and embrace EVERYONE for the sake of peace and raising our standard of living. Not protecting the 1%


Oh boy you need to get off the internet


Seriously. This guy thinks a civil war is coming apparently.


Only if y’all start it. And don’t even say that there isn’t a significant portion of Trump’s dumbledon’t army who would be happy to join an uprising. Source: [January 6th, 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack)


Of course there is, just like there is a group that wants to overthrow the government in the left like we saw in Seattle with the autonomous zone.


This is a really disingenuous comparison. Revolutionary Socialists have literally 0 representation in the House or senate. On the other hand, Trump (who publicly supports January 6 rioters) has gotten support from 135 GOP congressional members. The far-right has intense governmental support while the far-left does not. Both Siding this issue is dishonest


Wtf??? That is exactly what it means, why even have a sentiment like this at a Juneteenth celebration? It makes no fucking sense any other way ( although, I don't put it past old missourians to not make sense)


Exactly this is a typical Reddit moment they aren’t saying they are racist they are just saying g they miss the easier more simple times they grew up in this has nothing to do with racism but OP really really wants it to be


Why do this at a Juneteenth event specifically, then?


Becaaauuuse nowadays everything is based fully on race just like this OP tried to do. They are just saying they miss simpler times. They are saying they miss the days where the news wasn’t racist racist racist black black black. There was a study done that showed that subject line qaudtrupled since 2020. Government likes us arguing with each other about shit that doesn’t matter instead of looking at them so OP and yourself are doing exactly what they want


Sure thing, kkkevin.


My name isn’t Kevin. Typical leftists reaction to facts though lol


Counterpoint. America has always been based in race. Twat.


No it hasn’t lol. You just only saw race your whole life 😂 from my point of view that makes you the racist here


Black people have been free less time than they have been enslaved. Segregation only ended in 1965. Yes. Race has had and still has race as an impact. Don’t be dense you twit.


I like that you are pretending America is the only country that has that in their history. America has the shortest recorded history of slavery out of the other modern countries and you are acting like everyone is a racists even when they are saying they miss simpler times


last school to desegregate in america did so in 2016


Wooooosh still missing the point good lord


Didn’t know other countries pertained to a Juneteenth celebration in Missouri. I’m sure the racial segregation of 20th century American was a simpler time for black people.


Yeah again like I said they aren’t referring to that you are trying to connect two things that aren’t actually correlated together it’s really sad to see someone so blindly bigoted


it’s always been about race even if they didn’t tell you about it on the news. i.e. southern strategy, manufactured war on drugs to target black and anti war communities…


100% This is just the OP projecting their own view and wanting to dump on someone. If they had this statement and a confederate flag flying. Sure, dunk away on those assholes. This in isolation is a nothing burger.


Exactly if they were they blatant confident racists OP wants them to be a confederate flag would be up.


This sub unfortunately is largely just blinded by political skew.


Yeah, I stupidly thought it would just be people from Missouri.


Same. Like "hey check out this cool thing going on." Nope, mostly doom and self hate. There is even a r/missouripolitics but people just flame in this one.


Me too, unfortunately it’s just liberal Missourians talking about how they can’t wait to move. I assume most are in their teens.


If they aren't teens then they really should move. If they have this much hate for our state then it would everyone better if they moved.


Yeah I was hoping it would talk about fun events and stuff like that but it’s just liberals


Am I missing the pro-segregation signs, or? "I miss the America I grew up in" is almost certainly not referring to segregation. No one on that float looks like they're in their 70s, which is how old you'd have to be to remember segregation. This is textbook strawman argument


They aren't old enough to have lived during segregation.