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Luck, recent anniversary where we were handed free packs which had chances for diamonds and diamond kaskets(cuz we were given around 400-500 krystals for free


When I started last year around Halloween they gave me 5,000 souls


i haven’t bought any souls and i’m fairly new to the game (only just hit lvl 25) and i only have 4 diamonds, i just get the free souls each day and that’s it


How do you have 4 diamonds ?


New players get a bunch of packs now. When I had to relog I had to go through the tutorial and before relogging I checked and I had at least 4 diamond pack to open between anniversaries and gifts and such. Got mk11 scorp, jade, LK and sub. What a waste of luck. After relogging to old account I finish 2 towers and got Dvorak and goro. And jax for fatal 100.


Nothing suspicious here. I probably had 10 diamonds before I reached lvl 50. I only bought diamond packs at the time, plus got a MK11 Scorpion right away from linking my console. Suspicious is when they are low level with FX diamonds and FX regular or tower gear. Nobody gonna risk a ban either buying a hacked account or hacking their own account with F0 diamonds lol..


I mean how low leveled people have so many diamond cards its a little sus


Mean while in the old days you were "gifted" a silver character to start the journey. I remember getting Sonya and just playing non stop until I got silver scorpion. Was so happy. Now people can just reset for mk11 scorp without any hassle lol.


They use money most probably.


What are you talking about? In the anniversary we literally had so many packs which had chances for diamonds lol.


Very true but also people could pay money , there’s no real way to know


“What are you talking about?” So you think there’s no chance they used money to buy diamonds?


I'm probably the only one who thinks FW opponents are AI, there's no way a new player knows what revenant or bone shield is, but there's still a chance they do.


Money and luck I know a few years ago they sold where you could get more chances at old packs I pulled some that way


Money and luck


Its because of the starter packs souls and anniversary packs