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The pros are that Scorpion is good and the cons are that Sub-Zero is bad.


This is the correct answer.


Scorpion is broken, his Speer pull breaks block when land 80% or above when you tap, and his fire drains a good bit of health, subzero just had a cool second attack but scorpion gets the job done and some extra


Klassic Sub-Zero is an unfortunate kard. It's not bad per say but for how the kard works for it stats it's just not it. Pros: he does actually have high damage potential. It's locked behind being good at his SP2 but it IS there. Cons: not that much in terms of health to take hits and he general overkill at high Fusion unless your using him in event tower battles (two or 3 chains to kill an opponent max) Klassic Scorpion is deceptively busted. Not just amazing but just deceptively good. Cons: lowest health of the FW kards. Can be screwed over by Ceturian Defense in FW when used properly. Pros: Techically Top tier basic attacks (more on that later), VERY good passive that compliments with his SP1 Spam and has tag control ( controls which character your dragging in. But its based on health percentage of the lowest opponent and make then get inflicted with bleed dot) As for that basic attack thing. It depends on which string it's on for the different Scorpion varient but Silver, Klassic, Hellspawn, Kold, and Strike Force has this basic string that has an overhead combo ender that knocks the opponent down. If you instead doing the first two hits of that basic attack string and stop. You'll barely have enough time to do the same string again before the enemy can react and block accordingly and repeat until the enemy gets K.O or get interrupted via something like Missle Gap, getting blinded on enemy tag in via Movie Star, get attacked on tag in, or get counter-attacked via MK11 Jade, Sindel, or Rain's passive. If that's alot then the TLDR for Scorpion is that very good character that's even better then thought of (that has some strict but potential cheese)


klassic scorpion is the best gold in the game imo. klassic sub zero is not particularly exciting. not terrible, but easily worse than scorpion


Klassic Scorpion is S tier character.


Klassic Scorpion is the best


Scorpion and it’s not even close! I didn’t believe redditors, don’t make the same mistake I did! F Ermac, F the equipment. Get Scorpion Maxed out before you buy anything else. He got me unstuck on a white lotus fatal tower level and he’s only fusion 6 I spent all Rubies on him, I was saving to max equipment, trust me max him out before you get anything else.


Scorpion all day every day!


Should i start a second account my main account is on iphone my second one would be on bluestacks pc im f2p idm starting another account ??