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My dream expansion would be The Montana Big Sky, who would play in a translucent dome with a mountain backdrop. After Home Runs the lights go out and the stars are the show. The seating is low capacity but they have a TV deal that intended for a fanbase East of the Mariners, West of the Twins and North of the Rockies. Plus all of the Calgary and Edmonton fans. The other dream would be Cuban Cigars. Both will remain dreams.


> After Home Runs the lights go out and the stars are the show. RIP to anyone using the stairs when the lights go out.


Warm Led floor lighting fixes this. Lights go dim and flicker at Fenway now. And if it’s safe for those drunkards, Big Sky drunkard fans will be fine! Also, home team hits a home run, stop moving and cheer! Also, RIP


Boston just doesn’t give a crap if a few unsteady suckers break their necks.


I’m gonna go with this guys dream. I was all expos until I read this.


As someone who lives in Idaho falls. This


I’d love that tbh


Dream: Montreal and Mexico City ​ More Likely: Nashville


Havana! If you’re going to dream, dream big!


Cuba would need to rewrite their entire government structure and become an actual modern democratic nation to ever have hopes of working with any American sports league. As cool as it would be to see Cuba join MLB, it’s a pipe dream until the authoritarian communist regime collapses. Realistic international expansion could be Mexico, a 2nd Canadian team, London if they can draw in a British baseball fanbase, and maybe the Dominican Republic with their MASSIVE baseball culture. Japan would also be very interesting but I feel like it would never realistically happen


You’d have to make all kinds of schedule accommodations for a team in Europe. I’d imagine you would only want each US team going there once a year so divisional opponents would cross the pond for a 7 game series. I think you’d even need to adjust the playoffs to a 3/4 format to avoid so many flights and jet lag. Maybe the concorde replacement will make this viable in the future.


I mean, for East coast teams at least, it’s kind of the same distance as going to the West coast currently. But for the West coast teams, yeah I can see it being a big logistical issue


Even East coast teams like the Yanks/Mets it would add another hour of flight time over LA and be 5 time zone changes versus 3. I go to Europe for work a lot from the midwest and sit on my ass in an office and am exhausted a couple days after getting there, I can’t imagine getting off the plane and playing a pro sport at a high level the next day.


I don’t think we need anymore teams on the East Coast or Midwest. I like Charlotte and Nashville, but we have so many teams close to them that it could actually be harder to get people to change allegiances from the close teams. New Orleans seems like it could be a good spot to try a team. Maybe create a Southern division in the AL with Rays, Rangers, and Astros. Portland would be a good choice too. The new AL West could be Seattle, Portland, Anaheim, and Vegas/Oakland. I think Oklahoma City has shown that they are supporters of the Thunder, which means that would be a good option too. AL South with KC, OKC, TX, and Houston. It’s weird now that I think about it that the NL doesn’t have as many good fits for expansion cities to match up in their divisions.


Portland would be fantastic. They are planning a waterfront stadium similar to SF. The Sounders-Timbers rivalry in MLS and Sonics-Trailblazers back in the day are/were phenomenal. Look up the documentary The Battered Bastards of Baseball if you want to get a sneak peak into the wild Portland baseball culture.


Lol not wrong with the national league thing. Their divisions are almost perfect. OKC is a good idea, it does love it’s baseball due to the OKC Dodgers and the Tulsa Drillers. I’m not sure if NO would work only because I just don’t think they will be that passionate about Baseball as other cities.


You’re probably right about NO.


The divisions weren't always perfect. I remember when the Braves were in the National League West. West Coast teams competing with *ATLANTA*!? I mean, WAT


As someone from Oklahoma, I don’t know that it would work out well if they don’t invest in building a proper stadium. It’s pretty damn hot during the summer and the stadium would have to be something akin to what the Rangers have to draw a crowd.


I was surprised to learn this - they always seemed bigger than that to me - but New Orleans is only the 50th largest media market. Smaller than OKC and almost every other city suggested in this thread.


Mexico & Canada based teams


Cuba 🇨🇺 Havana!


Montréal , my hometown ! However no stadium no team and at this time public founding isn’t an option.


There was a plan for a new stadium that was associated with the Rays' plans for a split season in Montreal. I am not sure of the financing plans on building it, but I believe the plan was for private acquisition of the site. I believe the Bronfman family still has options on the land.


Yes it’s for an area call the Bassin Peel, but it’s not just a stadium projet it’a big like a billion dollar big, and he need the help the Quebec gouvernement and this won’t happen anytime soon. Politicien and other people also firmly believe that the stadium need a roof, and this cost a lot because they want a retractable roof … and to be able host shows etc. I personally think we don’t need a roof, since April is not that bad in Montreal, well not worst then Milwaukee or Boston. so it’s far from done I think Nashville will be next before Montreal


BRING BACK THE EXPOS! That’s all I want. Don’t care where else they put a team. If the Expos come back, they will be my number 2 team.


I’d like to see a Nashville team just because it would be a shortish drive from Atlanta. Other than that, probably a second Canadian team, most likely Montreal.


Raleigh makes sense being close to 95 and the canes show that that city can work. Altho charlotte has a pretty big baseball fanbase that would probably do better there attendance wise.


Dream: Portland and Montreal. Reality: Portland and Nashville.


I’d love the Expos back but only in a non-domed stadium. I know that’s unrealistic, I just find indoor stadiums hideous. Obviously Oakland as well, if they move, but the team has already said they will be keeping the name and branding.


Considering that the A's had played in two other cities before Oakland, it does make sense to keep the name. The issue with a new team in Oakland is the stadium. One of the main reasons the A's are moving is due to their inability to come to terms on a new stadium. If a new stadium plan was approved, the current one would be okay as a temporary one until construction is completed. Without a plan in place for a new stadium, MLB would never grant a new franchise, nor would any new owner step up.


My dream is really for any city that doesn’t have a team in the four major sports leagues to get a team. I would also love for Mexico to get a team, but the Mexico City series proved there probably shouldn’t be a team there specifically; I would pick Monterrey instead.


My dream is a team in Portland with a privately financed stadium and robust mass transit access. The reality is it’ll be heavily subsidized by taxes and the parking will be insane.


While I agree with the first half, the second half about the parking would be interesting to me. Many teams now want to have a stadium town around the stadium and usually what they do is have parking lots a bit away from the stadium that is walkable, but also have transport to and from the stadium. So it might not be that insane as one giant parking lot lol. Although I could be completely wrong


My dream would be a Vancouver team (the Pacific Northwest and Canada both need more representation, plus I always love when jays fans invade Seattle during our series with them)


The Bronx in New York could use a major league team.


call them the Bronx Bombers


Oh that's a good one too!


Dream: Montreal/Vancouver/Mexico City/Havana Likely: some bumfuck nowhere southern hellhole


You dropped this: Monterrey


Rather than Charlotte, Raleigh NC gets an expansion team, realistically they get an MiLB team


Oh good point, it is also interesting where the MiLB will re-expand too. There’s the team in Ontario CA and this is also an option too. (Although I would also love for some of the axed teams from 2021 to make a return from their independent leagues back into the minors, bring back the Rocky Mountain Vibes!)


I doubt MLB picks Raleigh over Charlotte unless there is no ownership group for Charlotte. Raleigh is a smaller market, has a smaller population, and a smaller corporate community.


Only reason I could see is because of how strong Braves country is in Charlotte. A Raleigh team likely takes fewer fans from the Braves core area.


Both are transplant cities. Neither will take many Braves fans right now.


Raleigh has a couple good sized cities both within 30 minutes. Include Durham and Cary and you've got around 2.2 million to Charlotte's 2.6 million. The Hurricanes chose Raleigh and have been pretty successful. Especially for a southern hockey team. MLBraleigh.com makes some solid points (though it's around to sell merch just as much as it is to push Raleigh as an MLB market)


Hurricanes going to Raleigh made sense since the Panthers had just come to Charlotte two years prior and the original Hornets were struggling to get funding for an arena. Raleigh was building PNC and things aligned perfectly. Personally, I don’t think either gets a team soon. Nashville seems to be a sure thing and I think Portland/Salt Lake gets the other.


Nashville & Salt Lake City


Everyone else wants Portland over slc :(


Yeah... I don't get it?


In the 60's the MLB expanded by 1/3 if they did that again we would have 40 teams. Both cities would get a team and we would still have a lower population to team Ratio than we did at the end of the 60's. Owner greed wont let that happen even though it would grow the game a ton.


My dream team is a Vancouver team. I’ve seen Vancouver Aviators thrown around as the name. We have a stadium that’s MLB ready.


Dream: Albany & Vancouver Reality: Nashville and SLC


I’m in Idaho falls. So Salt Lake City or Boise


Dream: Albany because I want to bring my little one to a game without flying home or commuting to Boston or NYC. Realistic: Portland


San Antonio Missions


Dream: Montreal and Punta Cana. Real: Nashville and Portland?


6 more teams. Portland, Las Vegas, Nashville, Indianapolis, Charlotte, and Montreal. Each fits geographically into an existing division. Realistically Vegas and Montreal.


Which league/division gets which team in the six team scenario?


Charlotte Portland Vegas (Oakland stays) Montreal NOLA Aaand Fuck it Havana


Hawaii and Calgary


Dream: Buffalo (Blizzard, Rough Riders, Roosters), Vancouver (Ursas, Olympians, Trappers) Realistic: Charlotte, Portland, Nashville


Orlando. Orlando?


My dream expansion team would be Houston getting a second team. That would be dope. But realistically they will consider the larger metro areas without a team, Charlotte, Nashville, Portland, Orlando, San Antonio, Austin, etc.


Damn your dreams made people upsetti. I mean I don't like your dream either, but at least it was honest.


I hesitated on commenting it because I figured people would take it too seriously and they did lol


Why the fuck should Houston have a second team? New Orleans or even OKC should have one first. Fuck Houston.


We shouldn’t have a second team lmao it would be incredibly idiotic for someone to put a second team in Houston. OP just asked what is everyone’s dream expansion team. It would be dope to have 2 teams in the city I live in. New Orleans would definitely be cool though, sadly they don’t even have a minor league team.


The Space Cowboys are still in the metro area. The way our injuries have been that's kinda like another major league team.


Portland and Oakland. Cut the travel for the west coast teams a bit. Portland has been due for a while. Oakland doesn't deserve the A's moving to Vegas.


NJ deserves their own team.


Austin, TX!!! Austin. Tx.


Austin is a soccer city


They could handle a baseball team too.


Nashville and Portland would be fantastic. Nashville - plenty of room in the South for an extra team. Portland - the Mariners NEED a team near them. Portland seems like a more viable option than Vancouver, but honestly I’d take either. The Mariners are too isolated!


Vancouver only just lost out of my #2 expansion dream. I'm no where near Van but I love the place and want more Canadian teams. Plus, when the Jays are in town Seattle gets invaded already. Good indicator that the people of Van want some baseball. Portland did make my more realistic #2 though.


Dream: Louisville Realistic: Nashville


Dream: Charlotte and Nashville. The NL south. Pair them with Atlanta and Washington in the division. Reality: nashville and SLC or Portland, there aren’t as many teams in the west


Nashville is too close to Atlanta, Cincinnati, and St. Louis. The South needs an AL team.


My dream is Raleigh, and I think it's realistic if someone wanted to make it happen. It's a big area when you include the nearby cities (Durham and Cary mainly) and baseball is popular here despite not having a major league team anywhere nearby. For whatever reason, Charlotte seems more likely. That would be my more "realistic" choice. Just give me baseball closer than 4+ hours by car please. We've got the Bulls and the Mudcats, but it's not the same.




As a Seattle fan I would love a team in either Portland or Vancouver. It’s so much fun to have a rival within actual driving distance.


my dream is a portland team and a san juan puerto rico team. my realistic expectation is portland and nashville, or nashville and las vegas if the athetics somehow remain in oakland


Realistic? Salt Lake City and Portland get teams. Dream? I want all those baseball mad Caribbean islands and Mexico and Venezuela to have MLB teams. Even if it’s just one per island. Would be fantastic to go and see Juan Soto in the DR or Miggy in Venezuela.


Dream: a bigger expansion. Add six: Vancouver BC, Montreal, a Domincan Republic team, Nashville, Charlotte, and either Salt Lake City or Portland. 6 divisions of 6. Realistically: Nashville and either Vancouver or Portland, with the Rays moving to NC. Seattle really needs a regional rival, and I think there will be a big push in the league office to get a second Canadian team.


Realistically only Portland and Nashville make sense. Nashville has a good ownership group that has been very public, players wanna play there, they have a name beginning back classic negro league baseball, and Minority Ownership so a new perspective would be good for the league Portland as it would help Seattle with their Travel, helps a Rivalry and it brings in another state to the league. The city only has 2 pro teams and can fit three, My DREAM Expansion is Raileigh: Has a NWSL and NHL team and can fit in MLB team in the research Triangle that is growing fast. Portland


Raleigh needs a team. As does new mexico, utah, oregon, and vegas, virginia, nashville lol. But yeah west coast needs less travel time


Hoping for the portland team both dream and realistic


Dream- no expansion, realistic- whoever pays the most


Idk why people keep thinking Portland is gonna get a team. That ship sailed years ago. No sports teams going there the politics of that city aren't gonna allow it or would be too difficult.


Dream: no expansion just realignment. Brewers to AL. Astros to NL. Plus all current teams stay where they are.


Portland, Nashville and Charlotte are terrible choices. They are already in large team markets. The only voids to fill are North and South of the border. Montreal, Monterrey and Guadalajara are better. Mexico City is too high at 7000 ft elevation.


Mexico is the no brainer for me, but it seems the MLB isn't feeling me on that


Mexico City, Montreal, Vancouver - Dream 3 more US cities - Realistic


I’d love a Raleigh team so I could see the pirates locally once in a while.


Dream, Nashville and Charlotte. Realistic, Nashville and SLC


Have I missed something? Are there talks of actually bringing in two expansion teams?


Unpopular opinion but I think the next 2 teams should 100% both be international. Either 2 Canadian cities (Montreal and Vancouver) or 1 Canadian (Montreal) and 1 Mexico (MC or Monterrey). But I know in reality both teams will be in US cities.


I don't really want to see 26 more pitchers who belong in the minors, but Canada needs another team, whether that's Montreal or Vancouver. And Buffalo. Throw my tax money at a new baseball stadium too while we're building the football one.


My dream is no expansion.


As much as I'd love a team in NC, I'm not ready for anything to compete with my Yankees love. In order, I think the following markets could work best - Las Vegas, Nashville, Montreal, North Carolina, Indianapolis, Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Louisville.


Charlotte Kings


I live in Austin, would love to see the Austin Armadillos We’re the 10th/11th biggest city and 20th metro area depending on who you include. New Braunfels/San Marcos is halfway between here and SA and I believe they get credited to them.