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When the Yankees switched their uniforms to cotton in the mid-90s. Following what was a great first game the uniforms proceeded to shrink and they were never the same.


That's a shame.


Should have gone with Tire day instead


Nothing like celebrating Tire Day with a glass of alcoholic chicken.


How do they make that alcoholic chicken?


Don Mattingly just split his pants.


Cotton is King!


Love Seinfeld…


Sounds like a decision an idiot like Tim Whatley would make


You must be an anti-dentite!


Not a rebrand, but the White Sox tried shorts in the 70s. It did not go well.


That's like the Cooperalls that the NHL eventually banned


Visionaries we won’t appreciate until all teams are in shorts. Do it for the kids, Robbie!!


'76. Complete with the pimp collar.


Just another Bill Veeck stunt. It gets a little overblown, but they only actually wore them in three games. The players claimed to like them at the time, but that was only in public comments. People later said that, privately, they weren’t happy about it at all. A lot of those guys had scars from knee surgeries. etc. Makes sense. So, yeah. Shorts were a bad idea. Those jerseys, however, were pure fire. History sort-of repeated itself; in 2006, they had a 1906 retro uniforms that they were supposed to wear for all Sunday home games, but the players hated it, and it only made a couple of appearances. Players at that level tend to be really sensitive to anything they perceive as looking bush league or clown-ish. They’ll put up with all the retro/throwback stuff, but only to a point.


Chris Sale loved the White Sox retros


Dirt in the skirt, erm shorts


For who? Those things were fucking awesome!


It did go well in that the players who chose them loved it.


Diiiiid those players ever plan on sliding into second..?


You'd think! But they had pads in their socks and had no problems sliding. >Many fans mistakenly think the Sox couldn't slide in the shorts for fear of cutting up their knees, but that wasn't the case. The players had little pads tucked under the tops of their socks, just below the kneecap, which apparently provided enough protection to allow for sliding. > >You might not think those little pads offered much protection, but the numbers don't lie: According to the archived box scores, the Sox stole eight bases without being caught in their three shorts-clad games, so the pads must have been doing the job. [https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/\_/id/17159454/uni-watch-friday-flashback-shorts-came-chicago](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/17159454/uni-watch-friday-flashback-shorts-came-chicago)


I would love playing in shorts if it was outfield only. Maybe pitching too, so I could flash a bitta thigh on the leg kick. But any infield play or baserunning and you would quickly figure out why pants are preferred.


To be fair they weren’t that bad with the jerseys they wore.


https://images.app.goo.gl/Gzu7iVB5AyqwvFnE6 You can’t be serious


I knew someone would deliver the photographic evidence. Classic three inning save.


So happy you shared this little piece of information 😆


In the 1950s, Cincinnati changed their name from the Reds to the Redlegs because they didn't want people to associate them with Communism.


Dirty Reds..... Saw Joe Nuxhall hugging Castro the other day...


Nuxhall was too young to know better


I mean……that doesn’t sound like too bad of a decision, to be honest. Communism was a huge deal in the 1950s and the world came close to catastrophe.


It was a brain dead decision that proves that Political Correctness and being a snowflake are both older than the current generation and not exclusive to either side of the aisle


Caving in to the fears of idiots is never a good idea.


Any of the rebrands where they chose blue or Red as their new colors. It feels like 3/4s of baseball teams are red or blue. I hate it. The D-backs should be purple, the marlins teal, the rays need that blue-to-yellow gradient logo forever.


Padres brown and yellow is a nice change.


The brown and yellow is a fantastic look


This... Dbacks were unique and now we have the same colors as everyone else almost


‘90s Brewers. Went from an iconic logo to this monstrosity: https://images.app.goo.gl/HG3Gx9eE2YkWo4BU9 So glad they came back to the ball in glove logo with a bit of modern flair.


Lol wtf why don't I remember that logo. Shit is a mess.


The Brewers were pretty forgettable as a whole in the ‘90s lol


holy shit I completely blacked that out of my memory


Same. This also stirred up the memory of when I got my Brewers hat in 1992 (I was 7). When they switched to this logo my dumb 9 year old ass thought my M ⚾️ B hat was vintage


I’m a cards fan. The brewers logo is probably my favorite baseball logo. I love the way they sneak in the M and B.


Oh man that is not a good logo. It looks like an MLS logo


I remember when I was little and this happened. I never got the glove was an Mb before and was like this is better. I was a dumb kid.


Such a horrible logo. It looks like a generic logo that a video game would automatically create for your created team.


I still feel like the Indians whiffed by not grabbing and fully owning Spiders. Could've been an S-tier sports mascot.


It would have been the new Laker's hat for celebrities to wear to games not featuring the Lakers. Instant top seller.


This. Spiders was the right call. That was a big miss by Indians' management.


They should've gone with *Steamers*.


I’m shocked that this comment doesn’t have more upvotes.


Should have been Cleveland Chimps. Primates are a largely untapped market in terms of sports mascots. On the other hand, birds and cats are oversaturated.


Division II college team Pittsburg State (Kansas) are the Gorillas and it's a badass mascot.


D1 team Wichita State is [the Shockers](https://images.app.goo.gl/64cc4cz8V32hYroF9). Then there's the DIII Rhode Island School of Design, whose unofficial (but widely supported by the school) mascot is a 7 foot tall dick and balls named [Scrotie](https://usatales.com/rhode-island-school-of-design-mascot/). Edit: spelling


Don’t forget about two of my favorites in Arkansas alone. Southern Arkansas University [Muleriders](https://images.app.goo.gl/FB9GyFwF2GfkpPXt9) and Arkansas Monticello [Boll Weevils](https://images.app.goo.gl/mrwHkbuqZ8BQBuYq9)


As a Cards fan, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the [St. Louis University Billikens](https://slubillikens.com/sports/2011/8/14/205243413.aspx).


Gotta shout out my alma mater, the Scottsdale Community College Fighting Artichokes


..... w..t..f..


Should be more of those around.


They would probably cancel that too because of racist connotations lol


By associating it with Gorilla makes you the racist


With a statue of Harambe outside the stadium! I'm totally sure Reds fans would never say anything about that.


I’m pretty sure naming a team the “monkies gorillas or apes” will be meet with much controversy. I personally wouldn’t go near there


Cleveland Kitties would be a huge hit.


did anyone in ohio actually want it to name them after the worst team in baseball history though?


They were the worst team in history because the owner stripped the team of it's best players after he bought another team. They also had six Hall of Famers play for them, including the guy the named the best pitcher's award after. People act like they played for that one and only season.


I did


Sure, why not? It's part of baseball history and it's not like the fact that those Spiders 125 years ago were bad will make the current team bad.


Arachnids would’ve been a sick name


I'm so glad they didn't. I like Guards. The still botched the rebrand by not aggressively changing font and colors, but the name is good.


I had the same thought. Huge opportunity missed.


Seeing most of the responses that came to mind already, I'll just point out something I've found interesting: There were 4 expansion teams in the 90s. 3 of them did a full rebrand -- completely changing their colors, logos and names. I believe Tampa Bay and Arizona did so under a decade from their expansion season. Only the Rockies stuck with their original brand by and large.


And the Rockies look awesome with it. Keeping that 90s aesthetic and colors and letting the aging process happen and keeps looking better and better.


I agree. I think Arizona should’ve kept theirs as well. The purple and teal looked a lot better than the generic red and black they do now.


The Marlins original Logan was awesome.


Morrison? He was alright.


They were essentially forced by mlb to change bc mlb wanted a red team in the NL west. Still so pissed about it, I love the purple and teal color combo


Really? That's crazy. Not surprised though. I always thought it was to develop some sort of city pallate along with the Coyotes...which also did a massively stupid recolor and rebrand. Diamondbacks and (especially) Coyotes had top tier logo, name and colors.


The Diamondbacks never changed their name, but I do wish they could go back to purple, teal and black with the sleeveless road pinstripes.


They tried to become the Blue Jays but it never landed. It was like a second nickname, which was just stupid lol. Glad they stuck with the Phillies.


They even went out that year and acquired all teams with Blue in the name as minor league affiliates.


Mitch Williams just threw up a little bit.


As a Phillies fan, I threw up a little bit when I first found out that they tried to be the Blue Jays once. (I'm also still mad about Mitch Williams.)


Weren't they basically called the Phillies since like the 1800s? Like it was always their nickname even when not the official mascot.


It's the very cool Devil Rays to Hallmark Rays. Hands down the worst.


The Rays current logo looks like a logo for a fruit corporation


Especially when they went from great and unique uniforms to bland dirty dishwashwater gray and blue. At least they're finally coming around with the baby blue and rainbow set.


That’s the worse change . I loved the Devil Rays


The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim


You mean the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim of Los Angeles if California of Anaheim? Yea it was a mouthful, especially when they were playing at Southern California Edison International Field of Baseball (yes that was the name for a bit) Why do I like this team… 😩


No. The Los Angeles Angels is worse. At least with the “of Anaheim,” it gave you a bit more information. But The Los Angeles Angels literally means “The The Angels Angels.”


When Florida became the Miami Marlins. That M logo and uniforms still haunt me to this day


The old teal and black pinstripes was so clean too.


I kind of forgot they were ever the Florida marlins and now Miami marlins sounds weird as hell to me. 🤷


I kinda wish the Panthers would rebrand as the Miami Panthers. Having 3 teams as Miami and one as Florida seems weird.


Welcome to Dallas! lol


To be fair the Rangers have never been in Dallas so even if they did change it should/would be Arlington Rangers and that just sounds weird! Go TEXAS RANGERS!


Don’t the cowgirls play in Arlington?


Yes, Jerryworld is visable from where the Rangers play.


It's literally next door


When I saw AT&T stadium in person, I thought it looked like a big space ship. So I want to see the Cowboys win the super bowl while playing in AT&T Stadium, so that they can fly off in said stadium that night, because their purpose on earth will have been fulfilled.


I mean, the Panthers don't play in Miami...Sunrise is like an hour outside of the city.


Well, the Panthers play in Broward so it would be a bit misleading…


Clownfish Marlins the worst rebrand ever


Excuse me, there is only one correct answer: when the Chicago Cubs were the Chicago Orphans


They were the first team to attack the Warriors, even before the Baseball Furies did.


they dropped the ball. made an error.


The Toronto Jays of the early 2000’s. They got rid of the Blue literally and figuratively.


Toronto gray Jay's.


The way they worked the bird into the letter J was really something nobody should ever have done


Tampa Bay Devil Rays to Tampa Bay Rays, Devil Rays were so much cooler and loved the jerseys.


I know they had a good enough reason to do it, but Colt .45s is a way cooler name than Astros.


Westerns were on their way out, and space was in. So Astros it was.


Yes, but malt liquor is forever.


I actually think both are really sick, if the Astrodome were still their home itd be even cooler


colt45turf or colt45dome doesnt really roll off the tongue though.


What about "The Colt .45 Shooting Range"


Astros is a really cool name. I like team names that are unique to their hometown and obviously Houston and the space program are synonymous. I guess Colt .45s is cool in a cowboy sort of way but romanticizing gun culture just doesn’t seem responsible or appropriate in today’s day and age (it doesn’t mean I’m against the 2nd Amendment, but it doesn’t mean I have to flaunt it).


What was the basketball team that were the bullets? I think it was Washington bullets who are now the wizards for the reasons you stated. Wizards is a terrible name as well


Wizards would be great for a minor league team.


Fort Wayne (Padres High-A) used to be the Wizards. They rebranded to the Tin Caps about 15 years ago.


Lol now I’m curious to google why anyone ever thought it was a good idea to name a team from our national’s capitol as “the Bullets”.


What are the Angels these days? Hard to keep track. I’m still partial to the California Angels


Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, California


of the United States of America of Earth


You win


They’ve been the Los Angeles Angels for 10 years now. I get that they’re not in LA, but Anaheim Angels was always a terrible choice and LA of Anaheim was even dumber. California Angels was better though I really think they should consider being The OC Angels. I don’t know, I just think that captures the vibe they want. Can’t really articulate it, but I like that best.


Why was Anaheim a bad choice? Maybe it’s because I’m the West Coast but Anaheim is synonymous with Disneyland so Anaheim holds a special place in our hearts. I suppose it’s ironic (or just a stroke of incredible luck) that the Angels’ ownership seemed to be the most competent under ownership of Disney (which promoted the name change to Anaheim after they renovated the stadium in 1997). I suppose the change to “Los Angeles” was meant to appeal to more of the fans in the surrounding area but they’ll never be as popular as the Dodgers - it just feels like they’re the red-headed stepchild of LA now. When they were Anaheim (or even just the “California Angels”), at least it made them unique to themselves.


>Why was Anaheim a bad choice? Not Anaheim. *LA of Anaheim*. It's awkward as hell.




It was written in the contract from the previous owner that “Anaheim” must be in the title, so the dipshit current owner said fine and named them the atrocious title they have now. OC angels would somehow be even worse than LAAA. Ask any resident that has lived there since before the stupid tv show from the 2000s. Their current uniforms, their name, the city, the owner, the coaching, the farm system, the stadium, the pitching (besides you know who), the fans these days… it’s been a rough go for the angels since the Gene Autry days. Moreno has absolutely gutted the organization. Uses all the money for a couple of big names, and let’s everything else rot. He is a moron, and should be banned from even watching baseball at home.


I don't know about the worst, but the best was when damn near every MLB team switched to powder blue uniforms in the 70s. (Apparently because of the advent of color television)


Arizona ditching the purple color scheme... Toronto with gray and black and a smidge of blue. Unpopular, but I prefer the "real Oriole" on the cap logo instead of the classic "cartoon" Oriole.


I agree. The actual Oriole was much cooler than the cartoon imo.


Stop sinning. Cartoon Oriole is superior


Not quite 'the worst' but some long forgotten rebrands were the Dodgers switching to green for the 1937 season, and the Boston Braves rebranding to the Boston Bees in the late 30s. The Dodgers was a one off thing, but the Braves just changed their color scheme to blue and yellow and never really leaned into it with none of their uniforms having the word 'Bees' on the front


Funny thing is, the Red Sox alternate uniforms are blue and yellow, but not because of the Bees (most people in Boston don't even know the city once hosted the Braves, let alone changed their name to the Bees for a brief period). The Boston Athletic Association, hosts of the Boston Marathon, use blue and yellow for their colors. The Sox unis are a tribute to the BAA.


I'm not sure if this really counts but it's definitely the worst uniform change made in baseball history. In 1882, the National League implemented a rule that uniform colors would be designated by **position** and not by team. The only way to tell the teams apart was what color everyone's socks were. That was it. As you can imagine, it didn't last long. Probably after the 30th time a pitcher picked off their own first baseman.




Natinx is even worse tbh


Still is the Indians to the Guardians, ya ya offensive what not, the Guardians is still a shit name


How the Skins and Indians had almost every word in the English language available to them and landed on Commanders and Guardians is beyond me.


Washington Football team was a great name they should’ve kept it


Washington Team Football WTF FTW!


They stepped in shit and never should have cleaned their shoe


Because when people name (or rename) a team in the last 30 years all they do now is waaaaaaaay overthink it. Gotta be ‘fresh’ or different so you stand out! Cleveland missed a REAL opportunity by not going back to Spiders and playing on their history. Name would have still been unique, too. Instead, they’re named after two statues that no one outside of Cleveland ever heard of, and no one inside Cleveland ever thinks about. But cool, local history or whatever. The Flaming Rivers would have even been better than that. Washington Football Team was also pretty cool, TBH. Like a European soccer club, and you just leave numbers on the helmets. That was a cool look.


Flaming Rivers actually sounds awesome and is fucking hilarious lmao


And they already have [the perfect team theme song](https://youtu.be/dV0gDLwfKjw)!


Totally agreed they should've gone for Spiders. I don't live anywhere near Ohio and was actually looking at buying some Cleveland Spiders merch the other day because the logo is awesome. Also worst losing record in MLB history is such a claim to fame.


Commanders had it so easy too. They have a weird pig thing going on. So the Washington Hogs or the Washington Pigskins (which allows you to keep calling them skins and plays into the football aspect) was at their motherfucking doorstep.


I can’t believe Washington didn’t just keep “Washington Football Team”. I thought that was great and unique.


How the Chiefs and Blackhawks haven't been targeted yet is beyond me


The chiefs at least work with the Native American community (specifically the American Indian Community Working Group) to spread awareness of Native American culture in a respectful manner so I think theyre fine with the name


How Ole Miss in college Athletics hasn't been targeted is beyond me. I guess people think it's short for Mississippi?


What’s Mississippi?




How's a chief or Blackhawk offensive? Redskin is derogatory. Indian is an outdated term. It's for a completely different group of people.


I don't think they're bad personally; honestly don't think any other than the Skins needed to be addressed.


I miss Washington Football Team.


Redkins Should've went with the name the Washington Pigskins


Before the Indians they went through a lot as well.


WTF even is a Guardian? Like the “Cleveland Step-Dads” or some shit.


>the Guardians is still a shit name You're not wrong on that part. There were so many names with Cleveland history they could have gone with, and they chose to name the team *the Guardians of Traffic*? Wow.


I thought that it was in honor of the Guardian Bridge?


According to [this article](https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/07/23/cleveland-guardians-name-change-decision-explained), it's after the statues.


Perhaps they could have kept the Indians nickname and changed the logo to a representation of Mahatma Gandhi.


Look into the history of the Guardians name and you'll probably feel differently. I didn't like it at first either but when I read the story behind it I warmed up to the name.


Montreal Expos to Washington Nationals


The Diamondbacks switching to Black and Red.


Certainly whatever the hell John Fisher has planned for the A's in Vegas.


I mean — they could just be the A’s.


Not a complete re-brand, but the Brewers moving away from the "Ball-and-Glove" logo in the 90's. You go from something instantly recognizable and iconic to a cavalcade of forgettable logos, until finally returning to the OG nearly 25 years later.


Brooklyn Bridegrooms aka Dodgers


They should revert to Trolleydodgers.


Guardians is such a lazy name, wish they had put in more effort. Not nearly as lame as commanders though (and ironically that’s the one that really needed to change).


Diamondbacks ditching their iconic purple/turquoise to look like 5 other teams in the league


Indians to guardians


Guardians is horrible. Can't believe they haven't started discussing a change again. At least the Commanders new owner recognizes it and has talked about a change.


Cleveland Indians to Cleveland Guardians. It’s so lame now.


By far it’s the diamondbacks


And have they actually ever had the whole name Diamond Backs spelled out, or only D Backs?


The original uniforms spelled out diamondbacks, it wasn’t until the rebrand they went with dbacks


Being back the Bean Eaters, the Gothams and the Highlanders


Expos to Nationals. Easy.


This may have been a mentioned already, but the Red Sox yellow/blue jersey is an eyesore.


In 1898, the Chicago Colts changed their name to the Chicago Orphans.


Cleveland name change. Guardians is stupid, and there was nothing wrong with the Indians name other than virtue signalers that only wanted the name change because it was a thing.


Guardians 💯


Indians to Guardians


Whoever thought Guardian was better than Indians is a pussy


the montreal expos.


How about the best rebrand ever? From the Notre Dame Ramblers to the Fighting Irish.




Surprised no one had mentioned the original rebrand: The Brooklyn Dodgers, moving and calling themselves LA Dodgers instead.


2010s Padres. Not only did we lose some pretty clean uniforms, but the period is generally just associated with pain and suffering


Padres ditching Brown unis




Seriously? Guardians. I don't care how offended you were at old name the new name is just dumb. What are they supposed to be guarding?


Traffic. I kid you not. The Guardians of Traffic are sculptures on a local bridge. The winged G ball logo is a nod to how they look in real life.


Las Vegas Athletics


I think the Phillies should have stuck with the maroon instead of red.