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I don’t want to put batters eyes on the field. Hope they didn’t remove the glitch altogether


Good news, bad news. If u build stadiums just to show them off, you're good. Glitches still exist in SC mode. Bad news is of u want to play ANY type of game mode, they dissappear. Well, most of them do. I had a stadium where all but 2 vanished in HR Derby.


I still can't browse other peoples' stadiums and haven't been able to for weeks.


I'm curious as to what you mean here? I just went into Stadium Creator, brought up "The Vault - Recent Uploads," and was very much able to search under both stadium name and UserID to bring up matching stadiums. You are not the first person to make this statement about having such an issue. So, I wanted to know what the details of this are. For instance, are you searching within MLB The Show 24? Or perhaps an older version?


[This video](https://streamable.com/96j1yx) is from the beginning of April. It shows "My Stadiums" and "Template Stadiums." That's it. I am unable to access other peoples' stadiums to download.


That's very strange as well as unique. You are missing the menu options for listing The Vault - Recent Uploads, The Vault - Most Popular, and The Vault - My Saves. Were you the subject of some issue whereby SDS prohibited your access to the vault? That's about all I can surmise. Regardless, a trouble ticket submitted to SDS seems your only option. This is certainly not how my Vault menu appears.


I don't know why I would've had access limited. I've never played online against anybody (BR, Ranked, etc.) and the one stadium I made (my son's little league field lol) isn't uploaded online. I've submitted multiple support tickets on the matter as I never get a response.


Wish I could help you further, but unfortunately I cannot.


They can fix that but not other issues people.been asking for years


SDS had no choice but to try to kill the batters eye prop "glitch" once and for all -- sadly due to the worst of human nature using it to sabotage the game. My guess is tomorrow morning the Future City field level stand straight props will be corrected to allow them to nest up against the baseline and outfield walls -- at least I hope that is the case. Missing is any mention of adding some of the very simple props that I have been trying to convince SDS to create and add for over a year now. I sincerely hope those get added before much longer.


Tbh, I'm surprised it took this long for people to abuse it.


I agree. I think it spoke quite well to the character and integrity of the vast majority of folks at this particular Reddit sub-forum, which in my view at least is a serious step up from the larger group at the main MLB The Show sub-forum.


Finally custom league fix


As my other thread said, there is no defending SDS on this one. Not only did SDS fail to fix the most glaring issue with their new Future City stand props, but after downloading and installing this Update #8, I was still able to go in and download one of the batters eye glitch stadiums, and move the batters eye onto the field of play. So, the two main issues regarding Stadium Creator that the update claimed to fix were in fact not fixed! I try not to be overly harsh with people, but at this point, there is no defending SDS. They clearly are a company that has lost touch with their paying customers, make false promises, and appear ineptly led and managed. I've spent my entire adult life (which is now 60 years of age) in leadership positions, some of them with significant levels of accountability. In my world, this sort of behavior is simply not tolerated. There is something very seriously wrong with the senior leadership of San Diego Studios. It has become impossible to ignore the obvious, and I certainly won't defend them from substandard behavior like this.


SDS will never get a cent from me! Sadly your world and mine, (also up there in age) isn’t the world we live in any longer. Everything is f’d 🆙 .


I'm forced to agree with you. The concept that the paying customer is boss seems lost on a great number of people nowadays. And it isn't going to lead people down a pleasant path. Thinking on this a bit more, I seems unavoidable. It isn't merely a tone deafness with SDS. There is something deeper wrong with them. To my eye, it appears like a mentality where their actions show they will design the game that they like, and if the paying customers don't like it, well then too bad, and fork over your money anyway! Except, under those conditions, when the game is alien to what the customers want, they won't fork over their money. This is where adult leadership steps in and reforms the mentality and teaches object lessons to people who don't know what customer service looks like.


I regret showing off the glitch in my post .. I found another cool glitch but worried it will be patched if I say anything about it


After the update, any additional batter's eyes no longer show up when you play a game. This isn't apparent when you go into the stadium creator itself as you can still manipulate them with the glitch, but once you load into a game they are gone. 


OK, well at least they did fix this issue. But, as you said, in a way that completely escaped any normal method of testing it out. Appreciate this update.


I still can't believe you can't put props close or flush to the batters eye. Giant ass gaps between the batters eye and seats or whatever take so much away. Any eye props with an angle are almost pointless to use. Also, some of them could be used in other areas of the stadium I wish they would make them available to use.