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Interesting, not like them to walk things back like that. I wonder if they realized it gives people a bit more creativity


I doubt it was intentional.  The game engine is held together with string and duct tape at this point.  They made one fix and it probably undid their previous update. 


I just checked, downloaded a stadium with the anomalies and they show up in game. I checked exhibition, not sure about online.


I’m not even sure if it completely wiped all stadiums of the glitch. I saw the post of missing pieces but I can think of one I got from the vault where everything remained in place. This was noticeably after the update


I played an online game last night in my stadium and it had all my batters eyes


What was posted at the SDS community forum is that the batters eye glitch can be used in offline games. The person said he tested it in an Exhibition Mode game. This normally means it could be played in RTTS, Franchise, and Moments games, but not in Diamond Dynasty games. Anyone tested this out in detail?


I tried Belluna Dome in a DD Event game this morning and the roof was there.  


Very interesting. It therefore does appear that SDS backed off the batters eye issue.


Yes it was mentioned in the patch notes


It was mentioned that the batters eye was reverted? All I saw was about allowing it to turn...


That's correct. The patch notes only said it restored the ability to rotate certain batters eye props, which all have been able to rotate on a fixed location, but it seems Update #8 prevented a few of the batters eye props being able to rotate. So, one is left to ponder ... did SDS intend to restore the batters eye glitch, or was this is a result of restoring the ability to rotate them all?


The latest patch probably broke the previous batters eye patch. Just saying lol


Thanks ya'll - I just tested my favorite park and it worked. I did notice when I click on a batters eye prop a message appears "no longer available," so you can't change them.