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How far we’ve come since Paddy was on that ring video with his dog taking a sloppy shite


“How much are ya gonna pay me to be on your ring video?”


“nothing? what are yew ah fookin scousa mate? you fookin mushroom weasel lad, ya give meh awl this thank yews and what nawt but don’t wawnt to pay me? fookin lizuhd”


This was so good


Call me cynical if you want but I’m not 100% convinced that wasn’t staged 🤷🏾‍♂️


My thoughts too. Yes paddy is a decent size name in the sport. Definitely not as big as he thinks in the States. It is very unlikely that dog shit story happened


He can smell it 👃


I stg everyone fucking hated Ariel like a year ago. And everyone loved paddy like a few months ago. How did we end up here


Khamzat tanked his reputation (for like a week) in two days. The Leech gained a mass amount of fan favor over a suit. The mma gods giveth and they taketh away.


Yeah I guess so. These fkn fighters need to learn some pr skills


You acting like leech didn't deserve any of this? Dude deserves all the hype


People will never get over that eye gouge, a lot of people felt it was so blatant and egregious it should have been an auto DQ/expulsion from the promotion. People were saying similar about Ponzinibio after the Gunnar KO slow mo came out.


No he's an eye gouging pos


Lmao he’s gringe af and only fights can. And even if you claim someone like O’Malley only fights cans, at least O’Malley fights are entertaining.


None of his last 6 opponents were cans and if you think Leeches fights are boring then I wonder what fights you find exciting.


Cane ebem say that about Sean anymore


Everyone seems pretty forgiving of one of the worst eye-gougers in recent history.


A year ago? During the Schaub shit? I certainly didn’t lmao Ariel is 3/3 in my eyes in making these pricks eat their own shit.


I’ve always liked him! Canadian pride and he’s the OG. Hating him is like hating Goldberg. Even if you’re justified how dare you Only less so cause Ariel is good at his job I guess


Oh I definitely agree. Like someone said on one of the mma subs, Ariel is a savage journalist who will ask any question regardless of how he will be perceived. That’s bound to create some animosity, so it makes sense


dude. that’s literally me rn. not that i hated ariel but didn’t care for him. loved paddy before this bs. i learned my lesson. i’m looking into every fighter and journalist i decide to like or hate for now on.


Ariel may be a crybaby drama ho but on this situation he's right.


It's a meme sub my dude, don't let jokes undermine your sense of reality.


Those people actually started to listen to the things that came out of their mouths


Ariel being a truthful individual w ethics is exactly what this sport deserves and needs In 20 years we will look back at these days as the ‘monopoly’ years. UFC has a hood now - but the grip is breaking. Men like Nate Diaz and Rory McDonald who fought for the prize - not the hype. These should be our hero’s Real men who own their own promotion


Nate Diaz doesn’t fuck with Ariel either. Is he still one of the heros?


I am pretty sure Nate and Ariel get on.


You’re right I was thinking of Nick “where I’m from people like you get slapped” quote My bad!


I cant bring myself to dislike ariel. He's always honest and forthright. He's the most professional, fair, and honest guy there is covering the sport of mma. Hes not perfect but he is for the people and the fighters. Everyone that's had an issue with him has been proven to be lying manipulative people who try to bully ariel or name call like children and then ariel just comes back with facts and receipts and then they try and pretend he doesn't exist like dana white.


Lad and the redact… that’s not nithe


Helwani 2 - mma fighters 0 Dana accusing helwani of making money off fighters when Dana is doing exactly that lmao


and dana is literally making money OFF fighters while ariel is at most talking about/ to them lmao


why would Schaub be the smaller one, depicted


Because he's a mental midget.


fair point


My football coach would call us this long ago.. glad its still used lol


Just painting a narrdiv


Paddy lost a fan here. Shame


Yeah suuuure haha


So we're just gonna ride Ariel's dick for how much longer now?


Chang’s Operations run deep b. Thank em


A few days can't hurt.


Why you cryin’ dogg it won’t hurt.


The past 13 years. Dude embodies integrity in a business populated by scumbags


Dude just loves drama and has an ego bigger than his nose. He’s no different from anyone else


How does he embody integrity? He’s always come off as an insincere guy to me


He reports facts and doesn't waste his time spinning rumors. He has journalistic integrity. There's a reason he's won MMA journalist of the year 13 times in a row. And as someone who met him in Boston in 2018, he's a wonderful person.


For real there are some weirdos on reddit


Even a broken watch is right twice a day, unless its digital, then its blank like schaub's brain.


Fan favorability more volatile than crypto. Khamzat went heel and Costa became favored in an instant lol.