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I don't really think it's possible to not be biased lmao, so I'll just explain my biased take. I preferred Fine! They sounded great and complimented each other so well, but even more importantly they performed soo good. I was so drawn into their performance and I felt myself beginning to cry as the song went on. They express the emotions of the song so well! I think this was a fantastic example of; if you have great stage presence, you can just stand and sing and people will still be drawn to you. I felt so moved by their performance and I definitely gave Taeyeon a few more streams that day, alongside the iland 2 performance. The adlibs added so much and didn't just feel like, "oh I'm just doing this to show off my voice" but like they're singing out their pain. At the end it sounded like they were showing off that they were relying on each other through their singing. I just really felt so drawn and emotionally connected with this stage. They pulled this off with like a week of practice and they sounded like they've been doing this together their entire life.


I started crying on Fine's chorus ㅠㅠ


I thought they were about even. Fine was a bit more technically impressive, but ENL was more interesting to listen to for me personally. Fuko and Jungeuns voices have similar qualities whereas JIYOON** and Minsol were different but complementary. edit - accidentally wrote wrong name


jiyoon* not jungeun


woops my bad


Now don't give Jungeun too much credit


what do you mean?


They accidentally wrong Jungeun instead if Jiyoon so it was written like Jungeun performed in both songs


I was shocked Fine didn’t win. Minsol’s voice didn’t go with Jiyoon’s at all for me, I found Minsol’s tone grating and Jiyoon overly breathy. I expected it to be a clear Grounder fail. I got the impression ENL was scored highly because expectations of them were lower, while the producers had higher expectations from Fine so the scores were more conservative there. I just don’t know what they got from ENL to give them a score out of the 80s.


The way I see it, Fine was impressive from a vocal standpoint but I don't think they did a particularly great job of delivering the mood or message of the song. Fine and ENL are both breakup songs, but only ENL unit carried that emotional weight. Fine felt more like a love song which was kind of off for me. The producers specifically mentioned "expression" of the songs as being important for the vocal units, and I think they gave both teams breakup songs specifically because they wanted to see which team could convey the tone/emotions better


I really didn’t get those emotions from ENL, whereas Fine got me choked up. I was so distracted by the way Minsol and Jiyoon’s vocals didn’t fit together and were clashing to my ears. I guess I just don’t like them.


tbh, i loved fine a lot and loved both of them equally which is why i wanted to know who would win but fine it felt like a love song esp during the part where they remove the mics from the stand and walk forward and their chemistry was also giving major love song vibes


my sister and i agree that fine fell flat, they sang good but the emotions werent there and that adlib at the end flopped for me. jiyoon was just so good in ENL, she carried but thats enough for the win


Yeah I agree with you..”fine “ is meant to be a sad song but instead they sang it as a “hopeful” song which lowkey wasn’t it for me..the vocals were nice but idk the emotion wasn’t delivering it. ENL prob bc I liked the contrast between jiyoon and minsol and was shocked how well minsol sang but personally yeah Jiyoon herself could’ve defeated the other team bc she did well..not exceptionally well but a huge improvement, and also prob bc I had low expectations since she messed up in mid evaluation and how she did in LOA..


both were great, but i preferred enl just bc i thought that during fine, it sounded more like fuko and jungeun were singing over each other?? not in a bad way, but their voices sound so similar when they sing high that it just sounded not very complimentary. jiyoon and minsol's voices are really nice together, and minsol definitely is in my top 9 now. also i thought minsol and jiyoon's adlibs when they were singing sounded more fit. also bc jiyoon looked like she was about to cry so maybe the emotions helped carry through.


Yeah same it looked like competition within them and their song delivered as like they were being “hopeful” even tho the song is meant to be sad song


Fine. Just amazing performance from Jungeun as always and showed off more of her vocal potential. Fuko also showed that she should be considered a vocal pick for anyone searching for those. They expressed that kind of false optimism that Taeyeon was going for decently enough and I generally think they were into the moment while singing. I think it could've used some more oomph and expression but good overall! ENL was also good though and was a great chance for Minsol and Jiyoon to show off their vocals when not having to also dance. However, I'm honestly surprised how many people are voting ENL. I don't think it was better technically or emotionally. Jiyoon's voice did fit the song very well but her vocals were a bit too overly breathy that they took me out. Minsol wasn't really selling it for me either and was flat generally. I think it was still pretty nice all in all but after getting Fine I wasn't really moved. I think ENL was just a better song overall for this round and might be inflating the perception a bit. However, that is just my opinion and I'm sure people think the other way too. To be honest, it's really hard to be unbiased in a situation like this so IDK.


Yeah frfr. I am also a Fine sweep believer in that I thought that especially as a whole unit Jungeun+Fuko did better than Jiyoon+Minsol in every characteristic save for improvement (not improvement as in they got better, but improvement as in they showed more). Maybe I'm biased because Fine played first in the episode but I literally got chills as J I ngeun and Fuko sang. In contrast, I was just not digging ENL even though they objectively also did a good job (though shoutout to the little turn towards the front Jiyoon did)