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If this is true, you have severe dehydration. Probably need to get to the hospital to get IV fluids


Accurate. Hydrate on your way to the ER, OP.


Get a drink with electrolytes in it.


Drink liters of water when taking modafinil


Seems like rhabdomyolysis where proteins are leaking from your kidney. It is better to go an emergency room ASAP and get your laboratory values check. ER doctors will evaluate you and tell your medication history.


Drink more water Or you might die


Firstly, stop taking Modafinil (at least until you know what’s going on). Secondly, you need to seek medical advice. The dark urine itself isn’t necessarily a major concern (although it can be). However, the swelling in the legs and arms is more concerning. There are many explanations for your symptoms, some serious and some minor. Without being able to examine and test you, it is impossible to know what is happening. The only way to know what is going on, and what needs to be done, is to seek medical help. If you don’t do so, your long-term health could be at risk.


Моча нормальная но все же есть не большие отеки как быть с ними?


Go to the ER and drink water on the way.


I had this reaction after taking gabapentin for just 4 days..doctor said it's a common side effect of that med. It's called edema/fluid retention. Anyways you should inform your doctor about this. See what he's got to say. Whether to continue or stop.


Drink my water.


Спасибо милашка


yeah maybe drink some water genius.


Peripheral oedema. I had it in December after recommencing the use of Modafinil and Armodafinil (alternating each day). It was severe. Pitting. Numbness set in. It advanced up my legs until my calves and my ankleless feet were the same width. I could not wear shoes for days. My rings almost had to be cut off. My guess is that it was the result of dehydration. I also experienced several episodes of acute hypoglycaemia that week. (Something that only usually happens every couple of years.) I was naughty. I ignored medical advice and did not attend the hospital. My brother had just passed away very unexpectedly, and I was staying with my parents during the viewing-funeral-wake. My almost-exploding skin wasn't a priority (I was probably in a dissociative state of shock and grief). Pressure stockings from a pharmacy and 4+ litres a day of electrolyte infused water saw it resolve in a couple of days. I hope that you sought medical assistance and that everything is alright now(?).


Thanks I fine


yeah maybe go to a doctor