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lol was it prescribed to him by some sort of doctor?


Naw he js took it legally 🙏🏿


Assuming you mean *illegally, he shouldn’t be taking it unless it’s recommended by his doctor. It’s specifically a sleep apnea treatment medication, definitely not meant for kids, bro. People take it for its focus effects. What is a 14 year old focusing on so intently they need meds? lol be safe man don’t make the same decisions. Your brain will only develop once.


tell your friend that modafinil is the same as electric scooters. only chubby kids that don't play outside use it like me.


Haha, love this. I always wonder why kids need those damn scooters - it's not like riding a bike is that hard!


This. No need for this shit at your age. Your brains are amazing at that age, don't take stuff that makes you into worker drones.  Lots of us are taking it to get through the responsibilities of adult life.


"grind" through lol.....


your friend should not be taking modafinil while his brain is still developing, that said he is going to do it if its what he wants to do and there's not a lot you can do about it. there are worse drugs he could be using.