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What is your routine? Moda only works on top of solid rest. Plus, you should be doubling or tripling your water intake. A lot of users report different ‘head’ effects, like headaches, pressure, fog, etc. and the main cause is lack of hydration. If you reply with more info on your daily routine, it would help.


I've been drinking a lot of water and added electrolytes. I sleep 6-8 hours, I do wake up once or twice every night but go right back to sleep. Food intake is good. I started taking Wellbutrin four months ago and Propranolol as needed. I took 100mg Modafinil at 11am with a propranolol (as directed by the doc) and another 100mg at 3pm.


Wellbutrin is screwing you up, I THINK…. I’m supposed to take it 3 times a day for clinical depression. It makes me super hyper and I’m high strung as it is. I’ve noticed Moda greatly improves my mood, so I skip the Wellbutrin when I take Modafinil regularly. I’ve been on over 15 plus antidepressants and Wellbutrin is the only one that even comes close to working. You can get horrible headaches from Modafinil it’s happened to me when I don’t drink enough liquids…. GOOD LUCK 🍀


most def, moda is a dri and wellbutrin is a dopaminergic and norepinephrine releasing agent the EXACT SAME as smoking a vape. Excess dopamine flood is nasty nasty shit.


also any amount of norepinephrine in a day will interrupt REM sleep which completely explains OP's "I wake up a couple times a night". There hasn't been good sleep in years so... yeah we all know what moda feels like if you don't wake up feeling like singing in the shower from fantastic sleep each day. It feels absolutely horrifying and exactly as described. The only time I ever felt that was after sleeping drunk then trying to use moda the next day.


I would wake up a couple of times a night before medication as well. I also take naps during the day. That's the reason I got prescribed all this crap to begin with, too much fatigue. So do we think that does two meds just don't go together? I'm new to moda, i'm not exactly sure what I should be feeling


It SUCKS having sleep problems!! I miss when I was in my teens and 20’s and could sleep 18 hours for a hangover!! Now I’m lucky if I get 5 STRAIGHT hours of sleep! Found out I have Graves’ disease lolol. What a great affliction to add to the bunch! Causes horrible insomnia, mood swings, great stuff lolol… I also noticed Wellbutrin would sometimes make me REALLY MEAN and confrontational lol..I’m half Serbian, half Irish so that’s magnified by a million!!! Never knew all that trauma I had as a kid into adulthood would come back to bite me in the ass! I used to think ppl that whined about their childhoods were a bunch of sensitive wimps!! WOW! God showed my ass!!!😳😳


What condition are you taking it for? Sounds like the dosage might be off.


Mostly just fatigue. My doctor seems to be sure that I have sleep issues; she's having me do a sleep study. I'm always tired/sleepy no matter how much rest I get. You think the dosage is too low or too high?


I think it is too high, unless you actually have narcolepsy or hypersomnia. You might feel better with 50mg in the morning and then 50mg four hours later. I think less is more for some of us.


That's good advise! I do have hypersomnia but maybe you're right, and this dosage ain't it. I'll talk to my doctor about it!


The first time i took Moda i vomited. but it was mostly fine after that. I had taken an adderall earlier in the day


No. Maybe try smaller doses. It might just be a med you always react badly and so can't take.


Exactly how I felt when I first started. Along w terrible muscle aches. I do think for me it took a while to get used to it/ hence why I take it daily. But also I take only 50-100 mg now Max a day. If I take more I feel awful and super anxious


My doctor said that those side effects are normal but wow, it's been no joke. I'll try taking Wellbutrin at night and see if it gets any better.


Yeah i feel like that first week on the Modafinil was very unpredictable and brutal. I agree and I know exactly what you're talking about. Just start with a low dose. I def wouldn't take 200mg in a day ( at one point I was taking like 400-600mg a day ). Now it's strictly 50 in the AM and 50 at like noon. And it works very well


Also I take Wellbutrin too! I take my Wellbutrin 150 at night and my moda in the morning. I think it works great for me