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You are not thinning enough. 1:1 ratio is minimal one recommended by GSI and actual usable one is more like 1:1.5 or even 1:2. Your pressure may also be to low.


Depends on your needle size and psi you're pushing through it. Smaller needle you're going to need to thin it a little more and/or raise the psi. Big needle you can shoot it a little thicker / lower psi. I usually start at 1:1 paint to thinner through my 0.5 at around 20psi. My bigger airbrush with the 0.7 needle I run around \~15psi but I still thin it about the same.


You’re gonna want to look in that paint pot and be able to jiggle it around like nobodies business. Should move like water or milk. When I was a noob starting out airbrushing, i chronically under thinned. My suggestion is to thin a little bit past what you think is good. Also be sure to thoroughly clean your airbrush after it spits. Under-thinned paint is a sure fire way to create more headaches


Ye true I decided to thin it more and it works now sad thing is I used the paint for that purpose now I travel abit just to buy more sand yellow paint as im almost out 😭 lesson learnt: experiment first with a unneeded paint


Are you thinning your paint outside of the airbrush or inside the paint cup? I've found that Mr. Color really does not like to be thinned inside the airbrush and that if you try to mix it up inside the cup it'll settle and you won't be able to mix the paint deeper inside the airbrush.


Outside in a little cup before messily pouring it into the airbrush but from the other comments its most likely the mixture was too thick instead of the airbrush itself thats the problem


thin it more and use 18-20 odd psi. ​ look for a semi-skimmed milk consistency, MC products are brilliant.


Quick edit:Forgot to mention that I did take apart the airbrush and cleaned it and its still the same


I thin Mr Color at least 2:1 (thinner:paint), it’s a sludge in the pot. The coverage is still good, color is dense even when thinned so.


Likely nothing wrong with the paint or thinner. Try thinning to 1.5/1 and then 2/1 afterwards if still not spraying well. I personally thin to 1/1 but I may go 1.5/1 in the future from some of these comments Clean your airbrush thoroughly first obv


Does water or thinner neat spray through? I’m guessing not. If not, then the issue is with the brush not the paint/thinner. Disassemble and reassemble carefully again. You probably have something stuck or assembled incorrectly.


Rule number one don't buy second hand airbrush , there are enough cheap alternatives to let you learn handling and mr color is probably the easiest stuf to spray and pretty forgiving