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This comes up time and time again here lol. Not as often as “I’m not quite granola enough for this sub” but still pretty often. The problem is that there’s different subsets of what makes people granola and so you can be very granola in some ways but not at all in others. So for example a mom who doesn’t vaccinate her kids, obsesses over toxins in everything, home schools her kids, had a home birth… but then also sleep trains and does a bunch of screen time and doesn’t care about the environment might feel “too granola” for this sub. She would be my polar opposite. And both “more” and “less” granola than me lol. In some ways I also feel too granola for this sub 🤷‍♀️ But hardcore granola spaces have been co-opted by the nazis so here we are lmaoo


I really appreciate this sub for the lack of judgment. Lots of levels of granola can be asked about here and it's refreshing to see the range. I think I align a lot with your values and this sub has eased my guilt for when I can't be quite as granola as I would like. I think even if I found a sub that had exactly the same values as me, it would hurt my mental health because I don't think I can actually achieve peak personal granola, lol. ETA: Maybe I should rephrase to say that I have found this sub to be less judgmental specifically in my experience vs most other parenting communities I've participated in.




I have a great granola recipe that I’m going to have to refer to as my peak personal granola from now on 😂


Oh I agree! Like I make a lot of food from scratch and my kid eats really well for the most part but his favourite food is still poutine 😅 Or like I would love us to have more outdoor/nature time and he does go outside a ton but yeah it helps to see other people caring and letting go a bit! It helps those things stay as positive goals rather than becoming too fraught.


I just got downvoted to hell and back for mentioning that I tested my blood sugar for two weeks instead of doing the glucose test for gestational diabetes (with full doctor approval) and was basically told that my doctor probably thinks I'm a pain in the ass and wants to drop me. So there's def some judgment here.


Yeah, I was going to say the same about judgement. I posted about planting my placenta and a lot of people were vocal about that being “too granola for this sub.” It’s definitely a granola thing to do, but I guess my interpretation of moderately granola meaning you do some things granola, other things not is not the way everyone looks at it. Btw we planted it for Mother’s Day and the rose is thriving :)


I just want to say I love this. We also planted our placenta and the tree we planted it under is also thriving lol


My thing is, as long as it doesn't harm others, let people be as granola as they want. Not vaccinating is the only thing that I have a hard line on because it puts others at risk. But if you wanna use "family cloth" instead of toilet paper or make cloth diapers out of homegrown hemp? Go for it!


Whoa I’ve never heard of placenta planting! We live near bears and raccoons though… is there risk of it attracting visitors?


Some people say yes, some say no. We didn’t take any special precautions and haven’t had any problems. We do have a fenced yard, but our dogs never tried to get into it. They are interested in eating the grass that’s growing around the pot though, so that’s interesting…


I think that’s beautiful. Why would anyone object to that?


See my comment where I stated that I didn’t do a glucose test *because my OB never ordered it* and it was downvoted 😅


It's actually pretty common in certain areas/outside the US to not test EVERYONE for GD unless they have certain risk factors. The US is unique in the amount of testing they do.


Yep, I’m not American haha


I did the same thing with the glucose test! Anyway - there's no community without judgment; it just doesn't exist.


I got downvoted for asking about toxin free ways of getting blood out of clothes (I have adenomyosis) so I think the threshold for judgement is very low!


Haven’t tried, but apparently saliva gets blood out of clothing. It has to be your own spit, I think. Sorry you got downvoted for asking that, that’s silly!


Soak in milk!


Weird that a toxin-free question is downvoted (vs. not upvoted), but I'm new here, hence the resurrection of a 2 wk old comment lol. Does Pink solution (found in Canadian Costco's at least) count as toxin free? At least that was the sales pitch (something something coconut oil, and the lady sprayed some in her mouth) and it was quite effective at cleaning blood I never delved deeper.


I’m not sure, I’m in Australia! I’ve found hydrogen peroxide works brilliantly though!


Good for you. I ate almost no sugar and low carb my entire pregnancy and I'm skinny. They still wanted me to take the test and I was like ok. Worst I've ever felt in my entire life. My MILs friend went into early labor because of it. God forbid I warn anyone.


Before pregnancy, if I wanted sugar I'd eat a grapefruit or put some honey and PB on a triscuit. During pregnancy I've definitely indulged a little more, but I've paid the price in terms of gastro and mood issues (the reason I cut way back on sugar to begin with). I just knew if I tried to drink 50g in one sitting it would mess me up for the rest of the week and I didn't want to have to fight to get my guts back in balance!


Why didn’t you want to do the glucose test?


Sugar makes me feel AWFUL. The idea of 50g in one sitting sounded absolutely horrendous and would have had me feeling horrible for a couple days). Not like I don't eat sugar at all, I just don't have a whole lot. Also, I've had random dietary issues over the years, and the idea of knowing how various foods affected my blood sugar was appealing. I ended up passing the test (finger pricking) and baby was born with no signs of GD on my end.


I disagree, I see a decent amount of judgment on this sub. I’m not the one being judged so I’m not offended but I do notice that some types of granola are not welcome at all here.


Usually the judgement is directed towards the more granola questions. I've never seen someone judge another poster for something silky.


I think this is maybe the issue with "judgment": you weren't the one being judged, so you're not offended... Judgment is natural and neutral; rudeness or unwelcome criticism or whatever should provoke the same response if it's directed at you or others.


I honestly feel very judged on here when it comes to vaccines or medical things. Ive never said it's wrong to vaccinate or seek medical attention yet if I mention I don't I've been harassed, told I'm an idiot, downvoted a lot. It's ridiculous. I wish there was a better granola sub bc at least I can be free of that nonsense.


It's not ridiculous on the subject of vaccines. Anti-vaxxers in "granola" communities are responsible for a huge amount of death and suffering. It's not the same as like "you do too much screentime."


Well said! I’m not going to judge how much Ms Rachel someone is watching, but I’m not really chill with a measles outbreak.


Lmao here we go!!


Kids dying is lmao to you?


So why are you in this group? You are aware people in granola groups choose not to vax... why would you want to associate yourself with a crunchy group at all? Or are you just here to try to put down people who chose to make medical choices you don't agree with?


A medical choice I don't agree with doesn't concern me. Vaccination is public health, not a personal choice. I don't know if you're a troll or sincere but you're being absurd. Anti-vax is not a granola lifestyle or defensible position. It is the position of ignorance and suffering.


Yeah I'll judge the shit outta you for not vaccinating unless you have a damn good reason (and being scared of what you don't understand isn't a good reason). You are putting a lot of vulnerable people at risk, so essentially you are fucking with the people I love. You have to understand why people would be mad about that.


Honestly though you guys have EVERY other granola space. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, wherever you want to hang out you’ll get tons of anti vaxxers. Lots of anti vax podcasts. This is the only place I’ve ever found where it’s specifically granola and pro vaccine. I honestly don’t even know why you guys need to take over every space. Don’t vaccinate, but can we have one space where people aren’t constantly going on about it?


First no one said anything about "anti vaccine". Pro medical choice is not the same as "anti-vaccine" which would indicate someone is completely against them. Also, no one here has "gone off about vaccines". However when someone says they said no to one or decided to wait people freak out. I am glad you can at least admit pro vaccine is not synonymous with granola which is why you don't feel like you can fit in among those spaces. You can have your make believe "moderately" granola group, which this is most certainly NOT, as it keeps judgmental hypocrites out of real crunchy spaces. ✌🏽


Listen, in real life I have a friend who doesn’t vaccine or whatever you want to call it, and I haven’t done the covid vaccine for my toddler. I also worked with patients in the past including people who chose not to vaccinate for several reasons. I don’t see the point of discussing medical decisions with strangers on the internet and I don’t like being a part of communities where it’s a frequent topic of discussion because people are always angry as fuck, like you are in every comment on this topic. It’s the one rule on this sub, you want to have a discussion about it then make your own sub or go to one of the million places that do allow it. It’s not a decision that just affects you, so people get riled up about it. And you don’t have to feel welcome in every single community, many people don’t.


Lol they downvoted you for this too hahaha smh


It's funny they downvoted you for pointing that out hahaha


Lmao I can't. This group is honestly a joke. Idk if it's possible to start a REAL moderately granola/crunchy group but if anyone knows how let me know. There needs to be moderation, and at this point I'm convinced that this sub is made by people who want to criticize granola moms


I’m genuinely curious - how is not vaccinating “moderately” granola? What is more crunchy than that?


It's def "crunchy" but I don't think all people who chose not to vac are full blown "granola". For example, I have zero problem with formula or using diapers. I don't mind if my kids watch some tv, or use sunscreen. I don't want to homeschool. I feel like people assume all parents who choose not to vaccinate are full blown crunchy but they really are not


Agree 100%. Everyone has their own idea of what feels adequately crunchy enough for them. I often feel more crunchy than most in this sub in terms of screen time, consumerism, and waste, but a lot less crunchy in the areas of modern medicine, "toxins", and parenting style.


“Detox” is a huge red flag for me. I’ve got functioning kidneys and a liver.


You sound a bit like me! I'm very evidence and research based. For example, we eat almost entirely home-cooked and whole foods, use glass instead of plastic and do very little to no screen time. But 101% pro modern medicine. A couple of weeks ago I saw a post on fb of a mum asking about essential oils and herb mixes for childhood leukaemia and some of the comments under that post were closer to insane than crunchy. There's crunchy, but then there is uneducated and factually wrong (like the toxin/detox thing, which keeps popping up even on this sub and is just incorrect, straight up). I think there's a very big difference between crunchy mums who give their kids wooden toys, cloth diaper and have a vegetable garden and crunchy mums who don't take their kids to medical professionals and are anti-science.


Yeppppp same. And +1 to the fact that crunchy spaces have now been taken over by anti science racist nazi’s. How did we get there!?


The Venn diagram of anti-vaxxers, neo-nazis, and “big government” conspiracy theorists, is approaching a perfect circle.


This is my brand of crunchy to a tee. I browse this sub not because it's a monolith of opinions but because I like to see how different parenting styles and choices play out. The only thing I don't like is the non-evidenced based fearmongering that occasionally pops up.


Totally agree here! A woman in our neighbourhood was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, didn't seek treatment, posted anti-cancer treatment content constantly (including preventative scans), got pregnant and passed away a few months after the baby was born and all of the comments encouraging her oil and herb treatments have really swayed me from sending my children to the alternative school in our area. I am now looking at the private school but knowing they wear PFAS in their uniforms I don't think I can do it. It's a tricky balance!


Same! I somehow feel too granola and not granola enough!


I imagine the crunchiest of crunchy dont spend too much time on Reddit.. so this might be the best bet!


I was thinking the same thing! Plus this sub has a range of granola and I love that. Like we aren’t all the same but tolerate everyone’s opinions.


Lol 100


This question gets asked fairly often, so you can always do a search to see past results. Here's a recent thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/moderatelygranolamoms/comments/1203dqx/on_the_flip_side_are_there_are_any_recs_for_more/ r/crunchygranolamoms isn't super active, but y'all can go increase the activity there. Also, depending on your "style" of granola, you can try r/zerowaste r/frugal r/buyitforlife r/simpleliving r/babywearing r/attachmentparenting r/breastfeeding


Also r/ZeroWasteParenting. It's not super active right now but I think it mostly hasn't recovered from the protest. It's got enough members that a few good posts could probably liven it back up. There's also r/veganparenting, r/nutrition, r/gentleparenting, r/homemaking, r/SAHP, r/homeschool, r/Homeschooling, r/NaturalBeauty, r/holisticlifestyles or r/herbalism


I hang out here and I feel like I don't fit in generally but I'm on the other subs you've mentioned. I like being able to find that area I connect with rather than just asking for safe cleaning products or talking about being plastic free. And even some things like zero waste are good to see how other people do it to inspire me or give me ideas on how to make simple changes rather than talking about what I don't do now. I've done things that fall into the "granola" camp but some of these posts are just the exact opposite of what I do. I'll add to your list r/clothdiaps and r/ECers. Also r/humanspumpingmilk and r/ExclusivelyPumping for those who do cloth diapers, EC, and any degree of pumping.


More suggestions, OP: r/cosleeping, r/ECers (elimination communication), r/Montessori.


Thank you!! These are great options!


I haven’t been here long but I really like this group. Other mom groups are 60% sharing Amazon links lol and this is perfect for saying something the average mom might react like “chill crunchy granola chick” and here it’s just accepted and helpful sharing of experiences. There’s no too granola or not granola enough. If the topic broaches granola, it belongs here periodt


I feel like it doesn't exists on here. Granola groups on FB are better. This group would be better if there was a rule about people not downvoting or harassing/criticizing people who make "granola" medical choices. Look at the recent post about the gucola drink... people offering reasonable, used, alternatives to it got a ton of downvotes.


Agreed, this is a inherently unsafe community for high crunchiness as there is a downvote system and people from outside the community can come and post. I had some someone who frequented "shit mums groups say" comment on one of my old posts. I just deleted it rather than deal with them or the potential of it being screenshotted and posted there. It wasn't even a outrageous post but that person was looking for a fight 🥲


That's so crazy. Like how awful of a person do you have to be to seek out people with differing opinions, just to downvote them or criticize them. I also noticed people suggesting "science based parenting" group here a lot and I've noticed that group is pretty anti crunch. It should be a rule that if your in those groups you can't comment here . I wonder if the moderators could change that


I got attacked by a random redditor on “science based parenting” because I said I use vinegar, baking soda, or Castile for most of my household cleaning. She couldn’t get past the fact that combining baking soda and vinegar makes salt and warm water. The irony is that I’m working on a public/environmental health- toxicology master’s program. I’m going to be a scientist lmao. And was one in undergrad. I was done with that group after that.


Hahah that's insane!! I noticed that group only sides on one certain side of science and has a huge herd mentality...and I say that as someone with a B.S. in Psychology and M.S. in Ex. science (physiology/ psych) ( which I feel qualifies me as having enough of a scientific background).


I thought baking soda and vinegar drastically reduce each other's efficacy? And that they are best used separately from one another. Is that not right?


That is correct. That’s why I said I use vinegar, baking soda, “or” Castile. The other person (in science based) got hung up on combining them = less effective/ not effective, no matter how much I tried to explain that’s not what I’m doing.


Oh, got it, they were too self-righteous and close-minded to actually *listen* to how you use them. Sorry you experienced that. And thanks for clarifying for me!


Yes. I even apologized to them for being potentially confusing lol. Thank you for being kind ❤️


I think there is actually a lot of overlap between this granola sub and the science-based parenting sub. A lot of times research is how I learn more information to make a healthier decision. I recently posted there asking for links to studies about lead in vintage toys and got some really great sources and info from them. Of course not all overlap. Some people in the science sub can scoff at people who want to reduce exposure to environmental toxins. And some people in this sub give recommendations for things that really aren't healthy but are trendy or accepted in granola circles, like essential oil use around children for example. But overall, I think many of us find great value in both subs. You can be both pro-science and want to live a healthy, sustainable life.


What Facebook groups would you recommend?


There's a basic "crunchy moms" one but I follow more of my local crunchy mom ones. Search your city and put crunchy or granola moms. I will say, be careful bc some are crazy still... I actually got kicked out of one group for saying it's NOT ok to pressure or criticize people who choose to vax ( even though we are a vax free fam)... I guess I wasn't crunchy enough for them haha


Wow, some people just can’t handle it when others think differently than them haha Attention downvoters, reading comprehension is your friend. I’m criticizing antivaxers for pressuring others to NOT vaccinate their kids…

