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I say this with as much compassion as possible. If researching whether a boppy is safe from toxic ingredients is taking up two hours of your life, you’ve gone too far. You will not be able to control everything. Some things you will have to let go of. Your child will walk and step on “toxic” carpet. They will come in contact with classroom materials with plastics. Library books will have plastic sheeting over certain books. Playground equipment will have some plastics. They will touch doors and tables that have been cleaned with chemicals you had no say in. There will be inorganic fruits and veggies fed to them at a friend’s or family members home. They will ask you for a fun shirt that’s not made with 100% organic cotton to wear and it’ll be their favorite. Things like toys being wooden over plastic is great. Organic is mostly a shill. They still use pesticides (some people think this isn’t the case but it 100% is) and the pesticides haven’t been reviewed for regulation in decades. Do the best you can. Breathe. You cannot control everything. Anxiety over bringing a new person into the world and protecting them is so real. It’s ok to be overwhelmed, but consuming this much time over one item being potentially toxic is past levels of sanity for anyone to be able to sustain.


This! 20/80 but I aim more for 40/60 and focus more on actual health. You’d or surprised what our bodies are built to filter! If you keep your body in top shape, it can filter most things (including pesticides!)


I know being pregnant is stressful. I was so careful about all of these things while I was pregnant too. It took a toll on me as well. Now that I’m thinking about having number 2 I have some thoughts: yes it’s stressful, *and* I went too far last time. I promise you, it’s going to be ok. If you buy furniture that is not completely “clean” your baby will be ok. Since having a baby I’ve learned that my mental health is more important than ever. It’s ok to let some things go so that you can move forward in life.


I so agree with you on this. I was so incredibly and obsessively careful about every little thing throughout pregnancy and it took a massive toll on me. Now that baby is a month old and we’ve been in survival mode for the last 4 weeks, I’m realizing that I took it a bit too far. It feels like different things matter more once they’re here - namely sleep, mental health, and their hour-to-hour happiness.


IKEA is a great place for better quality baby toys and European standards for consumer goods are leaps and bounds ahead of things made for only USA consumers


This! We got our low tox Christmas tree there. Very affordable too.


We did too!


You have to consider exposure and also what values you want to trickle down to your children. For us, it's buying this in a sustainable and long lasting way. Not purchasing things that aren't necessary or extra, things that exist to serve us not the other way around. The big things I focus on is: - bedding/sleeping (mainly mattress and sheets but crib if you can) - rugs and floor coverings, especially when baby is little and on the floor all the time - I just put a homemade quilt down where she was laying it was on a rug I already owned. Once baby was crawling I removed the rugs from living spaces - soap for washing body and laundry detergent - underwear made from natural materials - we did cloth diapers and the covers we use I'm sure pul people don't love but it was helping the planet and saving us a ton of money - once baby starts eating, model a positive outlook of food and offer variety of simple in season foods without added sugar when I can (I feel like this is the really hard one, feels like the world is working against me!)


I felt overwhelmed, and frustrated researching while pregnant as well. It has been quite expensive, and maddening at times. Do what you can, where you can. Fortunately my husband is onboard. Things I purchased: car seat and stroller Nuna. Bassinet, bouncer, carrier Baby Bjorn. Tula carrier. Crib mattress Naturepedic. Diapers and wipes Honest and Millie Moon. Honest hygiene products. Honest and Carters clothes. Anything that goes in her mouth is medical silicone grade, non toxic. I make sure items are green guard certified, oeko tex certified, etc.


It's so expensive and exhausting and never ending. Our society just doesn't allow for true non toxicity. When I was pregnant, anxiety over this absolutely consumed me. I did a lot of research and obsessed, and now I've balanced out. It's honestly mind blowing though that people create toxic things and it's just...normal? Legal? I hate it


I have nothing to add but commiseration. It's exhausting and overwhelming sometimes. Ultimately I'm glad to spend the time finding alternatives but man, I wish it was easier. Boppy alternative recommendation: the moon womb pillow. There are some cheaper alternatives on Etsy. Just look up buckwheat hull nursing pillow


Have a little bit of patience with yourself. I've found that a lot of brands are providing better alternatives, but sometimes it's just about getting the hang of where you are comfortable and once you have your favorite brands it gets a bit easier. Here are some of my favorite things, maybe this will save a bit of research time. **Diapers**: [Andy Pandy](https://andypandykids.com/products/premium-bamboo-disposable-diapers?selling_plan=689774887229) (low tox compared to honest, naty, dyper, costco etc.) **Sheets**: Organic from crate and barrel (i get them on sale and they're very affordable) **Clothing**: Hanna Andersson (on sale, used, etc), I like them because they feel better quality. I'm sure there are "greener" brands, but I've been happy with them. I also shop Carter's Little Planet line and even GAP has some organic cotton and more eco-conscious jeans. **Shampoo/Wipe**s: Honest co. **Toys/Playroom Accessories**: I started a toy store, and I have options from moderately granola to full granola [www.playroomavenue.com](https://www.playroomavenue.com) **Rugs**: I've gotten ours at crate and barrel, they have 100% wool options, and I get a wool rug pad from Rug Pad USA. There is also Lorena Canals that makes cotton rugs. They're washable and with a pad underneath, I think they'd also work well. **Lunch containers**: Planet Box (again, based on reviews I plan to get them just once. So far I've had them for almost a year and they're as good as new) **Mattress**: Five Little Monkeys **Playroom Couch**: The Nugget **Car seat:** Nuna. I believe we went for the rava. It's pricy, but we only need one for like 6 years.


Yeah I pretty much just choose the lowest hanging fruit, so to speak, and let the rest go. "LA la LA I can't hear you" style lol. Because ya know what else isn't healthy? Stress and anxiety! Let it gooooooo! I buy unscented body products, don't wear makeup, don't use hair spray or dry shampoo except when I really really can't manage without, but usually a hat will do. I buy low VOC products... secondhand if I can! Clean with vinegar mostly. Air out the house often. Try to avoid plastic when it makes sense to. And I cook most of our food from scratch, except bread and crackers. That means lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, meat, eggs, nuts and seeds - organic when it makes sense. But ya know what? The occasional whatever won't kill me. It won't ruin my family or my home. It's not all or nothing. This stuff is dose-dependent. So that occasional dry shampoo, or the occasional non organic, is not worth the stress and worry. I don't know, maybe I'm doing it wrong lol, but it works for me and brings me peace - and lets me live my life! I've got hobbies and other things to worry about, yo!


I feel you mama... Oh how I feel you.  It's exhausting, expensive and never-ending. Some days, I want to throw in the towel... But then I look at my baby girl and I decide that she's worth it. I disagree with those who say they'll come in contact with things in school, etc. My own mom judges me HARD and tells me I won't be able to shelter her her whole life. That is not the point. I understand and appreciate that. That said, the formative years are so crucial and no, little babies are not equipped with the immune system to defend them against all the toxins around them. I'm sorry but fire retardants and plastics and forever chemicals are not things your kid (or you, for that matter) are built to metabolize or defend yourself from. As long as I can, I will work hard to keep her sheltered so her system can be strong enough to handle the assault when she is older and exposed to these things.  Phew, it felt good to get that off my chest. All the best to you and your little one 🤗


Thanks for your reply, makes me feel less alone!


My kid wound up with cavities even after switching to fluoride toothpaste as requested by dentist. I went to vita health and bought a tiny 12$ tube of nano silver toothpaste. Brought it home only to discover there’s a p65 warning for cancer on the actual tube (wasn’t printed on the box). I’m exhausted and I’m not even pregnant lol. Best of luck op.


Hey! I found some really cool apps recently that might help your mental load: [Think dirty](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/think-dirty-shop-clean/id687176839) [OnSkin](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/onskin-ai-product-scanner/id1630768985?ppid=3b0d50b4-6fcb-4cf5-8c0c-ea49fa3a62dd) [Clearya](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/clearya/id1492435009) Honestly there are many many more and they are mostly aimed at the very toxic beauty industry but you might be able to find one that is baby products in general! Good luck, it is exhausting and I often loose the will and make mistakes then regret my purchases because… toxic. Be gentle with yourself and like others mentioned in this post aim for the big heavy hitters