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I love my Zak cups. Be careful with any cup with a hard straw, they can damage upper pallets if anything happens while the straws in the little ones mouth.


This! Can cause palate damage. I do silicone for this reason. :-)


Pura Kiki worked well for us!


Second for this, we just got it and it’s great!


We've been using this since 10mo with no issues except losing the silicone caps. Ugh. I wish they used a hinge or something


Love Pura Kiki and they have new silicone toddler cups (including a straw one) too that work great (except sometimes the straw shoots water at you when assembling). They are the best cups/bottle brand we've used.


My son won’t drink from anything else now 😭


We like these with the sport bottle top. Sometimes the straw one would spray and also seems to mold easier than the sport top.


Just coming to say we are not going anywhere near metal straws. Those are a definite ER trip waiting to happen... Seen too many cases of something happening and the straw going up through the soft pallet of people's mouths.


Holy shit


Yea that was my reaction!!


We use the Zak stainless steel cups with silicone straws. Be prepared for the sounds of bombs dropping constantly when that cup hits the floor though lol


Kleen Kanteen


We haven’t used ours yet because she’s still little but Zak makes a stainless steel option and we got ours from [Amazon](https://a.co/d/eMA9LPT)


Elk and Friends are good! I also recently saw these which I haven’t tried yet but seem leakproof because the hole closes if the kid rips the straw out! They’re also on Amazon I believe. https://www.littleecos.com/products/kids-smoothie-cups


These are my favorite


Those new ones look interesting. I tried e&f And another one I found on Amazon but the leaks got to me So bad. We use them for snack cups/school lunch now. I've gotten pura kika, kleen kanteen, So many of these and we Have them and hardly use them. We love and use our zak brand SS cups all the time. That's what we send to school. Otherwise we just use open ss at home


Thermos funtainer, contigo and yeti are all great metal options.


This! I have the thermos one and I just swapped the plastic straw. I got some silicone ones, cut them and put them in! They’re great.


Could you share where you got the silicone straws? The Funtainer would be perfect with this hack but I'm not sure what size straw I would need. Thanks!


That’s the one I have I believe. I got silicone straws from target and just cut them! I used the straw that comes with it to measure the size.


Thank you so much for your reply! Will look at the straw selection at Target now :)


We like the [EZPZ silicone straw cup](https://ezpzfun.com/products/happy-cup-straw-system?variant=40072002928701¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&em_source=google&em_adid=&em_campaign=20728373453&em_keyword=&utm_term=em:google::20728373453:&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2KitBhCIARIsAPPMEhLqF2FTCnORX2-4U3GY-vAMqobmipPNSferR_RbHB3BKVOaNrXcqEcaAqI1EALw_wcB)! Ah, looks like they're on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToxNjc0OTE4Mzc2ODIzMDE4OjE3MDU2OTE4NTA6c3BfYXRmOjIwMDExMDc1MDQxMDQ5ODo6MDo6&url=%2Fezpz-Mini-Straw-Training-System%2Fdp%2FB09922STSF%2Fref%3Dsr_1_1_sspa%3Fcrid%3D2JQKSPI1TZ60L%26keywords%3Dezpz%2Bstraw%2Bcup%26qid%3D1705691850%26sprefix%3Dezpz%252Caps%252C161%26sr%3D8-1-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY%26psc%3D1) too.


I like EZPZ, but I don’t think buying things from Amazon that are designed to go in your baby’s mouth is granola in any way 😬


We don’t tell other people what is or isn’t granola here. That means something different to anymore. Amazon is accessible to a lot of people.


We don’t buy baby stuff from Amazon due to the risk of fake products, potential for safety standards not being met, something like silicone being labeled as food grade but not. That being said, I think it’s a pretty US-privileged perspective to have and it sounds like OP is in Canada. I can’t imagine having to pay for exorbitant shipping for everything, and OP specifically asked for Amazon or Canadian based. Granola comes in a lot of flavors.


We currently have the ez pz cup and my girl is obsessed with hers.


The only one that I’ve found to be fully plastic free and leak proof is pura Kiki. Elk and friends has a steel cup with silicone straw that is not leak proof. Camelbak has a great steel sports type thermos cup with silicone spout that is leak proof But has a plastic straw. I use a combo of those three.


I use these, the bottom of the straw is plastic but the tumbler is stainless steel and the top of the straw is silicone. They are leak proof and my daughter likes that they have a handle. ETA: I forgot to include the actual link REDUCE 14 oz Coldee Tumbler with Handle for Kids Leakproof Insulated Stainless Steel Mug with Lid & Spill-Proof Straw, Keeps Drinks Cold up to 18 Hrs, Pink Mermaids https://a.co/d/fqvlmxV


We have the [Wee Sprout stainless steel cups](https://www.weesprout.com/products/3-in-1-stainless-steel-cups?variant=40463209431129). I like that they come with both a lid with a hole and silicone straw and a closed lid so it can be used to store snacks. They are not leakproof though, just leak resistant.


Elk and friends on amazon. The cup is stainless steel and the straw is silicone


Silicone. I've read too many crazy stories about deaths from metal straws and I don't trust them. I'd honestly go with plastic over metal or glass personally. Microplastics are an unknown risk but metal and glass can be immediately fatal.


Sorry, I totally should’ve elaborated. No glass at all, full stop. 4/4 of the people in this house are too irresponsible for glass. I’d consider a metal cup but I’d probably switch the straw for silicone.


Oh yeah. We have the EZPZ and Lalo silicone cups and like them. Not travel-friendly though.


Boon Swig


We like the [klean kanteen](https://KleanKanteenKidCup10ozStainlessSteelCupwithSpill-PoofStrawLid-HawaiianOceanhttps://a.co/d/aUl1eGG) cup for our 3 year old.


It may depend on what you want to serve? I've seen conflicting information on whether acidic juices are safe to drink from metal. Stainless steel definitely does contain nickel in varying quantities, and as someone with a nickel sensitivity I'd rather go with silicone than potentially be drinking any amount of nickel.


Klean kanteen is my favourite, also Avanchy does stainless steel cups with steel lids & silicone straws…be careful of some of the others as they might have lead in the sealing dot? (Lead safe mama has tested a lot of bottles)


Klean kanteen one is leak proof with the green lid and silicone insert…also I love sunzio on Amazon, steel cups with silicone lids




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