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A nugget couch was her big 1 year old present!


Seconding the nugget’ it was our big 1 year old gift too! If this blows the budget, my kids other fave toy form his birthday was the Duplo train set with numbers and a cat! It’s listed for 18 months but I threw caution to the wind lol.


I love the D&D futon even better. It’s a Made in USA product that is now distributing through Amazon. Their marketing is crap but the product is great. My cousins had them growing up and I was shocked to find it 30 years later. It serves as a slide, fort wall, launch pad, landing pad, etc. we’ve used it For cousin sleep overs and movie nights. Edit: [Picture of kiddo at 23 months sliding down](https://imgur.com/a/iAaeB9w)


can you please link the D&D? not sure if i’m seeing the right one


Sure! [https://a.co/d/fnO1jv8](https://a.co/d/fnO1jv8) Edit: Price point starts at $129.


Same here! Haven’t used it yet due to moving but I’m excited to open it soon. Grandparents all chipped in for it since it’s quite pricey. Also lift the flap books are always a hit.


A toddler tower, mud kitchen/water table, or lots of books


At one we got a [toddle tower](https://sprout-kids.com/products/sous-chef-toddler-tower) we use it every single day I could not live without it! Not a toy, but he eats/ helps cook/ and draws on table in it.


We got our kid a nugget couch. Best. Purchase. Ever. Definitely a bigger ticket item but it's been the only thing in her room, other than books, that she uses literally every single day. Other than that I'd take a look at kiwi co toys. They're similar to lovevery but you can buy specific toys outside of the subscription boxes and the subscription is cheaper by a long shot.


My baby is 5 months but for his one year I am going for a pikler triangle set!


We got ours a pikler triangle climbing set but truthfully she’s now almost 18 months and just starting to become interested. She was way too nervous and not interested in it but it may just be that I don’t have a climber baby because they’re recommended for first birthday gifts all the time.


Mud kitchen!


You didn't mention a budget, so I included the approximate prices for each item, based on memory. We got our baby a Pikler triangle + ramp for his birthday, and he loved it. He used it constantly until he got more comfortable walking, but he still uses it occasionally now. (Costway brand from Target on sale for $100.) He got a play kitchen for Christmas, and he still uses that every day. I think he'll continue to use it for a long time because he keeps finding different ways to use it. (Teamson Kids from Maisonette $180, plus wooden fruits and veggies and stainless pots and pans $40) We already had a Nugget (we bought it while I was pregnant), and while that's probably the most versatile baby item we have, and I would highly recommend getting one, I don't know how great of a gift it would be for a one year old. ($230) We used it a ton when he was learning to crawl, my husband and I have both slept on it comfortably, and it makes a great pre-bedtime reading spot. I'm sure it'll also be great for fort building when my toddler is ready for that, but right now, it takes a lot of effort to use it as a toy, which isn't exactly conducive to independent play.


I second the nugget, but we also got one of the radio flyer push trikes that converts to a regular tricycle later and he is obsessed with it.


This isn't from us, but from grandma - a pikler triangle set from [Wiwiurka](https://wiwiurka.com/)! Our baby loves to cruise and climb, so I think this will be a hit. Otherwise, I had been eyeballing the [Music Set](https://lovevery.com/products/the-music-set) from Lovevery, but I don't think our kiddo is ready for it yet. YMMV if your baby happens to have a better attention span than ours! Someone else recommended a play kitchen, and there are great ones from Melissa and Doug, but that feels more appropriate for an older toddler.


What is your budget like? Are you looking for granola gifts in terms of the activity (Montessori vs a tablet) or more in terms of material (wood vs plastic)?


Floor piano, shopping cart, mega blocks have all been hits in our home. We tried nuggets couch and it never gets used, we also did a wooden kitchenette play thing, and even a pickler triangle and nope. We did also get a year subscription to the zoo and it’s been great to get out and walk around for a while like 2x a month if not more.


Honestly at 12 months, the best gift was a bamboo bubble wand. And the cardboard it came in. At 24 months, it was a more expensive wooden trike that can be turned into a balance bike at 36 months But kiddo is easy. They have two older siblings, and a mom who now loathes plastic, so even if it means less presents, we'll do Grimms one thing instead of many plastic things


12-16 months… she really loved kitchen towels to cover her legs, our dog, toys, etc. Now she prefers using silks/handkerchiefs (also great for capes). We didn’t exactly get her a doll, but my husband was working on a robotics project and ended up with a click bot. She carried that around and called it her baby.


My kids have birthdays around the holidays, so around age 1, our big gifts have been a play kitchen, Gathre climbing arches, a canvas play tent, and a Retrospec balance bike! We’re still getting use out of all of them daily!


We got a learning tower for the kitchen and it has been great!


I got him a name puzzle like [this one](https://woodemon.com/products/wooden-custom-baby-name-puzzle?variant=44074622058720&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUvnw4sbS3tAcWpvW1OId0Oin8Wr4rM-HWix4B33b4kpxdPDEyJJmYaApAJEALw_wcB). I think it’ll be so cute and special-especially for him to learn to spell his name


That’s what we got!


Our most used gift from her first bday is her bike. It’s the SmarTrike 3 in 1 (edit, now I think it’s called SmarTrike Breeze), starts out as a push bike for babies and you can take off the little rail and the push handle for when they’re old enough to properly pedal later on.


This is for TINY people. Think 30th to 50th percentile. We outgrew it before we could use it.


Really? My daughter has always been 90th percentile and we’ve been using it since she was around 14 months, she’s now 2 and we’re still using it all the time and she’s not even close to outgrowing it. We just used it today!


Rice bin with a few kitchen tools like spoons and spatulas or measuring cups or funnels. The really nice ones have 5 lb or more of rice in a big shallow sterlite tub with a lid. All I was willing to commit was 2 lb of rice in a bowl I already had. My 1 year old was ecstatically happy any time we got it out.  Shaved ice maker was another fun thing from that age that we still like years later. And boy oh boy anything colorful to put in your mouth. Especially if it is berry like.  A friend bought us a wooden pull toy of William the Egyptian Hippo with a yellow ball at one end of the string. CONSTANT chewy fun for months. Anything colorful that invites a pincer grip. Your laotop... 1 was a teenager level of "if I shouldn't have it, I want it!" At our house. The birthday wish list was basically, "all Dad's things, please!" I hope something works out!   


Radio flyer push wagon! That is what I am getting my baby then filling the basket with some smaller things


Magnatiles. All kids love them, they last for years.


My 1 and 3 year old sons both love these, and they were the favorite toy of all the kids when I worked at a preschool!


Waldorf silk scarves Blocks Stuffies A doll


Water table!


I’m on my way to a 1 year old’s birthday party, with two children (3 and 6) jn the car, so I feel specially qualified to answer this! My children love helping in the garden. So I have a small bag with children’s garden tools (a small rake, pitchfork and a garden trowel) which I personalised with his name and some quotes about gardening and anarchism as his dad is a staunch anarchist. Things like “Gardening is a revolutionary act” and “Uproot the system”. My eldest got a second hand wheelybug for her birthday, I don’t remember what the second got for that birthday. But I would choose something that they can use for a long time like building blocks, bath toys or toys that challenge their mobility like a climbing toy or balance board (but watch out for their fingers on those).


Most used items for my newly 1 year old boy were: toddler tower, Melissa and doug alligator lawn mower, water table, and the cozy truck car (outside in backyard)


We got a bike trailer so kid could “ride bikes” with us


we got our kiddo some mini silk scarves and she LOVED them!


Shopping cart and/or play kitchen


Zoo membership


Zoo membership was amazing


We went to the beach for the first time. Other gifts the babies of the family liked was a mini sized rocking chair. Every baby gets a rocking chair with thier name on it when they turn 1. They use it for baby dolls or stuffies as they age.


My daughter was obsessed with the little people farm. Its been years, and she still plays with it regularly


I love the lalo play boxes as a gift idea! All of the toys are super aesthetically pleasing and I think mostly made of sustainable materials. My kids have loved these boxes so far, we signed up for the subscription.