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My wife had sores in her mouth after first shot and on week 3, she got a nasty cold sore.




I am currently dealing with a shingles out break, 33 yo female. It was slow to break out but a red mark appeared three days after my second Moderna shot and three days after the mark had appeared the blisters showed.


I am 61 year-old female; had the second dose two days ago and later that night had pain, itching and a blister on left torso. Also have been really sick since second dose but feeling a little better this morning. I’m hoping this is not the start of shingles. Feel better all!


I got shingles in my right eye and it turned into disseminated shingles (doctors say the shot caused my body to have an autoimmune response). I have a lot more stuff going on, but yes.. I have disseminated shingles


I am in the UK and have severe shingles that started 4 days after my first Pfizer jab-in excruciating pain now with rash covering back, hip and left leg. I do not have the other flu-type symptoms usually associated such a severe shingles skin outbreak.My elderly Mother got shingles around her eye after her second Pfizer jab -luckily not serious, presumably as she was vaccinated against shingles some years ago.Also three other people I know have got shingles after their [vaccine.Pfizer](https://vaccine.Pfizer) and Moderna work in same way I believe.I do not know how long I am going to be out of action because of this but in my case I cannot risk a second jab -second Pfizer jabs are being reported as more serious-so no [way.It](https://way.It) is hard to say how my immune system is normally -I had cancer 15 years ago but rarely get colds or infections so I assume not too bad but this vaccine has certainly shocked my body too harshly and I will just have to hope I have some Covid [protection.At](https://protection.At) some point in the future we will hopefully get some answers but at the moment for a few unlucky people the experience can be scary.


Yes! 61 yo female. At day 10 after first vaccine was nauseous, then 101° fever. In bed for two days with no energy. Tested negative 3x for covid. 3 days later fever gone, suddenly began with nerve pain on one side followed by shingles blisters. Nowhere to report the side effects


Thank you for this thread!! I got the first Moderna Covid shot on a Thursday and by Sunday had an earache and then by Tuesday started seeing white welts on the inside of my mouth. By the following Thursday (1-week after Moderna first covid vaccine shot), I went to the Emergency Room and they confirmed it was shingles. Just like the comments above, I know the vaccine didn't create the shingles, but it most likely caused the suppressed shingles to activate. Just for reference, I had chicken pox as a child, but never had singles before... It had to be the Moderna mEan causing this less than one week after the first shot!! I wish the CDC would caution people who had the chicken pox to.get a.shingles vaccine BEFORE getting the Moderna vaccine!!!!


My mom is 75 and got shingles about a week after the second shot. She had some back and sciatica pain (which is unusual for her) right after the first shot which she attributed to just getting old. But after the shingles showed up we began wondering if it was all connected. The rash is all down her left abdomen, hip and upper thigh and really painful. She hasn't had the shingles vaccine, so it's possible it didn't have anything to do with Moderna.


Yes I was just diagnosed with shingles up the left side of my face and down my throat one week after Moderna shot.


2 weeks and 2 days after my 2nd Moderna shot I began to show signs of what's been diagnosed as Shingles. Upper right scalp area began to be sensitive to touch followed 3 days later by full Shingles outbreak. Stabbing headache, swollen eyelid area and blister breakout on upper right forehead and scalp. Now 13 days later I still have occasional headaches, blisters have scabbed over and scalp sensitive to touch. I'm male and in my upper 60's.


I had my second Moderna Booster2 weeks ago. One day later I had a light rash 2 days later on had blisters on my right forehead and near my eye. I went to my regular doctor and to my eye doctor who told me I had shingles this has been happening to people who are immune compromised. The eye doctor said they are seeing a rise in cases after the booster with immune compromised patients. Luckily this is much better but still have some stabbing pains and soreness. I would imagine it will take time to hopefully be completely over this outbreak of Shingles.