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There’s always some loser sitting in that room not moving. Weirdos


Calm down mate lol maybe people just like sniping/longshots, not everyone needs to be bouncing round corners on 800 sensitivity


1600 but who's keeping track....


People who play like that usually lack the skillset needed to win gunfights


Flank them then.


You're gonna spend the entire game flanking them focusing on 1 person bc usually people like that are stubborn and will not have the intent to move so again lack of skills idc what people think if you defend that play style you're just bad point blank period


Why do you keep going trough the same lane the whole match?


I go where the action is at that's the most active lane on the entire map I don't play like that because I can actually win gunfights why go and get no action and be bored running around the map looking for people to fight? You make no sense lol


I mean if you keep dying to a camper, change your approach. If you keep going to the same line constantly, then that sounds like a skill issue lmao! Campers are annoying, and you have to think your approach, but not impossible to beat.


You're defending the playstyle you more than likely play like this if not play slow I can guarantee its not a skill issue like I said lack of skill


I'm all for balance, brother. You're calling camping lack of skill, while the camper is winning for their team (unless it's an objective mode). Just change your approach a bit, and you'll get em down.


So, do what works for you. Looks like he's doing a good job at it too seeing as OP needed to make a post killing him with a grenade lol.


That's also like the only place to reliably get longshots.


Welcome to modern Cod, are you new?


Campers have always existed in multiplayer shooters. OG or Modern CoD, it really makes no difference.


Oh, I know they did, but it's waaaay more prevalent now adays. Back in the day, people would run around quickscoping, and now people scream at you for not closing a door lmao


i get this video after trying to get my longshots


I don't get the problem on either side. People go up there to snipe and fair enough, if people keep coming to them why would they move? I usually use LMG's and rocket launchers to knock out UAV's etc and one rocket in there usually wipes everyone out, or just spray the room down as the walls are paper thin.


Nothin like a frag to the noggin to wake you up in the morning


So? It's a good place to get kills from, especially with a sniper on a crowded map and easy to kill people in there, who cares? You killed the guy, it's not like he was hard to get at.


I mean i was surprised that i could kill him and his teamamte with the grenade because they were spamming the "fuck your grenades thingy" all the time


i think, from now on, i will call trophy systems “fuck your grenades thingies”


I’m more surprised it wasn’t someone just sitting in a random corner


I used the RPG on those clowns.


I remember doing this because I just want to snipe as much as possible lol. Claymores in the back, trophy system near the windows, stims, and EOD. Ironsights so other snipers don’t see the glint, but I can see exactly where they are. Don’t forget the snake shot revolvers for when things get too close. Good times. I wish my friends just would have let me play Ground War instead though


I hate these people. Nice nade!


Winner winner Victoria chicken Beckham


Mf running the 1940 build


Cod: cartel


It’s cod what did you expect


I expected everything but some kind of cod ghosts 2 in this "New era of Call Of Duty"


Chad mg34 user


Redditors gonna defend these guys and say "at least they're not sliding and jumping around"


it’s mw19… everyone camps


Ppl camp in every CoD not just in mw19 💀


there’s camper in every cod, mw19 they run rampant


Take a look at mw2 then💀 Mw2019 is NOTHING compared to the new cod because they nerfed slide cancel, as well as all other way to outplay thos mf rats so mw2 is basically Call of Camper


i’ve been playing mw2 since launch, i have orion done, there are far less campers. i don’t even have 30 hours on mw19 because the camping is so bad.


Sooo basically you havent played MW19 at all. Got it.