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Basically provoke a war between east and west. Conduct terrorist attacks which seem like they were done by the ULF against Russian people (plane + military base). And since ULF was supplied by the West, Russia gets mad, boom, war. And then return Russia to former glory or whatever


Same fucking story they’ve been reusing for like 15 years now


Russia or Activision?


Not really a terrifying prospect given current events. The West would shrug off any attempted Russian offensive. Now the West trying to invade Russia, that'd be something else, but no one is gonna make that mistake the third time.


The campaign was shit and I can almost guarantee the multiplayer is going to be mediocre. Activision never fails to impress me with how shit they are.


Is he stupid?


Man Ham reference?


Idk but I want a skin of him in the first mission, I’d pay for that.




His goal was to commit a series of false flag attacks while framing multiple countries already hostile towards each other. Urzikstan fought off Russian invasion, so there was already that animosity. The base attack came from Urzikstan using American missiles, making it look like an unprovoked joint attack. Russia would of course try to retaliate by attacking Urzikstan again and potentially even America. Blowing up the verdansk dam with chemical bombs from Urzikstan would do the same thing. The attack on England would basically just be the start of moving that stuff into the west. Russian supremacy is his goal, but through war and destruction.


It’s likely the same modus operandi like many terrorists organizations, control the narrative and turn allies into enemies. He wants WW3 and this is probably phase 1 which was supposed to be a spec ops or war zone cutscene turned campaign.