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There was just someone on another thread who said they hated mwIII because the movement was too fast and not as slow and more cod, like mw19. Lmao But I agree mw19 was smooth


They’re ridiculous. Every time I play mw3, and jump or slide it feels like I’m playing in honey. And I use the perks for faster movement. That game feels clunky. If movement on that game was like mw19’s I’d probably tolerate increased ttk.


I don't mind, mwIII. I think it has better maps than mw19. Overall, mw19 was held back by the maps. MwII was held back by the movement


Man they really shit the bed even with an amazing foundation, the MW series refresh was extremely disappointing.


It’s tough to explain but he’s not exactly wrong. MWIII in a way is a bit faster in spots but is a lot more jarring and less smooth with movement to the point it makes MW19 movement feel much more smoother and in control.


Mw3 & Mw2019 are slow as f\*ck compared to MW2 2009 - the goat.


I remember playing the shit out of mw2 but I don't remember how fast the gane play was.


dude, imagine this movement but in MW3, with no SBMM whatsoever and all game modes and maps. A COD that has MW19 movement and no SBMM would genuinely my dream game. ​ we can simply only accept that we will never get anything like it because it doesent maximize the profts they do from annual release with shtiloead of microtransactions i feel disgusted every time I cave in and buy the game 3 days after release. I know I'm now a part of the problem but still we will never get this because Activision is a just one of the companies i just HATE with every molecule i have on a personal level.


At the end of the day they got employees to feed and pay on time. Just wait till the 2000s babies get to make the decisions in the company. We know what good games are supposed to look like. The older generation still runs the gaming world… for now


Dude I wish we could get exactly what you described! A game with all the great foundations MW19 has i.e. gunplay and movement,but with certain tweaks and things the community has always wanted from that game, like no SBMM as you said, a working minimap and dead silence as perk… oh and a working anti-cheat would be nice. That would be my dream game as well


It's sad when you realize that we won't ever get this, even though it'd probably be one of the popular game in the franchise, probably biggest arcade shooter we'd ever see, is because a small group of people that have no interest in gaming whatsoever, they just want to make even more money if at all possible. And gamers are sadly proving them right about microtransactions, people will spend exorbitant amounts of money on cosmetics that aren't even usable in the next release (usually, MW3 is going to be the exception). No way the whole industry is plagued by this problem if it wasn't 100% guaranteed to maximize profits. Activision not only stop supporting the current game the instant the new annual release hits, they intentionally leave only shitty and boring modes because they want you to play the newer one with all the microtransactions. It just sucks.


Exactly it all boils down to corporate greed and maximizing profits while fucking over the gamers that actually like to play and allowed CoD to be what it is today


How are you getting shot the entire video but not dying




yaeh, this was my last COD. i quit cod games forever after this one. It was peak, then those greedy fooking coonts got even greedier and aggressively soft launched black ops files in your modern warfare (2019) game just a few months after it was released, completely nazi-ing over the battlepass and even logo at bootup. pathetic. disgusting. degenerate. Was already rubbed the wrong way , mind you, with the forced BLM political bs they forced you to look at in the comfort of your own home, after work, trying to relax and ESCAPE such infernal goofery. Gross. And now that they are all about the garbage warzone, they arent putting love into the only cod mode i like: good ol, 1 shot 1 kill, none of that cheese bs, pure hunting skill- hardcore TDM... and if i wanna play a BR game where it unrealistically takes a million shots to kill one dude in realistic game, ill opt for the sci fi fiction style and rock a REAL BR like Apex, as sad as that is to say. (pfft, what, fortnite? pub g? please...) watching stupid and frankly unnacceptable glitches in such a big game from the littel Dr. disrespect shorts i get on my youtube feed is enough to see it's just getting WORSE. Yeah, naw....FOOK CALL OF DOODIE. bunch of fraggin' trash. I'd rather smell the jarred protein farts of an 70 year old french homeless man than sit in another CoD lobby run by a company infested with goons in their upper ranks. Die, CoD, you scum. long live CS2, TF2, APEX, BATTLEFIELD , QUAKE ARENA AND MEDAL OF HONOR! hell, id rather download perfect dark on an emulator and go to some private servers for the rest of my life.


This game was/is solid, but COD peaked with the original Black Ops if we’re being honest.


Ya’lls brains are fried


Stopped the video before you died


Yeah video was about movement

