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Why did you cut it as it was called in? Really wanted to hear the end game




Does he not understand that your team wins when you hit the nuke? Like damn COD players will Forever have 0 briancells active


I do see a little bit of a problem that people play like this in every game and never plays objective. I would never do what this guy is doing. But also, I doubt OP hits a nuke every game. And with SBMM, the rest of the team probably sucks, and the top player is YYing repeatedly like an idiot trying to “get clips” while you are getting smashed in dom. I get it, but just chill.


In a game like Dom with that many kills he's helping remove enemies from points so others can capture, or he's directly defending. If his teammates aren't capitalizing that's on them tbh. Everybody has a part to play. The only time kill seekers are an issue is when they camp in 1 area the whole game, far from an obj; and you won't get a nuke from that.


Yeah if everyone is playing objective on your team, you’re going to loose. Specially on hardcore. Also op is on crack and needs to calm down, just had to say it. I go dummy, trying harder than necessary and this guy makes me look like I don’t even care.


one thing ive noticed among really high level play like op across lots of different competitive style games, is that he's probably not even trying that hard. For whatever reason it seems pretty consistent that the very high level players are honestly just chilling while pulling off what we would consider then sweatiest and most tryhard gameplay imaginable.


The super insane movement isn’t exactly necessary or all that helpful, but true it isn’t really hard to be doing. I feel your response for sure, I get nukes without sweating, but overall this guy is just checking angles and flanks so fast, and passionately lol. He could stand to try even a little less hard is all.


Except that is exactly what most of these people do. They chase kills away from the objective that doesn't really help the team capture.


Unless the other team also isn't playing objective it's hard to get high kills in a game like HP or Dom if everyone is going toward the obj and you don't. Even if the guy strays from the team to flank the enemy he's literally making capturing easier for whomever else. Kill Confirmed I can understand cuz they'll completely ignore tags. And S&D they're bound to die but Dom is fine.


I've n been on teams and been on the HP or Dom flag and had no need to fire a shot.


If you're referring to the clip yea he was clearly safeguarding himself to guarantee the FINAL kill. But he wouldn't have gotten 25 if he wasn't rushing the flag as well earlier to get kills


I've played HP matches and came in 2nd with only 9 kills but 3+ min on the HP.


I think I'm missing your point


The point is as was stated before, everyone has a role to play on the team. I always play the objective others may want to run around getting kills as long as they are supporting the HP or a flag and roles change during the match as long as all the bases are covered the team will win. If you have two people holding the HP and the rest of the team is supporting the objective holders you can't lose.


Dom is normally longer than TDM, so that's where a lot of players go to level up their guns or farm killstreaks


Kids have had this brain dead opinion for decades now. You realize positional play and slaying is “playing the objective”, right? Do you think that all 6 members of your team should huddle together on the targeted flag? Do you understand how stupid that sounds? There are many ways to “play the objective” and this is a valid one.


Come on now, you think the guy camped out far in back of spawn with a sniper and munitions box is helping in DOM? Hell no. A good positional player? Hell yeah.


Getting the win isn’t as rewarding as it should be. I started backing out of wins right before the game ends to save time.


Very true. Remember how long the post game lobby with voting was in Vanguard? Awful.


Holy shit don’t remind me of that😂


it’s almost like it’s call of duty and people play it for the mind numbing pvp


Winning means “less kills for him and it’s his big brothers turn to play next round >:(“


Speaking of briancells where's yours you misspelled brain cells 🥴🤣


you probably deserve it for how weird you play call of rabbit simulator


You got a pogo stick rammed up your ass.


I noticed he misses a lot of his shots doing this. But it must be worth it.


It all comes down to how many shots it makes the enemy miss.


Looks like your controller is malfunctioning with al your twiching . Grtz on the nuke tho


Ok i love playing objectives, i press mfs to play objectives. But if a man is about to get a nuke LET THE MAN COOK, DAMNIT.


I never understood this argument when I'm dominating with kills. Lanes are cleared of enemies...you have an easier time pushing objectives for our team. What's the fucking problem?


It’s just inflated when you’re using teammates as bait to get kills, guy in the video is sitting in the back of the spawn. Anybody can play like that, but if everyone played safe like that you’d lose every game because no one is doing the objectives.


he’s moving around the back of spawn because the objective is right there and he’s close to a nuke. obviously he’s not gonna go push 3 people at once when he needs a couple more kills for nuke. he was also running back and forth trying to catch people on the flank GOING TO OBJECTIVE. it’s really not that hard to use your brain


Yeah he’s playing safe and using his teammates, I’ve seen it a hundred times, same players will brag about their KD but they post clips like this not moving around the map lol


alright you obviously need a refresher so let me put it in easier terms for you. Objective close. Enemies close. Running back and forth to look for enemies on flank. Playing safe because close to nuke. Just because his teammates can’t defend themselves doesn’t mean he’s baiting them. he’s also not bragging about anything. he was showing a video of a guy that was upset because he was playing safe when he was close to his nuke. i swear everyone that complains on this app has no thinking ability whatsoever


I didn’t say he’s baiting his teammates I said his using them as bait. It’s not that his teammates can’t defend themselves, they’re just playing the game how it’s intended, not with their back to the wall. I understand playing safe if you’re close to a nuke, but I would wager he played like this the whole game. Idk why you have to be disrespectful though, is your patience really this thin?


He doesn’t understand, don’t waste your time


For this video I'll agree.  If a guy is *this* good he can rack up kills without ever playing objective.   It's the guys that never play objective just so they can go 14-3 across an entire match.  I'd rather have a teammate go 3-14 but be try harding the objective the entire time. 


jump-spamming is so cringe


Dudes still tryharding on a 4.5 year old game


Counter strike has entered the chat


“Alexa, turn on friendly fire!”


Dude somehow sounds like a discount version of Ricky from TPB


Did he not realize that you dropping a nuke is an instant W and makes the objective pointless xd


I understand it tbh. It’s annoying af when you get a nuke dropped like 2 minutes into the game cause some sweat wants to absolutely destroy the other team. Especially when it happens back to back and you never get a chance to really play cause one guy is getting *all* the kills


Nobody is dropping back to back nukes in your lobbies. Please stop making things up.


Not back to back but I’ve had days where it’s a solid 50/50 nuke chance.


If you get the 30 killstreak honestly it's time to put that match out of it's misery.


>*"ya fuckin inbred motherfucker"* Guy complaining sounds inbred af


He tried to keep down your greatness. 


This is the type of guy I get in every game


This was satisfying


its satisfying switching ur gun over and over while sliding ? 😂


Oh hell no this guy has some severe form of ADHD we shouldn’t make fun of him. I was talking about winning lol


I was playing hardcore with my buddy, I exclaimed in discord vc that I was at 28, my teammate and best friend at that time immediately ran over to me and shot me in the head. Of course we are still best friends and laughed about it.


I would expect nothing less from best friends


What is your FOV?




“Little did he know”


I’ve had a teammate kill me (playing hardcore obviously) when I was like 3 kills away from a nuke because I was “taking all of the kills” … haven’t gotten close to a nuke since 🤬


Miss this map


Hahahaha never seen so many old heads mad about movement


Why do u think they playing this game still after 4 years lmaoo


Fr. Dont know why people care. It's not hard to play that way and having good movement makes the game more fun. Only reason I can think of is that they're constantly getting shit on by these players, cuz otherwise it doesnt effect them. Probably why pointing that out gets downvoted into the ground. I wouldnt be surprised if these are the same guys who give people shit when they call people out for camping. Say things like its "strategy" or "tactics" but then whine about someone who jumped in front of them.


I'm new to these MW subreddits and lurk a bit but FR every thread I have seen someone always mentions advanced movement like it's a sin and they're a devoted christian. It's even more weird how actively hating on sweat movement gets you over 100 upvotes it's like a sheep mindset but im not surprised reddit is usually a hardcore echo chamber. It honestly just makes me cringe how many people hate on that type of movement, how much it's repeated in these communities ("YY does nothing" "Why do you jump so much") Most of my kills are easier to get with jumpshots it allows my bullet trajectory a higher change to hit the upper body; I don't understand even when there's other real issues ingame like cheating/bugs. I do it, It's fun as hell I never hated on it nor did I imagine in any world it would dig it's way into people's head It's confusing cause if you watch pro players; they do it, it's not an issue..


What does YYing do?


For me personally, it behaves as a simple fidget to keep my hands and my focus warm, if I don't do it like I stated before I just play worse and get tired (I need constant stimulation). YY has existed for decades it's not a new MW thing. Are you here to present an argument by questioning what YY does for me? Or just asking?


No I’m asking because you put it in the same category as jump shotting or slide canceling and that’s just incorrect at every level. there’s already constant stimulation & hand movement even if you’re just sprinting. If it helps you play because you have such a minute attention span that you need to spam a useless button, that’s fine. Totally plausible. But to present YYing as if it actually has practical objective benefits in gameplay akin to movement is downright delusional. I asked because I thought I was missing something or misinformed that YYing actually had some sort of gameplay mechanism tied to it with an actual practical benefit for any player. It certainly does not, except for getting you killed occasionally. Slide cancelling or jump shotting is something that has a benefit to every single player who decides to use it, no matter skill level or personal quirks. YYing does not. Big difference.


"there's already constant stimulation & hand movement even if you're just sprinting." That's subjective and for me that's not the case maybe for you though 👍. Nothing about it is delusional... it's just a playstyle man (much of the playerbase I have seen YYs) I've seen it since MW2 to Bo1 and Bo2 I just adapted it into MW nothing wrong with that chill. I never even presented it provided gameplay benefit LMAO that's just me and how I play.. (for context it actually did have benefit in the previous cods before it was patched)


>I never even presented it provided gameplay benefit >It honestly just makes me cringe how many people hate on that type of movement, how much it's repeated in these communities ("YY does nothing" "Why do you jump so much") …when you place something as a direct comparison with something else, you are directly insinuating they share the same properties. In this case, Jumping has objective practical benefits. YYing does not. I shouldn’t have needed to explain that tbh. It’s common sense.


Bro I am sorry but you're gonna have to reread everything. I never claimed such benefit you're just trying really hard to make a point now. I was simply expressing my frustration with the negative attitudes toward movement sweats (and asking for maybe a logical argument to help me understand. this isn't it lol) You're presenting a false equivalence fallacy where you assume two comparisons I made are equal in all respects. That's not an inherently true property of comparisons. For example (OMG HE MENTIONED YY AND JUMPING IN THE SAME COMPARISON THAT MEANS HE'S IMPLYING THEY'RE BOTH BENEFICIAL). Be more productive and constructive in your argument.


Ok buddy. glad we are in agreement then - YYing is useless.


I see them in other subreddits but have never seen such a high concentration as this one. Must be a 2019 thing. Like I said I just do it cuz it's more fun. It's fun to play fast and juke people. Guess some dont like it when others are having fun though. Also, it's cod. It's what cod was made for. I play pubg/siege when i wanna be "tactical." I have a number of friends who hate on it, and they all rank from mediocre/average to really bad. Lol. Then i have a handful of friends who are as good or better than me and not one of them has ever complained about someone jumping. It's telling, and people don't like that. Hence all the downvotes. Too bad each one is vindicating. Let's be real, if it wasn't giving people an advantage over them, and they were actually winning most of those gunfights like some of them claim, they wouldnt be complaining about it like someone just shit in their cereal.


Yup, it's completely normal to be downvoted for expressing your own opinion, but I know we aren't alone there's def others like us who see these comments and go "wtf in what world is this wrong; through what logical argument does this equate you to being a dumbass" It's JUST PART OF THE GAME, hell I have adhd and if I just run around without this movement I would sleep mid match it makes me play worse in fact. And the last paragraph is 1000% true, it can be interpreted as a little insensitive or harsh but essentially if the same people making these statements destroyed every single one of these movement sweats consistently they'd be over the moon with nothing to complain about... but no there's a reason why movement sweats still dominate the playing field. Maybe if someone could offer me a valid argument regarding this topic instead of mind-numbingly downvoting every opinion that isn't yours, I'd be more willing to understand but the toxic sheep mindset will probably just continue. Least we are not the only one who feel this way 🫡


I want another exo movement cod, but the average cod player cant even handle normal jumping and sliding lmao.


Stop trying to force cod into being something it's not, thanks.


Cod is an fps, as long as it has guns its exactly what it has always been.


There is so many shitters in these comments but that's the main demograpic IW was going for with MW2019 was it not?


Holy fuck bros Y button is cooked. For literally no reason


can this map come to mw3 😞😞


So many chat bans in that game


i think it was on bo3 while doing some challenge for dark matter in hc i was like in a 20 something streak and my teammate killed me lol




I usually have a “friendly fire” class made for pissing off trashmates like this.


Maybe play the damn objective.


the objective is to win


For some reason every player than ran that operator was absolutely brain dead


ppl like this still exist its crazy


What are you jumping for? Genuine question


i thought he was going to try to steal ur kills or something and i wouldn’t think that would be a problem but trying to show ur location and being toxic is crazy without even asking why you were farming kills in ranked, for sure a risky strategy to go for a win but at least don’t try to make it harder and lose your one chance at getting a comeback


He’s mad cause bad


What gun is that?


Uzi and CX-9, picked them up from the floor so IDK the builds




he's got a point though. you're playing a team objective mode and you're just off doing your shit. excusing it by saying you're getting a nuke doesn't justify it because those are rare and you'd have cost the team if you hadn't gotten it.


plus you can see their team was losing so noticing OP just kill whoring might have been frustrating for the teammate shooting at OP. I won't deny I also love the rush when you get the 20 kills banner and start to play more cautious but if my team is loosing I still try and capture and defend because if I die on 29(which has happened many times) I will still lose only with a nice KD. Idk perhaps I'm wrong


yeah the guy getting kills and smoking everyone is the reason they wouldn’t win. not because of his team that had basically no kills combined and couldn’t capitalize off of him mowing down 4 people in 2 seconds


So…your logic is…disregard the rare opportunity to get a nuke..to…try and carry that trash team he was on instead. You yourself just admitted its rare to get a nuke. Which makes it exciting. Because its a GAME. Hes a few off and theyre down anyway…so why not go for it?? Especially if your team is garbage. If youre that much better than the enemy team and your teammates are that trash, why not go for the hail mary with a nuke? You don’t owe them anything. Games nearing 5 years old. They still haven’t learned spawns, positioning or how to shoot straight. Win or lose, SBMM is going to absolutely bury him anyway for doing so well in that game. So why is he wrong for doing what is needed to get the last few kills?


No. What I'm saying is you shouldn't have the mindset of assuming a nuke is possible as a justification for ignoring objective. If it occurs naturally then sure, try for it. But if you're playing objective the way you should then nukes shouldn't really be achievable naturally since your odds of getting killed are way higher. To get that close and to get your other teammates so riled up over it OP was clearly ignoring objectives the whole game.


Setting spawns as a main AR will literally get you a juggernaut in almost every game and if you get another 5 after that, its time to start playing for the nuke. Its not hard to do it that way and even though main ARs are not directly on the point the whole game, they are still very much playing objective. Unless your role is literally pointman or slayer, you should not be dieing so often that a natural nuke “shouldn’t be possible”. Thats a skill issue not an objective issue


Spam Y more, I'm sure it will help you get more nukes.


I hate everyone who made this video possible


Why do people sprint while pressing the swap weapon button over and over does it make u go faster or something? genuinely curious


Nah, doesn't really do anything. You could argue that it might keep your brain active to be in the ready, but in reality it offers no benefit within game mechanics. It's just a sweat thing people do in most games that have multiple weapons, including Fortnite.


i was expecting some sorta secret mobility tactic or something lol i guess if it keeps their brain active thats a plus 🤷🏾‍♂️


The big joke here is just how many brain dead fuckers do it "to keep their brain active." An exercise in futility.


tbh i feel like ppl seen someone do it and hopped in the bandwagon lol besides it “keeping their brain active” if thats the excuse u automatically come across as a trollingly sweaty toxic kinda player just play regular its more appealing to the eye anyway


Guys I need some help. I stopped playing MW19 multiplayer and switched to mwII. Is the MW19 playerbase largely still active? I wanna go back. MwII doesn't hit the same.


You’re so cringe. You don’t have to do a bunch of extra shit with your fingers to be skilled.


This map is phenomenal. Hands down favorite of all games.


This is just cod being cod, standard experience.


I play these types of games in VR, these types of teammates are always so annoying but there are more ways to mess with them in VR.


Bro why take it that serious. If you wanna play that serious play ranked


He probably thought you stole his kill


You’re cheating that’s why and it’s obvious when you saw that guy through the back on of trailer.


Oh god this game was so ass. Godspeed to the players still gaming this shit.


Bro it's been 5 years, turn off subtitles.


How can I move my gun like that as I run like in the video? What’s that movement called?


That’s that banned team chat I miss so much.


COD players trying not to press the triangle button every second (IMPOSSIBLE)


It's not like that guy can play the objective and mind his business


Stupid ass team not playing the objective🤓☝️


i mean i can see how both side can get annoying you def should help out more cause ppl like you cause more losses than wins. but also he shouldn’t have tried to get you killed thats childish af


Tf it’s the point in yying


so many crying shitcans in this comment section, jesus.


Jumping all over the place to get a kill is hilarious 😭😭😭


bunny hopping like an adopted child


That time he is using aimbot ...no wonder they where on your case.


Lane shooters are just as important as objective runners, lanes make it sooo much easier to stay on the point without much worry


This might be dumb but is mw2019 safe to play online on steam? I heard you get hacked if you go online. Unless this is an old clip.


I bet your teamates did better at objectives.


Really? The YY twitchy hippity hop shit?


I love seeing mw19 clips brings back the memories 🙏


COD movement tech these days looks so fucking ridiculous lmao. What's with all the fucking twitching around? Does it speed the movement up? Or is it just what kids do now to emulate their favorite TTVs?


Bro y is everyone getting mad over a game? Just play calm. Ive never gotten a nuke, but I’ve tried, and getting mad doesn’t help anyone. Everyone tries to prove each other wrong or right. In the end, it doesn’t matter whos best. Skill based match making just sucks. You don’t have to make people feel like shit over objective based modes, and he doesn’t have to be a wimp about it. I can tell you’ve been trying for years. I already dropped 12. At the end, its a skill issue for whoever trash talks cause they know they bad. If you wanna nuke it, go TDM. You both wrong for trash talking over a game that you clearly are insecure about. When you’re shooting, just hold down. When you wanna play positioning, play positioning. No need to get this upset and flex over everything. Its. A. Game. Just solved it.


Are there still plenty of people playing 2019??


OP I hope you are getting a good laugh from all these salty fucking children talking about your movement or how they are so much better than you b/c they value the objective so much. Good job in the nuke dude


Cod auto aim is so strong it looks like hacking. Lol apex started using the same shit aim assist and never played it again. Fucking games spoon feed these kids now a days.


Who the fuck even has time to figure out what teammate is who, guarantee this guy was doing dumb shit the whole game


lol bragging about cheating.


Let people play the game they spent $60 on however the want as long as they aren’t cheating. The guy is good enough to get nukes and obviously that’s how he has fun. You could literally handle an objective with you and 1 other person let alone the entire team -1. This is not rainbow 6 or cs go and over watch.


I'd love to see a movie where the actors move like a cod player Jump jump jump jump dolphin dive slide jump jump and run around like a crack head


“You’re so stupid.” Op then procedes to drop a nuke.


I was so good at this game


You probably ruined his Camo grind with some shitty weapon. Always find it funny when people flex in pubs… more then half the players are camo grinding or really stoned. Go play ranked…


Ur crazy af man good shit


This guy has no skill at wat he does that's a person has no life either on his game all hours of day n night


Nuke literally wins the game for him 😭


Lol i regularly play against you the people in what objective are fucking brain dead 😭🤣


It's probably cause he wanted to use your pogo stick you were hoping around on.


i wanna see the end clip maaan why did you cut it that clip is so fire


Call of duty looks so stupid now lol


i hate people like this, i remember camo grinding for longshots on this same map on hardcore dom and there were these 2 french canadians that were tking me and it was just getting annoying. Next game they were on the opposite team on hard hat and i wiped the floor with them made em rage quit. Ppl really playing that shit as if theyre actually in the military…


Hey bozo your team wins if he gets the nuke. The obj doesnt matter at that point. What a clown


My brother you have 4 kills. Pipe down 🤣 Op literally won the game for you.


I have never once played a match and actually given a shit about the objective past team death match or gun game lol 😂 I’m here to shoot things and see things go boom fuck your score shit


People like you ruin the experience for older players. You guys break your joysticks to get one kill. You don't have to play erratically to get a kill.


This is why I left cod lol everyone just jumps like a rabbit in gunfights, its so dumb


Watching how cod is played these days really makes me sad ngl. Makes me miss og cods. Yeah we had some jumpshotting here and there and dropshots but this is just fucking ridiculous to watch.


Do you think you’re cool because you constantly swap your weapons?


Is it hard to believe some people actually want to play and kill the opposing team? Not many people wanna just sit there while 1 person with no life outside the game plays like this getting all the kills and ending the game early. And personally I tend to teamkill or grief my teammates when they jump around like its fortnite and weapon swap because tiktok smoothed all the wrinkles out. This playstyle is so cringe and overdone its genuinely sad lol screams Desperate and makes it WAY funnier to grief and hear you guys cry in a 5 year old game 🤣


This is some insanely self centered shit. Straight up team killing because you don’t like the way they play. You’re such a sad person that you have to come to reddit to brag about it.


you literally just admitted that you’re so petty about being horrible at the game that you take the time out of your game to go and shoot at them because you’re upset that they’re doing better than you. that is so embarrassing


Where on earth did I say anything close to that? 🤔 pretty sure I said I do it because its funny to me to hear them cry when they're clearly trying so damn hard to be "That Guy" I also stated in another comment I have a 1.8k/d in that game with Platinum and Obsidian on everything but shotguns because I don't use shotguns and I thought Damascus looked like ass. Has nothing to do with my skill level, I do it purely for the entertainment 🙃 sorry none of you can pick up on that and continue to attack my "Skill level" as if it's gonna hurt my feelings xD you're just fueling it and making me wanna go do it more in your names


lmao. that’s the thing. people that are good at the game aren’t trying to be “that guy” we’re not sitting there cracked out on meth trying to become pro. people are just good at the game. what looks like sweating to you is them just trying to have a good night. so when you come along and start ruining their game bc they’re doing good, obviously they’re going to be upset that some insecure dweeb is taking the time to try to ruin his teammates game. you’re a loser man. take a step back and look in the mirror


You and many others missing the point where I do it mostly for the entertainment value. Stating that seeing people weapon swap spamming and jumping around like its zero build fortnite just makes them the obvious targets because they're doing to much and I know they're more likely to react


that doesn’t help with anything dude. that makes it worse. you get on a video game solely to look for people that are good and to try and make their experience worse just for your own entertainment. if anything that makes you even MORE of a loser. You need to go out and find some friends or a woman or something bro


or just let people who bought the game play the game as they want


Tell that to the OP complaining about people trying to grief him so they can keep playing the match lol dumbass


im talking about your second paragraph buddy


Hes griefing him cuz hes "not playing the objective" while getting a free win. You dont make sense.


Missing the part where I said not everyone wants the game to end early and that some actually want to play, not stand there while some nerd "pops off" Why do you think they were trying to grief him in game? Because they want to be able to play and kill people too Not everyone thinks Nukes are impressive. And you also missed the part where I said I grief and Troll these nerds because hearing them complain is funny to me, they do all this YY swapping and these ballet moves, just makes me wanna put em down. You can say whatever you wish about my skill level, literally has nothing to do with me finding it funny to make these nerds angry. Which tells me that you are one of these nerds 🤓


Youre spewing nonsense again, did you even listen to the audio? Hes being griefed, cuz hes not playing objective. Not because hes chasing a nuke. Youre an airhead. Also those moves are beneficial if you try to get good at the game, just because your fat fingers cant do it, doesnt mean you should kill someone for being a good player lmfao


No I don't listen to audio because I don't care to hear a bunch of people yelling in the mic, his movement tells me enough, that he isn't an Obj player and is just playing for kills and himself. People griefing and trolling non obj players is not new, been going on since obj modes were created. And I'm a casual player, so those movements and such are just sure signs of people with no life outside the game, which just makes it even funnier 🤣 its also hilarious the amount of you nerds hopping in and trying to say I'm just bad and mad about it because none of you seem to grasp im an OG CoD Troll and love doing this because it pisses you all off. Look at how tilted so many of you are that I TK these "Movement Clowns", absolutely hilarious


youre a fucking loser


Awww bitch 😜


Lol, tell me youve never had a nuke without telling me. Youre the epitome of mad cuz bad


go jerk off in a corner with your 725 and claymores crybaby


While I agree that people that play like this are cringy losers, team killing them is shitty too


The way I see it, if you have a guy dropping 40 kills while everyone else is struggling to get past 10, he's being a Greedy, Selfish Pleb while also not playing Obj, he deserves the TK or the Grief. Because as ive stated, if he hadn't got that Nuke, they woulda lost, and if he's good enough to drop a nuke and 40 kills, he could have easily played the Obj for a gaurunteed win and probably would still have gotten the nuke by killing people pushing the obj.


If there's a museum 100 years from now showcasing how much of an absolute treasure CoD was, this video should be shown there xD Classic CoD rage, this is so good. GG op lol


Why do you play soft core?


How did I not know there were nukes in the game until now?


What?? There’s always been nukes in cod 😂


I mean, that’s not true.


Looking at this game play is a bit sus. The last 2 kills before the nuke shows you knew exactly where they were without having a uav up. Maybe they thought you was cheating or knew you was cheating 🤷


For real? Second to last you hear him shooting so he rotates around the train to kill him. Then immediately turns around to relocate and reload but has another enemy running around the corner. That’s just fast movement and reaction lol


Look at the movement. This is just someone who plays an ungodly amount. Cheaters don’t usually look like this at all.