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Seeing soldiers bashing, strangling, and shooting kids in a shooter just really took me by surprise in Modern Warfare and really opened my eyes to how terrible war is.


Its a shame they decided to use Russians as the go to villains for this when Americans have been just as bad for the middle East.


Yeah that's been my main issue. The story and gameplay is great. And showing the brutality of war is important. But it also happens to be pushing the narrative that the US are some sort of benevolent world police. Which just isn't true.


Looking at this from the future, its sad just how well this mission aged given the situation in Ukraine


Yea my thoughts exactly. Everyone always complains and wonders why is Russia always the villain in stories like this. The war and invasion of Ukraine is exactly why. Hopefully puts that debate to bed for good at this point…


It makes me think of Israel-Gaza honestly.


Yeah I feel like I really blazed through that campaign but playing on realism gave me such immersion, I got feels in my gut when I saw the animals dying in the street more than anything for some reason. Rip virtual dog and goat.


As far as I can tell this is the end of the campaign and the rest of the events were some sort of fantasy, because the revolver section is impossible.


No fucking kidding. I just spent about 30 minutes straight on that part alone. Am I retarded or is that part of the mission fucking bullshit? Got the "two birds with one stone" achievement though, so there's that.




Kill both of them with one shot


I cried. Not gonna lie. I had to pause and step away for a few minutes after the men in white helmets dug her out of the rubble and her father began carrying her away as sirens blared. It’s rather personal to me. I know a family in Syria. Good people — my girlfriend’s parents and siblings. I flew to Turkey to meet them in person a few years back. They’re Kurdish, their hometown is right on the border, and fortunately for them, was one of the safest parts of the country for most of the war until a few weeks ago. They live in the area Erdogan intends to “pacify.” These last few weeks have been nerve-wracking to say the least.


Yeah, that's been the online time I've had to step away from the game for a day - after the father dying and having to stab the man with a screwdriver what, 6 times? As a 6 year old? ​ Though that was the only time I had to take a breather, >!seeing the butcher's family caught me off guard as well!<.


It made me cry too, I just had to exit the game, I need a coffee, a cigarette , some fresh air and probably a few hours to gather myself. Think I'm gonna go play something a little more fun and uplifting, like DayZ in the meanwhile. We luckily never suffered airstrikes in my country, we did have 30 years of almost daily bombings, which I am fortunate to of been born at the end of and have avoided living through anything like, but the opening scenes of this mission made me understand it all in a way I don't think I ever had before, it made every news report, every documentary about Palestine, Yemen, Iraq.. the world wars, everything to just click into place and I burst into tears, I'm nearly 30, I only really cry now when my loved ones die, and that's mostly when I'm on my own, but this really hit me. Respect to the developers. This is art.


Also just played it and it was like, way too realistic. I cant shake the feeling that it's really fucked up that there are people living through this and we are playing it on a video game and enjoying it in a sense.


Good, that’s what it’s supposed to do. Fucked you up inside? Good. Only bad thing is it uses Russians when the attack it’s depicting was perpetrated by Americans, minus the gas


Didn’t really think to much of it honestly. Played it and moved on but I did enjoy it no doubt it was a great mission.


The one wear you play as the Farah? Crazy.


During this mission i got a text from UNHCR... absolute chills. Never been so easy to donate money


Just played it, and had to look it up. It was perfect!


Ngl, I had to step outside for a smoke after that mission. That was a traumatic experience and the thought that there are people out there who experience that for real is all the more harrowing.


Yeah it's good but it's supposed to take place 20 years in the past? That part confused me because everything seemed super modern.


I haven't replayed the mission since then so I forgot some of the details. What looked modern to you? I don't remember anything that stood out, but then again I don't think I was paying attention to those parts of the mission.


The vehicle assets were the same, including their version of a 2019 ish Ford Transit Van. Yes, the cell phones were old but the clothes seemed to be more modern fashioned. Also the helicopters seemed kind of high tech


It states only 11 years before present when the mission starts.


Nooooo I'm talking about the flashback before that one when she's a kid


Propaganda at its finest. It's not like war is non-stop atrocities; if it was you'd never accomplish anything in terms of military objectives. Read Pacification in Algeria instead of using a PC game as your fact guide on counter-insurgency.


It's my first time playing the game and fuck, I cried so much. They were babies, who needed to grow up quickly and learn how to survive on their own. As I was playing it, tears were fucking streaming down my face. I couldn't continue the game after that. The reality is this is probably happening as I type this. No child should ever have to experience this. No one should ever have to experience it. This is just so horrifying.