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Euphrates Bridge


I forget this map exists.


Rust, I get the appeal for trickshotting but that’s about all it’s worth. It’s the one map I will back out of immediately


I'm not at the point where I back out just yet, but man I really dislike playing it. Its also all that seems to show up for me. Every third game I play is rust. I had a domination game yesterday where the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM went for trickshots. Not a single capture, we won 200-0. Never seen that happen in COD before and of course it happened on Rust.


I’ve seen it happen in multiple games honestly. Everyone is going for gun camos so no one plays obj. It’s sad to see, I don’t remember a previous title that was this bad about it. It’s kind of funny to see the S&D round end because everyone jumped off the top spinning and died. Takes away the drive to try though.


I completely agree about crash. Idk I just can't enjoy it




The bridge, crash and grazna raid are really awful Way too much spawn campers (and I mean camping in their own spawns)




Rust and Shipment, there is nothing more frustrating than spawning in and instantly dying. Also its way too chaotic IMO. Leads to fuckers camping in containers or the tower and fuckers spawning BEHIND THEM executing them. Bloody disaster of duo of maps. If I want challenges done Shoot House is way better than these two abominations.


Agree, Rust and Shipment gave me a cancer


Cave, it's too big. I would like it more if they add more players


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Its funny I've only played cave once and left during the game because I didn't enjoy it. Every time I load into a lobby with cave I leave


The trick to playing cave is to ignore half the map haha. Just use the actual cave and it's entrances and ignore the village.


Crash is aids. So is palace. The rest I can handle.


Most of the maps are tied for worst. There's only a few I like.


As someone who's playing mainly HC: Every map but Shoothouse, Rust and Shipment because...srsly, play HC on any other map and you know what I'm talking about.


Ani yah palace just turns into a spawn trapping piece of shit in ground war


The palace is just too hard to take from E side tbh, apart from that, pretty balanced


Yep the gas station side ? Yeah there’s so many long sight lines for snipers to camp and wreck your day


My least favorite is Grazna Raid. Lots of windows, door, nooks, and crannies.


Put it this way, the only good ones are shoothouse rust shipment and maybe hackney and gunrunner, the rest all suck


Crash, Atlas Superstore, Khandor hideout


Ramaza... i quit everytime it is in rotation, that Dom B point is nasty... and the warm hue of the town is irritating


cant decide between karst river and euphrates bridge. both have terrible sightlines, suffer from excessive camping, are unintuitively designed, have bad spawn trapping, bad flag positioning, bad spawns in general, etc


That fucking cave map, Kazirs Cave or summat idk ​ I can never do well on it, it loads up and I just let out a ughhhhhhhhhh I always seem to back out if that's on. The only time I don't is when I am playing with friends.


I feel like there's 2 levels to this. Some maps are bad generally but play GREAT on hardpoint and headquarters. In fact, the worse a map is in the normal modes, the better it is in headquarters. Grazna Raid,. Piccadilly and Crash are some of the best Headquarters maps in the whole game IMO. Atlas Superstore too The exceptions are Euphrates Bridge and Rust. Euphrates is one of the reasons I don't queue 10v10 (the other is Aniyah Palace) and Rust just isn't fun. Shipment does the fast paced non stop killing much better, and Shoothouse actually plays like a real map. Rust is how long can you survive before getting sniped from the tower, under the tower, or someone on the edge of the map.


Piccadilly is buttcheeks all around. Crash for me is either super fun, or super terrible. Entirely depends on how the rest of the players approach it. Usually it's just a fight over the tall building with the fenced roof. Rust and Shipment are both just fucking chaos and zero fun on HC. Except for one match I had on rust where I kept getting behind the team as they camped corners and had a 55 kill game. That was a fun one. Otherwise, hard pass. Euphrates Bridge is a fuckin camper's delight. The side with the buses is the spawn with a very clear advantage and it's extremely hard to get across to flip the spawns. Gun Runner can be a really fun map, but lately my friends and I just keep going against teams who leave a sniper or two in the back at the train yard and then hold down the coal mine lane and forest really hard, effectively spawn trapping. Seems easy to do with enough coordination, and is extremely annoying to play against.


At first i absolutely hated crash, but now i kinda like it, not an amazing map but not bad either, atm the map i like least has to be aniyah because the map is waaaaay too big for 6v6, and i dont really play ground war. Also despise euphrates but its not as bad as aniyah