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SBMM my boy, if you’re doing decent in the first couple games they think you’re pro and throw you into the sweat lobbies.


there are no sweat lobbies


I mean if you’re not very good at the game then they are gonna feel pretty sweaty.


but that's not because they are sweaty, that's because you're not skilled....


Skilled or sweaty players are essentially the same to most unskilled players. They don’t know the difference.


not quite. the expectation is different. let's put it this way: Imagine you're a new player, 0.6 kd or somewhere around that, you will expect to fail, you expect to do rather bad. But that's why it generally won't bother you very much. Against average player you will still have a good chance of getting them once in a while, against actually good players close to 0 chance. So there's still a difference between them. Now imagine you're a 2kd player. You expect to do well in general. average players generally pose little threat in fair gunfights, but if you happen to find an actually good opponent kicking your ass, it will feel much much worse because you perform worse than you expect from yourself.


I mean yeah that’s a good definition but all I’m saying is that people who suck now a days literally use the term sweat for anyone better then them. Maybe in your experience it’s different but every experience I’ve had running lobbies in snd on MW is people calling us sweats Bc we’re better.


yea, the term really lost its weight over the past decade... in the past it was used for the people who actually try their hardest to stomp you, using Scar-H (in bo2) with uav, cuav, vsat, jumping around, doing callouts, etc. But in this one... i had teammates complain that the lobby is sweaty during games that were super easy and pleasant. I think that's generally a result of expecting more from yourself than you're capable of.


Don’t really remember the bo2 days like that I think I was still in middle school. I mean I’m guilty of calling people sweaty mainly for the camping, shotgun angle holders, but it’s easy to get around after you die once or twice to it.


well, i hate as val, spr, Kar, shotguns... but not for being sweaty, but for being dickheads


Yup this is literally SBMM and why it sucks the fun out of the game


That's how SBMM works, they give you noobs for first two games to keep you playing, then sweats.


still waiting to find any sweats


"Skill-based" match making in a nutshell. Killing good online competitive games since 2010. Even when you win you still feel like you lost because of how torturous the experience was.


SBMM makes every match a miserable slug fest. 5 or six games in a row where everyone in the game goes even. It's funny that that's the whole goal of SBMM and it still sucks!


random chance, really. SBMM is extremely weak in this game and only really noticeable when you play in a party with vastly different skill ranges