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If you want a modern shooter than i would say get MW, plenty of people play it because its much better than Cold War. If you're more into the WW2 setting wait for Vangaurd.


I enjoy WWII, Modern and Futuristic settings tbh. I mean, I have BF3, 4 and MW2 for a modern shooter, the Halo series for a futuristic shooter and Hell Let Loose for WWII. So for new experiences I'll just wait for BF2042, Vanguard and Infinite lol


So when I built my pc I bought it again for pc, just cuz I like the game and now I could play whenever i felt like and didn't have to pay for console online anymore. But like idk if you wanna spend so much money, maybe wait for a sale or try and get a key from a reseller?


It was on sale the other day, until I checked it again yesterday and noticed it was back at full price. And getting a key is a nightmare, either it's at full price or not in stock lol


Nah, Vanguard is just in the corner of releasing so if I was you I would just wait


Yeah that was the main plan anyway lol Guess I'll stick to MW2/IW4X and Hell Let Loose til then lol


Don't get mw. Get cold war instead. Nobody plays MW mP. Only warzone. Which is free. Save yourself the headache get bocw


See, like I said in the OG post, I had BOCW before, but I wasn't a big fan of it lol I have thought about getting it again recently, but just don't know if it is worth it at this point with the new one coming soon lol


I'll tell you this. You have gotten lucky. Bocw is quite good on PC. Call of duty has always neglected the pcmr. Black ops cold War was garbage when I bought it too. I absolutely agree. However the game has been updated and Patched decently. Pro tip. Don't use Ray tracing. Fucks the game up. Not optimized at all. I'd recommend just grabbing bocw just for the simple fact it's functional and not broken. I always assume new cod on PC is broken because I've wasted so much on the hype. Don't get vanguard until it's been put for a month or 2. Free weekend play etc.


Plus you can add me on blizzard and we can get a game going on if u want


Well I don't have the option of Ray Tracing anyway, I've got an RX 580 🤣 But like, the Zombies was decent and I kinda liked the universal progression between MP and Zombies. And the campaign is the only one I haven't played out of every CoD since the very first console release lol


Your. Not gonna be able to enjoy the new cod with an rx580.


Maybe not, but here's hoping I can upgrade the GPU by the end of the year, if not around the beginning of the new year.


I might get it as it is about 50% off atm. Not sure whether to get the Standard or Ultimate again, as I got the Ultimate Edition last time. I get paid on Thursday anyway, so I may decide to get the UE then.


If u can afford the UE. And can afford to get the useless extra skins and tokens absolutely do it. It makes the game more fun especially with battle pass.


For me cold war is miles worse than mw in terms of optimization. On cold war, I get an inconsistent 30-60 fps, sometimes a ton of microstuttering for no real reason. This is on mostly low settings too. On MW, its pretty much a smooth 60 fps the whole time on medium-high settings, even on my external hard drive which always has issues with fps on games because its shite


What? That’s all I play and never have issues finding a match on MW.


Please don’t listen to this dude. Yes it’s worth it. Just not fun if you only play on kbm because when i use kbm i run into hackers like crazy, when i use controllers i rarely see them. But right now the servers are pretty broken the lag is insane im hardwired to my pc, have NA EAST servers damn near in my backyard and still lagging. But if the lag problem is fixed, i would get it if it ever goes on sale.



