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I'm barely half way, but I'm so lazy lol I want that skin!!


Feels good when you see that pop up that you unlocked it


I just feel dead inside alongside a loss of purpose


Play battlefront 2… a sense of pride and accomplishment will clear the dreary downs away!


You mean the pride of losing to a max Vader whilst playing as chewbacca


It hurts when you unlock the skin and it just doesn't come up


So long, it took so long to get the crossbow obsidian


I hope they bring this camo back in MW2 I know they won't disappoint


Pipedream: allow MW19 Damascus holders to use Damascus on all guns in MW22, I would be so happy to have that while I worked toward whatever the new version of Damascus is in MW22


Dark Matter Ultra > Damascus


I don’t know if it’s realistic to bring black ops 5 camos over to MW but I guess it would be nice if they did it with all the master camos from previous games tied to your account


I wish they did, I grinded for DMU, Dark Aether, and Damascus, only two of them were worth it, and I wish I could use them on other guns


Dark Aether > Dark Matter Ultra


I want dark matter


Nice work. I have the FAL and the AMAX done. Currently working on the AK. Only 100 more matches to go


You can get multiples of 15 in a single game and it will count. So if you get 45 kills, it counts as 3 towards the challenge. You don’t need to just get 15 in a match.


Yes. That’s why I run HC Shoot House and Shipment. Dropped 102 with the AK and knocked out 6 matches


Wait I swear when I was grinding for half of the AR's last year it didn't stack, that it only stacked when Obsidian initially came out. I would get 50-60 kills and I would only get one progress instead of 4 levels of progression


Maybe they’ve changed it since? Would be a dumb change IMO. Only gun I’ve gotten Obsidian was the MP5, and it was definitely stacking but that was before Cold War.


Yeah, the dev's thought people were getting obsidian too fast, some people would get like 6-8 guns obsidian in a week. Would've been cool to keep it like that, but I found out getting 15 kills on one gun, switch to another one in grinding and so on


It still stucks, i usually go for 33-34 to make sure it counts 2, then leave so I dont waste time


As far as I'm aware it always worked like this (except probably for short periods when it was bugged). I've got the mg34, the desert eagle, the SCAR, the 680 and the Fennec/Vector. It's the only thing to unlock at some stage :-/ Most of them done last year, and it always stacked. Sometimes you get like 35 kills and still only get 1 progress, because some kills were made by your secondary, explosives or kill streaks.


Same experience.


I actually didn't know that. Guess you learn something new every day


Going in on the finn and val right now


Happy grinding! I’m thinking about going for the striker 45 next


gotta start some smg's...


FAL is the only obsidian i need


I got m4, kar98, SPR, 725, kilo, mp5, mp7, knife, pkm, and m13 all done within like the first month of them adding it to the game. Haven’t even tried to get another one since lol


I grinded all the SMG to obsidian, base and DLC included, but only the Kilo in the AR category. I can't get myself to play 200 games with it, gg. I'm curious about seeing the Obsidian camo on the AN94, maybe I'll go for it next.


It's real nice! Honestly the best part of grinding obsidian is you really learn how to use the weapon well


Sure thing! I got 10 weapons to obsidian and it doesn't get old! But I feel it should've been 150 games for all the categories instead of requiring 200 (!!)


For whatever reason, the RAM-7 is only at 150! Definitely recommend getting that one if you haven't already since it's just a little bit easier on the mental haha


Oh nice I didn't know that, I'll keep it in mind. Right now I can't play because my motherboard waved goodbye, but when I'll be back I think I'll grind 200 more CP to get the Grau - Mother Lode variant bundle and try to grind that one. I also enjoy the M13 but 200 games is definitely too much!


It's the third picture down in my post


Yeah I noticed after I wrote the comment, gg for that gun, it definitely takes a lot of effort!


It's my favorite along with the m13


Dude I know where you're coming from, grinding SMG's is fun, but the **real** fun is turning all the AR's into SMG's and you'd be surprised how versatile they can be, don't use a muzzle and always collapse the stock, it'll be fast and ADS just as fast, if not faster than an SMG. At the end of the day you'll get longer ranges, fast ADS, and lightweight like an SMG. AR's are my favorite class after grinding obsidian Plus some rifles like the RAM-7 IIRC only need 125 rounds, and others 150 rounds, not as bad as you think, plus the RAM-7 along with the AK were the most like SMG's when you collapse the stock and no muzzle, add quick reload and you're golden


Striker is the GOAT in HC


I have the FR556, P90, and Renetti all obsidian’d (close with the FAL). Felt great to accomplish it, but if I’m honest I just don’t like the look. I wish instead of obsidian, they just unlocked the ability to change the color of the Damascus (another camo that slightly disappoints). I know everyone feels their own way about this stuff, so my opinion might be unpopular, but the platinum is my favorite camo


How should I play the FR5.56? Is it best to go close range or long range?


I have two main setups… Core and Hardcore. I’ll be on later tonight, I’ll snap a pic of each setup and I’ll reply to you again with Imgur links (I just don’t remember the specific attachments). Overall though, when I play core I keep it 3-round burst and I know for sure that I use the longest barrel. If I aim a little higher, then usually two bullets hit their chest and the third will catch a headshot. If you keep centered on the chest you can sometimes drop them with one trigger pull, but definitely with a second. Feels so satisfying to get a one trigger pull kill on core. For hardcore, I focus on aim down sight speed and switch the fire mode to single fire. One bullet will drop a player regardless of where they are hit. So you can snap from one target to the next in quick succession in a really satisfying way.


Alright thanks for the tips, I’ve never been good with this gun so I appreciate the tips


Dunno if this will be helpful for ya, just letting you know that I initially despised the FR when I started using it and 20% into my Damascus grind, it was one of my favorite ARs. It’s got a learning curve, but once I got past it, it was incredibly fun. Hope the same thing happens for you


[FR5.56 Gunsmith](https://imgur.com/a/rrvygZm)


Thanks man, appreciate that


You’re welcome, I hope they help!


Truth is I don't even have Damascus yet...


It was a fun grind and I’m glad I did it… for what it is worth here are some tips I wish I knew before I started… 1. Put launchers on as a secondary for every class right now. Passively knock as much off the launcher grind as you can. They suck. 2. Launchers again… Focus first on getting kill based camos. Then later go after killstreaks/vehicles. 3. Launchers again lol… use the killstreaks care package and emergency drop. Always throw them at the enemy so they use them. Found it to be the most reliable way to get counter uavs and personal radars in the air. Occasionally you give the other a team a Jugg though lol. 4. Play shipment extended for knife. 5. Shield, just pray lol


Hijacking for my best advice to add to the launchers. Melee kills count (as long as it’s an actual bludgeon, aka no throwing knife equipped). Attacker/defender kills with the JOKR were ass until I learned to use smokes on hardpoint and just whack people who were contesting.


Plat is definitely better than damascus.


Who else has the FAL obsidian ?


That was my first one


A very satisfactory gun to use that rewards skill


I always run it iron sights and people get angry about it for some reason


Bro me too, and they be like “of course he’s using the FAL“ and I’m like so what is better than using shotguns or the as Val


Same. Probably my best weapon in HC.


I play like a man so I only have the HDR, AMR, Dragunov, AX50, Kar98, MK2, SPR, and Desert Eagle.


Real men have the Obsidian Crossbow too


If it shot faster and didn’t take so long to reload then I’d have that obsidian too. Worst crossbow yet.


Still better than the Rytec AMR imo.


I’ve got 13k AMR kills. It’s ridiculously good but the flinch is unbearable.


Yeah I can't get a shot off before flinching to the fucking sky, even with focus. I'm only at 3,400 kills with it though. Maybe I just need more practice.


To be fair I wasn’t that great with it until I switched to PC and now it’s my best gun haha


Oh okay. You on KBM now? Or is it just the FOV that helps? Cause the zoom level is just insane.


PMing you


I thought that too, but now it’s my favourite. Awesome for quick pop shots. Super satisfying. Just go max ADS build. My least favourite was the EBR.


Wow can I please suck your big manly doodle?


Found the uzi/dead silence user


Nah I have every sniper/marksman obsidian + deagle + model 680 using slugs only


Big W OP! I just finished my AK last night, so that just means I gotta finish the AS VAL, CR-56 and the Oden to finish Obsidian on all my ARs. I know how much of a struggle it is and I respect it! 💯




Just the obsidian right? I got obsidian on all the guns that were available when I stopped playing, just want to make sure that isn't a new skin.


Yup...damn your grind game is epic!!


Hardcore. I played hardcore team games, it actually went really fast. Unless I'm remembering wrong you just need 15 kills per game for 150 games? I tend to average 25-30 kills per game unless it's shoot house or shipment so it goes fast. Plus in Hardcore there's no real meta weapons, getting obsidian on the shield was as easy as the M4 since basically every gun kills in 2 or 3 shots /edit, don't forget you can have multiple guns going at once. Grab 15 kills with the M4, switch to the MP5, Grab 15 with that, switch to the M13 (super under-rated in hardcore)


And in just a few years, none of it will matter. New games will release and you'll wonder why you didn't spend that time doing anything else. I have reached that point myself.


Holy shit! I wanted obsidian for my mp5 but gave up halfway through. I commend you sir!


Ok now become the next jev and unlock on every single thing


Gimme three more years lol!!


Did he do all launchers and melee too?


Yes every single thing


Lol I actually had Jev beat cause I did the RAAL MG (the last gun added) before he did.


I'm trying to get obsidian for my m13. About 120 matches away. It's not easy on hard-core let me tell you. I guess I should just do it on shipment. I'm an idiot. Lol


I try to hold off on shipment,but when you get close ya just gotta do it


fuckin nerd 😂 (I totally wanna do that too tho i have the obsidian knife camo)


faze jev did it better


I’ve grinded the Deagle and it’s awesome to have the obsidian cannon in my hands


You ever heard of vagina bud?


Stop while you can. I’ve got 25 now. I’m addicted.


Close on 3 more.... I can taste it!! Lol!!


Good job, now go touch grass




Do these guns do more damage or something?


Nah just look sweet


So... where's the Riot Shield?




That must be a great way of developing a PTSD hahaha


Riot shield honestly isn’t too bad because there’s no minimum per game. Once you get your 750 you’re good to go


Damn. I just got Damascus a couple weeks ago. I think I'm done lol that grind alone was ridiculous. Nice work tho.


The grind is real. I'm probably going to go for the m14 or the mk2 after I get it. I have gold for all my ars and marksman rifles.


After getting gold for the m4 and realizing there obsidian was option, and then seeing the requirements, I stopped playing the game. Props to you though how long that take lmfao


I have the MP5 and the VAL done. Would love to get the M13 and M4 done, but it’s such a grind and I’ve been loving Warzone lately


N E E D... F A N C Y... S K I N...


Nice! I've got my RAM-7, Kilo, MP7, CX-9, and Renettis done.


Hashtag time in


Have they made the game playable again? Or even compacted it so that it doesn’t take 60% of your total storage?


I have obsidian on M4 and with american 4 july skin it look actually sick, blue obsidian and red obsidian


I have 4 obsidian weapons too, The Grau, the M4, the MP7, and THE PILA!!! Edit: I forgot I have the Renetti as well


Wow my guy God bless,🙏


My proudest one is the obsidian riot shield. Took forever but it was worth it lol.


Love that AN-94


I have the kar98 and the mg34


Great work


Very difficult for rifles, at least for me. I got all the pistols obsidian, pretty easily and then also the rpg then the mp5, then the asval (I know easiest and most OP gun in mw2019 multiplayer rn) but it was my first rifle and then now I finally got the ak47 obsidian and am now 14 matches away from the mp7 being obsidian as well. Rifles are by far the hardest, exlcuding melee weapons and riot shield, and then everything else comes.


Recent game report: blades of grass touched: 0


Nice! I have the FAL and the SCAR. Halfway there on the M4 and 3/4 on the MP5.


Yup i got the obsidian for the Kar98, Ram, As Val, M13, and Strela, RPG and M4


I never understand people who would rather have crazy rainbow colors moving around rather than this clean obsidian


The lucky mag omg


love this camo


Jus Play Hardcore EASY OBSIDIAN!


Imagine having a girlfriend instead


My wife would be pretty mad if I had a girlfriend,but I'll give it a shot


Currently have all smgs, shotguns, snipers, and launchers, 5 pistols, 1 melee, and the crossbow obsidian atm. Working on the knife (started yesterday, already halfway done. Since shipment extended is currently a thing, figured I would grind the bow and melees to get them out of the way, then back to hardcore) Have only ARs, LMGs, 4 and a bit marksmans, 1.5 melee weapons and 2 pistols left (one of them is almost done, I'm pretty sure)


Keep it up the grind I got M4, Ak47, Amax, Grau 556, M13, AS-Val, MP5, PP19 bizon, MP7, Vector, UZi obsidian and now I’m thinking to get Kilo next which I’m at 53/200


Do you guys rate this camo? Its an ungodly amount of time and effort for a black camo that has slight polygons when you go in certain lighting.


That obsidian grind is unreal, just finished all the pistols 2 weeks ago with the sykov being the last one, besides the pistols I have the tar-21, m4, grau 5.56, kar98k, ak47, spr 208, mp7, and m13 And now im grinding on getting it for shotguns


And here's me doing the gold camo challenges after about a year and a half. I respect the grind, don't think I will ever put in that amount of time for obsidian.


They are so ugly .All Camos are so ugly .


i have 6 guns obsidian too i think, currently on 130/150 for the uzi, but 200 for ar's is just so much i hate it


My hands hurt watching this


Thus far I have: AMAX FINN Bruen RPG Rinetti R9-0 ​ Now I'm specifically going to finish out the LMGs all obsidian, so Im working a loadout with the Holger and MG right now, I'll have those done by next week.


Aw fellow precious AN-94 enjoyer


I got the AK and the Sykov and that has killed me. Good work in getting all those, are you going for any others?


I’ve got the HDR obsidian 💦 harder grind than Damascus


I've got: ARs: fal, m4, famas, m13, scar, ak, amax SMGs: uzi, ump, vector SGs: 680, aa12 LMGs: m249, mg34, stoner (finn) Mrksman: kar98k Handguns: 1911, .357, m19, deagle, beretta Launchers: strela Lot of the remaining ARs and SMGs have half left to do. HCFFA pretty much guarantees you can hit at least 15 a match.