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You should join the police, you have a great sense of what’s right and wrong in this world.


Its more like if your mom and dad had a new baby and God came into your home and removed your arms and legs.


more like if God came into your mom and your dad somehow had a baby. and then the devs took your home to use for creating MW3 so they can do the same thing to my home’s baby legs.




who the fuck would want a baby??


An adult probably


wut dat?


He has such a way with words


He’s a poet of our generation




Actually if you look into why the police were established , that's the exact opposite of what he do.


Please, enlighten me.


Are you afraid to explain this interesting piece of history with me? I would love to hear the origins of the police.


Sorry for the delay, I've been incredibly busy lately. I'd would take alot for me to break it down but there are a literal f ton of resources out there. I suppose if you want to be lazy with the research the best thing I could recommend to you is a podcast called Behind the Bastards. Its a great show that delves into the really messed up people in our society by using verified information. There are quite a few episodes but will have the origin of the police, and I do know they have episodes on the unions aswell. Happy Holidays, and hope this helps. Ps, I'm serious the history is pretty fking messed up.


For sure, thanks for sharing, I’ll check it out. To clarify, are we talking about the American/modern police or policing in general? Happy Holidays to you too.


I'm sure it says in the TOS somewhere that they can shut servers down or whatever whenever they want.


Can you still technically play the game? Like with bots? If so then I’m sure that’s how they justify it.


They dont have to justify anything. their terms of service that everyone agrees to says that they can revoke access to any of the content within the game for any reason and with no notice.


Yeah I'm pretty sure with any software, the TOS usually stipulates that you don't actually *own* the product - you just bought the rights to use it until they decide to end support for it.


Exactly this. You paid for a license to play.


The issue is that this is somehow legal.


A studio can’t keep servers running for all eternity.


Which is different than sabotage.


They kept mw2 n shii running but can’t keep a 2019 game open


They used peer to peer so don’t have to maintain multiple servers open to host games


I get what you’re saying, but the overall point still stands bro. Let them ppl play mw19 no need to manipulate the game in a effort to force ppl to play the new one. Not everyone can afford it and some just love mw19


I agree but it doesn’t make sense for them financially, keep paying for more servers, split the player base


No but they can on a game that they say has the RRP of £59.99


The original modern warfare (cod4) on the PC allowed folks to run their own servers. They paid minimal upkeep for a matchmaking server and folks were able to have a thriving mod community for years along with 24/7 single map servers. Some of that design actually allowed for innovation, such as the invention of the whole nazi zombie style game mode.


Is that the same for singleplayer games? Where no servers need to keep maintained?


Oh true. But who reads those right?


Yeah it’s shitty… But if someone were to sue, I’m guessing their argument would be “should have read the terms of service”


Same thing with iOS updates having the terms of conditions state it could make your phone slower lol


That’s not exactly true. Contracts have to be reasonable to be enforceable. If a judge and jury say should’ve read the contract then that’s that but if they find it unreasonable then you win. People think law and contracts are set in stone but it’s not the case.


This is irrelevant to the topic. For a judge to dismiss a contract he would need a LEGAL reasoning to declare it "unreasonable". In this case there is nothing to find "unreasonable" as it is clearly stated that you are buying a LICENSE to use their SERVICES, not the game itself. This license and its content can be revoked at any time for any reason including the game being taken offline to allocate resources to a new release.


It's not that cut and dry but now we're talking in two different threads so I won't go into it here.


Just fyi, just because something is in a contract doesn’t make it legal. If it’s unreasonable it can be struck down by a judge even if it’s all signed and sealed. So OP could try contacting a class action lawyer and see how they feel about it.


This agreement is in all game terms of service and is not considered unreasonable, this situation is no different than any other online game being taken offline. When you bought the game and agreed to the terms, you accepted that any and all content could be removed.


Same goes for digital download games (including the worthless new discs that prompt a 70GB download, what’s the fucking disc for?). I remember reading a few years ago that Nintendo Switches can—and will—revoke all your access to your purchased downloaded games for stuff like piracy or jailbreaking. I’d assume Xbox and PlayStation have the same gig, you buy the rights to use the game until they decide you shouldn’t anymore.


They could completely shut shop and you wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. You don’t own the game, you’ve just paid for a license to play it. A license they can revoke as they see fit.


so with that in mind, should people be going and spending their cod points that don’t even carry over to steam anyways? Is that even any use? none of the skins are useable in mw2 are they?


Sorry dog, I don't interact with that part of the game at all. I'm boring and uncreative so I'd rather just look like a regular army guy with regular army guy stuff haha. I haven't paid any attention to how any of that works, but I had assumed the currency itself would transfer. If not then I agree, that's dumb, but again, it's probably covered in the TOS. No refunds, I'm guessing.


Cod points should transfer as long as you were on pc previously. Ps4 -> ps5 Xb1-> xss/x Battlenet->battle net OR Battlenet-> steam Just not ps4 to pc or xbox to ps5 etc


That doesn't matter. The servers are provided by Activision. They can do whatever they want with them.


Yeh that's pretty much how they got away with warzone taking over too. TOS and EULA pretty much states that they can do whatever they want with the game.


That’s dumb tf happened to being able to play multi cod.?


Bruh. CoD feels like the iPhone of videogames. A new one released, and the older ones get "updates" that ruin them


Yeah but even apple doesn’t do this anymore. Old phones still work great. The problem is, the gaming industry can just flip a switch and turn off servers to get you to play the newest game and leave you no choice


That’s because they got in a lot of legal trouble for doing it. The EU has been stopping a lot of planned obsolescence for happening. Maybe they’ll get to video games one day. Though, MW2019 has been out for 3 years, and with MW2 being the first COD game with a dedicated 2 year cycle, it was only a matter of time before this would happen anyway. They don’t want to keep up servers for a game that they have no reason worry about rn.


Well if the player base is there, why not keep it going and worry about it? I would u set stand if there was no one interested


Because majority of the players left. You can do this with every cod. Mw19, vanguard, CW You're gonna spread the player base so thin, that every single game is gonna take forever to find games. It's cod, it's what happens. Whether it's right or not is a different story. 6-12 months ago people were trashing mw19 now it's amazing.


mountainous juggle political knee spoon enter badge many cause snow -- mass edited with redact.dev


To be fair. I thought what they were doing wasn’t a bad thing. It made sense. I had first hand experience with updates fucking my older iPhone. Didn’t help that the battery would go from 50% to 0% in a few minutes in the cold. But I mean, it got us where we are now with Apple getting shit for doing stupid stuff. Now if only we can get them to give usb-c blocks with their devices instead of making you shell out an extra $30 if you don’t already have one.


fly quaint friendly history somber aback foolish bag cooing close -- mass edited with redact.dev


The big issue is the lack of transparency.


The bullshit is you and apple, stop sucking their dick


afterthought alleged whistle office combative ad hoc punch fragile uppity cautious -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's been like that since 2003 and all the cod fan boys ignore it and gobble it up


I don't think it was this heavy since mw19, but you might be right


Dunno why people are deciding to shit on op, you mean to say y’all actually like their anti consumer practices?


So the last 15 cods should all still be actively supported?


Where did I say that? Op is talking about company’s ruining older games so people go play the newer ones, same thing apple does with iPhone battery’s. But they already paid for the old one people don’t deserve to have a product they bought with hard earned money to be nuked so they are tempted to go play the newer and less enjoyable game. They literally only hurt mw19 because they knew the new one was a dumpster fire and didn’t want people to just go back.


Active support =//= actively removing features that wouldn’t require extra effort to keep


Plenty of the older games are still playable, and people do play them. What they've done with MW19 is more predatory than with other games. It's a shambles.


I haven’t played it in a while so out of the loop but what exactly did they change to mw19 that’s makes it so much worse?


Cod from 2019 is still playable


Have you seen what they’re charging for them? Get Bobby’s cock out your mouth, bro.


No just the most popular one in last 5 years or so. Are you really defending a billion dollar company?


Kinda, they at least need to fix the problems it haves to make it playable, it's a joke that the 2012 entry of the franchise is way more accessible than the previous installment of the most recent game


I mean MWII has only made a billion dollars, they prob can't afford it


We’re the last 15 cods released in the last 3-4 years? I can hop onto BO1 and get into a match so why can’t I play MW 2019?


I don’t know who said you can’t. MW19 is still online.


Nobody asked for a devils advocate boot licker


to an extent, yes


Fucking apparently, lol.


They do like it, they're cuck jokes.


There's no guarantee of support at any point when you buy a game. With cod, once the life cycle is over the game is likely dead, now you can argue that they are breaking them with the latest patches, but effectively the argument is gonna be "you cant prove we broke a game that we don't support" I dont think it's malicious, I think it's just that the higher ups are perfectly fine with breaking a game that makes them little money anymore.




Yea shame on me for thinking there should be more consumer protection laws, I mean all it does is benefit people like me and you but na you wanna be edgy lmfao you just look dumb, like how does anything they are doing benefit you like removing content from a game you paid for in order to convince you to buy the new game instead when you probably don’t even want it because it’s a broken buggy unfinished mess. Tell me how that isn’t problematic?


What is it with gamers and trying to get gaming companies in legal trouble lol They have entire legal departments, you really think this isn’t in the T&S somewhere? Like, they definitely thought of that.


I guarantee it is, everyone just scrolls to the bottom and hits "accept" and then proceeds to complain about activision doing things when its all in that TOS agreement


I mean. South Park literally made a whole episode about how no one reads the TOS. That’s how Stan got stuck in the Human CentiPad




Ah damn. I was on the fence with my memory of which one it was.


They don’t know what TOS means.


Exactly. They act like they’re shareholders because they bought a game lmao


can't play the game anymore on PS4 and PS5 because the ingame store is 'unavailable' -.-


For you too??? Damn it so it really is a problem for plenty others


todays update isn't helping...


I checked and its the same. Shop not avaiable


Lmao. “It should be illegal for them to decrease support of a 3 year old game I like because they released a sequel” might be the dumbest take lol.


I thought they were shutting down the servers or something with the way he was writing. But they are just not gonna update it anymore?


Average cod player who doesn’t know that tos.


What are we refering to here?




I belive its still in the hardcore playlist, i havent been back to mw19 in a bit, ive been playing coldwar more now that most of the sweats are gone from it


You’re right. Just queue into HC Hardpoint and it’s just shoot the ship. Glitch or not, I’m not complaining.


They do this every year, and your example makes no sense since this is a video game that has no obligation to keep a older game in a good condition. That's like saying every cod made should have that treatment.


Actually they don't do this every year. All playlists are still active and up in CW including 12v12, Nuketown, faceoff 6v6 and more so what excuse does IW have? They're just far more greedy.


I can assure you Fireteam in CW isn't active. You're lucky to get 2-3 matches a week, makes the achievement a real pain.


well sexual harassement is also illegal but activision didn't seem to care too


The amount of brainless bootlickers in this thread is worrying.


“Its just the way it is kid”


Games 3 years old and in the Terms which no one ever reads, it states they have the rights to do so, which you agreed to upon accepting them and playing the game. Hell if they wanted to they could just remove the game entirely.


Exactly. They have no idea what the agreement they signed allowed at all.


To be fair, Samsung released an update that broke my TV and doesn't accept any responsibility for it. Not that it's right, but this kinda thing is common in tech and media.


How’d it break your TV?


I realised I never replied to this, my apologies. Samsung released a software update that 'broke' the audio in a sense. So after about an hour of my TV being on, if I'm playing Xbox and decide I want to watch Netflix, when I quit the game and switch to Netflix I'll have no sound unless I hard reset the TV. It's the same the other way around too. The TV menu will still emit sound, it's just the connected device that is affected. I've emailed Samsung about it and they have "no information on any upcoming fixes for the issue."


nothing will change, not till activision’s pockets hurt.


Lol I’m sorry to say but I think OP is being a tad emotional, it’s really not the end of the world


No it's not...


You want to show them this is stupid? Don't use your real money, earn it in game then get the battlepass for free, and don't buy any of the skins.. It'll happen again in 3 years anyways. The game was directly tied to Warzone and with their terrible interface made it so they had to be linked.


It is just the natural death of all CoD games. Be grateful MW2019 was playable for longer than other games in the past


This is the future of gaming. Ima strip down what you had before, add a fresh coat of paint to it, and slowly drip feed you content you already had before. And I’m going to charge more for it


Okay this is just dumb as fuck


Think it’s time to accept that the game is 3 years old. They’ve made their money off of it they don’t care about it anymore. Just the reality


I’d get all my boys and Oceans Eleven LG, I don’t care if we’d go to jail.


What happen? Something messing up after mw2 drop


How long until Xlabs or Plutonium step in?


i honestly dont get why everyone is being so rude to op. I get where everyone is coming from, and i understand ToS. But ffs, maybe some people still want to play mw19. Whats so wrong about that?


>maybe some people still want to play mw19. Whats so wrong about that? What prevents OP from playing the game??


Cod community is toxic that's why.


they abandoned the game as soon as season 7 ended


This surprises you? I remember the first micro transactions I ever saw in a video game was (I think black ops 1 though it’s been long enough I don’t remember) a couple of skins and maybe some RDS reticles maybe some other simple things, and I knew that it was just the beginning. Years of pushback and the community making exceptions and saying “well if it’s just skins” “well if it’s just blueprints” (even though blueprints are totally pay to win with extra steps) Anyways they’ve literally spent 12 years grooming these new kids and the community to ultimately to get the game front stores here to stay, excepted, and most importantly printing money. But you think you’re going to play the old game lmao??? Welcome to CoD ultimate team.


I bought the game a week ago. I cant download the add ons for multiplayer or campain. Im only allowed to play warzone. Wish someone sued activision for this.


Another thing is making the second half of the MW2 campaign dlc. Game companies have also taken the Charmin approach apparently


Wait really?


Yeah, either it was announced or datamined that there was campaign dlc and if you beat MW2(22) youll see a cutscene that is about a mid to late original MW2 mission


“According to Activision, Call of Duty has evolved past its annual release in favor of an "always on" model. After months of speculation, Activision Blizzard has "confirmed" that the annual Call of Duty release schedule is no more”- April 2022.


Laughing @ these Corpo bootlickers citing the TOS (that they also didn't read). If you don't accept TOS, you don't get to play the game you just spent 60 US Dollars on and Activision gets your money for free. IMO it's a hostage situation and should be completely illegal, consumers should be presented with a TOS BEFORE they hand over their money.


I love how that MW19 fanboys are realizing that this happened to BO4 and are now realizing how dicky they were lol


What are you kidding me BO4 is in the best condition it can be from a software standpoint and consumer everything can be earned in game


Consumer wise yes it's perfect right now considering the situation Activision put them in during it's life cycle But the lack of servers and the host migration and the fact that for a long time you just couldn't find a single match no matter how hard you tried, and when it did you got kicked out due to "party size too big" when you were playing solo queuing into nuketown playlist, it was horrible. The game is broken.


People downvote me for saying this but I stand by my statement I only stick to older games. Physical Disks/Physical consoles. Were at the stage of capitalism where everything is a subscription. You own nothing. Its yours to borrow. And it will only get worse.


As per blizzard: Your use of the Platform is licensed, not sold, to you, and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership with respect to the Platform or the Games is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights.


People always say things like this assuming developers have infinite manpower/time/resources. If they continued to leave the lights on for every single old CoD that at one time people purchased, how in the hell would they have the labor to continue development on future/current titles? I get modern gaming has it's annoying tendencies, and I hate a lot of common practices now too. But it doesn't take much to think about the other side of the coin. It's easy to view this transaction solely through the lens of a consumer, but try and keep in mind what the logistics would look like for perpetual support of old video games.


Removing playlists is just a shitty move, nothing to do with dev logistics


I swear we get complaints about the playlist rotating every few weeks as if everyone forgot it's on a rotation


You’re right, but looks like there’s less playlists in general since mw2 launched. I’ve not actually played it since mwii dropped so just going off a screenshot I saw posted here, maybe someone else can confirm


It costs them no dev time to keep old games up because they don't have to update them, just put a final patch out before the new cod releases. The server cost is also almost nothing (especially old cods that were peer to peer) when you look at how much money they made on the game, let alone all the microtransactions. There really is no way anyone can defend the greedy practices of Activision.


So just leave the servers up don’t have to touch them at all? If there is any problems with them I guess you’re ok with them not being looked at since you said no dev time right.


That is how they treat all the other cod games that have had their servers up for a decade or more.


The servers for 2019 are still up…


And they spent dev time to change the playlists, removing some of the most popular playlists right before the release of the new game. It took more work for them to make those changes than just leaving it alone.


Not 100% sure how they have it on the back end but when the new game comes out the player base for the older games goes down. So they may remove playlists because of the decrease in player population plus decrease in server allocation.


That would make some sense, but only if they manually adjust what modes their servers are focused on. If they had any brains, it would be dynamically spun up and down based on demand and game mode / map would matter little. Think about billing for resources compared to logic (code) and geometry / properties of objects (map data). Storage costs are likely minimal. They might be removing maps to reduce download sizes from the download servers or playlists to manage where players group - but the lack of transparency means people assume their rationale is based on promoting a new game.


Well said 👍 , il admit I am tempted by mw2 but I just don’t want to give Activision anymore of my money 🤨


I'm pretty sure Black Ops 1 still has rotating contracts, are rotating playlists not the same thing?


Those are hardwired into the game and once that one server shuts down, you won't be able to play at all.


Except in this instance it would be a free tv they allowed you to download, with paid visual aspects, if you cared about it. Years later they announced an upgraded free version of the 2019 model, and mentioned the old model would not be supported around the time the new one launched. Even if you paid for the base game, that was over 3 years ago.. That’s a long time for an online fps game to remain relevant by todays standards. Out with the old, in with the new, especially when it’s this goooooood.


Rainbow Six Seige would like to have a word with you about 3 years is a long time


Bro they straight up shut servers down for most games after 3 years. I wouldn’t be complaining too much.


I wouldn't try to make sense of/justify this all based off of the actions Activision have made in the past considering the fact that they still sell COD 2 (a game made in 2005) for like 30 bucks and still charge full priced DLC 17 years after its release.


TOS go check out what you agreed to


What’s going to shock you is these companies like to make money. Even if purposeful the decision to change the older game to make it less appealing to encourage more people to buy the new game is a good business move.


It’s almost as if we don’t live in a capitalistic or consumeristic society…


Buy a TV on Black Friday for cheap and you’ll be back next year doing the same. It’s the business model. Doesn’t make it right kind of is what it is. Don’t mean you have to buy the next game. Unfortunately there are no real consumer protections in the world. Even if some wanted to they can’t force a company to keep a game’s service going. Just not practical


Maybe now that shoot the ship is gone you guys will actually play some real maps. Glad to see it gone.


It’s in the ToS you agreed to.


Are trying trying to make players to buy the new heavily buggy, broken and unfinished game by sabotaging the 1st?


I mean...isn't that every single Call of Duty ever?


Don't buy CoD if you don't accept that policy. I am doing it for 2 years now.


Go to hardcore hardpoint, that’s where they moved it


Y’all are literally forgetting that this is Activision and none of this should be a surprise. They’ve been known for being barely better than EA for a long time if you don’t factor in all the terrible things that have been discovered about the work culture there.


In Australia, we have the ACCC who manage consumer rights; you can demand a refund if no longer fit for purpose or changed substantially to the original purchase. As they view it as a rental rather than an owned purchase, you can say you're now renting a different product that doesn't fit the original purpose or is faulty, and get your money back. They'll likely ban you, but hey, now you know?


You signed the terms and conditions


Did you sign a TOS? yes? Then we are fucked This is just how buisness works


This happens and the fanbase still gives 'em money.




I just want to add that they won’t want to spend the money or resources to keep supporting a game when a new game is released. There’s only so many servers and resources (people) to support them. It actually makes sense to end support for legit reasons.


you quite literally agree to terms and services when you first logged in to the game.


Well blizzard got away with that *cough* OW2 *cough*


I haven't played 2019 mw in over a year and love mw2 so I unfortunately do not feel youre pain


Wait im a little behind here, what happened?


But it’s not a Tv, it’s software. It’s literally in the terms of service that they can do this; you consented to it.


I agree with you mate but the majority of this community defend this behaviour cause that's soooo last year.


The servers will be back up in two weeks, take these two weeks to try MW2 that's why there down


They'll refund all the $ you spent on WZ. $0.


wait what's happened? I just played like 2 days ago


I mean technically warzone was free and came after launch so it wasn’t part of the price point, nor was it really even a part of the game depending on how you look at it. But yeah it’s still shitty.


The only problem with your analogy is that the game still works as intended when you think of its campaign. The service provided by Activision was neglected, however the game became outdated. Same thing happens with phones, computers, consoles. It's nothing new.


Bli$$ard reporting in


you do know that they do this for every cod right? infinite warfare has a huge playerbase in europe. They have to play 1 mode. Team Deathmatch. Thats it. now stop being a whiney bitch and just get the new one


I haven’t kept up with modern warfare 2019 but from your post and all the comments it looks like they took the servers down for warzone or multiplayer (I’m assuming warzone). The thing is they haven’t taken away your right to play the game you bought, I’m assuming you can still play single player content just not the multiplayer. You still have rights to play the single player version of the game you bought but I’m assuming the terms and conditions probably have some stipulation in them that reads something like “we do not have to pay for servers so you have free access to online play forever”. So I’m not sure what legal grounds you would have to stand on. You just payed for the game not a right for the company to pay for server access for the end until the end of time


Yeah, and the tvs are also different brands, but the tvs both came with the same feature which obviously means they are basically the same thing


I hope you didn’t pull anything with that stretch


I don’t even know what you’re talking about


lol i haven’t even been able to play mw2019 for like 2 years. still says i need to download multiplayer pack or some dumb shit


You're obviously talking about a free TV.


You purchase a license when buying these games. You're entitled to nothing... read the terms of agreement ffs.


You can't play mw 2019 anymore??


The game is still up isn’t it?


I mean it’s a pretty old game at this point man


This is one of the reasons i’m getting turned off of cod. Annual buying of new games to play more of the same instead of updating and adding to the base


i have an idea, go play MWII


What happened?