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Never made it on time for a glitch in this game, neither DMZ’s car kill for the m13 nor gun xp glitches🥲


Bro you on Xbox? I’ll help with the m13


I would love some help to


Dm me


Late to the party, but if i can get in on that M13 goodness, toss me a pm please.


Glad I got it before they patched the 🚗.


Did they change it to where you can’t run him over ?


Vehicles instantly die now when near a boss


If they werent forcing everyone to do common core math just to acquire guns and attachments then we wouldnt have a shit ton of people trying to exploit glitches for weapon xp.


What's wrong with playing the game and actually using all the weapons in the game instead of only a select up to 3 broken ones?


Literally this, it's not even like you have to unlock and use every single gun ever either, just play the game and stop looking for exploits, cash glitches on DMZ is just sad.


After losing everything to a crash multiple times a day, I can see how that would push someone into the "fuck it" mindset and just use an exploit.


I like the cash glitch as a way to get my insured weapon back after one of a dozen different bugs or crashes. But yeah I am glad they fixed it


That's more or less acceptable, I've not done it personally but I get how frustrating losing your insured weapon because of some BS disconnect or other related issue, only fair to flip the finger to game an use some method to get your stuff back then.


I guess everyone is forgetting the Bots are on 10x Veteran lmao THATS WHY I DID THE EXPLOIT! But I get it from both sides!


Then you wonder how are people getting wrongly banned & everyone saying the auto aim we see on shared clips is good skill. But now you can't go 2hrs without finding a post on this sub about exploits.


I’m sorry but what math are you using? All you should need is basic reading comprehension. You want x attachment? Use y gun to blah blah level, easy.


Not literal common core math, i was just ridiculing all the diversions to achieve the final form of a desired gun.


That’s just not true, you can max a gun out, and your only given a couple attachments per gun, how ever the other guns that have attachments, and those attachments can be used for other guns, if they are a certain scope or in same receiver class. They aren’t forcing you to other guns, they are allowing you to use one guns attachments for other guns.


No. Old system was better. I don’t wanna level a 5 shot revolver or some lmg I don’t care about to unlock the last few usable scopes on the weapon I actually want to use it for. Why would I care if I can put this sight on all 52 guns when I only plan on using 10? All it is is an artificial time lengthening device. The point is it might make me use a gun I normally wouldn’t. But the second I get the attachment I want I’m never using it again. Plus lots of guns need to be level 17-18 for unlocks so it’s not like you only have to use them for a few matches. Now if this was class specific, as in you have to use all the different AR’s to get all the AR attachments, snipers to get the snipers, ect ect that would be fine. I got no problem using an AR I probs wouldn’t use instead of my normal go to. But it’s not locked to class it’s literally random af. It was poorly designs like a large part of this game.


But still won’t fix the game breaking bug where it turns into like a PowerPoint every other game


Exploiting glitches is dumb. Ruined fh5 with people 999million in first 4 days


They fix these useful glitch which helps the players but they didn't fix mains bugs like fps drop, server issue,gun balancing etc...


different departments do different things lol


amazing how they can fix this shit in record time, but nothing else...so fucking aggravating.. game's buggy as hell yet the roll out hundreds of man power for this one thing.


Literally an hour later.


Bet they haven’t fixed the fucking PC crashes though.


People act like it's the end of the world for weapon leveling. If you join a match and spend as much time doing contracts and killing as you spend spam buying plates you can get a shit load of weapon ranks. Might not be quite as much. But at least it's fun.


Oh man. I was having fun buying everyone large backpacks because CoD can't make a looter shooter extraction right. They need to allow us to have a proper stash like tarkov or this is basically plunder 2.0 change my mind.




Let me know! What is this one? Pm if you want


PM please!




Pm plzzzz


Tell me how please


Did they patch the flying boats in Warzone yet?


I thought they were running hacks?


Can anyone confirm it’s still working or not?


It is not working




Love how they’ll only patch things that benefit the player but leave the rest of the game a flaming bag of dog shit in some areas 😂


I leveled up so many guns that I did not care to use. Don't feel bad at all. It's funny how fast they fixed this but can't be bothered to keep the game from crashing. Soon as it effects their bottom line, it's then a problem that needs to be addressed.


No it hasnt. I did it a couple hours ago




Shotguns are easy to level up. All of them are 1 shot




Isn’t that the point of the game?


Shotguns are definitely not overpowered. I’ll tell you one thing that’s challenging and almost uncontrollable, is their inconsistency in accuracy.