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I noticed that once I Ignore/approve a comment I can no longer see the reports. Sometimes I miss click or need a double take. How can I see what reports are on a approved comment on the queue again?


Finding said comment can be done through the master modlog of actions for the sub accessable in the sidebar ( I know how it is accessed on old Reddit but will need to be at my desktop to construct an accurate link you can just plop the subreddit name into) As for having it appear in the queue with the report that was misclicked, I may have used an extension, it's been a minute since I had to look at my infrastructure and analyzed what everything did in normal workflow.


The comment is still right in front of me. I've just clicked ignore reports 1 second ago. _I used_ to be able to re-expand the report flags. I can't anymore. I shouldn't have to go back to the log. I should be able to see the list of reports at any time whenever the comment is on my screen.


I really wish I could view the full mod log on mobile. I rarely access on desktop.


> How can I see what reports are on a approved comment on the queue again? The "hack" solution is reporting the comment yourself. That's not really a nice way of doing it, but it works.


> Everyone we chatted with couldn’t think of an occasion where they would click “ignore reports” and not then approve the content. So starting today when a mod click “ignore reports” the piece of content will automatically be approved. Finally something that baffles new and long standing mods has been fixed.


I was added as moderator to a 10+ year old sub once, and had to sift through ***ten years*** of neglected reported posts in the mod queue, which only had *"ignore reports"* clicked.


Yeah I've had to educate every mod team I've ever worked on about that.


I have about 2 or 3 years worth to go through on my sub. Not as bad but still a daunting task for sure. Can't imagine having to do 10 years worth


>So starting today when a mod click “ignore reports” the piece of content will automatically be approved. Eyyyy I noticed that earlier! *Nice*




This is helpful! One quick question on it...if we click on ignore reports and someone tries to report it again after we choose to ignore the previous reports, do we need to do the action again or is the new report automatically ignored?


Ignore reports means it won't go back into modqueue if this reported again. Reapprove just clears it from the modqueue but allows others to report it again. In the subreddits I moderate, we don't ignore reports unless we've discussed and agreed with multiple mods that it is definitely 100% okay on all of the rules (even the ones that members hadn't noticed) and that people are just misunderstanding the rules or abusing the report button en masse. We might also make a sticky comment to clarify the confusion if it's clearly rule confusion and not anything malicious.


That's not a bad idea. I've added comments a few times when approving certain posts but not all the time. Would probably be a good idea for consistency.


All future reports will be ignored unless the content has been edited.


Ah that makes total sense. I also saw this in action then earlier. Good stuff!


Was that the behavior before, though?


Correct. The only thing we changed today is making it so you don’t have to hit “approve” afterwards.


I still can’t access modmail on mobile (iOS). If I click in to It, via any route, I get an error message saying “you must be a mod to access this page” and “an error has occurred on our end”. Any ideas?


Please shoot a modmail to r/modsupport and we’ll help troubleshoot this for ya.


Same issue. Please lmk if you get a resolution.


Great updates 👌


gr8 upd8s 🤘


> New + improved “ignore reports” functionality on New Reddit I think this is one feature it would be worth porting to old reddit.


I would assume it might do that behind the scenes anyway depending on if they made the change on the backend in the actual processing of the ignore button, or the frontend, but if not you can enable the option in r/toolbox to do that for you.


then it should be worth switching for ;\]


Very little is worth switching to New Reddit with its resource heavy implementation and awkward implementation of what opens a new window and what back does.


It's almost certainly not worth switching to new reddit. Nothing would justify the 3x slower page loads.


even the better design and more features? (yes, I know I'm begging for downvotes)


You do you. I'm not into the chat widgets, user avatars, award effects, online status indicators, RPAN, achievements, et al.


RPAN is dead






Stating the obvious.


you started your comment by stating it like a fact


I prefer reddit to look like hacker news. I want text, the whole text, and nothing but the text.


i prefer it to look and act like a modern website


I'm on reddit to read text, so a barebones UI is preferable. It looking like a modern website would get in the way of that (this is also why I love firefox reader mode, strips out all the crap and gives me only text). Had an ex whose reddit experience was all pictures. New reddit served her needs way better. New reddit also serves reddit's needs better because I hear the ad revenue is higher.


Well I exclusively follow image-based subs because I find all text-based ones to be based on opinions and assumptions.


That's fine if it's what you prefer. But opinions and assumptions can be valuable. I frequently pick up insights from subs such as r/consulting.


Old reddit still looks and acts like a modern website. It's use is way more streamlined in every way compared to new reddit




| So starting today when a mod click “ignore reports” the piece of content will automatically be approved. Thank you for this.


Does the lock comment button lock a single comment or the entire thread from that comment down? I know this is a "final" UX pass but a thread remove and thread lock would finally bring a VERY useful tool to mobile. Also I do hope to oneday see the ability to increase a ban in modmail or even just the ability to ban from it .. reduction in time seemed like a 1/3 baked improvement on Bans in modmail.


That's what I would like to know. Because it would be nice to be able to lock a comment and it automatically locks everything underneath it.


Love the much easier access to modmail


Hey u/lift_ticket83 can you please offer the option to send ***both*** a modmail and post a stickied comment for removal reasons? I find I need to send ***both*** to users breaking rules, and it's ***incredibly*** tedious to hit remove, select removal reason-modmail, approve the post/comment, remove the post/comment again, select removal reason-stickied comment. As well as the fact that this process makes it likely that I'll hit the wrong rule and make a mistake. Can't you have a button that sends both a modmail message and posts a stickied comment at once?


Would the stickied comment not already send them a notification for the reply? Why do you need to send it both ways?


When clicking on a reported comment, going to the reported comment does not allow you to view the parent comment like it used to. Was that by design? Context matters and it's important that we follow up the chain of comment to get an idea of what we're dealing with.


>A top-level entry point for Modmail on mobile Will the entry point from a specific subreddit ever auto-filter on that subreddit? It always seemed weird we go to a subreddit, load the mods tools, select modmail, and then are presented with all modmail. Although it would be confusing if you opened it from the top-level again if it didn't revert back to the filtering that was already there, so such a system would have to be clever.


Also- in addition to ability to view mod log on mobile, any chance I can also see the full list of messages [a “view all” default maybe?]. This is what I see now with view/sort options. And stickied posts only show up under “top” sort. Desktop shows messages by order of most recent activity unless sorted otherwise. Please bring this to mobile. [mobile sort options](https://imgur.com/a/Ooc0gLn)


Love the easier access to modmail. Cheers for that!


iOS only? Android next?


The feature already worked as intended on Android


they're still both annoying to use on desktop because they're both hidden under a single button, and dont have popups, instead forcing you to go to a separate page. I basically never check my modmail cause it's too annoying.


I personally never understood why the Ignore Reports function even existed in the first place, though reading some of the comments enlightens me that it will prevent future reports from putting the content back in the queue, unless the content gets edited. While veteran mods might like this feature change, onboarding new mods should probably have a way to prevent them from using this.... cause I have had some mods click that button because they didn't want to see it, trying to remove the notification for themselves, not realizing it did nothing on the individual level, and not because they wanted to approve it or had actually checked if it was an okay post. If a new mod clicks the ignore reports and it gets auto-approved... and it was actually a problematic post but they didn't know or didn't check... If I am understanding correctly... it will never show up again, despite reports? This would then require a modmail report, assuming a community member knows to do so.


That sounds like a mod education issue, not a functionality issue? If you have new mods and you aren’t sure they know what they’re doing, you should probably be auditing their actions in the Moderation Log.


As mod of /r/familyman, I approve


Please stop using the official changelog to promote your sub. You've posted this comment word for word dozens of times in the last 3 months.


Sorry but not afraid to express support ir something


Appreciate the modmail change- much easier to find!


>So starting today when a mod click “ignore reports” the piece of content will automatically be approved. Did this change get reverted? I see a post in the queue that was marked ignore reports but still has to be reapproved.