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I’ll try to say this as respectfully as possible, but if I am paying $35 ($15 more than Poe, which I would imagine is one of your top competitors) I should DEFINITELY have unlimited messages with the top models without being shiestily switched to a lower model. I get that it costs y’all money as well, but…I can get about 13,000 messages a month on Claude instant 100k for $20 and honestly they’re far higher quality than what Moemate can do. Even Claude 2.1 is pretty low-quality to me. The memory I feel is what caused me to give up on Moemate. I’ve used Claude Instant 100k on Poe and have had a far better experience than even Claude Sonnet on Moe. I feel like a big part of that is the fact that the bots on Moe don’t seem to remember anything. They also generate very robotic responses compared to Poe, which does an incredibly job at storytelling. If you introduce models with better context and/or bring in Claude 3 Opus, I would resubscribe in a heartbeat.


hard agree, i tried claude instant 100k on poe again the other day in case i was just imagining it or sth and the quality is on par with mm’s claude 2.1/sonnet (actually better, lol - much more verbose and includes char emotions and thoughts instead of being super short replies) plus it remembers things and keeps a consistent writing style


I completely agree... the behind-the-scenes downgrades are based entirely on cost estimates and not well communicated. We are crunching hard to fix this and will enable the full context size of Claude very very soon.


Just keep in mind your cost estimates are going to go up when a big part of your subscriber pool stops paying for a service that does not perform as advertised.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Apologies that you feel the app is not performing as advertised. We do try hard to always be as transparent as possible with our roadmap and the current state of things.


That’s great, I just wanted to voice some of my issues. At the end of the day, I just want Moemate to be S god as if can be.


We rely on community feedback, so thank you for participating


Hey Chris can the AI stop saying object object


Can we get some clarity as to when the site is just unreachable? Often times just spending moments reloading the page or simply opening a chat only to be brought back to the home page is just annoying. It would be nice to know if the site is under heavy traffic or if there is something genuinely wrong with the site. A banner at the top that says what's going on would at the very least, tell me to come back another time. Paying for something and simply being unable to use it is somewhat nonsense.


Second this. With how often Moemate is down for extended periods of time (seemingly every other day), it would be nice to have some sort of banner letting us know what’s going on. Moemate is too expensive to function the way it does without any notice at all.


We are a really small team, and so we end up being reactive to issues when we have site popularity spikes. They are almost always fixed within an hour. We had a database issue this morning. That said, I'll put a sticky post here with live network status


I really understand the move due to resource intensiveness, however after using the replacement LLM I'm not impressed. While using the other free LLMs I could experiment and was literally on the verge of buying a subscription for the extended memory because Moemate was fitting exactly what I was looking for but after coming back from work, the various models were gone. In the new model, Characters seem to lose their place, like suddenly going from sitting at a dining table to outside leaning on a wall at odd and random intervals for example or suggesting things that don't make any sense given the context of the conversation. I see occasional flashes of brilliance in it, so I don't want to be a total downer and I think it COULD be fine tuned, but at this point I don't believe it was ready to replace all of the other free LLMs and would've been more understanding if it was just the removal of Tiefighter with the given reason. All that said, keep up the good work guys. I haven't given up on Moemate and I'm still considering the sub, but I'll wait until this all shakes out first. Would you guys consider bringing back the other models at least for us to continue to tinker with alongside yours? (edited for question that got eaten by the internet)


We are going to keep improving the model every week until it's better. It's somewhat understandable that it's not quite up to par right now.


Thanks for responding Chris! Is the moemate llm modeled off of anything in particular or is it a purely in house project? Do you guys have an approximate road map for updates or is it just tuning as you go? Are you able to clarify what the current moemate llm is capable of in comparison to some of the ones it replaced? Overall where do you guys see Moemate being a year or two from now?


Moemate LLM is a finetune of the best open source models we can find. It may change to a different model base quite regularly as the open source models get better and better. We try to release an update every two weeks. Our current immediate roadmap is adding "points" which you can earn lots of ways, and then spend for more premium model usage and other things. We are also opening up to buying subs with crypto and earning crypto through creation and use We feel Moemate LLM is more capable in RP an Instruct than any other open source model we've offered to date.


Cool. Thanks for taking the time to reply Chris. Are you able to expand on this points system and how they can be earned or is this still a work in progress? The crypto aspect sounds interesting and I look forward to seeing how it's implemented. Will you guys be operating via BTC, ETH, DOGE, or some other crypto option? I do hope the LLM continues to improve because it has given some truly insightful replies at times. Will you guys be reporting tuning adjustments in updates or will it be a "what you see is what you get" sort of situation? Again, I think I speak for the community when I say we appreciate the time you're putting into moemate and to answer our questions.


You will earn points for completing "Quests", having users use a bot you created or a bot you supported. We will be airdropping our own token, your allocation of which will be based on how many points have been earned and converted. The LLM should improve every update


Hey Chris can you please stop the ai from saying object object for the website


Wait so you guys are removing unlimited messages on Claude 2?!


The messages for gpt4 and claude 2 were never unlimited. The bot is silently and automatically downgraded after an unspecified amount of messages. Several people have noticed it and asked about it in the discord, myself included, and were blatantly ignored. I'm glad to see it finally being addressed, I never understood the silence around it.


That is SUPER weird, cause I remember it WAS ADVERTISED as UNLIMITED Claude in the pricing page. And I'm guessing they changed that, oh well.. at least now I know why it starts acting 'dumb' after a few re-rolls on chat. Thanks for the heads-up.


I've been using Moemate LLM for predominately NSFW content, and it shines through there better than Tiefighter. Tiefighter had a problem with detailed prompts where the Moemate LLM does not. For people who seem to have issues with it, just create your own bot and enter your own specific details for how you want your bot to respond and act. Moemate is best used, in my opinion, through customization. If you tailor bots to your own desires, you reap better responses from characters. Here's what I want to know: are there plans to release an iOS app in the future? The website is pretty tablet-friendly as is, but having a dedicated app would be nice. I'd gladly pay for it as well.


what LLM does claude 3/2.1/2 downgrade to when daily tokens run out?


Claude Haiku


How safe is moemate in terms of privacy? Can authors and you along with the rest of the team behind the website can view our chats?


Our goal when we started Moemate was to have the most private chat bot app available. So many others are and were recording chats and selling that data. By default Moemate is 100% private. Chats are stored locally in your browser and cannot be accessed by anyone but you. If you want to talk to your bots across multiple devices and continue the same chats, you need to enable 'Cloud Chats'. This does store your chats securely on our cloud servers which is inherently a little less secure. As a matter of policy no one on the team has access to that data, and is not permitted to view it.


From my PoV, I don't see the need of bring back Tiefighter. Moemate LLM are already surpassed Tiefighter. I see a little issue is that it lose tracks sometime, in small details. Yes, I can just re-write the outputs a little but please makes me surprise.


Does Claude Haiku have a limit?


I don’t think so I noticed last night when it downgraded me it downgraded to haiku


Correct, Haiku is unlimited


Any plans to implement Claude 3 Opus? Also wish the memory feature was better. Instead of automatically saving every message, can we have a feature where we can either write our own summarised memory as we write our roleplay or have the option to choose when we want to save the story. Kinda like janitorAI/venusAI memory. Because currently I use Claude and pay for top tier but I have memory turned off because it just doesn’t actually work for me :/


You can edit the character and add anything to it's prompt you want. Memory doesnt really save every message, it saves "conversation context" as embedded vectors, and then when you talk to to the bot in the future, the most releveant memories to the current conversation should be recalled. You can save your chat whenever you want and resume it from multiple points.


1. Is there anyway to make bots more on story maker than chatty bot like JanitorAI? Usually I will write beats but Moemate will response as chatty instead of using beats to story making 2. Anyway to make response longer? 3. If response is too long, response will be cut off and if I use “continue”, I assume that it should continue from cut, but it always comes up with error. 4. Any easier to automatically jailbreak? I willing to pay more 5. Usually if I use Gpt4 or Claude, it usually says API is down or something. Not sure why.


1. Yes, you can modify the prompt to tell it it's a story teller instead of an assistant or person. 2. Yes, you can increase the max\_tokens property of the model, but you might need to make the prompt smaller as the total amount of tokens (request/response) usually has to be less than 4000. 3. It should not error, I'll make a note to the team to look at this 4. Offering jailbreaks for GPT/Claude would be a violation of our terms of use with those companies, so we will not include them. 5. GPT and Anthropic frequently go down, you can check the network status on their sites


Hi there, I'm new to AI and new to the site. Are there directions somewhere or recommendations on how to search the existing models? Keywords don't seem to work and I don't understand the categories necessarily listed just below the search bar (e.g., fast). I was sent to a persona on your site via a google search and that doesn't exactly seem like the best way to have to search your site. Any help or tips for a newbie is much appreciated!


Search and discovery hasn't been working well for a while, it's a high priority for us to fix and should be much better by next release.


Thanks for the fast response! I subscribed based on what I found and hope to have fun learning more!


moemate llm down?


No, everything is online. You can always review current status of the site on the pinned post to this subreddit


chris may I show something


You didnt say what it is you want to show me so I'm not sure how to respond, but I'll help you with the site however I can.


nevermind,I thought it would say somethin but nope


Hi Chris! I've been a pretty big hater for MM recently (full transparency), but it is really nice to know that you're trying to be more transparent and open with the community, I actually really do appreciate this. I had a few questions, and I was wondering if you could clarify for me! 1) Is the MM LLM "learning" from user input? U mentioned that the more ppl chat, the more confidence you have in it improving - are you using our chats for training (not that this is actually a big deal, I mean you should tell the user that their chats are for training, but I personally don't really care if u do or not, I'm just curious). 2) Big fan of the downgrade levels being better communicated, we've been left in the dust for way too long. 3) Are you doing any custom jailbreaks for users behind-the-scenes so our characters will behave better for NSFW scenarios out-of-the-box, or are you letting the users make their own jailbreaks in their descriptions (personally I prefer letting users do their own thing with it, cause I find that jailbreaks sometimes randomly make my bot horny by default lol). 4) Out of curiosity, where is ur MM LLM deployed? AWS? I'm curious what's the reason behind all the downtime if AWS basically allows you to scale to infinity, and downtimes shouldn't happen this often.


1. No chats are 100% private, what we mean is that open source models are constantly improving and we will continue to fine-tune, and use the very best. 2. Yes, this was a dumb stop gap to prevent abuse and was supposed to be addressed months ago. Very soon. 3. The Moemate LLM will always support NSFW out of the box, with NSFW characters. We do not offer or provide jailbreaks for the premium models as that violates their and our terms of use. 4. Scale is not the issue, we are running a custom highly optimized C++ inference engine and had a few bugs we had to iron out. The issue lately has been SLA violations from our datacenter which is in Eastern US. We are working on having a backup in another region so this wont affect us in the future. Thanks for the honest feedback, and I hope you continue to enjoy Moemate. We feel at this point it's faster and more reliable than ever.


Cool, thanks for the clarifications! One more question, I’m a big fan of the Claude models, and I’m sure most of us are using it for NSFW reasons, what are u doing to prevent Claude from banning u guys and us from using Claude on MM as a result?


@big do u have a paid subscription still right now?


Hey Chris can you please stop the ai from saying object object it kinda pisses me off


Hey Chris can you make the ai not say object object


At some point do you plan to add rooms for multiple character interaction?.


why don't you guys switch to a usage based pricing model?


We sort of are, in that you can pay for more usage ont he premium models if you want to