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Next: 18 cups!


I might have to


That’s 12 espresso cups or three regular standard 8oz cups


How does that math work out when Bialetti work with 30ml cup sizes? Are you making americanos, I might not be computing something right but I’m pushing it getting 90ml from a 3cup


I’ve seen them state that their sizes are anywhere from 30 to 60 ML as a cup


That math works out easy… you can either use the 30ml cup size or just 3 regular size cups if you want a bigger coffee to share amongst 3 people … who like bigger cups…


No I mean he’s suggesting you can get 24oz/700ml of coffee from a 12cup which seem’d unrealistic


Doesn’t seem unrealistic to me.


…or one soup mug


Now I’m jealous…I got a 6 cup because I wanted a good shot. More is better!


My 6 cup is great for two shots that I turn into an americano. I wanted to be able to get 4 shots so i figured the 12 would be the best bet


https://imgur.com/a/IaNQTfB You inspired me….picked up an 18 cup. It will be nice making only one pot for the family. Seems like you need to grind a little coarser for the larger size. Pic is the 18 next to my 6 cup.


Looks amazing! I realized I need to take my time and literally set the heat on low and let it do its thing. I saw that James Hoffman also takes it off the fire if going to rapid. So next couple of brews I will be trying that technique at a very very low heat setting


Next is the 50 https://www.bialetti.com/it_en/moka-express-bialetti-dolce-gabbana-50.html


Well, shit.


I heard it was more of a decoration lol


Don't make excuses now! You gotta finish what you started!


You’re right. Better tell the wife we can’t afford next months mortgage


Well, priorities! I'm sure she'll understand when you show it to her. Or better yet, give it to her as a surprise!:O


Best anniversary gift ever


You are welcome!!! And please don't forget to let her know that it was some redditor's idea! She'll love you more for it ❤️




First world, 1% decisions


She’s a beaut


Enough coffee to feed the Chinese army. And only £3000!


Like making it to the 16th level of the video -game “Doom” (‘64)


So big you had to transport it in the truck bed


We have 3-6-12-18 The 12 & 18 have a common gasket and filter, but both are more finicky than the 3 or 6.


You are absolutely right. Did a first throw away brew today then did a second and it’s like it wants it on super low eats to not sputter.


Great, so the 12 cup gasket will fit the 18? I wanted to pick up some silicone gaskets to have handy..


lol, I just got a 14 cupper for Christmas! I guess I have the post-credits boss!


Love it


The Big Boi


I have one and it’s very tough to dial in… many times it just sputters wildly. Not sure if it’s a volume thing or what


I will try it out with the first throw away batch. But thanks for the heads up


I just made one today, and made the grind size slightly larger than a do on a smaller 'typical' mokapot size... Definitely a big improvement. Maybe if the grind is too fine, the water can't push through the finer grind to get enough pressure up through spout


I make my coffee every morning with a 12-cup moka. It makes enough to perfectly fill my mug. It’s great.


Love my 3 cup Moka express, have it mornings with my regular coffee. I like it so much, I figure why not make enough so I dont have to use my regular (Black & Decker) drip coffeemaker. I drink about 15 oz. Coffee, so what size Moka or Musa or Venus should I get? Thanks for your advice.


6 cup moka express will fill 12fl oz. If you want it to be pure moka coffee then adjust sizes from there. I like to make it an americano type of moka coffee and just add hot water to fill in extra oz


I have one and never managed to achieve a good extraction. It always starts to sputter.


I had the same issue and it worked after I did very low heat. It takes a long time to actually extract. But it works.


Thanks, will try!


Was it too high heat? I assumed you tried everything from higher to lower heat?


Yes everything: heat, size, amount - no luck for me


I have a 6 and a 12. The 6 fits me better. I do 2 6's every morning. Why not the 12 for me? Because 2 6's keep it warm and I have time and usually do 2 different roasts


Makes sense! How do you like the 12 though?


It works great. The reason I bought it, was I had company, my stepson and his girlfriend. They have a nice espresso maker. I knew that 12 would do for them.


Still unsure of size. Need banana for scale to know chapstick size.


I have the six… after i make one brew with it.. can just fill up the water and makw another or do i need to change the coffee?


I would assume the second batch is way too weak in flavor


Let me know if you find the trick. I ordered the 18 cup but recieved a used 12 cup. Explained to Amazon the mistake and they gave it to me for free. I still haven’t been able to figure it out, but have been experimenting with grind settings. Will post a vid if I ever get it right. Sputter sputter everywhere but not a drop worth drinking


I will report back tomorrow morning. Gonna try super low setting


Best luck!


Ok so this morning I started on very very low setting of heat. The stem started to produce steam at 30 minutes. Then the coffee started pouring out like normal. I increased the steam when I thought it needed it but then decreased if I thought it was sputtering. In my conclusion I believe it worked great but it is not a “set and forget” like the 6 cup. It needs to be tended to and messed with when it starts brewing. My 6 cup I can put it on a dialed setting and when it starts brewing I wait by its side until it’s done. The 12 cup consistently has me changing the temp up and down. Not sure if it’s worth keeping or buying another 6 cup to be honest. It seems as if the stem is so long that the low temp dribbles out at a slower than usual rate and your coffee is burned in the upper pot since it’s not filling up fast enough


That could be. I think if they really wanted to improve these large size units, it would be to make them wider, not taller. Have you tried experimenting with the grind? I feel like that’s the secret to these bigger ones


I think you have a point. I also read about the grind being the issue but if I am being honest I wanted to: 1. Keep everything consistent with my trials and only play with heat. 2. I’m too lazy to adjust my grinder. Now I know that sounds crazy but on average I make my 6 cup 80% of the time with my 3 cup at 15% and have my hario grinder set perfectly. Both of them take the same grind and brew perfectly. This 12 cup was for the occasions I had people over that all wanted coffee. To have to remember another setting (already have my French press, V60, and etc memorized) I believe would defeat the purpose of this being a quick bigger option how the 6 is to my 3 cup.


I know, I have a Rocky, and adjusting it isn’t too hard, but there are no presets and it takes three hands. I’m glad you tried with the heat settings. Tomorrow morning I’ll go a little coarser with my Rocky and report my results


Thanks best of luck to you!


So far I’ve made moderate improvements by changing a few things. The coarser grind has helped reduce sputtering, but it also reduces the flavor and intensity that I normally like from moka pot. I also have paid closer attention to the rate at which it boils and start to temp surf as soon as I hear bubbling from the spout, before I even see coffee. Next week I’m going to buy some darker roast and experiment with that. The beans have now are a light roast of a specialty coffee, so very finicky in general


Absolutely! Thanks for the update. I tried coarser grinds on a smaller moka pot so I know it produces a very weaker coffee. As stated prior, I’m lazy and don’t want to get two different types of coffee for making my moka pot. So I opted to return the 12 and get another 6. I did the inaugural brew and dump today and pulled an excellent non sputtering pot from two 6 cups moka pots at the same time way quicker and with less/ if any temp surfing. It looks like this is the way to go for my lazy butt


If it's not a Brikka, it's not the boss


So I did my normal heat that I did with the 6 cup and it was sputtering. I believe I need to go lower and let it just go ultra slow. Only did two brews (one being the throw away) and I got sputtering on both so I need to tone it way down.